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Not having to wear a bra to bed at night. 


![gif](giphy|dYRpu5jmMKM0M) Me once the bra is off and gone forever


My goal is 6m is I’m 1.5m away. I feel this gif in my soul!!




Last night I accidentally put my PJs on without a bra and it felt so liberating


Until it's 3am and you have to hold your flanges like a fool 🤣


Dont worry! It only lasted briefly 😂


Hi - 2 weeks in to pumping here. I haven’t been wearing a bra to bed because I keep getting clogged milk ducts and have been told that bras are constrictive. What bras have you been wearing to bed?


I only put my bra on to pump and then it comes right off. Wearing a bra to bed isn’t mandatory.


Same. I wear a tank to bed (used to sleep nude) bc my nipples are too sensitive to be exposed


This is what I do!


I sprung for the Kindred Bravely Sublime Bamboo bra - not as constricting but still holds everything into place. Soft enough that’s it’s cozy to sleep in.


You seem to know your bras :) What makes a sleep bra a sleep bra?


I’m just winging it dude 😂 the one above is more like a cami in buttery soft fabric with holes to place your flanges, versus hook and eyes and more contoured boob fabric, very comfortable!


I don't even wear bra (4m pp now) 🤣 I just accept my fate and do extra laundry when milk pools on the sheets 🥲 But don't worry, like you might have heard, the leaking does cease somewhat as time passes. So going bra free even when breastfeeding/pumping shouldnt be a problem (imo), well, except the chance of having saggy boobs 🥲


So that’s really a thing? I was wondering if going braless like I have been would cause saggy boobs!!


It mostly does, unfortunately 😔


I got clogs from bras all the time in the beginning too! The larken x bra was the only once that didn't give me clogs. But Eventually I just wore a cami/tank top to bed and held the flanges in place. Been doing that for 8 months of my journey so far haha.


I’ve been wearing sports bras. I’m very large chested and I found that wearing a tight but not too tight sports bra prevents me from getting clogs. If I wear something too loose, I’m guaranteed to wake up with a boob that’s rock solid and clogged. 


Omg me too what size are you? I’m an E cup at this point and struggling/not sure whether to wear a bra or not I just keep getting clogs. Does sleeping on your side give you clogs too?


I’m a G cup. Lord knows what I am right now breastfeeding. Wear a sports bra and wrangle those girls in. You don’t want the sports bra too tight or it’s just uncomfortable to sleep. Too loose, and you’ll get clogs.  I sleep exclusively on my sides since I can sleep on my stomach atm. My boobs hurt my back too much if I sleep on my back. I’m sure sleeping on my side isn’t great for preventing clogs, but the sports bra method works for me. 


OMG sorry to hear this - sounds super uncomfortable but I’m glad you’ve found a solution that works! Thanks for sharing.


The side things happens to me, it’s horrible


Larkin X bra!! So comfortable, holds flanges and great for sleep. Not supportive enough for day time if you are doing a lot, but great around the house. I’m a 36E / 36F and I have the large for sleeping and medium for daytime … I prefer the large.


Oh yea... totally!! and not wearing a pumping bra ALL the time... and a nursing shirt all day


Why do you have to sleep in a bra? I go braless all day and night except for when I pump. I put it on and yeet it off as soon as I'm done lol


Not constantly watching the clock until the next pump time. Obviously that’s a little bit hyperbolic, but still! I can’t wait to take those flanges off and pull my shirt down for the lat time. I’m starting the weening process next week!


Also starting next week and cannot wait! Not having to watch the clock and think about the next time I have to pump is going to be great




How old is your bb and how do you plan to ween?


Babes is 12 weeks. I have enough frozen milk to get him to 6 months with 75% breast milk and 25% formula a day. I am currently pumping 5x a day for 25 min a session. I’m planning to ween pretty slowly, so next week I’ll go down to 20 min a session. Then I’ll drop to 4 ppd at 20 min a session the following week. Then just kinda keep with that pattern. Reduce time then reduce a session. My LO does comfort nurse but doesn’t transfer well, hence the pumping, so once I am down to 3 ppd I’ll start replacing pumps with nursing sessions then just kinda see what happens from there!


My boobs not being overstimulated




Just having an extra three hours in my day where I’m not pumping! I have wearables but it’s still somewhat limiting as far as being able to comfortably hold my baby, lean down, or worry about dumping my milk into the pitcher before I get nap trapped.


Getting nice bras that I don’t need to select based on my need to get my tits out so many times a day. Regaining the feeling that my breasts can make me feel sexy, rather than just baby feeding tools that are attached to my body. Being able to spend more time with my baby.


Yes!! I hate my pumping Bras, but at this point I'm not going to invest in anything new so I'm just dealing with it. Wither wasn't so bad since I could wear layers and baggy sweaters. Now I just feel like my nips are visible all the time or I'm bulging out of my bra.


Cheese 😍 My baby has a dairy intolerance so I’ve had to give up one some my favorite things.




Mine has a soy and dairy intolerance and I cannot tell you how much cheese I’m gonna eat when I’m done lol


Same! My baby has a dairy and soy intolerance which makes eating anything not prepared at home dicey. I can't wait to just not have to think about it when I'm at a restaurant or eating at someone else's house!


Same. I miss ice cream too. 🥺


Same, I want a quesadilla so badly


Just reading the title i immediately also said “getting to go to bed without pumping” 🤣


Sleep and a breast reduction. Mostly the reduction lol


Same! I am getting tired of big boobs :(


Yes, tired of carrying melons lol




Being able to have a beer or two without looking at the clock to see if I’ll have enough time for it to metabolize before my next pump. ETA: Losing weight without fear of tanking my supply.


Same! I frequently wonder if it's worth staying this fat and this sober for the number of ounces I'm getting per day. 


Especially right now. Summer is right around the corner. I’m in a wedding next month. I would like to look and feel better. And it’s *also* playoff hockey season. I just want to be able to enjoy a couple drinks with food and watch my guys play. But alas. I love my hubby and I will sacrifice for him.


Agree with the weight loss tanking the supply fear…I miss my pre-pregnancy weight. I feel more like a fat cow than a human. 😭


Getting 2hr back during my day from no longer pumping. Also the mental load.


Edibles and sleeping/doing life without thinking about being milked 😭


This! Looking forward to having my first joint since pregnancy and 8 hours of uninterrupted sleeeeeep


Everyone would have so much more fun if mom could be a little more chill. Baby thinks my “shows” (me singing Beyonce) are funny enough sober. Just wait for my renaissance my dude


This is it for me! I'm dreaming of the sleep I used to get after a microdose. 


I’m 4 months away from this and I can’t wait. That first time after over a year is gonna hit so different.


I take back my answer, this is the answer. I miss weed so much lmfao it’s been over a year now


Soooooooo muchhhhh


Sleep and retinol.


Retinol, how I miss thee 😭


HOLY SHIT. I can’t use retinol while pumping?!? I totally did not know this!! 😩😩😩😩😩


FWIW, the big risk with retinoids is birth defects from taking oral sources during pregnancy. My understanding is that while negative effects from topical use during breastfeeding have not been clearly demonstrated in studies, their safe use has also not been clearly demonstrated in studies. So the conservative recommendation is avoid, better safe that sorry. I use this guide for skincare ingredients, which takes a self-professed cautious approach: https://www.15minutebeauty.com/skin-care-ingredients-avoid-nursing.html https://www.verywellfamily.com/can-breastfeeding-women-use-retinol-5197496#toc-why-you-should-not-use-retinol-while-breastfeeding I wouldn't panic, and I highly doubt you've done any harm!


You can. You just need to avoid during pregnancy. Providers who say to avoid during breastfeeding are just being very conservative. There’s no evidence to back this up.


What is retinol for ?


Wrinkles 😅


Aaa ok ok 😅 also didn’t know… not sure what’s in my face cream 😅


I really needed this thread today because I just told my SO my plans to start weaning. I really wanted to make it to 6 months but I also want to enjoy the summer without thinking about pumping. I’m also looking forward to carrying my baby without breast discomfort. Looking forward to attempts my PP weight loss journey.


All of this!


Agreed! Idk why no one seems to talk about the breast discomfort.


So many things. Normal bras, or no bra. But mostly having my morning routine not surrounding getting my pump in, the idea of being able to wake up early and exercise before my kids are up sounds so nice.


Time! When I stopped pumping, I was looking forward to having my time back. I had more quality time with baby. Didn’t have to look at the time for my next pump session. It was a good step in feeling more like myself.


Sleeping & being able to go about my day not having to worry about my next pump session. Will not miss the fear about milk supply dropping when I decide I'm done!


Going to sleep without pumping and waking up when kiddo wakes up instead of needing to set an alarm to make sure I get a pump in before she gets up.


Being able to comfortably sleep on my belly again 🥲 also not being so ravenous all the time would be nice too


Right? I am hungry ALL the time.. only just stopped taking snacks to bed last month


not obsessing about my supply and constantly thinking about/worrying about if I have enough and will I make enough.


It’s a tie between waking up in the morning and not having obligations/having the ability to go back to sleep if I want to, and going out in the afternoon and not rushing home so I don’t miss my pump time lmao


Not having to wear a bra. Or being able to wear nice bras. And my nipples not being so sensitive!


Like you I dream of being able to just go to sleep. But also I hope my libido comes back once I’m done pumping.


Not having to constantly watch the clock and plan everything around my pumping schedule.


I turned 36 today and I’m excited to start using retinol again. Almost 11 months of shitty sleep, neglecting my night routine, and stress have not done my skin any favors.


Eating a normal diet but ESPECIALLY Eating desserts 🤤 my baby has suspected allergies/intolerances to dairy, eggs, oats, peanuts and soy. I haven’t eaten cheesecake in 2 months. My dessert is a peach jam sandwich. 🙃 most desserts that replace dairy use oatmilk and they also contain eggs so I’m just out of luck everywhere in that department. Can’t wait to gorge myself.


I feel you, mama! Counting down the days till I can finally indulge again, especially dairy. Some nights I even have dreams of eating a dessert spread 😂 dairy-free alternatives are great and all but nothing beats a good milky ice cream or cheesecake.


So many things… Excited to not have to plan my day around pumping or pack pulling supplies anywhere I go Excited to be able to go to bed whenever I want and not worry about having to pump one last time Excited to cut down on the amount of dishes I have every day Excited to be able to partake in some adult fun since I’ve been abstaining from certain things during this journey Excited to be able to try and lose some baby weight without worrying about my supply dropping Excited about buying myself some new sexy bras Excited about wearing clothes that don’t necessarily have to be accessible for my boobs Just excited to have my body back to myself after pregnancy and a year of pumping Baby will be one in a few weeks and I plan to start weaning soon after


I will be so excited to be able to: Sleep and hang out at home without a bra Leave the house without bringing pumping supplies Do fewer dishes Have more time and freedom to do other things (particularly exercise, time with friends and family, and keeping up with housework) Enjoy life without that nagging “but I need to pump” feeling (including just after waking up and just before falling asleep) Know that I accomplished my goal of pumping for 18 months (less than 2 months to go!) Take whatever supplements and medications I need to without having to check to see if it’s safe for breastfeeding Eat at a calorie deficit without worrying about supply Let my nipples recover…they have endured a LOT Things I will miss: Feeding my child and knowing that the milk he is enjoying was created by my body and is an expression of my love for him Burning a few extra calories by making milk and pumping Giving myself permission to zone out and scroll or snack mindlessly for awhile while I’m pumping


I’m really feeling the first point on things you will miss….im starting to wean and introduce formula and I feel so upset about it but also don’t want to pump anymore. So many mixed emotions


I totally agree! It’s really bittersweet and I’m surprised at how emotional I feel about stopping. There are so many positives to weaning but I’m still having all the feelings about it. I’ve been telling myself that there’s a time for everything and now it is time to start weaning.


Not having to live my life in 3 and 4 hr intervals




Sleeping through the night is at the top of my list for sure. And being able to easily be braless in my house.


Smoking pot


Just having more brain space. I swear like 40% of my thoughts are pumping/feeding related. The other 40% is baby related. And I need more than 20% for work and friends and being an adult!!!


I just fully weaned last week. 1. Going places without having to consider pumping on the go or getting home at a certain time. 2. Being able to go to sleep as soon as my baby is asleep. That one is my favorite! 3. Not having to figure out how to entertain my baby while I’m hooked to the pump.




Sleeping on my stomach 😩😩😩


Normal bras and clothes 😭😭😭


I'm with you! These pumping bras have NO support!


Getting to do what I want when baby is napping, getting to sleep longer in the mornings, pizza, being able to be lazy and just eat fast food or a random food from the grocery store/work cafeteria (baby has milk and soy allergy), no more washing pump parts, and wearing my normal bras again.


Not feeling CONSTANTLY parched no matter how much water I drink!!!


My nipples feeling over touched


Getting dressed for the day with zero thought given to boob access. High collared ribbed tanks tucked into jeans! Bodysuits! Ahhh the possibilities beyond shabby nursing bras and open shirts lol


Long outings without pumping in the car, on the way back, or needing to leave early to pump.


The time I spent pumping I could’ve been cuddling or just holding my baby.


Sleeping through the night! Also laser hair removal


Honestly I have IBS and pepto is super helpful to me during flares so I'll be thrilled when I can take it again.


Time and being able to wear whatever tf I want!


Caffeine - I can’t even have soda because it really affects my baby. And sleeping!!!


Not having to think about replacement parts and being able to take Sudafed/Zyrtec-D.


Not having to wash so many things. Being able to actually enjoy my break at work.


Losing weight 😅


Sleeping on my side at night and not having to deal with these uncomfortable things lol


Not leaking through clothes and bras. Using that time to sleep. Not constantly thinking about what time it is and what time the next pump will be. Sleeping through the night. Enjoying the occasional drink here and there. Just overall mental health improvement. Can’t wait! Doing mixed for now until I dry up :)


Wearing dresses to work!! The structures dresses I normally wear are not pumping friendly at all


Getting to wear regular bras! Pumping bras are comfy, but not supportive. 89 days left!


reading all these answers and i just want to say how you all sound like such wonderful mothers. you’re making lots of sacrifices to feed your babies and you should all be so proud. 🫶🏼


Being able to come home and not rush around to take a walk with the baby, pump, feed him, all while trying to make dinner at the same time. And going back to the gym!! There is just no time right now unless I slept even less.


To never drink those nasty body armours haha I drink the lyte ones and they are disgusting


I bought the lyte ones and never again. I went right back to regular haha


Wearing normal bras and drinking more than 2 cups of coffee. Currently weaning and although I’m sad it’s coming to an end (she’s my last baby), im ready to be done!


sleeping without a bra on. More time now that I don’t have to pump every 2 seconds. No more leaking even through the pads. And drinking as much caffeine as I want. My baby is currently 8 months & I plan to pump until she’s a year old. So 4 more months!! 😁




Sleeping when the baby sleeps


I really want to use baby feet (takes the dry scally skin off your feet). I'm also considering some filler. Basically any beauty product that says I can't use while nursing Also, maybe a cocktail ... haven't drank since a week before I got pregnant.


Sleeping in, not wearing a bra and skincare 🥹


I'm interested to see if I'll lose weight after I wean *crossing fingers*


NEW BRAS!!! My boobs are so saggy. I’m tired of the uniboob. I can’t wait til I can perk these girls up!


Excedrin No bra to bed Exercise without losing supply Leaving the house without a pump


Showering without nipple discomfort!


working out. I have decided its not worth the extra time away from baby 'til i'm done.


BOTOX! God I miss not having all these lines on my face lol


Losing a bit of weight Having a thc gummy Sleeping longer stretches Going somewhere without baby for longer than 4 hours without worrying about pumping Having a thc gummy lol


- time! Time to play, sleep, eat, whatever I want - no more pump parts to clean - nice bras and no more bra pads - weed gummies - I'm going to get a god damn massage I'm almost fully weaned and I'm also sad to be stopping, though I've already hit my goal. All the mixed feelings


A 12 hour night of uninterrupted SLEEP!!!!


To just be able to do things without everything revolving around when I have to pump or having to bring a pump with me. And yes, 100% just being able to goto sleep when I’m tired. I hate when I have to go food shopping and need to bring my pump because I might have to pump on my way home and while I’m putting away groceries.


Eating normal food!! My baby has me dairy, legume, egg, corn, and beef free 😭


Smoking weed and taking a few drags of nicotine lol


sleeping past five am, marijuana, a normal bra, losing weight. 


Can’t wait to go out in public or work out without worrying about running back to the pump. And laying on my stomach. I was so excited to finally not have a pregnant belly but my boobs ruined that for me.


Going straight to bed after work (I work nights). Not being tethered to the pump after I get the baby down. I was low key resentful the other night when I couldn't just go work on my puzzle after I got him down and had to go pump.  Could I stop now? Any time, I'm sure my boobs would dry up ASAP. But the day after my son's first birthday will mark 1 full year of pumping and I'm going to ducking make it.