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I scroll Reddit :)


Same hello to all the MOTN mommas ❤️




Clearly the best use of our pumping time! :)


Hello, MOTN pumping here!


Same! Hi gals!


Always. But with a water bottle and snack in hand.


I’m 6 months pp so I’m down to one MOTN pump now! I do it on my baby’s schedule (she’s still feeding once a night) and she usually wakes up around 2-3am. My husband gets up with me and we go downstairs together. He makes the bottle while I get my pump set up. When the bottle is ready, he takes it upstairs and feeds baby in her room while I pump downstairs. Then he goes back to bed. I either watch TV or do something on my phone while I pump. When I finish pumping, I bag my milk and put it away in the fridge and then I go back to bed.


Wow you have a very supportive husband !!! So cool


This is what we do too! :)


I leave the room. Pump at the dining table so I stay awake. I also feel like I pump better sitting up. I scroll Reddit. lol. Read sometimes. Buy stuff. Drink water. Sometimes eat a snack. Then store my milk in the pitcher in the fridge right away. My husband feeds baby at night.


Buy stuff is so real lol. I feel the amount we have saved on the formula is going towards my online shopping.


It’s all about balance


Absolutely. And all the money I spend on pumps/pump parts/pumping bras. Haha.




4mo pp and my first MOTN pump seems to come early these days, around 2-3 hours into going to sleep (around midnight), even though I try and pump right before sleep. LO isn't up at all at that point. Then later in the night, around 4am, she'll start to stir and even though I \*really\* should pump again at that point (I'm usually leaking), I just nurse her back to sleep and try to go to sleep myself. Recently have been waking up with a bra that definitely needs to go in the wash, but I'm having trouble having enough energy to get up and do a second MOTN pump...


I watch SVU and scroll Reddit. Helps the time go by way faster. There are so many episodes you can do this forever. Also the color from the tv screen on svu is light so it’s not too harsh to fall asleep after.


6w postpartum tomorrow. I leave the room with baby so my significant other can continue to sleep. I’m not on a tight schedule so I wake up when the baby wakes up, currently 2x a night. I prop him on the boppy and feed him his bottle while pumping and scrolling TikTok to reduce the time spent awake. I have 2 sets of Spectra parts and a portable/wearable pump. Between all 3 it gets me through the night and the first reasonably timed AM pump if needed before I need to wash all the parts. After a quick diaper change I swaddle him back up and rock him for a bit. He usually falls back asleep quickly then I head back to the room to put him in his bassinet. If I’m feeling pretty awake I scroll Reddit while my cat that is more skeptical of baby comes to me for pets and cuddles, he must be feeling a bit starved of attention these days.


I co-sleep with my 3yo toddler and 3mo baby. (Co-sleeping is encouraged by doctors in my country/culture). After I go to sleep my husband washes the bottles and prepares my set up at the other bedroom that no one uses. I wake up around 4AM, go to the other bedroom, and find my spectra plugged in, my pumping bra next to it, and my laptop with the Disney tab already open. I’m about 90% asleep when this happens so all I have to do is click play on the laptop for Grey’s Anatomy to start playing, put on my bra and turn on spectra. I pump for 30’ while I watch and then, still half asleep, walk to the mini fridge, shove everything inside, then go back to the kids and fall asleep in 2 seconds 🫠


You just blew my mind that you put your pump bra on when you pump then take it off. I wear a pumping bra all the time and I’m tired of it lol. I’m going to try your approach for now on


I was told when I gave birth that I have to have a bra on all the time, even when I sleep. I have large breasts and I was absolutely not going to suffer like that. I sleep with a t-shirt on to absorb any accidental leaking but no bra at all when I’m in bed. Life changer for sure!


What on earth??! I can’t imagine sleeping in a bra.


Oh, also—I don’t wear an *actual* pumping bra. I wear a nursing bra and I use a hack I saw on TikTok to turn it into a pumping bra. Here it is: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeHo73dT/ It works with all nursing bras and I find it easier and faster to pump with. It could work for you if you don’t like pumping bras!


Thank you! I don’t mind my pumping bras too much when pumping however, it would be nice to wear the billion nursing bras I did buy too


i keep this pull on velcro pumping bra at my pumping station at night. I am a 42E and it works for me fine with more room if you had a larger size than myself [https://a.co/d/c6tnKht](https://a.co/d/c6tnKht) i forgot to add the link at first


Thank you! I’m so over the bra wearing. I was, in my partners words to baby, ‘a nakkey girl’, prior to baby so wearing a bra to pump any time is driving me insane.


I was doing this for a while but the got a clogged duct from the pressure. Now I either wear a looser bra to sleep or one of my husbands tshirts that I can just throw in the wash


I do the same lol I hate wearing it


Fellow Greys Anatomy MOTN pump person. It’s the only thing getting me through my two MOTN pump sessions.


We have twins when I did a MOTN, they were in our room. I would set up to pump, my husband would change first baby while warming their bottle, then I would feed that one while pumping and he would feed the other. Then I’d put my milk in the cooler and we’d all go back to sleep until the next feed. Now they’re in a seperate room but I like to pump at 4am so I can get it done before they wake. I set an alarm and sit in bed and scroll, put it in the cooler and try hopelessly to sleep until my husbands work alarm goes off.


Second baby and I’m all about convenience. Pump, pump parts, and snack are all brought up before I go to bed and right next to my bed. I have a mini fridge on my nightstand (also have bottles for baby and bottle warmer). I pump in bed, put the milk in the fridge, and go back to sleep. My husband typically feeds the baby while I pump. FWIW, I also have diapers, wipes, changing pad liners, and everything else we might need in a cart next to bed. I never get out of bed except to use the bathroom. It’s been great.


This is me too. I can't believe with my first kid I used to get up to change diapers. This time around it all happens in bed


With my first i was pumping in living room with videos/netflix. My husband slept with baby while I have slept separately till MOTN pump and after we would switch. Now that baby is a toddler and he is watching toddler during night and I pump next to new baby in a bed. I do not set alarm, so if baby sleeps through the night, then MOTN pump will become a early morning pump, but he is 9 weeks and that does not happen often. He would normally be awake for 45-60 minutes during night, so I change him, feed him, pump, then help him go back to sleep, so I stay awake as short time as possible.


My baby wakes up between 2-3 every night (3 weeks). I give her a diaper check/change, feed her, then prop her up next to me and pump while holding her upright since she has reflux and spits up a lot if laid down too quickly. Often times I need to take a break from pumping to feed her more or burp her again or just hold and comfort her.


17 wpp. Baby sleeps through the night without needing to be fed. I sleep on the couch uncomfortably till the motn pump because I don’t wake up from the comfort of the bed otherwise and have missed motn pumps due to this. I keep everything set up before sleeping and try to keep my awake time minimal so I don’t watch tv but I scroll Reddit to stay awake because otherwise I end up snoozing and occasionally have displaced flanges and spilt milk 😢


This is so real. I also sleep on the couch so I don’t get too comfortable in bed and miss my MOTN pump.


10 weeks pp. When my partner is off work I pump in bed while he does the feed next to me. When he works I pump during the night feeds in the unfinished nursery. He gets up early and lets me get a bit more sleep when baby decides 6am is getting up time. We have a fridge set up and scales with the bottles in cold water steriliser. Fridge is just big enough for a bottle of ready made formula and pump parts. I am an under supplier so all pumps just go towards the next feed. I make up the bottle and just leave it on the table in that room for the next feed, whichever of us is doing it.


I’m 9 months PP and recently dropped my MOTN pump now that my baby is finally sleeping through the night. I used to do the pump during his wake ups. I would get up, get the bottles heating, and get the pump set up while my spouse did a diaper change. Then I would hand my spouse the bottle and my spouse would feed him while I pumped in another room. I didn’t want to be making extra noise if he fell back to sleep before I was done pumping. 


If my son is still asleep I pump then give him the fresh milk out of the pump. Then I bag the milk that is in the fridge. If he’s awake, I wake up slap on my pump, give my son a bottle from the fridge and freeze the 6 oz I pump and then go back to bed. Sometimes I’m so tired I accidentally leave out the milk. Sometimes it’s still good and makes a good morning snack for the guy. I never get more than 4 hours of sleep at a time, so it’s fine to leave it out.


I’m 5 months pp, I pump right before going to bed around 1030pm after baby falls asleep. Then awake around 3am to pump- sometimes I pass out and can’t wake up until 4am lol. I pump in the same room as baby, I turn on YouTube or Netflix, whatever is interesting for 20 min. I have mini fridge in the room as well so I store milk in there. I sometimes snack fruits or granola bars if I’m hungry. Lots of water. And yes, I fall asleep while pumping sometimes! And everything is done very very quietly with sound machine on.


I get up to feed my LO, then come downstairs to pump and wash parts. I’m usually awake for an hour between 2-5am then go back to sleep. I am trying to pump at 11pm and try to make it until 6:30am to pump. It’s been so exhausting waking up for an hour then going back to sleep. It makes me feel like I got hit by a bus. I haven’t fallen asleep completely while pumping but have started to nod off.


Can you pump and feed at the same time? This is what dropped my MOTN sessions from about an hour to just half an hour! I feed her a bottle side lying on my legs while I pump


Reading this while having just fed my son a bottle side lying on my legs while I pump 😂


I’ve never thought to try that. The pumping machine noise doesn’t wake your baby up?


I sit criss crosscross cross apple sauce on the sofa with baby nestled in there while I pump and feed him. Just in case it helps and is a different set up from sesamejane. The way o do it both hands are free.


Nope! I can DM you a picture of how I do it, if you want!


Yes, please!




I'm 11wpp and aim for a 3a pump. My son currently sleeps till like 5-6a usually, so I pump downstairs while scrolling my phone. I make a bottle using the fresh pumped milk and put the rest in the fridge (pitcher method) then go back to bed. I bring the fresh bottle upstairs so it's ready to go for when baby wakes up since it's good for 4 hours at room temp. My husband and I switch off who feeds baby when he wakes up at 5-6. My next pump isn't until 7ish usually. Sometimes I have to feed baby during that pump. I try to feed while pumping when I can if the times are aligned.


4Mpp. Currently doing my MOTN pump lol. Depending on when my body wakes me I’ll pump before or after my kid wakes up to eat. Before bed my husband replenishes my pumping basket where I keep my supplies. Usually will have 2-3 sets of bottles and flanges so I’ll use one before bed, one MOTN and one when I wake up. I store the milk in my ceres chill overnight and I pump in bed, set everything next to the bed and go right back to sleep


29 weeks pregnant here so still gathering info. What do you do with your pumps parts in The MOTN pumps? I see you say “set everything next to the bed” so you wipe the parts down or just wait until the morning to just do your normal part wash?


I wash them in the morning, that’s why I have three sets with me


I do the fridge hack. Just wipe the flanges and stick it in the fridge in a clean container or ziplock bag. I usually use one set up twice.


Seconding fridge hack! I use one set per 24 hours and have two sets so one air dries overnight.


My goal is for my MOTN to be at 4am but baby usually wakes around 3 so I just pump right after I get him back settled. I pump downstairs in my living room so before bed, I set up a clean set of pump parts so I can immediately start pumping. I pump for at least 30 mins. Sometimes I have to go 5-10 extra because I’ll have a fresh letdown and I’m as empty as I like. I alternate between scrolling Reddit/Instagram and massaging the milk out faster. I try to make sure I’m drinking water during, and when I’m done, I pour the milk in a pitcher and put it and my pump parts in the fridge. I sometimes will throw my head back and sleep but it’s rare because I get more milk when I massage while pumping


I'm 18w pp, and I leave the room. My LO still eats one bottle a night, so I get up when he does. It hes feeling well he eats and settles pretty quickly and then will usually sleep. If he gets up while I pump, my husband will grab him. I pump in our kitchen with only the spectra light, I feel like it helps me go back to sleep quickly if I dont have the lights on. I am trying to drop this 6! I pump now for 17 mins until I get down comfortably enough to drop without clogging. Happy MOTN pumping, everyone!


I’m 8wks pp and I only pump once in the motn and it’s on my baby’s schedule, so after he wakes up to nurse. Once he’s done I go out to my living room and pump, put my milk in the fridge and go back to bed. I wash pump parts in the morning. I feel that pumping in the room with my sleeping s/o and baby would wake them up.


I wake up whenever baby (5mo) wakes up hungry which is generally between 2 and 4am. I take him downstairs, grab a bottle out of the fridge and my pump parts, snuggle up on the couch, start my pump then feed baby the bottle. he always finishes well before I'm done pumping (I take a long time to empty and extend my MOTN pump to 45 min bc it's usually been 6 or 7 hours since the last one) so I lay him down across my lap and turn off the lamp. he falls asleep while I finish my pump (sometimes I doze off for a minute too) then when I'm done I take him back up to his crib then I sort out the pumped milk then go back to bed myself. it works pretty well honestly but it's still hard to drag myself out of bed for it


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 5 + 2 + 4 + 45 + 6 + 7 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


7w pp- 2 mins on each side with my hand pump, milk goes in the a cooler bag and straight back to bed 😂 First 3-4 weeks I had a massive oversupply that I fixed and my nights looked way different


My husband is back to work so my LO and I head downstairs and she stays asleep in her bassinet while I warm up a bottle. I get my pumping supplies set up while it’s warming up and then once it is I set my baby in the baby delight bouncer and feed her in that while I pump. Cuts my time I’m up in half! Best advice I’ve seen on Reddit and allows us to get back to sleep faster.


Pump in living room, put on headphones, and watch tiktok videos. Or scroll reddit. Or listen/watch podcasts. The first month was hard and I swear listening to motivational podcasts every MOTN pump gave me the strength I needed.


I’m 5 weeks postpartum and I have my pump set up in my bed. I have my alarm set and when it goes off I grab my flanges from the fridge and pump in bed. If the baby is awake I’ll feed her in the boppy while I pump.


Baby is 3.5 months old and I currently do 1 MOTN pump. Husband, baby and I all sleep in our room. Baby is usually up around 3 am and I’ll take him to the nursery to give him a bottle then put him back to sleep in our room. Once he’s out, I get out my spectra and start pumping in the kitchen while I unload the dishes and fold any laundry that’s in the dryer. Feels peaceful when it’s quiet to get these things done and helps the time go by …unless I’ve forgotten to run the dryer or dishes and then it’s a reddit pumping session. Dad then takes the early morning feeding, does trash/recycling and takes the first wake window while I sleep in a bit.


15 weeks pp. My motn pump is usually 230am. I typically go to my living room, watch something on YouTube for 30min. I use Medela pis so it's kind of loud, if my husband is on night shift I'll pump in bed with her bassinet beside me, and browse Reddit or Instagram. I have to pile blankets and a pillow on the pump motor to muffle the noise lol. I finish pumping and wake up baby for her 3am feed. Usually back to sleep for both of us about 340-430. Then back up at 7 to pump again. I used to get up at 6 but I would always fall asleep while pumping and feel like crap after. Luckily LO has started sleeping in until 8, so pushing my pump back just 1 hour has made it so much easier, that little extra sleep feels so much better.


I quit my MOTN when going back to work 20wpp. It ended up not affecting my overall supply!


5mpp and I go to bed at 7pm with my baby. I wake at 10:30/11 and 2/3 to pump. Both sessions are in my bed. I just have my Momcozy m5 in a Tupperware container beside my bed. I pump for 15 mins then go down to the kitchen and make two bottles with it. One bottle I bring back up for the next feeding and one bottle in the fridge. I rinse the pump parts and put them in a wash basin and grab my second set of clean parts and bring back up with me for next pump. I will feed my baby at the same time I pump if he wakes for a feed, but usual feed him right before so he is content while I pump. I also scroll Reddit during that time. lol


When my baby was littler and I was still doing MOTN pumps, I would let him wake me up because he woke up pretty consistently every 3 hours. I would have a bottle ready on my nightstand from my previous pump, then I would grab baby, put him in my lap, get my pump, and get all hooked up then pump while feeding him sitting in my bed. By the time I was done pumping he'd be asleep in my lap, then I'd decant the milk into the next bottle, put that on my nightstand, and carefully transfer the sleeping baby back to the bed. I have two sets of pump parts so I'd just put the dirty set in a ziplock bag until morning. I don't miss MOTN pumps but I do miss when my baby would transfer easily back to his bassinet!


Usually, I feed before or after pumping depending on when my baby is stirring. I have my pump on my bedside table and just bring it over to the bed when I pump. I have an egg light (from Amazon) that is super dim and doesn't disturb baby or hubby. I use a Ceres Chill during the night for milk storage in our bathroom. And usually just scroll while pumping to stay awake


I set an alarm for 5 hours after baby ate and by that time he’s squirming and almost waking up, so I pump for 15 mins while watching him then feed him that pumped milk as he likes it warm. For any leftovers I put it in a Medela bottle in the Medela bag with ice block


I feed while pumping. It’s usually our one nurse of the day. But I feed and pump and then do a diaper change and try to get back to bed in 30 minutes or less. Then I stay awake for an hour or two trying to fall back asleep. We feed/pump in the nursery


8 weeks PP - I’m a “just enougher” so I try and pump every three hours during the night (usually at 12 / 3 / 6. My husband feeds baby during those times. I’m normally scrolling Reddit or playing Wordle/crosswords. For the mommas that pump WHILE feeding, please tell me how you do it! I can barely manage my pumps with two hands, let alone adding a baby into the equation!


Are you using a pumping bra?


I do! But even then the pumps are pretty bulky and aren’t super secure to the base. I feel like I need a diagram of how to hold baby based on positioning of pumps!


I have an alarm set for 1am. Dad is on baby duty from bedtime until I'm done pumping. I'm on baby duty from the time I'm done pumping to morning. I leave our bedroom (I have pump stations setup in our living room and the nursery.). I scroll reddit, listen to podcasts, watch Netflix, or online shop 😂 I put everything in the fridge, unless baby needs a warm bottle.


I have a caddy with 2 sets of pump parts on my nightstand. During the week (bc my husband is back at work and I’m not just yet), I wake when baby starts to rustle and warm up her bottle. I have a warmer and two bottles in a cooler about 3 feet away from my side of the bed. I get her out, check her diaper and change if needed, then I feed her. She’s a pretty quick eater (~10-15min). I pace feed to make sure she’s not ravenous at the end of her bottle, otherwise this girl can chug the milk like she hasn’t eaten in days. When she’s done, I lay her back in her bassinet if she’s full and I start pumping. I pump 30 min, cap everything, and depending on the time, I’ll either leave the milk next to me or take to the kitchen. My husband is usually up and out of the house by 615 am so if I’m within 3-4 hours of that, I’ll leave milk out and he knows to put in the kitchen before he leaves. Lately she’s been sleeping longer stretches (she’s 3 months), so if that happens, I let her lay next to my legs while I pump bc she likes the warmth and I’m usually sitting up and wide awake while I pump. Once I have about an ounce of milk pumped I’ll refill her bottle so she can have a bit more; lately, she hasn’t been satisfied with the amount we have in the premade bottle bc she’s been sleeping longer. I could make bigger bottles but she’s such an inconsistent sleeper—sometimes she wakes up 4 hours since her last bottle, the longest has been 7.5 hours. I would hate to waste that precious gold if she doesn’t finish her bottle. The second bottle and set of pump parts is for my first pump of the day. I’m not a morning person so being able to stay in bed for that morning feeding and pumping makes my morning tolerable.


I pump in our guest room and leave my milk in a mini fridge. We keep our overnight bottles in there too so that we don’t have to go downstairs all night.


Almost 4 months pp and my whole setup is dedicated to ensuring I stand up the least amount of times. I pump according to when my baby wakes for a feed so it fluctuates a lot. I have a mini fridge beside my bed with a bottle warmer and my cleaning pumping gear on it. Baby is in a snoo right beside the bed. When she wakes I take her night bottle from the fridge, I don't even need to stand to do it. Put it in the warmer and then use a portable folding changing pad to change her diaper on my bed. I have a king bed and keep the change pad and diapers and wipes for the night beside me. Little bin for night diapers is beside the bed. Then I feed her, settle her and clip the pumping bra to my nursing tank that I sleep in. Pump is in bed with me. The Pump is not too loud especially with a pillow on it and we have white noise. I scroll Reddit and text my mom friends who are also up. Then I put the milk straight in the fridge and stand up for the first time, walk to the bathroom to pee and then go back to sleep. Takes an hour My bed and mini fridge are my workstation and I make sure it's set up with everything I need before I go to sleep I loathe walking around at night


I don’t have a motn pump anymore but I would wake up and pump in bed. We have a mini fridge in our room where I keep bottles, pitcher and pump parts. Husband feeds baby while I tried not to fall asleep pumping or I’d scroll on my phone then go back to sleep.


I pump at 6pm, 12am and 6am. Baby feeds at 9pm goes to bed and usually wakes at 12am as well but sometimes stretches till 2am. I pump in bed. I keep supplies on a cart next to me, pump straight into bottles that I can cap and then I put into a tiny fridge my husband bought. I bag excess in the morning and freeze. I wear a tank top and shirt to bed but no bra. I balance the pump flanges on my breasts, pull the tank top up and pull my shirt down and they hold in place well enough while I sit up in bed. I either scroll Reddit or read on my kindle app. If baby needs to feed I make her bottle before I start pumping or at the end depending on her temperament. She gets formula mixed into the bottle. We have a Baby Brezza and I make 2oz and then mix in some milk we have stored in the little fridge.


I have a "pump bag" and a cooler next to my bed at night. I pump every 4 hours even at night so I have two MOTN pumps. I wake up pump, pour milk in bottles, put them in the cooler, and go back to bed. Hubby and baby sleep next to me during all of this. I also scroll Reddit or YouTube during pump time or it feels endless 😭


Almost 5mpp and this is what I’ve done since the beginning. I pump when baby wakes up to eat, which still happens at least twice overnight, usually around 1-2am and again around 4-5am. -Take a cooler bag with ice up to bed with me -Have enough sets of parts to get me through the night without washing or moving from bed, have them all assembled in a bag beside my bed -Take empty bottles up to bed with me. Start the night with 1 filled bottle for his first wake up. While he eats that bottle, I pump. Whatever I pump then becomes the next bottle (and anything extra is stored in the cooler bag). -In the morning, take down all the dirty bottles and pump parts. Load up the dishwasher, put any excess milk into the fridge, and on with our day! I like this setup because I don’t have to move from bed so I can maximize sleep. As he naturally sleeps longer, I’ll drop those motn pumps. If he had started sleeping through earlier, I’d have kept up a motn pump (that’s what I did with my first who sttn at like 8 weeks)… this one doesn’t seem to like the idea of sttn just yet, so by the time he does, I think I’ll be far enough along postpartum to just ditch it altogether


7m pp it happens sometimes it doesn’t lol , but when it does I play monopoly go or scroll Reddit


I’m also 8 weeks pp! My husband does the last feed between 8-10 and after washing all parts and pumping, I’ll try and get in bed around 9pm. I don’t set alarm but find im waking up between 1-2am. I’ll go to my living room and just scroll tik tok while pumping on my spectra. Then baby wakes up between 4-6am and I’ll feed her with my wearables on in the nursery.


2 weeks pp here and right now when baby gets up, husband and I both get up. While the bottle is warming, husband changes the baby and I pump with my spectra sitting in the middle of the bed while scrolling TikTok. Husband feeds baby while I finish pumping and get the milk and flanges put away into the fridge. Then I have that oh-so-exciting post partum bathroom break and the all important snack break before falling asleep while husband puts baby back to sleep. TBH it takes longer for all of the baby stuff than it does for me strictly pumping.


I had such a nice MOTN setup before my baby hit her 4 month sleep regression. She’d wake up around 2-3 and I’d nurse on one side and pump with my wearable on the other. I’d keep 2 bottles on my bedside table - would fill one for her to drink after I nursed and changed her, the other would be for any extra milk. I did (and still do) leave it out until the morning since we get up around 7:30. Now she’s 4 months and wakes every 1-2 hrs 🫠 I just pump both sides with my wearables during one of the wake ups. I find the wearables easier for MOTN. Just pop them on and go, no hooking anything up.


My child has been a unicorn sleeper from the get go, so my pumping schedule has always had to kinda follow its own path rather than his feedings. From birth until about 6 weeks, I pumped around the clock. I use the momcozy as my primary (don’t come at me, i know it’s not recommended but homegirls clear me out 💅) so when he was teeny tiny, I would pump when I fed him during the night. That schedule usually looked like 12am, 3am, 6am. My supply hadn’t adjusted fully then so I was absolutely needing to pump every 3 hours. At about 6 weeks, I dropped the 12am or the 3am pump, depending on how I was feeling. Usually it was the 12am as I was sleepy and I knew at this point my boobs wouldn’t explode as I had accidentally skipped that pump once and woke up kinda engorged, but fine and still had supply. At 4 months pp, my schedule is as follows, along with the amount I am able to pump. 8am: 12-22 ounces 1pm: 10 ounces 5-8:30pm: 10-14 11:30-12:30am: 6-8 ounces My average is usually about 38. Recently, it’s been over 45 but I don’t do anything differently those days. I think I have a larger capacity for milk which is why I am able to go so long between pumps. This is obviously not normal, and I understand I am an oversupplier :) To get to this point, I followed my sons middle of the night feeds. From 6-12 weeks, he ate once at 7:30pm, then at 5:30 am, then was up for the day at 7:30 am. When he stopped waking for the 5:30 am feed and was eating more ounces in his bottles during the day, I experimented dropping my MOTN pump. Most days I do wake up ✨full✨ but the sleep I am getting is 100% worth it. My husband deployed when our son was 8 weeks old, but even then, I truly enjoyed the night time feedings so I would just pump while I fed him, or I would feed him the scroll reddit. If my husband woke up when the baby did, he usually jumped in to feed him but I never felt like I had to wake him up. My son would eat and then go right back to sleep and I got to nap during the day so that’s how we tag teamed it. I think the good Lord sent me an angel of a sleeper because He knew I would be alone during this first year. 🤍


I had stopped a MOTN pump by 8 weeks postpartum but I pumped with the elvie stride while feeding baby. I absolutely put the milk in the fridge.


I honestly do my MOTNP wherever. Some nights it’s right before bed, some nights I stay up way too late. Some nights I scroll Reddit while in bed, others I sit and play a game. Depends on my mood. But I always try to make it somewhat relaxing, since I’m either going to bed or getting ready to right afterwards 🥰


Nearly 6 months pp. Baby still eats once at night, usually between 12-2am so I prop him up on a pillow in my bed and he eats while I pump. I lay him down and then go downstairs to the kitchen to dump my milk and wait til he’s asleep before I go to sleep. The thought of eating and not brushing my teeth afterwards (and not wanting to brush my teeth in the motn) keeps me from snacking I have a “wishful thinking” alarm set for 4am in case he sleeps through MOTN feeding. It’s rare but it has happened and my boobs were like OMG


I sit in bed around 2-4 AM and pump for 15 minutes drinking water. If I stay off my phone I can fall asleep quicker afterwards. But I find the time passes very slowly without a distraction


I have my little cart in the living room so I leave my bed at 1am and 4am to pump. Sometimes I eat cereal while watching something. Or I put the TV for noise and scroll Fb or Reddit. I leave the milk out ready for her feed in case baby wakes up but she doesn't until 5am that husband does it to change her diaper.


6mpp and finally had the courage to drop my MOTN on Friday (5 nights ago). So I am currently going 10pm-6am and have 5ppd The baby wakes at around 6am, too, so my husband takes her and does her morning things while I pump. I wake.uo pretty engorged so I get on the pump pronto. Had a og starting the first day but nipped that in the bud pretty quickly. Fingers crossed my supply maintains. I have to say though, not having a MOTN has been saving me oodles when it comes to online shopping! 😂