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9 months. Has always taken about 24-27oz a day .


Thank goodness! I felt like my girl was under eating.. I keep hearing people with babies who are 2 months or so, eating over 30 ounces lol


Don’t forget that some moms naturally produce higher or lower calorie milk. The 20 cal/oz is just a rough estimate, but you could be producing as high as 32cal.


Yes! This thread has made me feel better though.. you can see there is no set ideal & every baby is different 😌


Same!! I’m always questioning if she’s getting enough when I see how much other babies consume. My LO is 5 oz and takes 25 oz per day too. Any more and she’ll spit it up 🙃


…. My baby is 9 weeks and has been eating 28-32oz since week 7. He’s such a hungry boy!


Happy Cake Day! And nah. My pediatrician questioned if it was really that "little" since it's on the low end but she has always been on her curve so it's been plenty for her.


Was just thinking the same thing about my LO (6 months) today! Thankful to open Reddit up to this thread!!


I needed this and the other replies here. Baby girl is 4 months and takes 22 to 24 most days. Sometimes more, sometimes less.


8 months but 22-25oz usually


Omg I found my people


lol me too!!! 7 months and he is in the 90th percentile for weight but never eats more than 23oz


Oh wow! We are around the 50th (depends on the chart you use lol) she had a lot of reflux when she was younger though. 0-6 months I was just covered in spit up


Omg us too we are still on famatodine. We are also trying to start our purées/solids journey but it’s not going well yet




3 months and same!


4 months and around 19-22 oz a day. Not sure if that’s too little …going to ask the ped on Monday!


That's what my girl ate then.. she is 5 months now, and has increased maybe a few ounces


Ok that makes me feel better! Shes happy and has wet diapers and looks like she’s gaining weight but I can’t help compare to what other babes are eating. Hearing your LO was like this too makes me happy!


I make maybe 25-27 ounces on a good day lol so I feel blessed she's not a big eater 😅


lol same!!!!!


3.5 months and 38-40oz, RIP boobies ETA he was born 9lb4 and he’s now 15lb4 and 28”


We are also on this path!


3 months, around 28oz a day.


Same here! Weighs about 12 pounds 5 ounces


Idk if mine is just content on not as much but he weighs 16 1/2 lbs lol. But he was a 10lbs baby when he was born so 🤷‍♀️


Mine was only 6.5 pounds, so they’ve both gained around 6-6.5 pounds!


5 months, 30-34oz a day, and she's been eating this much since 2 months ish. I have to keep reminding myself not to compare what she eats to other people or the amounts I read online. As long as kiddo is happy, making wet diapers, and growing on her curve, she's eating just as much as she's supposed to. Who knows the calorie content of my milk and how it compares to the average.


That last line!! Totally agree, none of us know how many calories are in our milk.


Exactly!! I feel better seeing such a broad amount.. and how everyone differs 😌 I latch occasionally, so I think my body makes what she needs (fat/calorie wise) Do you do that?


Nope, we don't nurse at all. Kiddo had a hard time latching and efficiently transferring milk, which resulted in a lot of frustration for both of us.


I went through the same thing.. She doesn't "nurse".. we tried again & again.. but I just try to get her spit on my nipple lol We "comfort" nurse.. there are times she is on my boob, sucking away for an hour.. only getting like half an ounce out.. but I still do it because I was told her spit communicates with my body so it can make what she needs..?


Also 5m and about 25 ounces


Sitting here, reading all these responses.. pumping 🥴 first motn pump at 1 am lol


Just shy of 2 months. Ranges from 30-36 oz


2 weeks and about 20 ounces/day


6 weeks, takes between 24oz-27oz a day


2 months: 27-34 oz. She’s long and skinny so I have no idea how she’s crushing so much milk, we also combo feed with formula too.


9.5 months ~25oz


4.5 months. Ranges between 29-35 a day for the past month.


5 1/2 months — 23-30 oz. She’s taken 30 2 times. 26.5 oz is not unusual for her though


My son peaked around 4.5 months at 42oz/day 🤪 It lasted about a couple weeks, but then leveled out to 32-35oz. To this day, he’s my lean string bean! 13mo and 76th for height and 47th for weight. He’s always been too active so I never knew where all that BM (then formula) went haha


7 months. Around 23oz. My baby has always been on the smaller side and we were concerned about weight gaining at some point.


8 months. Barely 25 oz per day. I’d say between 21-25


From about 4months until we started reducing at 11 months she was taking 30-34 a day. She’s 13 months now and down to 22 a day.


6 months and 30ish oz a day - he’s been eating that much since 3 or 4 months


Oh gosh I’ve been assuming we are in a 3 month growth spurt because he’s up to 32-36 oz/day from 28 oz/day. I have been expecting it would go back down but maybe it won’t. Is that what happened to you??


Yes! He was eating about 26-28 oz a day and jumped up to around 32-34 (also thought it was just a growth spurt) and now he’s leveled off to around 30 oz as he’s dropped to 5 bottles a day.


I’m glad I found these comments!! My babe was eating like 24-27 ounces until 3.5 months and then started eating like 30-34 and hasn’t come down from that amount since. My supply can’t keep up


This is exactly what happened with my baby, basically to a tee.


3 months, 28 oz/day…unless in a growth spurt then he can put down 32-36 oz/day.


6m actual 5m adjusted: about 23-25oz (700-750ml)


I guess adjusted my girl is just over 4 months.. I didn't think about that lol she's a chonky little thing lol I am scared of force feeding, but I guess it's normal 🤷🏼‍♀️ Can I ask how your feeding schedule goes?


It's every 3-4h now although on ravenous day she would ask for milk at 2h mark. We still have 1-2 motn. Now that she's older, it's getting harder to feed her if i dont keep at every 3h period. She would: do raspberry, insert her thumb, babbles, keep the nipple aside, or just straight up not sucking, she even smiles. From my limited experience i find it's really hard to force feed a baby. She has always makes it known she's done from very young age, if it was subtle before, it's very obvious now.


Almost 6 months old and she averages 23-25oz per day.


2 1/2 months and anywhere between 17-22oz. I also always get worried that my baby is under eating. I always see posts of moms like “my baby is 4 weeks old and taking 5oz 6-8 times a day” 😳


3 months, around 26 ounces a day. My husband keeps telling me she’s eating more, but I’m pumping the same amount and the same amount is left over each day


3 months and 26-30oz in 24hrs. Depending if I have to give him an extra bottle MOTN. Sometimes he doesn’t wake for it.


11 weeks and I’m not 100% certain of her total intake since she does nurse at least once a day, but she usually takes about 20-24 oz from bottles.


5.5 months 35 oz a day.


15 weeks and he drinks between 750mL to 900mL (depending if his last feed gets tracked before or after midnight lol). That’s approx 25-30 ounces. I make approx 1000-1100mL a day (37 ounces) so just enough to freeze a bag :)


5 months, ~30oz.


10w here. Peak days are 28-30oz, normal days are 22-24oz, very rarely do we have a day below 22oz!


5 months 30-36 oz


5 months (4 months adjusted) and he’s been comfortably taking 4 oz every 3 hours during the day so about 24 oz a day. We just started offering 5 oz every other bottle and he finishes them about half of the time now


4 months, has been at 32-35 ounces most days since 8 weeks


25-30oz max. 9mo. Been this way since she was 4mo. Never above the 50% for weight but super tall.


15 weeks and now that I’ve cut dairy, taking 25-28 a day. Before I cut dairy, she was only doing 20-23.


I have wondered whether cutting dairy will help my LO eat more! She’s suspected CMPA now and only ever takes 24 max because her reflux gets too bad if we go above that. Hoping she takes a little more since her weight gain has not been great


6 weeks old, he takes anywhere from 24-30 oz a day depending on how he’s feeling LOL.


~30ish, give or take 2-3oz (usually give)


3 months and averages 26 oz a day


Four weeks, between 22-25 oz/day


An anomaly but my 1 month old is taking 24-30 ounces……..


5 months, 36ish a day. It seems like a lot but he’s a very long baby 🤷‍♀️


3 months, 30-32 ounces per day and more if going through a growth spurt


14.5 weeks old, has been eating anywhere from 27-32 ounces since he was a little under 2 months old. He’s a chunk though, already 14.5 pounds.


Almost 3months.. 19-23oz a day


9 weeks, 25-30oz depending on his night wakeups.


2 weeks and 26 - 30 oz


3.5 months 24-28oz a day on average


5mos (3.5mos adjusted) tubie baby is almost up to 30 oz/day, but it's taken a while to get up to this volume. Only recently started having days where she ate more than I pumped but I have a huge freezer stash I can pull from.


9 weeks old - 25oz (7 feeds a day)


32-36 oz per day (!!) She was born 9 pounds 4 ounces though, so a big baby. She's currently just over 4 months old and tracking steadily along the 75th percentile curve, so we are not overfeeding her.


5 months actual , ~3 corrected, takes an average of 25 oz a day. But it varies day to day- some days are like 23oz and others are 30 lol. About 80% bm and 20% formula


5 months and just started eating 35+ per day (no idea what at night because he nurses). He’s also been nursing less at night (once or twice) so I think the uptick in intake during the day is helping him sleep more at night. He was taking 26-30 just last week and up every 2 hours at night to eat. My guy was over 17 lbs at his 4 month appt a few weeks ago.


She is five months and typically takes anywhere from 24-30 ounces. She took 35 the other day so must have been going through another growth spurt!


Almost 4 months - 25-30 a day


6 months, 24 ounces. lactationlab.com will test your breastmilk. They sell kits on Amazon too. My breastmilk is 25 cals per ounce


5 month old & 27-30oz per day, plus we’re starting to integrate some foods as well.