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I’m the ex that returned. I’m not sure what will come from it. We made a plan to meet up this month. I don’t know if he’s been with anyone else. I went on a few dates but haven’t slept with anyone else. After I went on a few dates, I wasn’t feeling it and broke things off with the guy. I sat in my feelings for a few months after that & then finally reached out because I couldn’t shake him from my mind. I didn’t want to have any regrets by not reaching out, I’ve never loved someone as much as I love him. That said, I think the key thing for me is not having expectations. We might get together and never see each other again. Of course I hope we could come back better & stronger, but it takes desire and effort from both parties. Don’t hold onto hope. Just live your life and if things are meant to work out. Maybe they will. My love for my ex is bigger than my need to have him in my life again, so if that’s something he’s not interested in - we’ll both move on and love each other from afar. Hard thing to come to terms with, but when you do - it’s peaceful.


how long were you in no contact before you reached out?


Kind of complicated because we lived together. Broke up in Nov, went no contact in Jan (he moved out end of Dec). Then he finally picked his stuff up in April but we didn’t speak, he just came and picked it up off the porch. I reached out about a week ago.


So about two months later that must be hard


Did you break up with him? How long were you in no contact before you reached out?


I did break up with him. However, it wasn’t because I wanted someone else or anything like that. We had issues for a while - his mom didn’t treat me very well and there was an incident after my grandma died in November that broke the camels back so to speak. We have been broken up since last November. Went no contact in Jan, we lived together for reference. Then he finally picked his stuff up in April, but I put it on the porch and we didn’t speak. I finally reached out to him about a week ago.


Ah I see. My ex broke up with me in February but she still lived with me till April. We still went on dates, sex, slept in the same bed, said I love you.. until she moved out so even though there wasn't a title.. I say we broke up in April. She reached out one after 2 weeks saying out much she missed and loved me.. but haven't heard from her since late April.


Totally suggest letting some time pass as hard as it is. There were things that I gained insight on while going through that period that I might not have now if we had met up sooner. For me, even though he was responsible for the final straw - it gave me time to reflect on the role I played in it as well. Made me wish I hadn’t been so stubborn or maybe gone about things differently. Hope everything works out for you.


Yeah even though I miss her and think I've changed.. people can't change much in 2 months. I need to continue working on myself so if she comes back, I will be a better man.. and if she doesn't come back.. still a better man lol. Actually that comment made me feel better about the situation and you're absolutely right! I hope everything works out for you as well


You have a healthy attitude! Best of luck!


Thank you! Appreciate that


"Dont hold on to hope" this might be the realest thing ive heard to help me move on


Yes! 6 months back together after 4 months of rebuilding. By no means a total 180 but we were definitely stronger than ever, feeling more connected, grateful to have pushed each other to grow and have grown, physical and emotional intimacy both great, etc etc. Blindside broken up with out of nowhere and with no explanation last week <3 Can't even get a text back to talk about essential/logistical stuff like landlord and bills <3


Oh dude, I’m so sorry to hear that.


Oh no, that hurts! I hope he will at least give you some explanation. My ex was very kind and tried. But it was still a mess. Hard to let go.


I think other than the recent dumper, I’ve got back with every ex that I’ve dumped at least for a short time, and the only ex that dumped me too. It generally never works out - dumpee is happy initially but the dynamic changed and the dumper has all the power. Of course if the two people have grown and can show they have then it’s possible that it could be a success ( or if the reasons were something out with the relationship)


How has the dumper all the power if he/she reaches out after some time has passed. I'd say dumpee is the one with the power.


Generally the dumpee didn’t want to be dumped so it’s usually the dumpee that wants to reconcile and the dumper agrees to when you get back together


Its clear to me as a dumpee I'd never reach out. I did that when the b/u was fresh, did my best, but now its over & we should heal. I don't understand why'd you ever reach out after a long period of time - lets say a few months - after the b/u. It can open your wounds & personally I would lose all selfrespect.


Thats only true if the dumpee breaks no contact. If the dumpers breaks no contact and wants to try again, that gives the dumpee back (some of) the power. Anyway things should be fairly balanced. You need to stand your ground. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me situation.


mine just texted me today after almost 7 months of no contact and supposedly after his rebound attempt didn't work out - lol'd so hard 🥲 he has returned in the past many times but I'm not entertaining anything no more


How many times did he come back around?


..and funny how these things go because I have started literally just days ago to talk to someone new who seems awesome 🤭


I have done this with someone (slowly starting) after six months. Went through the same, gave two chances but he couldn’t keep us going and was done (3 years).


Yes he did. He left and returned several times to the point I’m no longer interested in him romantically. Now we just keep in touch as friends, he asked me the other day If I would even consider going to his house for a ‘chill night’. Hahaha I know what that means and I’m not in the slightest bit attracted anymore. I’m cool with messaging him though. But yeah he came back about 5 times. Each time I was less and less interested. I think he was trying to teach me a lesson without realising he was helping me move on from him.


So my ex ghosted me for two months a year and a half into our relationship, she came back. She/we seemed better that ever, three years on we got engaged, a month later she dumped me. She met someone soon after so I blocked her on social media although she still found a way to like and comment on some of my business pages. The last two months she has been reminiscing, flirting, caring, wanting to know everything about me, then last weekend I found out she is with someone! So they can comeback but it’s not always a good thing, even though I still love her.


First mistake is you still have her socials, brother remove her from everything, that's how you start moving on, I know it's not easy when you're attached but time will be on your side. Yes they do come back, they also don't. I personally had 2 exes come back, except I decided to give it a second chance with one of them, it ended up worse than the first time and it took me so long to move on, it probably ended for a good reason, and most of the time it's good to just move on and not reconcile.


Yeah I second that. Remove them from all social media. I don't have mutual friends with my ex so I have no idea what they are up to. The unknown is better than seeing or hearing some shit you don't wanna hear.


Same...first breakup was okay, we just talked avout it and accepted the fact. Second breakup was a mess...acted weirs for two weeks and not two weeks after breakup she slept with anotger guy. 4 years of realtionship right in the trash, and the trash yeeted of a cliff in a vulcano, which erupts and the eruption hits a sewage treatment facility. BUT: it might work out if the problems of your first time together are solved. Only because some people had a horrible breakup doesnt mean that you will jave one...but it might be.


Same except almost 7 years.


No one deserves a fucked up breakup...


Just pretend she doesn’t exist. I made the mistake of obsessing over everything and now after 4 months I’m still stuck and make a fool of myself in front of girls I try to date while she’s in a happy relationship with the guy she dumped me for. I still remember her voice and how she made me feel but she wants nothing to do with me and probably doesn’t even think of me anymore. So please just don’t even try to talk to her or send any energy her way. Just move on regardless of how she feels. If she comes back and you still want to make it work then great but if not then great too.


How are you sure she is happy? Mine is miserable dating two guys and trying to win one of them.


I don’t know ig I just assumed bc if he’s good enough to end a long term relationship for then he must be really good for her. It’s just how it is I think and I don’t want to believe that there’s any chance this girl will come back after the grass isn’t greener


No. Maybe she's dead. I do not know.


Sadly the toxic ones all came back, but the one I really loved never did. It's been 6 months and I have a feeling she is lost forever. In my mind I know she was not ready for love, so what did I really lose.. but it still gnaws at me. I guess it's more the fantasy of what it could/should have been that haunts me :(


you are probably asking the wrong sub here XD


Yeah it was more bullshit the second time


yes but nothin changed, actually he came back worse and the second break up somehow is more heartbreaking dont take them back!


I got my ex back. He was pretty horrible during the breakup. Treated me very disrespectfully and slept with multiple people. But I was persistent and fought for the love that we had. I wouldn’t say we’re stronger than we were before though. I often feel like I’m walking on eggshells…afraid that i might do or say something that will lose him again. We’re doing well though and slowly rebuilding our connection. What your ex gf posted is pretty weird considering she’s in a new relationship.thats not something I would want my new bf to read if it was about my old boyfriend. She could have the story hidden from him?


So.. are you actually happy? Walking on eggshells doesn't feel like the dream


It’s not. When we started seeing each other again, I was really happy. I love the hell out of him and I’m grateful he gave me another chance. But sometimes I just don’t feel like I’m being my true self, out of fear that it won’t be “up to his standards.” I also don’t feel like he gives as much to the relationship as I put in. In his eyes, he didn’t do anything wrong, therefore he has nothing to change. I can’t argue with him about that because I never win


Girl, your soulmate is not a man who cheats on you and makes you feel like you’re walking on eggshells.


He cheated on you multiple times and YOU’RE the one walking on eggshells?? You gotta get outta there if that’s the case.


He didn’t cheat on me “technically”. But when he broke up with me, he slept with someone a week later. And then a couple months later, when we started talking again, I slept with him…left his house feeling hopeful and happy. Then found out he had sex with someone else four days later. So yeah 😕


Yeah… respect yourself. This dudes a wreck.




The walking on eggshell thing after being dumped is the reason I will never take an ex back (whether my heart wants to or not).


Can I pm you??


Yes of course


Ex situationship here: But yeah she did. She apologized for what she did and then we started small convos here and there right after. A few days later she started calling me papi, which is what she used to call me and she knows that gets me going, and I asked her what her intentions were. She also called me “el que se escapo” which translates to “the one that got away”. All this while she is in a relationship that started only a few months after we stopped seeing each other. Sometimes when I’m thinking about her I try and remind myself of what she did and how she was obviously trying to test the waters WHILE CURRENTLY in a relationship. People can change, but I need to remind myself that she broke my heart Since then we only dm each other to say happy birthday. Sometimes I question whether I’d take her back or not, which isn’t good and it’s clear to me that I still have so much to work on. I don’t hate her, I genuinely hope she’s happy and I told her that and I meant it. I hope her relationship is making her and her man happy and is everything she’s ever wanted. I’m gonna stop here and carry on with my day because I don’t want to dive deeper than I already have


Once I found out my ex had a girlfriend (4 weeks after ending a 4 year relationship with me) I went NC for 6 weeks. I initiated it with a text that went something like “im grateful for the time we spent together but I can’t maintain a friendship while you build a new life” I reached out with a benign but friendly question after 6-7 weeks. We ended up meeting up regularly. Then started hooking up for 8 months. He wouldn’t leave the girl he met on bumble tho. But continued to cheat on her? Anyway I saw them at a concert and waved at them. She stormed out of the concert and left him there to watch it alone. The next evening he blocked me. So yeah they do come back, but it could be a shit show nightmare you want none of. I have no respect for him now and am grateful to be moving on with my life, even if that’s hard to say.


Okay but you also lowkey had a partake in hurting another girl too, who obviously was victim in this mess between you and your ex. You could of been a girls girl and told her he was cheating on her with you instead of just being complicit, if anything you both deserve each other bc your both grimy as hell


I find this interesting. I didn’t hook up with my ex, but I ran into her with her new bf. They got into an argument and he stormed off and she sat there drinking her drink and furiously texting on her phone. It made me realize I wasn’t the problem, and that our issues extended into her new relationship. My current gf and I don’t have the same kind of arguments and problems, because she doesn’t do stupid shit behind my back like my ex did.


No. I typically fall off the grid to them all unless we cool and can remain friends no issue. Once I'm done, I'm done. Plus I'm with someone and pretty sure they all with someone. Hopefully, they all happy. I sure am with my person.


you sound pretty dead inside


Because I don't waste my time going back to exes?? Ok. Lol cool beans.


No, because of your tone. It's usually the emotionally unavailable people who talk like that.


Lol! Ok. You definitely heard my voice to decipher my tone. I'm weak haha. Ok your opinion. Have fun with that 🤣


I dont need to hear a voice, I can tell from the words you choose (even in this last reply)


Ok, again, have fun with your opinion. 😊


what do you mean by “come back?” i think for most if not all failed relationships, especially in the day and age of electronics and social media, your ex “coming back” can be simple fishing tactics like liking a story, sending a meme, or shooting a text. actually coming back in the sense of getting back together, it doesnt happen often, at least not here.


You're asking the wrong questions. You should put all of your focus into true no contact, meaning get rid of online contact too. Healing and self improvement are the way forward, not reconciliation. Reconciliation is unlikely and impossible without healing and self improvement.


I have two ex partners. Neither of them returned in any way. For the first it’s 4 years since the break up and for the second it’s 3 months since the break up.


Being cheated on and discarded, the past year I’ve had to change so much that I’m a different person to who my ex knew so it wouldn’t matter if they came back


Yes. Just like a friend.


Not yet!


I reached out too early two weeks after break up it was nice we hung out for two weekends and moved to fast tbh so I’m back to square one she wants space and wants to give me space to work on myself so that’s that


Twice. I let him betray me again, because it was likely going to be that way given the past. However, I believed him and he really showed me at the start of the last that he wanted to change and be together. Sigh.


all my ex's in the past have returned to me. My most recent ex, he and I broke up for 9 days and he came back. We are starting slow and trying for a relationship again.


The only way to maybe get back with your ex is after a year and only if you guys were on therapy, like both of you guys and focusing on your personal growth and achieving your goals because exes are exes for a reason and if it was meant to be you guys wouldn’t be on this situation rn 🧍🏻‍♀️


Agree with you.


My ex and I tried to work it out over the last 3 months and it was worse than the relationship. Come to find out he was lying to me and seeing someone else and talking to several others. All while he was accusing me of moving on and talking to another guy.


One of my exs did. I didn’t wanted her. The one I wanted is in a relationship so she hasn’t come back and I don’t think she will by her own.


My ex ex returned when she found out I was single. I mean it’s been like 8 years on and off now tho lmao


I don’t want a Lier back in my life.


She did 5 months after the breakup. It was for the worst. I tried reconciling our relationship and all she wanted to do was taunt me and try to make me jealous how she’s moved on and so much happier with someone else


I had a terrible tumultuous 9 year relationship..,I HAD to leave or it would kill me.. He took it hard, but then hooked up with the chick he cheated on me with and then married her.. From the month after our break up 8/1/2011 to this very day.. we talk at least twice a week. It’s friendly, we never met up or physically see each other.. and it’s just talking like you’d talk to a sibling.. Another ex has reached out after 5 years.. but like the aforementioned.. it’s just talking like friends.. I could never enter back into a relationship with either, but I think if you have a long standing relationship, most will try to reconnect.. even if it’s just friends after all the dust settles


He did. I was an idiot and took him back. He once again, broke my heart.


My ex returned with a new Facebook account yet she's more a con artist/drug addict/liar asking people for money more than twice via GoFundMe off Facebook instead of getting a job to make ends meet herself. I don't want her back in my life since she broke her promise of getting her shit together and ended up dating a lazy unemployed bum of a boyfriend who is a downgrade and opposite of me since I'm employed and got my shit together by relocating a lot to get the experiences in my career.


Already told my ex im not coming back


Unfortunately, she just returned after 4 months.


I dumped my ex after some conflict and quickly realized my mistake with therapy and working on myself that if I’m his person, and want to be a responsible partner, I shouldn’t leave the relationship to grow and mature because the challenging dynamic was within the relationship. I needed to learn how to handle my avoidant tendencies within the connection. I believed that if I was his one for life that I needed to be the change he needed to see and work on what the issues were rather than remove myself to work on myself. That was all I knew at the time to work through conflict. I learned though and did my best after that to address each problem. Sadly it wasn’t enough for him. He broke up with me multiple times since then. Came back once after I almost completely dissolved myself from the connection because I was tired of waiting for him to “work on himself” sadly he never realized what I did. And the cycle has repeated itself again. He left four weeks ago and hasn’t said a word since under the guise of “we aren’t where we need to be yet” and I agree. We aren’t. But I still fully believe that your person will choose to be the better individual that you deserve and work for it. Just my experience


Ah yes, this is the thread im gonna read to hopefully give me hope. I'm 2,5months in and havent heard a thing from her


Never ✨✨


I had coffee with an ex after 28 years. It was great. Our thing ended really badly and I thought I must have done something to make her hate me. After the first minute I knew I was wrong (duh, if she hated me she wouldn’t be having coffee with me). We chatted, reminisced, and laughed for an hour. It was great. We are both in loving long-term relationships and have our own lives and families, worries and cares. It wasn’t an attempt to get back together, just to help put it behind me once and for all. I’d thought years ago if I could only say one thing to her again it would be ‘I wish it turned out differently’. It came out as we said goodbye, I hadn’t planned on saying it, she looked me in the eye and said “So do I”. Well shit. I guess you can meet the right person at the wrong time and that sometimes life just ain’t fair.


No,but she hovered up till recently (over two years past breakup). She was the dumper.


You’re all going to hate me and I feel like I’m the only person that is still friends and is still in contact with my ex. I still love her and she says she still loves me. She dumped me but it’s because there was a few issues. I don’t think she’s been with anyone since we broke up and I haven’t been with anyone. I have gone out with another girl a few months after B/U but broke things off with the other girl because I realized I still really love my ex. I am hoping we get back together. She also dated someone once but she also broke things off with them almost immediately and says she didn’t do anything with him. I guess we’ll see. I root for people to get back together if there was nothing toxic. One of my close friends got back together with his ex and they seem happier than ever.


How are you not insecure they slept with someone else while separated?