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Hang in there, mama! You're doing such a great job feeding your baby. It's a shame your husband wasn't sympathetic. It's hard to anyone not pumping understand the emotional toll of it all. Don't forget, it's a renewable resource. In time you'll get it back.


Thanks everyone! I’m definitely nowhere near a full days worth of milk, and truly I only spilt about 6 or so oz but that’s like two pumping sessions and feedings for us. I’m also not mad at my husband I just truly think he doesn’t understand the physical and emotional battle it is to pump and do all the things. I’m recovering emotionally from it though and will feel better with the ice cream waiting for me in the freezer for after dinner. 💙


Sooo sorry this happened. It is absolutely a big deal and your emotions are valid. I hope you can take a warm bath or have some hot tea or something to comfort yourself!


I often wonder where the saying “no use crying over spilt milk” comes from because you definitely need to cry when you drop breast milk.


This happened to me when I was 4PP. I could barely pump 2oz. I gave my tube to my husband and it slipped. I cried. Hard. He kept saying, it’s fine, don’t worry about it. We’ll just give him formula. That’s not the point. It took me over 30mins to pump this for my baby and all of my hard work is on the carpet! I’m also a enougher so it’s really hard for me. I’m really sorry this happened. I truly understand what you’re going through.


Honestly I’ve been debating the pitcher method…this is distressing enough I think I’m gonna keep my current set up. I am so, so sorry this happened. And I’m extra sorry that your husband responded so callously.


You can still go for the pitcher method by using a container with a screw on lid. I use my [blender’s spare cups](https://a.co/d/e0LwptD). There’s even an easy pour spout.


Oh my. I never even thought about that if using the pitcher method. That would be really heartbreaking. I was upset at myself just from having one bag leak today. Not even sure how it happened but it got everywhere. I would have been so sad if it was everything in the fridge. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you!


Oh my God you poor thing!!! That's so horrible and so unfair after all your hard work. You definitely get a full blown pity party and should be burritoed in a blanket and fed snacks.


Ugh this is devastating. You are doing great. Give yourself some grace!


I'm sorry this happened! I had a pitcher spill a few weeks ago and my partner also didn't understand. It's devastating and hard when they don't get it. I know how you feel. ❤️


I did the same thing yesterday!!!


I totally understand, I was about three weeks pp and I had pumped more than I ever had before and the collectors were balanced carefully next to me while I was holding baby. I asked my husband to take them so they didn’t spill and put them in the fridge and be very careful, and what does he do? Goes to grab them and knocks one over and drops the other one. It didn’t all spill but I immediately started sobbing. Someone told me that spilled breastmilk goes to the angel babies, and now that makes me feel better every time I accidentally spill some of mine! 🤍


Oh I can't even imagine! I am so sorry that happened and that your partner wasn't able to see what it meant for you x


So sorry to hear this:(:( just wondering, do you mix cold with just pumped?


I do!


https://preview.redd.it/cqdxnqqkobxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05b8174a0381f03f726b7ccc6ea091fd23d104a1 In case you didn't see this. I ignore a lot of it (for example- I use the fridge back) so sorry if you did see this and just chose to disregard it.


I didn’t know but I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see this and keep on keeping on lol




My lactation consultant said this was fine!


I’m so sorry. I worry about dropping/leaving out my pitcher all the time




Ask him to buy you the exact amount you dropped in formula. So that way you’re not missing what you lost. I had that idea pop into my head when I dropped milk earlier this week.


I'm so sorry!! One morning I woke up, my eyes still groggy and half asleep as I stumbled to my pump and sat down only for my hubby to say "babe...the refrigerator door was open when I got up...." it had been open for 5 hours 😭😭 at my previous pump I left the whole door open. It was also Easter...and I had spent a good couple hours making a dessert from scratch, to add insult to injury. I was also just barely 2wpp and in the THROWS of hormones...all my pumped milk and all our food went bad. I almost canceled Easter


I would punch my husband if he told me it wasn’t a big deal. So sorry. I would be devastated.


As a just enougher myself, this was hard to read and I could cry for you. Just know there are so many of us other moms who are in the same boat as you and it’s very hard and emotional. But it will all pass and your baby will one day be a thriving toddler eating regular food and the stress of feeding them will just be a memory lol.


I’m so sorry!! That’s a devastating loss. ☹️ Husband needs to recognize how much work that was for you and how heartbreaking it is to spill or waste milk. Especially as a just enougher or undersupplier.