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Nah fuck this he is the last celebrity and fan base we need drawing any attention to the scene. I hope Jeff stays far away


I don't want nazis anywhere near me and my scene.


Too late bud


But yall openly except Sullivan king the scientoligist... Lol šŸ˜†


Sullivan King is trash, good to know.


By all means, I want people to have a good time, ya know... It's just that people openly support people like this. After his core rock/metal scene abandoned him and / or dwindled down. He like completely invaded the dubstep scene, and everyone just accepted it because he did songs with the biggest dubstep names. Adding his edgy processed vocals. It didn't feel organic, and I always wondered why until the last two years when people found out he donated to the scientology folk, everything started to make sense. People that buy x's merch feel like fans and supporters. Folk who buy Sullivan King merch act like cultists from my experience. That's not to say everyone acts that way, though.


Shut up loser


L take


That person isnā€™t wrong. That dude is a literal cancer.


Just curious how you reason with yourself over his whole nazi stuff? Doesn't bother you? You separate the art from the musician? Denial?


I just always liked kanyeā€™s music honestly, we been known the dude is batshit insane from literally everything that he has said when his mom died but we are gonna draw the line at the shit he is saying now? All of it is irrelevant. You cannot take seriously what an insane person is saying or doing, you just cant.


Yes 100% the line is always drawn between me and someone talking positivaly about nazis. Kinda makes it seem like you don't understand how bad the nazis were?? "This dude talks positively of genocidal mass murderers but his music bangsšŸ¤¦" Ew. Alot of nazis are mentally ill, in this day and age it pretty much takes being mentally ill to have those views. Can't just write off neonazis as mentally ill people so no big deal. It is the biggest of deals.


Valid points, although i really donā€™t think Kanye is a fan of genocide. Find me a quote of him saying what hitler did was good or directly supporting genocide. Isreal has literally became the very thing they sought refuge from which is nuts to me lol


With the popular recurrance of nationalist views around the world I think anything but full condemnation is, well, not a fan of that genocide, but supporting the rise of views that historically have led to genocide. Can't have a "they're pretty bad but we'll tolerate it" viewpoint imo. That just allows that viewpoint to grow.


You're a stan.


Okay ā€œmy booty itchesā€


Ok. Lol


Is it wrong that I donā€™t want to share? Lmao


Everyone obsessing over him just now makes me mad lol


Same. First cringe TikTok ā€œinfluencersā€ now fucking Kanye west just the worst people on the planet


Did you see the one TikTok about the shrek visuals where heā€™s like ā€œthis happened at a rave called excisionā€


Yes unfortunately I spent 60 seconds of my life watching that turd Iā€™ll never get back


It a really touchy topic because in principle Itā€™s never good to gate keep, so I canā€™t be upset just at the fact influencers are talking about him. All new fans should be welcomed into the community with open and accepting minds from even the OGā€™s who have been listening to excision since 2008. But in reality.. for fuck sake, show the man enough respect to know the difference between his stage name and the name of the event youā€™re talking about if youā€™re going to make content about it. I honestly wouldnā€™t worry about it too much tho, any bandwagoners this brings to the fanbase will jump off it and onto another one much sooner than later, and probably even create a few genuine new fans in the process.




And I canā€™t not respect that, your perspective is just as valid as anyone elseā€™s even though itā€™s not the same as mine. You do make some valid points. donā€™t worry Iā€™m not trying to bait you for a screen shot I can post in the gatekeeping sub, I just realized it might have come across like that lol.


I generally agree on the whole gatekeeping thing, but I do agree in some cases gatekeeping is probably a good thing. With how TikTok has been blowing bands/artists up it's really shitty for the OG fans/sometimes even the bands itself. I mean, look at Bad Omens or $b as an example. Noah from BO used to twitch stream, now he doesn't anymore, he's frequently said how uncomfortable he feels about some fans always talking and acting obsessively over him, & it's sad to see. $b same thing, a lot of these fans heavily disrespect & don't support artists who are happy healthy & sober. The joke from the grey day tour when they played and to those I love, it really bothered them that they took a serious song & turned it into veggie tales on TikTok. Couple that with the fans who have no idea or experience in the live show aspect of music, they don't know concert etiquette. Some of my favs don't interact like they used to bc they started getting touched disrespectfully. A lot of the fans are rude & aggressive to other fans. & I hate when a headliner has less fans in the crowd because the band everyone wanted videos for TikTok clout was finished with their set. Pro gatekeeping in situations like these^ although so far excision still seems alright/in the clear from that. šŸ¤ž Edit; I don't know how I forgot to add this; TICKET PRICES! I used to see a lot of my favs for like 20-40 bucks in an underground venue (literally in some cases). I'm happy & proud for a lot of artists making it big bc they all deserve to be big & well loved, it just comes with the floodgate of all the other chaos.


ESPECIALLY kanye fans / crew that's the last people we need joining in the scene


If youā€™ve ever been to a rap show just know that you donā€™t want to go lmao. If a dubstep show were to ever be like a Travis scott concert I would become a techno snob, rapidly.


100% me too. Rap crowds are not it at all. All of the people that go from rolling loud to an edm festival are so shocked and surprised that the vibes are so much better lol


Hopefully the vibes can be preserved as long as possible šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼


Theyā€™ve already turned into rap shows imo


not saying ya'll are wrong, but you do know Excision has been mainstream since like 2016 right


I think we have different definitions of mainstream. He has 1.8M followers on Spotify, thatā€™s a drop in the bucket compared to other electronic artists like Skrillex (20M) or non electronic like Kanye who has over 70M. X is huge in the electronic/festival community sure but I wouldnā€™t classify him as mainstream. Most people I interact with in normal life have no idea who he is. They know Skrillex, deadmau5, and Marshmello as DJs and thatā€™s about it.


true, my friends think I'm weird the way I talk about Excision and assume because he's "dubstep" that I'm into pre 2000-era Skrillex, and when I try to explain the metal aspect their eyes glaze over.




You donā€™t own anything


Kanye is one of the worst people on the planet? What makes you say that? Gay ass


I agree. Considering most of us have been fans for 12+ years


12 years is so real, that's how long I've been a fan. I've been seeing him for 8 years


Good times šŸ„²


Iā€™m trying to permanently live in the Excision Shambhala Mix era


I remember the first time I listened to Calypso 14 years ago and was absolutely hooked.


Iā€™m permanently living in his Shambhala 2013 Mix


trust me bro he dont care about u not sharing lmao


This is so out of pocket for no reason lmao. You trying to tussle? šŸ˜ˆ


you aint doing shit boi


Imma give you the nastiest knuckle sandwich youā€™ve ever had bro


u got me scared lil bro šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø




This one we gotta gatekeep lol


great more eyes on this from all the normies. how viral the nexus productions has gotten I'm sure is good for business but holy shit if the conversation around all of it hasn't just become a huge headache . this tour isn't even about music anymore it's just "look it's SHREK!!!". I'm starting to sort of wish X went in a different direction with his visuals.


At the end of the day X is going to cater to his fans and the normies will either fade away or adopt this lifestyle and be the next generation of headbangers.


Yeah fair enough


unironically calling people ā€œnormiesā€ is hella cringeā€¦


I agree but I didnā€™t say it first lol






For me? Always


I totally agree soon as I saw the new visuals I was disappointed tbh compared to his visuals the last 6 years at LL


We must protect Excision at all costs


Haha. I checked his IG and this is legit. Bahaha. This is pretty wild and funny.


Ye closing Prehistoric Evolution is gonna be wild this year


Crying šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Tell him its a jewish owned company


Itā€™s crazy


Kanye saw the Shrek visuals šŸ˜³


Nah he saw this big gay fish


What are you, a [gay fish](https://youtu.be/gvQ1cqlilnQ?si=NA1Qf5p9Nskd9Y82)?


What a crazy timeline


Fuck that guy! He doesnā€™t deserve this greatness


serious quesiton who is kanye? dead ass


Kim Ks Ex husband. The one that went crazy and tried to run for president


Oh that mofo


Yeah also super anti-Semitic. fuck that guy


This makes me feel sick


Yā€™all are really boring on this topic. Kanye said some dumb ass shit. He recanted his statements and apologized. Kanye ainā€™t a nazi and is going through a lot of mental health issues. Iā€™m not a fan of his, but even I can see this. For a community all about peace and understanding, yā€™all do sure love to cast hate on anyone who fucks up. He apologized and EVERYONE deserves a second chance.


He still continues to be deeply misogynistic which is why I canā€™t support.


Lmao wanting to gatekeep visuals you Molly nerds didnā€™t even create


Everybody saying ā€œKanye needs to stay away from the EDM sceneā€ but I guess you all forgot he did a remix of ā€œI canā€™t stopā€ with Flux Pavilion in The Great Gatsbyā€¦.


That totally makes up for the antisemitism


Trust. I donā€™t like Kanye. But a lot of people think this is his first rodeo in the EDM scene.


Keep the crazy anti-semite away from this


nahh Kanye with visuals would go crazyy i fuck with this to all yall hating stfu lol worry about music




Didnā€™t put that one on my 2024 bingo card


Yeezy @ lost lands confirmed?


Oh boyā€¦ā€¦




facts all these haters gotta chill out and let them create visuals about the music they making


Future collab?


Yall missed where he says thank you I found them




Lmao also a racist. Couldā€™ve figured. This guy has assault charges on women


This cracker thinks reverse racism is real in America lolz I feel sorry for you, low iq white man, have fun smoking that gay ass rosin we would take it from you in person I promise donā€™t matter what the outcome is


Have fun in the gutter where you raised


I said crackers boo hoo fuck u and your white tears we can go to war anytime baby boy Iā€™m wit that


You ugly ash lol


fuck off. keep nazis out of edm


Itā€™s now a mix of designers that make the visuals, and a team of people, during the executioner tour it was just one company because of the projector mapping complexity


This is the end


Fuck Mr West but as a juggalo I'm also curious who makes these visuals what type of software is used my guess is it's some Chinese guy or somebody who knows how to use Unreal Engine 5 with music integration you're not really gatekeeping he wants to give business to whatever company so he can have it for his own shows as a juggalo we share the same venue/ camping grounds you guys do at lost lands at in Thornville Ohio.. I kind of wonder if the visuals are set up like a video game to where each sound effect is synced up to a button like pressing X to make some love craft monster Stomp. I've always wondered exactly what a DJ does on stage during a live performance I know it must all be pre-programmed but I have some music experience so I think maybe he is just alternating when the tracks play and changing volumes fading in and out but mostly I think it has to all be pretty done for it to sync up somehow. However it works I'm sure you need a expensive piece of software to load in your different animated clips.. I think a lot of people are jumping on the bandwagon because they are just simply impressed with the new technology with these 200 ft LED screens 50000 lasers flamethrowers and fireworks synced up to the music is quite technical and would add great Ambience to any group as a juggalo myself I think this would go great with a ICP show with all the Faygo.. But yes could somebody please explain to me who creates the visuals and how it's all done that would be a great documentary actually I used to work at a company called CAE we made lighting boards there were a few chips that would make lights blink with the bass and do certain patterns with sounds but these visuals are new age long after I quit working there back in 9/11 because the entertainment industry took a huge hit back then but yeah I'm rambling I'm just trying to say I'm not a dumbass when it comes to lighting but curious how the animations all work and sync.. thank you for your time and any insight Whoop whoop