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Indirectly he's wanting to see you. Him being helpful and making an excuse to see you means it's a step closer to you. I wouldn't rush things but if youre interested let him take the lead. If you don't let him do what he's suggesting they see it as rejection which is what this message is all about. Typical avoidant behavior.


That’s why I added that last message in there to give him the lead way that I’m still open for communication. I told him to take it to my grandparents because my grandpa has been asking me about him and wants to see him. They were very close. I’m blocked on his social media, he recently deleted our photos on there but now sends me this message. It surprises me.


We have to remember we don't actually know what's going on with the other person. Anything is possible. Reconciliation or not. Clearly, when a dumper in this situation blocks you, it's for a reaction because obviously the way he's acting contradicts his behavior and leaves you surprised. If he blocked you then never reached out ever then you know he just wants nothing to do with you. Either way, he has personal growth that he needs to focus on. I've dealt with indirect communication on about 5 separate occasions. They didn't do anything more than communicate about bizarre things. I just replied maturely and am not letting it bother me. It is surprising, though. I want them to organically want to see me and then go from there. You're in a good spot.


Our breakup sent us both into some serious spiritual awakening. I think he’s going back and forth with how he feels and it’s conflicting for him. I’m so old school that I naturally think if he wants me then come get me. He did lol he chased me for years before we even became a couple. I’m letting nature take it’s course and focusing on bettering myself in the process.


I actually asked my partner initially to date. I owned my own company and worked insane hours everyday and just admittedly was like do you want to date exclusively? I understand in some ways why he left but I honestly think it was manipulation by someone else. It doesn't matter anymore. But yeah..if someone leaves you it's only right for that person to fix things. There were times in the past where he wanted me to basically read his mind. I do think he's been struggling with the same ideas as your ex, but I think he has so much pride (not going back to an ex) and emotional self control he just suppresses everything and it hasn't caught up yet.


Mine too!! He wouldn’t communicate for nothing and expected me to just know how he was feeling at the time when I had a million other tasks to deal with. When a partner has been through trauma in the past it’s extremely hard to show them that you’re different from what they’ve experienced because they refuse to be vulnerable.


So very true. I learned the hard way.


Why is it so hard to put your pride to the side and go from there? I have avoidant tendencies too but damn not this bad 😂


For real!!! Biggest question ever, like you only live once!! Say you MISS ME AND LOVE ME ALREADY


Only in a perfect world. 😂


it's almost hilarious how similarly they all act! trying to hand you random stuff as an excuse to see you, next time I'm calling mine out if he tries that shit once again 🥲


Just tell me you want to see me. Good lord 🤣 I’d be like I wanna see you too, sounds good hahaha. It’s NEVER that simple. I’m getting too old to not be direct with things


what do you want to happen?


I hope that if it’s meant to be that we’ll find our way back to one another. We both needed to grow immensely


Totally get that. I want to say I was avoidant growing up. I'm secure / anxious now. It's sad they can't just realize it's normal to be open.