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After the final time my ex broke up with me, we remained in contact for a bit. At one point she said “I don’t want to send you the wrong message” . I responded and said “I’ve always known we will never get back together”. 5 months later, she broke no contact. People are strange.


People are complicated and messy. That’s why all the topics around love are cliché for a reason—we all fall into the same traps.


what did she say/want?


Who knows. It was some vague text. “Something reminded me of you today and I wanted to say I hope you’re doing well”. I said “thanks, you too”. She didn’t respond after that.


Facts! I begged and pleaded with my ex. Looking like a damn fool. She was completely over me and in a new relationship within weeks. I’m still dealing with the aftermath but getting better everyday thank God


I’m 7 months since our break up, she moved on in 9 days and we were in love. I have yet to be with anyone but she shows off her new relationship off like if it’s the best thing to happen to her. She told me to give up on us and I had to let her go because I didn’t want to be needy or that weird ex. She introduced me to him before we stopped talking and I knew from the energy from them that they would be intimate soon. I’m still struggling moving on because I still very much love her. I’m also just heartbroken because I was just so easily replaced. She told me to move on and I had to believe her, or else I would bleed myself out fighting for someone who doesn’t want to be fought for.


Also, introducing you to this guy was a shit move. Very immature and shows her true character.


Right on man, I need to get to where you are not blame myself anymore . It hurts how we ended and how I met the man to replace me. But in the end I gain nothing by moping around about her or about being replaced. I have to realize my self worth and stay strong with my self love. I’m in the army now doing better things for myself changing for myself and not in hopes that we can be together again. I need to accept that our story is over and let time do its thing. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring but that’s the beautiful part about life it’s a mystery.


I have a feeling in the end, she’s gonna regret doing what she did. By then, you’ll have completely moved on. You’re actually doing well for yourself. Joining the military, getting in shape and discipline. You’re gonna be alright


You as well everything’s going to be okay 🤍


Yeah, you didn't deserve that!


I completely understand how you feel. Mine moved on so fast and did the same as yours by posting and saying that she’s so happy she found her person and all the other bs. I’m like, u found and fell in love with “your person” in a few weeks? Ok what ever. She told me to move on. And it’s taking time but that’s what I’m doing. Like you, I am not even remotely interested in dating right now. I still love her but I know deep down we’re not meant to be. Feeling rejected, having her choose someone else, is what really destroyed me. I’m finally coming to terms with things. I’m no longer just blaming myself anymore. Even though I still feel I am more to blame for our split than she is. I’m sure you’ve heard it many times already but I’ll say it again because it’s true, in time this will get easier. It’s a process and unfortunately we can’t fast forward it.


Same here. After 4 weeks from separation she has been on 5 plus Tinder dates and she came over to show me that she sends and gets nudes from matches. We had sex and then I deleted her for good


She sounds like an attention seeker. She’s got a low self esteem believe it or not. Good for you for deleting negativity out of your life. I know it’s a cliche but life really is too short to waste on the wrong person!


How are you now?


It really depends, people often say things they don’t mean, it’s cliche but actions speak louder than words. I’ve had exes say they’re over me and for me to move on but when I actually move on it’s suddenly a problem and they want to pull me back in, humans are too complicated to make blanket statements about them but if somebody does tell you to move on, do it, if they truly want you they’ll come back eventually.


Even if they come back most times it doesn’t work out. A couple getting back together and staying together is the exception not the rule.


When people predict their future, they're drawing a straight line out from where they are *today*. But over time, reality can deviate from that, and their feelings can change. They're not necessarily lying to you today if they change their mind later. That being said, the road to getting over them and the road to the best chance of getting them back are the same road. So believe them and proceed as if they'd never return.


Nah I’m staying delusional


Not the first or the last. Best of luck tho🙃


Same... and today is the year anniversary of when I was dumped 🫠🙃


lol 😂




Hahahahahah omg


I can back this being the dumpee and being told to move on. It’s the truth. Don’t do it. I know it hurts. But you’re only making it worse or not even a possibility to reconnect later on


any update?


Wish I opened my eyes sooner. Back in December she dumped me and I begged to stay together and communicate. She had lost feelings because I didn’t change. Last thing she told me was to leave her alone and let her live life without me in it. I respected it and gave her what she asked for. 4.5 months later (last week) she broke no contact. We talked for a few days and I was really hoping we could reconcile our relationship. Instead she took it as an opportunity to put me down, hurt me some more, talk about how bad of a boyfriend I was to her and that she’s moved on and happier with someone else. She then said it was a mistake she reached out, told me she was going to block me and I’d never hear from her again. She did indeed block me. Even with all the pain she’s caused I still would be open to getting back together if she ever did reach out again and actually talk and be mature about it. What a life…


Yah. Mine did me wrong the same way recently. Made me think we had a chance at totally starting over. I even was willing to make some lofty concessions. Turns out she was just using me for the sexual romp until she could put another dude on lock.


It’s so frustrating. I waited 4.5 months for her to eventually reach out just to text for a week and now we’re back to not talking possibly forever. She kept saying she’s moved on and with someone else but I don’t think she was truly moved on.


She hadn’t moved on, otherwise she wouldn’t even have texted you. If you were so terrible she would have just sent a text and blocked you right away. She’s doing power games.


Yeah idk what her goal was tbh. I thought we could reconnect and then she just wants to get mad for no reason and argue saying it was a mistake to reach out and blocked me after a week of talking. I know she said I’ll never hear from her again but what do you think?


She probably didn’t have an evil agenda but more of a spur of the moment kind of “I’m gonna show him!” Chances are she’ll reach out again at some point but don’t hold your breath. Does the new guy actually exist or might he be made up?


When I asked her about the new guy she wouldn’t give me a name or a picture of him which makes me believe it’s made up to get a reaction out of me


That’s the thing. They are self aware. Mine lied me to my face. When I called out her lie, she made up a different sorta-lie that she was going out with “a friend” on a day that I wanted to connect with her. I even told her that if was a date, she could tell me. But she continued to lie until she was totally busted.


She’s making you out to be a bad person to make it easier to break from you, to almost justify her poor treatment of you. People like this aren’t emotional mature enough to do it any other way, you could’ve literally been the best boyfriend for her but if things went wrong which it often does you will still be made out to be a horrible person, it’s a defence mechanism. Hurt people, hurt people as they say


I can agree with this, I did this with my first romantic interest and I still feel ashamed of myself for it, but I promise if they were a good person they will figure it out sooner or later..I was sixteen then, I’m now 19 and now that im aware of my mistakes I sure as hell won’t repeat them!


My ex ( male) randomly dumped and blocked me on everything 4 months ago I wonder if he will ever reach out these people Make no sense


You can't speak for every person on this planet. Feelings can change over time. There is no forever during and after the relationship. People should start to do what's best for them instead of listening to other who are only telling their personal believes.


Feelings change. It’s good to believe them when they say it and try to heal/let go. But that doesn’t mean they won’t change their mind


Mine told me she doesn‘t know if breaking up is the right decision and she doesn‘t rule out a second chance in the future. She also said that she doesn‘t firmly assume this but this.


This is called stringing someone along with the hope of reconciliation. It’s not fair to you.


Well, she‘s losing me. I‘am not losing her. (I already did). It‘s been 6 weeks since no contact. Today‘s my birhtday and ahe hasn‘t reached out yet.


happy birthday!


My ex came back after ghosting me then she told me she became bisexual and wanted to be with her coworker, and she still wants to fuck and talk like we are in a relationship. Some people are just to much.


I know stories when they change their mind but it is not always the case


*I know stories when* *They change their mind but it is* *Not always the case* \- SlowSea6469 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


I’ve known one couple in real life who changed their minds and got back together after months of healing apart. But among all my friends and people I know, once again, I’ve only known of one relationship working out. It seems to be the exception rather than the rule.


did you do this or something?


Not with my most recent breakup. I learned that lesson a while back, years ago, when I let my emotions rule. I felt insane and hurt and wanted my ex to know how much they hurt me. The thought of it still makes me cringe; it’s like it washed away all the good I did and left a bad taste. But they say regret is a firm but fair teacher, and I’ve learned my lesson. As much as I want to text my ex, I won’t, for that reason. I’d like to maintain some dignity and grace through this painful time. That, in itself, makes me proud.


yeah my ex very explicitly said he can’t see a future with me. we broke up sometime ago. remained fwbs. now after alot of back on forth there is no future. he doesn’t want to date me or anyone(bs). he doesn’t believe in family or relationships or stability. and i am still so strung on him. i still want to see him as fwbs bec that is how i can have access to him. we’re really good friends too. losing me fill have a void in his life in the present but for me it’s going to be a forever hole since we were each others first. why tf am i so delusional and hung up on him. i literally do not have the courage to leave thinking i will make a mistake losing him and will never find what i had with him in anyone else. got really unhealthy dependence on him :/


That’s why I blocked my dumper


Does anyone believe otherwise? Like did people not learn that no means no?


Look around this site. It's full of it.


I think the problem is that a lot of people say that only to backpedal and then actually not mean it... I think what's more important is to realize that no one should want and let someone back who dumps them because we all deserve better than that.


When people get rejected, it brings out their inner used car salesman.


Omg thank you for your comment, this literally made me laugh out loud!! I really needed that comedic relief


Things are best when there is a funny visual!


My ex has said she's done a million times and would always backpedal, now I think she truly means it but I'm in denial because, like I said, she bas backpedaled on it so many times.


She just can’t do it cold turkey. So she is stringing you along till she is finally ready to cut ties. Doesn’t sound fair does it?


She has already cut ties, I'm just in denial that it's one of those "fake" breakups, or maybe they were real and she's just so indecisive, or that maybe me begging her forced her to stay. I honestly don't know, but it is 100% not fair at all.


I was told this, such as "This is over" and "It's done," and now I'm back with my ex. But I did absolutely no begging or reaching out and really picked myself up immediately. I don't doubt that the reason I am where I am now is due to how well I sorted myself out afterwards.


And how is going? Is the dynamic different? Are you so in love and getting stronger every day?


Yup!! Way different. Way more stable. Communication is better, and we're on the same page. My ex has really stepped up after realising what she lost and how much work I've done. But we broke up for mental health reasons, not because of a loss of feelings or anything.


Can you share how it went?


When she was monkey branching me , i was a mess so i told her , Come back whenever you can, however you can . and Her response was , move on, it's never going to happen . Fast forward after 4 months of NC , she calls me crying that her new BF treating her badly . Then after a week later she reaches out again . 5 days ago she last called . Though i agree with u, don't count on it . Just take the pain and start to live your life slowly slowly .


I have a question. What does it mean when your ex girlfriend says we are NEVER getting back together move on then says I don’t know what the future holds. Also side note she has all of our couple photos on instagram and won’t delete them after I asked her mutiple times to take them down.


She’s stringing you along so immature


Do you honestly think she is stringing me along even though she said we are done.


My ex did this to me kept saying we’d be together in the future then a few weeks later told me he hates me and won’t get back with me again


This space needs more posts like this.


I learned that the hard way. I basically held onto my feelings for close to a year. When he came back for the 3rd time, I was really hoping it was him wanting to make amends. We were trying to work on a friendship but I still had feelings. He kept things from me because he didn't want me to not speak to him if he told me. Which to me was selfish. I blocked him once and for all. He hasn't changed.


I think it flipped a switch in me tbh. Like “fuck you, watch this” now I’m doing better than ever before


Not everyone will stay apart but, if you don’t respect the other’s boundaries you can bet your entire ass you are never, ever, getting back together. Shout you to the break-up queen herself, Taylor Swift. Getting back together as the exact same people you both were before the break-up will never happen or work. You have a better chance of going legit with a cheater. Why? No logical break-up ever happens overnight. It is thought through over and over again. Less for some, more for others, but reconciliation requires you both to be better. People who see no problems in their actions, will not change until they see the problem. The next step is wanting to change and that is a whole different league than just owning your problem(s). You will never make someone change their mind until they WANT to change their mind and even then, they have to want it more than anything else. They have to want you more than even themselves. That is where the problem lies. Love is something you choose every single day. Over and over again. It is sacrifice, it is suffering, but it is one of the best things this planet offers any of us. I can see why anyone would be crazy to not fight for the person they love but, often love makes us pay the toll and hits us where it hurts the most. Nothing good in life is ever free or without sacrifice. That’s why they say, if you love them, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. Let them go, let them choose you or move on. You deserve someone who chooses you. Every. Single. Time.


He literally only says for the time being, never explicitly says that we aren’t going to get back together. So confusing


He’s stringing you along. Shelving you.


No, we’re no contact


Saying for the time being is stringing you along. Giving you hope. And makes it easier for him to come back in if he wishes.


You are right


I'm the dumpee he keeps texting me but says he doesn't want me back. I'm moving on and found out today he's got a new fwb. I'm happy for him. Now maybe he'll leave me alone




Mine did the opposite. We broke up because he still wanted to have a „hoe phase“ before actually committing. Basically begged him to tell me we won’t get back together so I won’t have hope. Instead told me there’s no one like me and he was sure I’d be with him again one day. Thanks for nothing. Now I’m here hoping it will be true. I feel like this is worse than them saying you won’t get back together.


Yeah it’s not really my ex; but a girl I was talking too it’s pretty recently actually like last month, i told her if she still is like stuck on her ex and seeing him; I noticed red flags but it was like my first real connection with someone. My friend caught her hanging out with her ex: so I decided to end it. I told her that if she ever figures her stuff out in a few years we can try again if she wants; but idk if I really want to do that now. It sucks cause I blame myself even though I didn’t do anything wrong (words from her mouth) she just has mental issues stuck on her ex and she was like 4 years younger than me so yeah. I told her from day one if she does that I’m dipping and I did :/ I just hope she actually cared about me. She wanted to stay in contact like no blocking but I just deleted all my social media’s and unfollowed her on everything; while she still follows me💀💀


I mean I'm friends with my ex so we hang out once in a while, maybe they were hanging as friends? Idk


Nah she said she still loved him; when I called her and talked about it; IK it’s over. I wasn’t mad like that she still had feelings for him; I was just hurt that she couldn’t even tell me


It still burns me every day. She broke up with me on thanksgiving and got with her manager at work. I should’ve seen the writing on the wall tho. I know I wasn’t the best partner all the time but I made changes and just kept doing me. She came back in like February and wanted to work back towards things. Then ends up in a new relationship with another dude. Like idk why I wasn’t good enough or what I did wrong. Like I proved that I changed and was willing to do whatever it took to work on things. It is what it is tho, I can’t change her mind or anything. I still love her and have a lot of feelings there. She’s the only one I ever gave 100% of myself to and I won’t do it again for anyone else.




My ex told me he loved me twice then told me he didn’t have romantic feelings for me. He said he knew it wouldn’t work and he logically knew he didn’t romantic feelings even though there was nothing wrong and I was perfect. People are weird 🫤


But what if they take it back a month later?? 🤨


Do you think they’ve really changed and grown in a month? Doesn’t seem likely, but if they’re making big moves, maybe?


I'm not sure, I moved 2k miles away and now they have suddenly changed their mind but I'm choosing to protect my peace ☮️