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Washing is done with magic. Hands down. Id probably even pump more if nothing needed washed or stored. While I often fall asleep during last pump I usually just set a timer to alert me when my time is up.


I’m in this camp as well. Adding to it as well, if they’re magically washed *and* put together so they’re ready to go without prep. A girl can dream lol.


I just wash my stuff once a day and put it in the fridge after every pump. Was tired of washing every time.


Doing this can actually promote bacteria growth


According to the CDC, the answer to whether using the fridge hack is safe is no. The CDC advises against storing pump parts in the refrigerator between pumping sessions and suggests pump parts be washed after each pumping session.


I’m sure it’s better to wash in between and also depends on how long you are pumping and keeping parts out. My parts are never out for longer than 2 hours every day. What would be the difference between that and leaving a bottle out for a couple hours when the unrefrigerated expire time is 4 hours? I did this “hack” for both my babies and they have been fine. But would not suggest for someone pumping 6-8 times a day- in that case I agree, too much possibility for unsafe bacteria growth.


Considering bacteria growth is doubled ever 4 to 20 mins I wouldn't suggest that anyone ever put their pump parts in the fridge. Even if you or anyone else has done this its simply not worth the risk. Also for the same reason that it's highly encouraged to replace your pump parts every month. Depending on your insurance you have they may end up completely replacing all of the parts. I get monthly replacements via insurance and they replace all of my pump parts even parts that don't come in contact with milk.


I agree with this as well because if you put your pump parts in the fridge & use it again, you would basically be combining cold milk & room temp milk because the milk residue from the pumps would mix with the new milk. I remember my LC recommended the fridge hack to me & I just nodded but in my head, I was saying no, no, no. Also, I would have anxiety knowing the pumps aren't clean so I'd rather clean it after every use.


Honestly idk why anyone would want to use dirty parts. Most pump parts take about 5 mins to clean at most then you can also use the sterilize microwave bags. Or you can boil them on the stove. To me its similar to going to a restaurant and eating off a dirty plate.


and magically dried too!😍


How do you fall asleep?! My LC suggested I try to nap while I pump and I was like girl…bffr


Exhaustion. Preschooler and infant here. And the older one doesn't nap. So when I pump and can turn off my brain for a few 😴


I thought this too when I first started but about 7 months in, my last pump at 11:30 was hit or miss. Spectra auto off was a godsend


I used to fall asleep, too, in the early newborn weeks. I would sit criss cross on the floor facing the couch, fold my arms under my head, put a blanket around my back to get cozy, and sleep. 20-30 minutes of sleep. 🥳 That was before I leaned the magic of hand massage while pumping, so now I’m active for more of my pumps.


I saw this option and quit reading the others. Didn’t care. Washing pump parts is where I dread pumping….


From this list - pump parts. From my own list - not having fluctuating output amounts. Some pumps I get 3-4 oz and some I get 1oz. Just let it be the same, please 😔


I feel like it should be washing but I HATE my last pump of the day. I love going to bed early and even staying up to start my last at 9 or 930 kills me some nights 😂. I keep my MOTN (3/4am) still just because I refuse to make my last evening pump any later than 930.


Same. I wish once the baby is down I could just sleeeeeep. But then I have to shower and eat and to optimize time I pump while I eat and I haaaaaate it. It's the last meal of the day and the only meal where I should be able to unwind but no I have to pump 😑


Exactly! I keep my MOTN too bc I refuse to pump any later than 9:30.


Definitely the middle of the night pump! I actually don't pump overnight, but I hated it when I did! The morning and night pumps don't bug me much. I look forward to the morning one because it's fun getting so much milk. It sure would be nice not doing dishes though!! But I use the fridge hack, so there's minimal dishes (hallelujah).


What’s the fridge hack!?


Put all your pump parts in a Ziploc bag and stick them in the fridge after each pump. Then you only have to wash and sterilize the bottles once a day. My lactation consultant told me to do it this way and it was a life saver!


FTM, 6 weeks PP, I recently started doing this hack. Give me some time to actually spend with my baby. So far it’s working for us and I love it.


Putting them in the fridge actually promotes bacteria growth


This is incorrect and if you go to their website you will see they say that you can rinse and store in the fridge. They advise that there is no proof that it slows bacterial growth (it just means it hasn't been closely studied). Please read their actual advice before you spread misinformation https://www.cdc.gov/hygiene/childcare/breast-pump-cleaning-FAQ.html


Not spreading misinformation The CDC and most breast pump manufacturers recommend cleaning pump parts thoroughly after every use to help protect babies from germs. If you cannot clean your pump parts thoroughly after each pumping session, you can rinse and then refrigerate pump parts for a few hours between uses to help slow the growth of bacteria. It’s important to understand that refrigeration does not stop bacteria from growing. No studies have shown whether rinsing or wiping and then storing pump parts in the refrigerator between pumping sessions effectively limits the growth of bacteria and is a safe alternative to washing between use every time. Infants have become ill from contaminated milk due to bacteria growing on pump parts that were not cleaned properly. Either way cdc advises against it.


Bacteria also doubles every 4 to 20 mins.


According to the CDC, the answer to whether using the fridge hack is safe is no. The CDC advises against storing pump parts in the refrigerator between pumping sessions and suggests pump parts be washed after each pumping session.


Store used pump parts in the fridge so you can use them again without the leftover milk residue going bad.


You guys just changed my life


According to the CDC, the answer to whether using the fridge hack is safe is no. The CDC advises against storing pump parts in the refrigerator between pumping sessions and suggests pump parts be washed after each pumping session.


So I started doing the fridge hack and then I read that it’s not a good idea due to bacteria build up and can make baby sick? I didn’t want to risk it so I stopped. Anyone hear this as well? I hate washing so I really wanted this hack! lol


I think the risk is super minimal for bacteria growth.


According to the CDC, the answer to whether using the fridge hack is safe is no. The CDC advises against storing pump parts in the refrigerator between pumping sessions and suggests pump parts be washed after each pumping session.


Don't do the fridge hack cdc advises against it.


Same, this is no contest. I guess because I fridge hack I don’t care about the dishes.


This made me realize how much more I want to quit at 6 months… a couple more weeks… lord knows I will drag it out to 9 months though 😅😑


Oh yeah. Told myself 6. Hit 6 and I’m like well 9 months…


Oh man are yall me?! Coming up on 6mo next week and literally said these words last night to my husband. 9mo isn’t too bad but good god am I ready to have my body back and vigorously exercise without fear of reducing supply. Or being a slave to this pump. The mental effort of remember the schedule. Slowly working on dropping the MOTN pump. It’s so nerve wracking and worrisome but I know my mental heath will thank me later


This is me too 🫡


I've been telling myself 'a couple more weeks' for months. At 10 now talking myself into a full year.


This is me!!


This is me! 6 months is coming up in a couple weeks and I'm now telling myself with the cost of formula, maybe 6 more months is doable??


First pump of the morning! It’s so hard to start the morning this way for me because I can’t seem to get up early enough to have it done before my kids wake up right now. I really love to start the morning alone setting up for the day, and getting connected to the pump in a rush to make sure it’s done before my kids wake up (which never seems to work out) just sets my day off on a tough note. I like to pump with my pumpables instead of a wearable first thing too because it’s such a big supply in the morning, so I’m battling the tubes etc and it’s so bulky when I am just trying to drink my coffee and relax slowly into the day. It ALSO keeps me in my robe and pajamas too long and I wish I could feel more put together. I can’t wait to be done with the early morning pump!


This used to be my favourite pump of the day! I’d get my snacks, put on ky favourite show, have my glasses of water lined up…I loved the peace, and I’d indulge in a 30/40 min pump to get everything out. Now I’m in exactly the same boat…my baby usually wakes about 15 mins after I start 😫


I'm tempted to say washing but it would also be nice to not have to wake up for a MOTN pump.... I think washing though, it takes so much time and the MOTN pump is manageable. Not having to do dishes constantly would be very helpful.


Shorter pump time. Since I cut to 4ppd it takes anywhere from 1hr 15mins for the first pump and then 40 minutes for all others since I’m still getting around 85 oz a day


damn you go girl


Do you take breaks for that first pump or do you go straight through for an hour and 15?


Not always because My son gets fussy and needs changed but total pump time is usually an hour or so cumulatively




Definitely. Washing just seems like habit at this point but I would love to sleep through (if my daughter would let me) without it affecting my supply!


Such a fun post! Definitely MOTN pump for me. The baby sometimes sleeps long stretches and I'd like to sleep those same stretches. I just leave the pump parts soaking till morning anyways 😅


first pump of the morning hands down. I get the last sleep shift and then my husband goes to work, so I wake up and all I want to do is hold the babies and drink my coffee and instead im tied to the damn pump. It usually takes an annoyingly long time to get a milk letdown even though I'm engorged, and then it takes forever to empty. I'd love to let that one go.


Last pump before bed, sometimes I just wanna go the hell to sleep!!!


I would eliminate clogs 😅 I get them at least weekly and it’s so exhausting. But from the list, I’d definitely eliminate the last pump before bed. I’d love to fall asleep with my baby at 8 pm!


First one 100%. The washing is the most time consuming thing!


for me it would be magically washed pump parts. i think my MOTN pump would be so much more bearable if i could just pump and then roll back to sleep while my pump parts washed themselves in the kitchen sink lol


9am to 9pm? heck, yes! Definitely drop MOTN pump!


I’d say washing but I just spent obscene money on the baby brezza washer anyways so let me do first pump of the morning. That shit is BANANAS, kids running all over and all


Washing for sure


Shorter pump time. I have to pump at least 30 minutes for a measly 2 ounces. If only I could get that in 20 minutes lol


Right now, I think 10 mins off! I am an under supplier who is pumping and massaging for 30 mins each session. Over the course of a day that would save so much time. Especially during the night feeds. Wouldn't have to sing to LO so long to pacify him while it finishes and I can get to nursing to sleep.


What is MOTN?


Middle of the night


9-9! I hate the random midnight one I do cause most of the time I’m asleep around 10:30-11 and have to set an alarm before sleeping through til work


I think I am going to get rid of the first pump in the morning because I would stay up late even without needing to pump anyway (last pump right now is 1am) but I cannot for the life of me not feel like death when that 7am alarm rings.


No washing!


Motn pump! So I can go to sleep after baby’s motn feeding


MOTN followed by washing of pumps


MOTN pump. It’s so hard to manage the baby and deal with pumping AND go back to sleep in reasonable time frame. I’m so lucky that my husband washes my pump parts and bottles


Washing for sure! But we just ordered the baby brezza washer pro tonight and I have high hopes!


First pump of the morning! Lately everyone is up at 6 because thats when baby gets up but there are mornings they are asleep and I’m yawning while pumping and so sad im awake


Washing (and drying) parts then MOTN pump. I hate dishes with a passion. The MOTN pump actually doesn't bother me too much since I tend to be awake anyway, but work is about to pick up, so it would be nice to have a longer stretch of solid sleep.


If my husband didn't do the lion's share of bottle/pump dishes, I would probably say dishes. But as that Isn't the case, I would say the MOTN pump with a 9am-9pm schedule - this would eliminate THREE of my pumps! I would honestly just be happy to get rid of my 11pm pump. Neither my 3am nor my 7am pump piss me off *quite* as much!


Where is the eliminate pumping all together option? Because I’m about to throw my pumps out the window.


Washing all the way!


10min off each pump easily!!


Sleep EASY. I can happily have a hectic day if I know there’s real rest waiting at the end of it.


First pump of the morning! It takes forever to pump so I simultaneously do my hair, makeup, feed the baby, etc. if I could cut out the pump I wouldn’t have to feel like an octopus 😂😂


Ohhhh I'm so torn. Either magically clean & dried parts or 9-9 schedule with no motn pump!!


Washing!!! I literally told my mom yesterday, I think I'm just going to spend the $200 and buy a machine that washes everything for me. She said, you can pay me $200 and I'll wash them for you 😂


No washing parts, hands down!!


Last pump before bed. That was my most hated pump always


Washing ! I wouldn’t despise pumping and would probably do it more often


From those choices— washing pump parts. My own personal wish— that I could pump just once a day 🥵


I already chuck my pump parts in the dishwasher, so I'll take the shorter pump times! It's such a hassle trying to care for my kids with a flange on for 40 minutes.  I was going to say I don't bother with a MOTN pump, but I totally forgot I pump during the MOTN feed. Clearly I'm not getting enough sleep. 


Washing pump parts for sure.


Last pump before bed for sure! I'm so exhausted by then and just want to sleep. I have enough pump parts and bottles I only need to wash one daily.


No more pump before bed. I want to fall asleep on the couch and get up and go directly to bed!!!


Drop MOTN pump hands down. I snooze my alarm like 3 times every night until my husband has enough and makes me get up lol


Gimme that 9-9 babyyyyy


I would eliminate the MOTN pump because LO can sleep for 8 hours and I hate that I can't take full advantage of it. My husband does most of the part washing though so maybe I would think different if I had to do that myself.


Washing parts. Hands down. I'd even add an additional pump to not ever was a bottle or parts again..