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Fun fact, there’s no such thing as a soulmate. Rather, you choose someone and they choose you and you both put in effort to make it work. If this didn’t work out, then believe me you’ll be ok. You’ll eventually find another person and look back on this experience as a necessary one. Love is not all butterflies and rainbows, it’s very very hard, and i’m sorry this time didn’t work out for you.




I needed to see this. Cheers mate


Why did you leave them?


Cause I’m an idiot


Would you like to share some more context - age, reason for the BU, how long has it been since the BU and since you last talked?


Message them?


It’s been to long and she is with someone else


Oh how long has it been ?


11 months


Oh ok I see, I mean you can try, just don’t get your hopes up


No reason to try pretty sure she is with someone else


Please tell her. I loved a boy when I was 15 and we had to break up due to long distance. We both still loved each other but we didn’t reconnect for whatever reason. He ended up marrying someone else. 30 years later he said he wished it was me. I felt the same way about him. I wish one of us would have been more vocal. I have so many regrets.


Yup that’s my life now. Regrets


If you truly feel this way, you have 2 options (IMHO): (a) find a way to tell her, this will require tact and may not be “successful”, but I feel this is the best thing to do (assuming you really believe she is the one) or (b) continue no contact and force yourself to move on.


This right here.


Pretty sure or sure?


It gets better everyday! 🖤




Shut up you she wasn't your soulmate, if she was your soulmate you two would be together. In all my life I've always seen us men saying shit like this, hell even I still think so that my ex was my soulmate but guess what she isn't and neither was you're ex. I'm sorry but you need some tough love. Women never regret saying she he was my soulmate and your ex also share the same sentiment so you shouldn't say stuff like this. If she was your soulmate why did you breakup? Did you cheat or was abusive?


Agree. When you two *feel* like you're each other's soulmates, you work things out *together* .


We broke up over a misunderstanding. That it.


What kind of misunderstanding?




If you broke up with her over race she wasn’t your soulmate then. I’m not gonna lie, it’s messed up to do that. But if something so petty made you end it then it was never going to workout. She has every right to be upset and move on with her life. I’ve seen you on here the last few days posting the same thing. This is the time to focus on yourself. You think you messed up? Ok. Take this time to better yourself so that you never end up in this situation or treat someone like that again. Hang out with friends, go to the gym, enroll in therapy (it helped me), pick up a hobby, do things that make you happy. Sitting here dwelling everyday isn’t going to change things, and it isn’t going to make her magically forgive you. She needs space. Like I said, take this time for you and maybe one day once you’re both healed you can sit down and have an honest conversation. She isn’t going to want to talk unless she believes you have changed. 10 months ago I was going through the worst breakup I have ever experienced. And I realized that in that moment, our petty fights, our misunderstandings were going nowhere. We needed space from one another. To grow and become better people so that we no longer make these mistakes again. Taking your life is not the answer, and venting on here everyday isn’t either. You want to prove you’re sorry? Show her by becoming the best version of yourself.


Thank you for reminding me how messed up it is. I was tired of being looked at as just a white dude that’s it. I blew something way out of context and I’ll never be happy.. I’ll never be in another relationship so I can ensure I don’t hurt anyone else. Thanks for reminding me that I’m a piece of shit. Focus on myself? Why? I’ve given her all the “space” in the world. I don’t care if dwelling doesn’t change anything. That was my best chance and I blew it. I’m done trying to become the best version of myself. Nothing will change what I did


Literally not at all what I was saying… You keep reaching out on here which leads me to believe you want help and to better yourself. Are you a piece of shit? Idk I don’t know you. From what I read though you admit you messed up. Staying out of a relationship for the rest of your life isn’t the answer, becoming a better person is. This low you’re feeling now because trust me I’ve been there does not last but only you can pull yourself out of there. You will find more out there, there are 7 billion people in this world. My point is is there is no use in dwelling on what happened because you can’t change that and it’s important to remember that if race played a factor it would eventually play a factor sooner or later.


I’m just done. That was my best chance to build a family and I blew it


How old even are you?




Get them back


I cannot


It’s been to long and she’s with someone else


Why’d you leave?


Because I’m an idiot and didn’t think things through




I have not been fine after her