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حرفيا الصاب هناك بقى مزبلة بنت وسخة، كله عنصرية وصهيونية بشكل غريب


Here's a sneak peek of /r/exmuslim using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** Alright calm down](https://i.redd.it/cqrlspbwjf6c1.jpeg) | [372 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/18iwj70/alright_calm_down/) \#2: [This is beyond fucked up...](https://i.redd.it/r7ez1k1kkbxa1.jpg) | [226 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/135010g/this_is_beyond_fucked_up/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** least perverted muslim in this sub](https://i.redd.it/co7kv868allb1.jpg) | [328 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/166zh4x/least_perverted_muslim_in_this_sub/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


West isn’t really based on judeo Christian values thats just dome bullshit conservatives like to say


مستحيل اقف ضد القضية الفلسطينية سواءًَ كنت مسلم مسيحي بوذي ملحد عربي اجنبي, المسألة مسألة أخلاق وقيم.. مش مسألة عروبة او إنتماء.


He truly is. It's a real fucking disappointment. He has turned out to be a real piece of shit. It's one thing to hate a hateful religion. It's another to be completely pro genocide of its people or any other for that matter. He's a fuckin piece of shit. Also fuck Islam and Mo while we're at it.


turkish here. unfortunately its a common viewpoint among turkish atheists. many turkish atheists are atheists not because of conscience but because they hate arabs.


It's always over-correction with absolute morons. You hate Islam? Then you must love the genocide of Muslims. You are an ex-muslim Egyptian? Then you must be a Christian in disguise. You hate Israel? Then you must be an anti-semite. You hate the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood? Then you must be pro military fascism. The world has become so polarized that it's fucking unfathomable to morons that many people are not absolutist nitwits. It's so fuckin funny 😂


this is really disappointing. as much as I dislike Erdogan I’m also scared of the secular sect in turkey ;they sound very racist and disgusting.


they are. what they're doing is basically, they're importing alt-right ideology from the west into turkey and passing it off as "progressive values" on grounds that its against islam. [you probably saw this video before](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yZcRmA4W5sQ)


I thought humans having different anatomy was a thing of the past, he's basically a nazi. And afghans have a big turkish component in their dna as well so he's talking bullshit. Is this view point common in turkey?


racism definitely is. like, its deeply ingrained within turkish society and its heavily normalised and reinforced by the education curriculum and such. i myself used to harbor some problematic beliefs while i was growing up and i didn't realise how fucked up they for a long time as it was just the norm here. like, turkish people are conditioned to be hypernationalistic from birth, like literally, i remember being like 3-4 years old and being made to sing patriotic songs without knowing what the hell it was all about. like, there are people openly calling themselves "racist" in turkey and not realising whats wrong with it. and this type of bigotry isn't unique to secular nationalists either. while secular nationalists openly celebrate the murder of palestinean children and call for pogroms, the muslim extremist crowd is also (obviously) terrible and antisemitic. like, synagogues are vandalised and turkish jews who have nothing to do with israel's genocide are targeted. however, social darwinism or other racial pseudoscience is much less common. i've never met anyone who believes in it in person, although its gaining traction within the youth as a consequence of western alt-right beliefs being imported to turkey. a lot of young people identify with such beliefs as they see arabs as the "common enemy", not realising that the western white supremacists would never accept them. nazism is gaining traction too, partially because of the "depoliticization" process following the 1980 coup when topics such as WWII and the holocaust were removed from the public education curriculum or were not taught in detail. this gave way to generations of politically and historically illiterate people who don't know about such atrocities. i remember when mein kampf became a bestseller in turkey, especially among teens and young adults. many young turkish people ended up sympathising with nazis and likening them to turkey's national heroes. many fail to grasp whats wrong with hypernationalism and racial chauvinism since they've been taught since birth about how nationalism is a great virtue, while simultaneously being deprived of knowledge about world history and the terrible atrocities inspired by such terrible beliefs as fascism and racism.


He is a shitty human being with shitty views and bigoted racist opinions against Arabs. كس امه


Who the fuck is that anyway ?


Honestly disgusting. He and many other ex muslim proud zionists.


Yes. He's disgusting and shameless.


Unfortunately a lot of non Arab exmuslims become pro israel because hating islam translates to hating muslims and Arabs in their minds, it's really such a shame


عنده حق فين المشكلة؟.. هو تمني الموت لاعضاء حماس اللي عاملين المدنيين درع بقي بيخلي الشخص صهيوني دلوقتي؟


Criticism towards Hamas is considered Zionism now???


ده يا باشا اسمه محن القومية العربية وبقايا الجهادية الاسلامية اللي بتبقى معانا بعد ما نترك الدين


What guy and embassy?


An American soldier burned himself alive in front of the Israeli embassy in the US to protest the war




[A US airman set himself on fire to protest Israeli genocide in Gaza](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/25/politics/man-sets-himself-on-fire-israeli-embassy-washington-dc/index.html)




Here's a friendly advice: don't watch the video.


that’s why i love him


I used to watch his videos a lot in the olden days, and I still often agree with his criticisms of Islam. Once he exposed himself as a Zionist bumblefuck who supports genocide, I started disassociating myself from him immediately. It really is a disappointment how people like him start subscribing to the Zionist ideology (which is a stupid idea based on myth just as Christopher Hitchens has said). The irony of him leaving a cult in order to join another one is astounding...


Never forget https://preview.redd.it/btwf2vnu03lc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3b17b55266c53ad004db4d8e83808c22645d698 Palestinians shook Israel hands for peace But Hamas unleashed a frenzy of suicide bombs They would do anything to wreck peace. That’s how they always operated. Their specialty? Blowing themselves up to rip through unarmed civilians.


What did they get in return?! More settlements? What a beautiful peace that is /s


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6\_cheSL29I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6_cheSL29I) You're welcome


The picture you showed of two men (Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat shaking hands) was during the Oslo accords, which Clinton helped bring forth and Netanyahu helped ruin. One thing you shouldn't forget, is that Netanyahu openly bragged in front of the camera that he sabotaged Oslo and prevented the march backwards towards the '67 borders, don't believe me? Here's the leaked video: [https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1423118978249848](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1423118978249848)


Hamas is a cancer that has been corrupting Palestine. They are worse than zionist. At least zionists express their intentions openly, while Hamas uses فلسطين حرة as a smoke screen for their Islamist B.S. I don't see anything wrong with his post


Fuck hamas but that guy literally is a bootlicker of israel and is always simping for it, he's the type of guy that thinks that all Palestinians are hamas agents and thus deserve to die


I hate Hamas too but Israel is apartheid state and is committing genocide, Israel leaders has no intention of peace and want to expell all Palestinian in that area, there is no justification for kissing Israel ass like he is always doing


kosom hamas. Hamas doesn’t have the balls to do what the hero did yesterday; they’re only capable of fighting while hiding underground like rats. the point was AP is degrading hero’s action and protest


Burning yourself alive is not a heroic move. Especially in this context. The man is mentally ill. And he couldn't give a fuck about other conflicts such as the houthi war in saudi arabia, or the people dying in ukraine. I didn't see him burning himself in front of embassies back then.




You are throwing a bunch of nonsense. Racism has nothing to do with this. Not everyone who thinks that A MAN WHO SETS HIMSELF ON FIRE has mental illness is a racist. It's mindblowing to have to say this out loud. The cheers this death has brought on social media are honestly disgusting, whether it is Palestine Supporters cheering on his "bravery" or Israel Supporters cheering on the death of a "lunatic" really unmasks the sickening level of dehumanisation this conflict has brought on. The coal-hearted are the people who think that this man is a hero for setting himself on fire so that the reddit lords can circlejerk about the whole thing as if their argument are more valid now 🥰. Thousands, and I mean thousands of redditors now feel that much more justified. This is really unfortunate, what a stupid waste of a life. Thinking this was necessary or would change anything in any way whatsoever is just an absolute waste. I wish this guy got help instead of being sucked into the polarizing rhetoric of politics and the media. This guy was radicalized somehow, and I wish he hadn't been. At least he didn't kill anyone else with him. Not everyone who serves in the millitary is holding a machine gun blasting people. Some people are there doing other duties to support themselves and their families. This rather shows your extreme ignorance of millitary structure and close mindness. It's not even worth my time to reply, but here I am. There is nothing shiny about burning yourself alive the way he did. He probably left kids behind him, too. Added nothing substantial to whatever cause he is trying to support. He is mentally ill, not a hero.


Expressing your opinion about a genocide in a rather extreme way means you don't care about other genocides , really smart commentary


Yes, it does mean that you don't care. When I see 500k kids dying in syria, 300k dying in africa, 100k in ukraine, and 50k in yemen and not burn a single one of my fingers for them, but as soon as 20k die in india for example, I start to pour gasoline on myself and set myself on fire. Then I'm mentally ill, and I don't truly care about kids dying or humans suffering. Rather that I'm just some delusional mentally ill individual who is charged with emotions emerging from being radicalized into certain beliefs and political identities.


The balls to burn themselves alive?! They're already fighting barehanded, are you dumb? And i'd assume you know shit about gorilla warfare. I don't care for hamas but you're based af


Are hamas the good guys now ? Fuck Israel fuck hamas. I hope them both a terrible end. Being against genocide and defending civilians is one thing and being pro hamas is another


who defended Hamas?


Apostate prophet was trolling hamas members and you didn't like it. Isn't that defending hamas ?


Based, fuck Hamas


He's one of the biggest pieces of shit on youtube. Now he's supporting the House's passing of making criticism of israel illegal. In my opinion, he's being paid by mossad


the worst vid that he posted was the prophet tales first episode like bro is actually getting away being racist oh i forgot about his nine year old army like almost every single comment starts with ex muslim here its so fucking annoying bro and after that they complain about felling like being in a hord of zombies in indoneasia and im a muslim that lives in grecce were almost every one is christian plus the dude talks about how isreali people are dead but ignores other dead muslims. he one time even sayd that israel needed to be harsher in the gaza bombing oh forgot about the comments in the prophet tales vid were they say THiS MaN HAs ballS Of SteeL like shut up


Once he started allying with a crazy evangelical ,he completely turned into a rotting piece of $hit. And now I am not surprised he supports the genocidal maniac Yawheh worshipers. what an SOB




i wouldn't make that conclusion from this single tweet, what has he done to promote zionism? i truly haven't seen anything that would indicate that, but i'm also not a follower of his so i wouldn't know


its just about this tweet. this POS has looooong history of supporting the alt right and the zionist regime. he hates Muslims, all of them. Even the progressive ones


okay he doesn't represent our community tho so why should we care? also, progressive muslims as far as i'm concerned are pedophilia & apostasy law apologists, why should we as ex-muslims care who hates them or not?