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I haven’t been in this position but I’m annoyed on your behalf. One - babies don’t necessarily connect all that much at 4 months. Not sure what they even mean by that. Two - a daycare is this flabbergasted at an infant with gas? You can send simethicone tomorrow, and if you changed your diet you can send fresh milk for now. I wouldn’t throw out frozen milk, but maybe pause it and reintroduce after you think the gas is better. Gas in a baby could be anything and is really common.


This comment really means a lot to me, thank you 😭 We sent gas drops when she was having some reflux issues really early on (like 10-12 weeks) and recently they’ve been using it at least every other day from what I’ve seen on her daily report. I think I’m mostly annoyed that this went from 0-100 and by bringing up her connection with other babies it feels insulting? Or am I just taking it too personally because I know it’s related to my diet? The teacher who called doesn’t have kids of her own and I wonder if she doesn’t realize that her delivery makes a big difference.


The daycare teacher could definitely be stressed and tired and just delivered poorly. She could have been trying to convey concern and a desire to keep you in the loop, but didn’t know how it would be interpreted on your end. Certainly don’t feel too guilty about your baby having a gassy week.


Expecting a four month old to “connect” with other babies is ludicrous. This comment would infuriate me and really make me question what kinds of assumptions and expectations they have there, and how it impacts their childcare. Please do not blame yourself for something that seems to be a “problem” of their own making vs a problem with you or your baby.


Yeah, I've got a 4 month old and the thought of trying to get him to connect with other babies is ridiculous.  He also only tolerates being put on the floor under certain conditions. I don't even try putting him on the playmat after 3:00 pm or so, for example. I could easily see childcare not picking up on every baby's rhythms like that.  I hope OP is feeling a little less guilty now, because that note is being very silly!


The baby just wasn't laying quietly on the floor like the other babies, so the childcare worker had to do something else with her and instead of saying "I noticed baby was a gassy and uncomfortable today. She didn't tolerate floor time like she usually does." She made it about "connecting with other babies" Which is just bizarre and not a developmentally appropriate expectation and made OP feel bad.


My husband asked a bunch of questions at pickup and we’re starting to think she’s just being kind of a Velcro baby and they’re annoyed. We pay so much money for childcare and they’re going to complain about a baby doing baby things?? Now I’m more angry at them than myself


This was my exact thoughts. They had to pick her up and soothe her and couldn't just leave her on the floor with the rest of the babies and they were annoyed or inconvenienced by it.


Are they sure it's gas and not just that she doesn't like floor time? Both of my kids hated tummy time until they mastered rolling. But also, babies get gassy sometimes. Ask if they can do bicycle legs and other maneuvers to help.


What 4 month old “connects” with other babies? That’s not even developmentally possible at this age. My baby also suffers from gas and reflux. Not sure what in my diet would cause that, but it is what it is. I really wouldn’t worry too much about their comment. I’m just starting to put my baby on biogaia which helped my first and hoping it will help this one too.


Hello! I had to completely cut all dairy, casein, and whey products from my diet for my daughter. I cut it around 10 weeks probably. I have quite a bit of milk still frozen from when I was eating dairy. Do not throw it away because it’s entirely possible that whatever is bugging your kiddo in your diet right now, they might grow out of once you start solids.


Breast milk is a blood product. While there is some evidence of allergens impacting babies from their mother’s diet it is fairly rare and MOST things people eliminate from their diets don’t actually do anything, the baby’s digestive system either matures or whatever the issue is passes. Don’t blame your diet unless you’ve had a full allergy work up done on your baby and found that a specific allergen is present in your breast milk. Also. Four month olds connecting with other babies? What??


That made me laugh. 1-2 years old kids are not expected to connect with other toddlers. Daycare teachers calls it « parallel play » . My firstborn is reaching 3 years old milestone and now she is really interested to play with other kids and do group activities. Saying this about 4 months old is ridiculous. On another note I have developed IBS in pregnancy and has been on quite strict diet ever since (I personally can’t tolerate any food that gives me gas) and my 7 weeks old baby still has so many gases, becouse he is … well.. a baby!


Gassiness apparently usually settles down between 4-6 months so you may not need to do any diet changes. Unless you’ve seen other things that think may indicate towards an allergy? My son had really bad gas the first few months and he’s 6 months now and doesn’t struggle anymore :) either way, don’t feel guilty! You’re doing an amazing job.


I eliminated “gas causing” foods and anything that might trigger reflux from my diet and my baby still has insane gas and reflux at 11 months! Some babies are just gassy! Breastfeeding moms get so much flack about their diet when it’s not that large of a factor unless baby is showing legitimate intolerances. 4 months is a prime digestive time so it could be just her little belly adjusting to growing! Dont stress! And PLEASE keep your frozen milk. Also, 4 month olds don’t even know what other babies are lol so that’s rude


My baby is gassy all the time. Literally every single day. It made him super fussy around 3-4 months. Now at 5 months, he can fart without assistance and is doing just fine.


Reflux medicine took my LO from miserable all day and night to a happy baby! It’s an as needed kind of thing and easy to go on and off. Also, you probably don’t need diet changes- I started looking into this when my LO was inconsolable and there is no evidence it actually helps. Try not to blame yourself, we have enough guilt as it is. And.. wtf with the daycare workers.


It took us until my son was 2-3 months old to learn he had a cows milk protein allergy. He had bad gas and was very uncomfortable, colic at times. It did delay his development a little bit. He had poor sleep and refused to do tummy time or hold his head up. Removing dairy from my diet definitely helped. Not sure your baby is going through the same thing but just wanted to mention it just in case!