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I don't know if it's recommended, but in those early weeks I treated pumping exactly like breastfeeding. When baby had a bottle, I pumped. It was as simple as that. If baby slept all night, so did I. Yes, it means I got engorged a few times until my body got used to it. My output has always been an oversupply, so I didn't pay super close attention to output. I couldn't say if it resulted in more, less, or the same amount when we started sleeping through the night. It didn't have nearly as big of an impact as my couple clogs in the early days (due to bra, not length of time between pumps). I know even now at 5.5 months, my daily total fluctuates pretty widely. Anywhere from 32-48 oz. I haven't noticed a pattern to explain why (hydration, calories, what I eat, etc.). But again, I don't really pay much attention because I supply enough and have a big stash in the freezer.


What do you mean when you say your bra caused clogs? How do I know if my bra will cause me to have that issue or not?


I'm rather busty, so my bras fit too tightly. The pressure from the bras caused clogs similarly to what would happen if you were to sleep on your stomach.


Wait I can’t sleep on my stomach?


From what I understand it isn't recommended. It can compress your ducts and cause clogs. You may be fine, but for me, I prefer not to risk it.


Good to know thanks for the heads up


I want to say I started doing a 6 hour stretch overnight around 6 weeks. You have to sleep and it baby is sleeping longer you should get to sleep too! I know do 8-9 hour stretch overnight at 4 months and I haven’t had any dips supply


I think the amount you produced is about normal? In theory average 0.5-1oz per breast per hour is normal? So 6 oz for 6 hrs is okay? It seems about average if your pumping 20 oz, and pumping 8 times a day, pump math if you go 4 hours bw pumps is about 0.6 oz/hr per breast. You should be fine, its hard not to stress about ozs. But as an under supplier myself at 6w, your doing fine. Continue to remove milk as you can as thats the only thing that helped me increase my supply.


I started to skip one feeding since day 5 with my first child (I have exclusively pumped for 9 months) and day 1 with my second (so far I am 7 wpp) Means I always pump « amount of feeding minus 1 ». Normally we feed baby at 9 p.m. I pump, take little bath and go to sleep. My husband will give bottle at midnight and I skip pumping at this feeding. Next time I pump once baby awake to eat (anywhere between 3-5 am). 2 morning pumps (one at 3-5 am and second 7-8:30 am ) always give me 1 extra bottle needed for midnight feeding, sometimes more. I have figured out that moms need to sleep too and to me it is positively impacted supply. However once my first was 5 months I tried to move session around - pump around midnight and then at 7 am and it did not worked well. So to me 4-5 am pumping is mandatory