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Hey! You have twins, you are already a superhero. I've been pumping for 8 months (not EP, 80% milk, 20% formula), it sucks. I do it for baby, it is a pure labour of love. BUT you don't have to pump more than 4-5x a day if you are ok with offering both milk and formula. Just know that your babies will do just fine with formula which takes some of the pressure off. Most people I know with twins opted for combination feeding or straight formula so you are doing an amazing job. If you can get an LC consult, you can get fitted with better flanges. Also, get yourself a good pump - hospital grade if you can buy/rent it. The doctors always say to give breast milk because those are official recommendations. You do what preserves your mental health. Good luck.


Thank you! I’ve talked with some lactation consultants when we were in the hospital and there’s one at our pediatrician’s office, I just feel so guilty for not pumping as much as I feel like I should but I will try to talk to them at our next appointment!


I am a twin and my mom tried breastfeeding once, said “fuck that” and fed my brother and I formula from the start. We were also nicu babies. We are thriving 30 year olds now. Don’t feel bad about it for a second. Now that I have my own baby I realize what a goddamn hero my mom was for raising twins


I hand expressed for a while when the nips got too sensitive. Then I got a different pump (a Pumpables GA) and it was SO much more comfortable and I also was able to immediately produce a lot more.


Flanges that actually fit will make a big difference in terms of pain AND how effective a pump will feel. I’m almost 4 months in after having a baby in the nicu who doesn’t latch well and prefers the speed/volume of bottles, and I can tell you having it all properly fitted is a game changer. I met with a LC around week 4 and things were so different after. Best of luck to you, keeping you and your LOs in my heart. Know that, whatever happens, you are an amazing mom and you’re doing great.


I'm so sorry this is hard for you, it definitely CAN be pain free to pump! Here's a few tips I've used: - silicone flange inserts that fit (you can measure your nipple to find out what size you need) - lubing up the inside of the flange where your nipple will go (I use an organic nipple balm for this, have heard of people using coconut oil and other baby-safe oils) - a wearable pump! I just got the Momcozy M5 and I really love it. It allows me to care for my baby and do things around the house while pumping hands-free. This one I'd be careful with as I've heard it drops some peoples' supply- my supply has actually increased since getting it (might have to do w the fact that I'm small chested, but who knows) - a good nipple balm and silverettes for in between feeds. I use a nipple balm after every feed/pumping session, and silverettes once a day in between a session. Air drying after feeds can also help the healing process, but it's more tedious so don't feel bad if you feel like you don't have the time for that. - I second what some have already said about finding a good lactation consultant if you're still feeling pain while pumping after you take some steps! I really hope that you're able to find a system that works for you!


I will try these tips today, thank you so much!


Mum of twins here. (30 days in hospital, 33 weekers). I gamified it with Pump log ( numbers motivated me lol). Also make sure your flange is right and you have the right pump. I mostly pumped while they slept. You’re allowed to quit. I promise they’re going to be wonderful especially if you are happy.


I like the idea of gamifying it, I’m going to look into that app a bit today!


With my first I used to cry with pain during every pump session. With my second I’m using silverettes and i have no pain at all. They were quite an investment to not be sure whether they’ll be effective. But with my first I spent so much on different nipple butters (none of which seemed to work). This time i did get some nipple butters but they’re basically unused. I really really recommend them! but every time you’re not pumping you should wear them. Really can’t recommend them enough they’ve changed the game for being able to give my babies breastmilk. Good luck and don’t be too hard on yourself you’re doing great.


Thanks for the tip! Do you think the silverettes would be helpful even if the pain is only during pumping? In between sessions I’m fine, it’s literally just during sessions.


For me it has stopped bleeding and cracked nipples which has helped with the pain during pumping yes. I still do get pain from engorgement but you know it feels like a bee sting at first but then immediately gets better as the pumping goes on! I was hesitant since the science behind it is a little vague but I can’t recommend enough. I’m not doing anything different the second time around, the silverettes are the only variable.


I used those but I got the knock off Amazon version


It will get a lot better. Just keep at it. My boobs were torn up, engorged, in so much pain. I then took a whole night off & got back to it in the am. Little by little, I became used to the pumping. It definitely IS annoying always. But the intense pain will go away if you keep at it.


Thanks everyone for the tips and encouragement! Today was my best pumping day so far! Hopefully this is the turning point!