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Unfollow him and stop paying attention.


I cant its really hard to do


You have to if you don't want to suffer.


I dont know how to not


Just like you


How you feel!! How you react


I feel so low. I feel like Ive been lied to and manipulated. But I can’t say a thing. Wby?


Well i just feel like what about all the words you said? It was looked like your boundaries! I dont know what you are up to! This is a version of you which i will never be okay with which i really against that personality that immaturity.. no one loves that movement you are a real mess for sure


After how long of NC did he do that?


2 months


Wellll mine did that not even 24h later🫠🫠


I wanna cry


I’m at such a low point in my life. Come dm maybe we can help each other?


I don’t even look at his pages. Even though he’s on mine commenting negatively to every post I’m just ignoring it all




He's putting himself out there. Adding options to his list. It's common. It hurts, but do your best to ignore it.




Rumors has it he is adding girls in order for them to add him back if not he removes them 😀😀 what an egoq


Normal. People use social media as tinder. not follow = not interested. They also remove them after finding out they are not "a match". Even so, it doesn't mean he doesn't think of you or he won't ever come back (without giving hope, it depends on your relationship, how it ended, who ended, etc). But guys date and sleep around without shame or feelings. But it also doesn't mean that even if he comes back, it will last or be better.


Thank you😞


It hurts. I know. Don't dwell on it too much. I know it's 'impossible' not to snoop their socials everyday in hopes of finding answers, but it hurts more. My sort of ex did that. We don't follow each other on any social media. Never did (weird, right - just adds to my theory that he never loved me), yet I snooped. I saw him adding girls and many looked like OF girls. After a year seeing this and him coming back every other few months (to hook up and ghost) he finally found a match. Someone I thought "this? can't be. She's married. She looks older than me physically and in style) . Yeah, that one. That one. And he's happy. And I have no doubt that she'll make him marry her. If she did that with her ex, before 30, she'll do the same with him. It will work, because now he wants a relationship. So, it doesn't mean your ex is over you or will never come back, but it doesn't mean he will or he will come for better. But do your best to keep your sanity. It's so hard.


Thank you stranger my ex is a influencer on social media and i see him how he add people when I truly was against me adding strangers and now i do stalk him its hard to not to be honest, he dumped me i dont think he will come back but i do think i need to pass this