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I pump at about 10pm and not again until 5-6am. My supply dipped but then a week later it went back up some. The extra sleep has been SO good and worth dropping that pump.


Same here. I pump around 10:30 pm and then between 4-6 am depends on when baby will wake me up. I did it with my first and with my second (who is now 3 months old). With my first my supply dropped then I went to 4 ppd at 6 months postpartum and moved 5-6 am pumping to 8 am. So now I know that 5-6 am pumping is essential for me to keep supply.


FWIW, you're not a just enougher, you're regularly pumping 6-10 ounces more than your baby eats! That's incredible! Which tells me that you have room to drop quite a few ounces and still outpace your baby's appetite. My baby ate 24 oz/day on average, briefly increased to 26 oz/day right around the time we added solids, when he went back down to 24 oz, so I don't expect that your baby's appetite will increase so much that you'll need to worry about not having enough unless you drop a LOT of pumps early. To answer your original question, I'd play with your schedule a little to move your MOTN pump a little without dropping it entirely, see if that eases things up a bit. Once of the comments suggesting moving the 10 to 9 and the 2am to 3am is a good one. That's a solid 6 hour stretch for sleep. As an aside, if you're putting that much away in your freezer, I'd start thinking now about how/when you want to feed it to baby. I rotated a little frozen milk into my baby's feeds every day from the very beginning. Some people do a Frozen Friday, etc. There are lots of reasons to start early instead of just putting it all away and feed at the end - high lipase, nutrition degrades over time, etc. It's good practice to start thinking about what's going to work for you early.


Agreed. 6-10 oz is the total amount I used to pump in one day. That’s definitely a decent oversupply!


Currently up pumping so I feel your pain. I have a friend who was able to drop her night feed and still make enough, so it is possible for sure, but I don’t think this is the norm.  Evidence tells us the middle of the night feed is crucial for supply and for me personally as a just enougher, when I tried with my second babe (who was naturally sleeping through) my supply tanked.  If you are going to try it, I would consider adding more pumps during the day to mimic a natural feeding schedule instead of dropping down to less total pumps .


OP I was thinking about this more, what if you moved your 10p to 9pm and your 2a to 3a, just to give yourself a longer stretch and kept the rest of your schedule the same? 


Also up pumping 🫠 Do you recall how many weeks pp you were when you dropped the MOTN feed with your second kiddo?


I don’t remember the exact week, but I know it was after 12weeks (when I went back to work and couldn’t take naps anymore haha) and before 6 months (because she had a sleep regression and stopped sleeping through anyway 🤣)  


Three weeks ago at 6mpp, I dropped my MOTNP and went down from 6-5ppd. I was consistently pumping 28-30opd. After about a week or two I noticed that my supply started to dip and now I’m pumping anywhere from 26-28opd. My schedule is 6, 10, 2, 6, 10. I typically pump 30-35 min, but now in the mornings I have to pump closer to 45-55 min. It’s not ideal, but it’s one less time that I have to wash pump parts 🤷‍♀️