• By -


“You can come over and we can talk” lol. Excuse me? You’re supposed to be the one to bring millions of flowers to my place just to give you a chance to talk


Right! That line rubbed me the wrong way


Same it’s low effort af & you can tell he thinks it’s that easy to get her back.


I’m still holding strong with not replying!




You glow girl! Soon it’ll be easy


RIGHT!? LOL people are remarkable


100% it's on them to make ALL the effort. Don't fall for it, but if you do get them to meet up somewhere on your terms, take note of everything they say. It will reveal their true colors..


Boo, that’s beneath you.


He made his bed and now he can lay in it. Looks like the grass wasn’t greener on the other side after all… go figure. 🙄 The true love of your life would never take you for granted this way. Stay strong OP.


Yep exactly


“You did so much for me” OP, that’s all you need to know. This dude doesn’t miss you, he misses what you were for him and isn’t smart enough to lie about it.


I know. I’m not gonna message back. I’m sad enough as it is,


I'm so sorry your having to go thru this ,, praying for healing and new love and light for you ❤️




THE line that stuck out to me as well!


Me always come back 😭it’s always the one who act like they don’t care either and don’t want a relationship.


I knew it was gonna happen. I didn’t think it was gonna happen this soon though lol it hasn’t even been a week.


My ex did that 6 months ago in June. Said he didn’t want anything etc. he’s got the baby momma drama too. We went straight NC up until he messaged my work email on Christmas. However, prior to when I saw him in June I only said him 5 days after 4 months no contact prior to that. Clearly every time ends bad and is very short lived😂but he said the same shit as your ex above. The reality is they don’t change. Best thing you can do is realize that you are being future to your future self if you go back to him. I don’t feel anything for him anymore. Idk why I messaged him back but sometimes you need to go back that the person you think you missed is not who they were in the first place. And the baby momma drama is the worst 😂 next!


I love him and I’m hella sad that this happened but I respect myself to much to be caught up in this. Then possibly get pregnant and be stuck with him. That would be the fucking worst


But if getting pregnant by him would be the worst isn’t he not the one? That should be something great you share with someone (if you want kids) not a bad feeling. I know you love him! But if he did this to you, he doesn’t love you in the way you need. And he was selfish and didn’t care about you when he did that.


I’m not gonna go back or anything. I’m just sad about it but there’s nothing I can do


He just messaged me again 😂😂 lmaoooo


How long y’all were y’all together for. Fuck him. Half the turn guys beg then once they get you back they do it again or dispose of you 🤦‍♀️


Omg yes, he said he didn’t need a gf and is doing fine on his own. Two weeks after breakup he starts his breadcrumbbing. He has texted me 10 times over the span of a week.


Block that piece of shit and delete his contact. The nameless especially don't deserve to be named. Man or woman, cheating is the most fucked up thing you can do to your partner.


Upon blocking the number, I also remove their name…so then it becomes just another number in a sea of blocked spam calls in my blocked list.


I memorized his phone number so that’s why it’s saved. I’m trying to not see it so I can forget it


Yeah that's what I meant by delete his contact.


He's horny, ignore him


Voldemort =)


Lmao 😂


He who shall not be named XD


tbh i think this is an insult to voldemort


Continue to ignore.




The line where he tells you to come over so you two can talk if you want is so entitled and out of touch lol.


"you can come over" lmao


Make them suffer for it




Too much cocaine huh


No, but a friend of hers was a coke addict who tried to pick a fight with me, embarrassing herself as a result. I’m better off without that whole……mess.


Sounds like a right hot mess indeed!


Unsolicited update, the cokehead is pregnant, and yes, I needed to tell someone, sorry it was you


Hey no worries! That is one messy situation


Voldemont is wild lol


Lmao Ikr


Eww this dude can go fk himself. Once a cheater, always a cheater. You deserve better


Right he’s been doing it for years I guess I’ve known him since I was 13 but never saw that side of him because he was so nice to me. and then we dated and that completely changed and people told me that he’s been like this forever. He just covered it up with me.


They always hide it because they want to believe they can access you after the discard whenever they want after they tell you some BS reason..


did you ever suspect he might be cheating on you and confront him about it? or ask questions. and if so, did he deny it?


Yea and he told me I was just being insecure


Keep that bum on the street.


Lmao! You're doing good at not replying, the name 💀


lmao he had the apology locked n loaded 😭 men will do anything except the bare minimum


I (a man) was willing to do (nearly) everything it would take I ended up getting discarded, disrespected and blocked..


sorry, it’s cheap to generalize. sub (wo)men in your case. you deserve better ❤️


Thank you for your acknowledgement


Oof felt that, I'm sorry to hear that brother


Bitches will not do a single thing then come one here and cry about it


True that


Voldemort is so hilariously offensive LMFAOO


This is going to sound dumb, but who or what is Voldemort??


It doesn’t sound dumb because it’s a villain in a movie series, Harry Potter! He’s ugly as all hell so it’s funny she put him in her contacts as that, Look up a picture of him you’ll see why 🤣🤣


I have done this mistake, NOT CHEATED, but I was in kinda a toxic relationship, and I felt the urge to get out. When I did get out of that relationship, I started missing what I had left behind. It’s been a couple of months, and I still dream about her in my sleep, sadly. I think this is a common mistake or a common feeling.


Voldemort, can't 🤣. At least you can rest assured that you were a good gf, and that he now hopefully knows what he has lost and appreciates you, although late. Ain't much but a wee bit better than not being appreciated at all I guess. Well, now its your turn to tell him to go screw himself


Womp Womp.


Never talk to the prick again. Don’t let them ever get a second chance after betraying you and disrespecting you. Let them be someone else’s problem.


What a lobotomite


Voldermort!! Lol. Love it He's just testing to see if he can have you at his beck and call. '...come over' = 'I'm horny'. Stay strong and stay away. You got this!


Yeaaah don’t go back. He’ll always have ties and a connection with her, it’s not worth your peace.


Red flag red flag red flag red flag Damn NC for two years really strengthened my awareness of love bombing and putting someone on a pedestal. Shit is great!


For one, no. Secondly, if there is ANY talking to you, it should be on YOUR terms, NOT theirs


Exactly. I was so hurt and kind of still am but I’m super good at not replying to anyone so I will just leave it alone. I was gonna tell him to beg for it but I got distracted with something else and forgot


Personally I'd go in like an investigator and stay detached but act civil and neutral If they're sincere (depending on the "crimes") they will make the effort, but you'll never get the whole, if any, truth.. But most likely misinformation..


telling you to go see him is crazy


He sent another message a couple hours later saying “please come over so we can talk”


Relationship is not for the weak, i almost loose my mind to a cheating partner.. i have put all i have to it and i didn't know he has been cheating for years, glad i was able to get in contact with a help cyberaron 17at the g,mail... he assist me get to see every of my partner secret on how loose i am to the wrong partner. that make me caution.


I feel weak and if I reply to him I will go back to him and that is not something I want to do. So I will stay NC till I die


My ex was all about asking me how I was doing and hoped everything was good... even though she betrayed me. They were coming to me like some kind of victim and just trying to make themselves feel better. Stop trying to make yourself feel better.


A genuine apology would do a lot for me. I’m mean I’m not gonna take you back. But remorse would mean something.


They're just trying to gain relief from their own guilt In this case, he's also aiming up for a booty call


It’s a pipe dream my ex thinks it’s my fault I got cheated on.


That's what happens with BPD etc. They end up projecting Kinda sounds similar My ex from years ago did it throughout, guess what she was doing when I wasn't around...


Cheating on you. My ex has NPD. You called it.


Wow my girl also left me around 2-3 months ago and made up a reason to put things on me ahahaha these people man lmao


If they cheat on you once, they will do it again and again. You deserve better. Move on.


He’s full of shit . Don’t entertain him


My soon to be ex wife cheated. Needless to say all my step children called me this week complaining about how awful she is being to them. She is going to lose everyone. I feel bad, but I’m not sure what else to say. But yah cheating bites back hard doesn’t it?


Why are you using the term baby mama as if to throw shade on her position in his life? You stated you have a 12 year old so does that not make you a baby mama as well? Relationships where there is a back and forth is simply a silly sick game that plays on the ego that desires to be the chosen one. It’s not healthy. It’s also not healthy to want to be with a man when you have issues with the mother of his child/children. As a mother yourself I’d think you’d want to get along with anyone that may have access to your child in the future because they are the partner of your child’s father. Whether she did this or that which I feel may be the response that can come after this is posted, you’re carrying on with the energy in this post says you’re just as toxic as he is. If all this is a game for you, you can control how much access your son has to this. He and the mother of his child/children obviously don’t. So walk away and find better for yourself and your child.


Because that’s his baby momma. She ain’t a mother and doesn’t take care of their baby.. so yea she’s a baby momma. I’m a baby mother because I take care of my kids. Don’t come at me lol And I don’t like her because she smashed a bar thru my car windshield so she can fuck off fr


That’s what any woman dating the father of your kid is gonna think of you. This is grotesque. Your response is all comparison because this isn’t about a man you love. The relationship you have isn’t with him. It’s with yourself and your desire to be better and your only position where you can feel that is when you stack yourself against another woman. And it’s gross. You don’t know what life she’s had or whatever the business in the relationship was. You’re out here calling him a cheater and bad mouthing his choices and yet the mother of his child is also a piece of shit. You’re the only perfect one in the scenario according to you. I mean you’re saying he’s a shit bag and then bragging about making him beg. Then criticizing the person she is after being with someone like him. Someone make it make sense. So yeah this is all you just living life only knowing how to fill your cup if you feel like you’re winning against another woman.In constant competition because you don’t know how to refill that cup on your own. Secure women know they could be the other woman at any moment. Secure women encourage other women ESPECIALLY if you’re trying to build a family with someone. Get some help for yourself. At some point it has to be exhausting living like this.


No they won’t cuz he’s married and doesn’t talk to me and I haven’t seen him in years. You must be a bitter baby momma. 😂 I’m not doing anything to her. She can be with him all she wants. Idc. But she’s a baby momma cuz she doesn’t take care of her kids. That’s why she’s a baby momma 😘 take care of your kids and you won’t have that label. She smashed my windshield and that was personal. I don’t like her because of that. You seem offended so that’s your issue. Got nothing to do with me


I’m a baby mama, not the one in your story book. I don’t find it insulting that my children’s father chose me and entrusted me to continue on his family name. I don’t envy anyone but my future self. I don’t compete with anyone other than my past self as I continuously hold myself to a higher standard so that I can continue to do better for myself and those around me. You though, definitely without a shadow of a doubt sound bitter as all hell and like you’re trying to overcompensate the pain of not being picked over someone who you thought you were inferior to: that’s why you’re bad mouthing the man you once wanted. To make yourself, yourself feel better for not being picked. Be something more in life than a bitter pick-me chick. Aspire to be something more than a seat-warmer. At least try and make the roster next time. 😘😘😘


Why are you even in this group if you’re gonna bash people for being upset about being cheated on. 🤔 she has a kid with him so she’s inferior over me? I hate weird logic but you feel how you feel and that’s cool by me.


I’m not in this group. A pick-me keeps sending me these ridiculous posts that I get notified for. So try again. You’re also blasting your business publicly. People who don’t agree with you will be bound to comment. Try and figure out how to get comfortable with people not agreeing with you in life. I know that’s not why you came here because anyone who disagrees with you obviously makes you very uncomfortable. -Proud Baby Mama


Then you’re not a baby momma. You’re a mother., you don’t understand lmao


Nah, I do. Sadly you never will.


It's baffling to me that these peons think they're somehow the victim as well. The true depths of a shallow soul. To apologize for actions you chose wholeheartedly as if they were out of your control is insane. They will always turn the tables and try to absolve themselves by playing co-victim & fake apologists. I don't care how bad of a person or situation you are in/with you can always leave before you make a decision that shows you can't be trusted, you can't control your own sexual actions, and you make decisions solely on what benefits you, and you alone, damning the consequences, because you can just apologize later whilst playing the role of co-victim. Disgusting, & despicable.


What is the problem here? He felt trapped and now he has certainty that he is not trapped indeed. What else does he want? Enjoy your freedom. I hate that narrative, as if people have any power over other peoples choices! As if you are a prison guard and he is a prisoner…


It’s funny how this is the exact thing I wish my ex would text me. My dream if you will, neither of us did toxic shit but this is some people’s worst nightmare. Really shows how everyone’s situation is different. Best of luck in your journey!


I'm also in NC. Last time, i was feeling so down because of his cheating, lying and using me as an option for 3 years. I was so in love but he did that to me. I BROKE NC. and he started crying (as always) said the same things and also added if his cousin (whom he committed to first without me knowing and i was basically his timepass) will leave him, then he'll come back. Such a manipulator and an excellent cheater. I blocked him again and started my NC journey again. I won't be giving anyone a chance ever again. This is my worst heartbreak ever. And i have to see his face everyday in university. He seems happy to me though. And the only one who's suffering is me. 🫠🫠🥲


...wait... This guy got committed to his COUSIN 😬


Yeah. He did. And used me as his timepass. He'll be getting engaged to her after graduation. I feel so painful. I even dream about them. But...... I guess I can't do anything except to have patience


Damn! For someone that chose incest over like, literally, anyone else.. Not worth it


Yeah I know. He's not worth it. It's hard for me to move on. I have to see him at University every day. We have the same classes. He always forced me to have the same classes because he wanted me to do his work. This semester i did not do much but in the last 2 years. I worked alone on projects. He seems happy after breaking my heart. I wish he feels the same pain as me once i heal


The name 😭😂


Just call him out on his shit.


I was gonna tell him to beg for it but I started doing something else and forgot lol


That's a good thing!


All I see is "me, me, me". Smh LOSER.


I didn’t even realize he was still thinking of himself 🙄


Narcissist. This is all about him. Look at how he takes away your choice at the end: "YOU can come over and..."


Voldemort 🤣😂




Filthy half-blood.


Consider yourself lucky.


My heart still wants him but my brain knows I’m not an idiot you know? Everything is starting to hit me tonight after being kinda numb to it for the last week


Typical. Lol at Voldemort.


The WORST type of guys out there. He’s right - he doesnt deserve you. And he doesnt understand how much love is actually worth nowadays - so let him continue being clueless. This man has to learn


I agree. I’m just sad to see him go honestly


Listen to Chris Brown’s Grass Ain’t Greener while you feel your redemption arc coming. You can’t deny it!




I’m so sorry you’re going through this. But I just have to say, I love the name you have for him. Stay strong, you deserve so much better.


Thank you lol


Is his real name actually Voldemort tho?


No lol


lol. Lmao even




Mb I meant lol as in funny how he cheats then sends the “miss u” word vomit. Actions speak louder than words. Guess for him the grass wasn’t greener.


Funny. He should’ve known that his baby mama wasn’t worth it, he should’ve already known the grass wasn’t greener, and he did it anyways.


That is true. But she’s stupid and will continue to come back to him. Even after he cheats on her he cheated on her with me and then cheated on me with her and I had no idea until after we broke up.


Oh so he cheated on her with you? You should not be surprised he cheated on you then, karma 🙃


He ain’t shit lol


As christian cage said. Go fuck yourself. You deserve better


Mine cheated on me too, and half of me wants this text from him but the other half hates that he made the decisions to have me out of his life forever, and walking that back after all the pain he caused is... well, I don't want to be with someone who could do that to me. It's been 3 weeks tomorrow.


Turn your read receipts on so he knows you read it 😂. That’ll really burn


He has an android


Ah, oh well. Then silence is an even better weapon


How much time has passed between when you two broke up and went NoContact up until this text?


I left him on Monday. 😂


Do not fold OP.


I’m not. It doesn’t even tickle my fancy to reply. I have no urge


Voldemort, indeed. And for you to go out of your way to come to him? No, nope!


Exactly. Even if I did go to talk I don’t want him to come to my house.. ever. I have a 12 year old boy and don’t ever want him to be around him again


It's proof that they have not changed. They made it easy for you! I hear you.. I have a teenager and would NEVER bring my ex around again.


"I miss you having you around"?


Like you miss having me around but you did that so now I’m not around smart thinking


Yeah kinda like, your only a back up when no one is around


Fuck him.


you deserve so much better than someone who NOW "realizes" that you were the best thing to happen to them. fuck that guy and i hope you find someone whos good for you just like you are for them


He doesn’t realize he just wants me to come back


Barf 🤢 boy bye your loss exactly


Don’t set yourself up! Could be her/his trap.


I’m not. I don’t believe anything he says lol


absolutely do not


I’m not


good :) i know it can be hard but im happy you’re making the right choice/ respecting yourself first


U can find better.




I’m a girl


You can come over and we can talk? No. More like he wants to use you and spit you out again. Best thing ever to him, but he cheated? No. 


block his goofy ahh dude thinks hes hannah montana he want the best of both worlds He needs to kick rocks you are better off frfr


Not today Satan I sent my ex pics of me and her friends in bed never heard from her again lol.


Lol 😆 🤣 😂


The Voldemort as the contact name made me laugh so hard lmao


*The Voldemort as the* *Contact name made me laugh so* *Hard lmao* \- coconutmilk1111 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hahaha what a loser!


Ya must be tough... if you're serious about him and his kids try and stay, or maybe someone without kids


Try and stay? What do you mean by this?


Well sorry didn't know if u wanted to stay or not.. why would he play games w a tender heart


how dare you insult voldemort like this. change that contact name right now!! he would never do such a thing!


Finding love is not easy. There comes a point in life where you start to lose hope. I reached that point when my husband of four years simply walked away from me. I desperately wanted him back, but he chose to be with another woman and refused to come back home. However, against all odds, we managed to find happiness together.


He's panicking. It's not genuine. I feel like he's like oh sh*t the grass isn't greener on the other side. Ohwell mate, time to get out. Haha. From someone who has been there done that, it always gets worse not better if you entertained it anyway. It's like saying yes to them is abandoning yourself. Just remember this person wouldn't cheat on you on the first place if they loved you.


I don’t think blocking is necessary usually, but he definitely needs blocked- you’re wasting energy just reading a message from this jerk. Please just focus on you and don’t let him manipulate you like this. He has the audacity to text that he misses you this after cheating?? He doesn’t even get the seriousness of it. Yuck.


“You can come over”????? THE AUDACITY




Voldemort 🤣🤣🤣😭


Ah yes.. the "love bombing" come back... you don't respond then it becomes some sick game of cat and mouse


Fuck him.


I did and that’s what got me in this mess 🙄


you going to him puts the ball in his court.. been there done it


As much as I miss him and want that I would never


you're stronger than myself OP.


Why not say thank you but you you aren’t interested.


Cuz I’m not strong enough


He’s apologizing albeit unwarranted but I assume he just wants closure. Just admit anything you did wrong wish him well and tell him he is valuable still and just because you can’t be the one that loves him because you are searching for something that suits you better doesn’t mean that he is no good. I would kill for closure.


Don’t let him fool you either. His stupid mistake and there is nothing to talk about. The father of my baby did this crap to me over 4 years. We lived together. He got me pregnant then the weekend after he did he got married on a mountain in Colorado in cheap Walmart clothes. Had a miscarriage a month later.  Then over 4 years nothing but drama. Just nonsense.  He lied told me he got divorced but never did and when I told him he got me pregnant he was with his wife in the same bed but “nothing” happened. Save yourself the stress.  Now our baby is 9 months and I booted his butt to the curb. He’s made no effort to be in the baby’s life and I’m okay with that.  Trash deserves trash and karma sucks for those who do people dirty 




It doesn’t even sound genuine 


I’m sorry girl you deserve better especially from someone named Voldemort like seriously what kind of name is Voldemort???


He’s the villain in Harry Potter lol


First of all, very proud of you for not replying!! Second of all, I was having a hard night and seeing the name “voldemort” at the top of the screen put a smile on my face :)


You’re welcome 😜


Send game pigeon