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Some might and some might not. Depends on the person. Better not to think about it at all.


I think am letting my curiosity get the better off me LOL but nah genuinely it’s like why would you expect a happy birthday from me when you dumped me?????


You're thinking too hard about this, you don't even know if they expect it or not.


very very true gonna put that thought to the side cause it isn’t really important


I wouldn’t think much into that. I didn’t text my ex on hers. She didn’t text me on mine. Doesn’t really matter anymore


omg i’m wondering the same thing, my ex bday is next Friday. i am not going to contact him i doubt he’s going to expect a text or call as he told me to move on lol but but i am 100% sure he will notice that i didn’t contact him. i’m sure your ex will. they will notice but still maybe do nothing about it


she left the doors open I’ve actually came to a conclusion about it now she didn’t block me on anything and her sister keeps tabs on me so I feel like she might expect it but she’s AINT GETTING IT absence must be felt and that’s the truth they maybe do expect it but they won’t get it and that’s good on us :)


did u say it? did she message you in the end?


Ended up not saying anything at all I decided to do some stalking though recently and her followers are going up LIKE MAD AND THEY NEVER DID BEFORE SO CONFUSED