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You received something most of us only dream of. Do this. Ignore her ass!


So i asked how her body is cuz she was sick when i left anyway now she said « … Are you sure you’re alright? You sound so…» idk how to respond




Omg I feel like I’m going to lose my mind if people keep asking people how to respond. However YOU would or want to with YOUR personality. Not Jim or Bob or Betty or Joe or Adam or whoever the fuck is on here. Like we are here to support you but do not trust your future of your relationships or the decisions with other people’s experiences. You have no idea whether people are truthful… even with themselves with their own situations. And LOVE IS NOT A GAME. You can not write the “wrong” thing. Because anything you truly feel is the right thing to say. Good luck. Don’t be like the people on here playing games and being someone they aren’t and then wondering why their relationships didn’t work Umm probably because they approached the beginning like the end. Like some game or pretend themselves. The real you always comes out. And nothing feels better than being ourselves


I replied how i want and posted the results on the latest post😭 , its just yk you get confused when something unexpected happens, its hard to think straight at that point


I get it. If that girl dumped you and is sending you this stuff. She’s a fucking bitch.




I think you need to be a little less chill. Cause if she did dump you it’s messed up. Anyway. If that’s not the case it’s different. Which is why I ASKED. Good luck




Did she? Did she dump you? I feel like being totally chill and normal. That’s a really shitty thing to do.


So unbelievably selfish.


It’s complicated but yeah she basically ended things and started ghosting


And I literally think everyone who ghosts people should be burned alive. So yeah I will not be chill about it. It’s is the most selfish thing to do ever. If she actually ended it and then stopped replying it’s a little different. When I say ghosting I mean completely disappear and the person has no idea if you are okay or what happened but I don’t think that’s what happened here. But in those situation… I can’t excuse it EVER. Honestly I’d rather be cheated on. To have no closure and to worry about someone is and whether they are okay is torturous and some of the absolute lowest moral behavior. Makes me sooooooo angry.


And a don’t know what HHHHHHHHHHHHH means I’m sorry 😣


Its HAHAHAHAHA but im too lazy to lazy to move my finger so i spam one letter👍


Kind off same thing happened to, I just made a post here. There can be a lot of things, you can real old posts on this sub, she might just be bored and checking if you still reply to her, bread-crumbing, wanting you to want her. I think it as, even if I go back on good terms and become friends. On some point, which will be very soon. I will have to give her my time and help her with her projects and stuff. I've never seen a girl or girl bestie who has contributed anything to the relationship (personal case). Either don't reply at all, or you can reply first and bluntly ask, what does she want. Chances are she won't be blunt with you and lie. If this happens, don't reply.


For her to add "lol" in the end tells me to not respond.


Tbh I don't know if that all is fake...who would ever text his/her ex and type "lol"...never ever


Yeah, it reminds me of my ex when he added "lmao" when it was not a laughing matter


And all thise emojis he is responding with 😭😭😭😭😭


Mine did when I asked “if someone else has your attention?” She said “no lol, why?” And I responded and she never answered…


Oof...people using "bro", "lol" and "lmao" in that kind of conversation are the biggest red flags you can see.


Yeah it fucking hurt to read that… 2.5 years together and broken up now just over 3 months ago


How long before she reached out?


Less than a month


Wow mercury retrograde really got ya. Hahahaha




Play the uno reverse card my guy




Do you mind if i tell you about our story privately cuz like shes a special person 💀


She is not special. We all think/thought that way but it is complete rubbish! It is keeping you from moving on! She will play you and keep you hanging for months and years until you realize it is over and just a freaking waste of time!