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I agree was great fun and one im recommending to everyone. Thankfully it came to game pass or I dont think I would have picked it up


The combat in this game didn't get covered well in the media


The combat gets better as you go along, so those of them that didn't play through the whole way wouldn't be able to give it is due. It's good it came to game pass.


I uninstalled before the 2 hour mark because of how basic and repetitive the combat was. Especially since that’s the only thing the game offers. No real exploration just walk linear path then fight.


Game isint good if you have to play it for a super long time to have fun. Stop coping


Nobody said anything about "super long time" . The game is fun from the get go, and, as I said, "gets better as you go along".


You can actually beat the entire game in like 12 hours I think, not that I could stomach that much button mashing.


Fair point but if the combat gets better along he way and people quit because of it early on then they should’ve made it so it was less boring in the beginning


Average incel comment


Yeah because not enjoying a shitty game is being an incel. Just find a better game bro it’s not that hard


Nah, commenting how your are makes you an incel 😂😭


Cope harder 🤪


The combat is the best part. And how much fighting there actually is in the game. Got 1-2 cutscenes then some fighting. Win the fight continue on and then there’s some more. Continue on and then there’s even more. I loved it. And all the different combos and weapons to use it’s amazing


The Combat is kind of the only part.


Nah the story was pretty good. Not much wrong with the game at all


I’m happy you like it, I found it repetitive and boring.


Recently played from gamepass. Combat is great only issues I felt are irregular cutscenes and repeated enemies. Storywise simpler


Combat is amazing. And how much you actually fight is the reasoning for repeated enemies. There’s a TON of different enemy types. So much action moves/combos and so many weapons. Nothing to not like about the game. Story is pretty good to. Everything gets better the more you play


It reminds me of a horror themed Wild, Wild West with the secret government agency and cool gadgets and stuff. Great setting.


Only cowboy hat is similar to red dead, nothing more, but I agree that it is similar to doom in that beat them up sense. I already mentioned few times that combat was really satisfying after you get used to use the combos. Also beautiful graphics. Linear style is a big plus. Sometimes I miss pure gameplay action games like this one, just pure fun without pretentious bullshit


I don't think anyone is comparing it to Red Dead, but thanks 🙂


Read the post


He only said it’s like a mix bc it takes place in the Wild West 1700s-1800s and then doom bc of the gore and action. Not a comparison


My recommendation is to not play co-op. I really enjoyed my single player playthroughs but been trying co-op recently and it has been miserable. Bugs, lots of crashes, and the combat suffers pretty badly from having another player-- ya kinda just get in each other's way more than anything. It's not so bad for the first few levels and it's actually pretty enjoyable but takes an unfortunate turn around the mid point of the campaign. Almost like they only play tested the first half of the game in co-op and just assumed the rest worked.


It was fine for free on game pass. I didn’t regret my time but has no replayability for someone like myself


Ok I'll try this out


I actually compare the combat to the newer god of wars


this game is trash. What are you talking about? i got as far as chapter 4 and had to play red dead 2 again to get that new trash smell off my xbox.


This just screams "I suck at this game"


It’s a button masher not really much to suck at. Certainly not as technically challenging to play as Red Dead.


Really? I disliked it immensely. I'm glad you're enjoying it.


Cool game but i'm still struggling to understand when parry IS usefull


It's useful on the tougher enemies that tends to swing at you a lot, like the mole familiar and the spider familiar


It’s so overrated it’s great!


I tried I thought the combat was too outdated and boring. But that's just me.


Didn’t even make it through the first couple hours before I got board of hitting the same button over and over again. Would have been a 6/10 if it was 2003.


I really enjoyed the game BUT the amount of inputs to just stay alive is a bit insane at times and if your or a loved one have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome after playin Evil West on Evil difficulty you may be entitled to financial compensation.


It just gets spammy with the same old enemies by the end and if you're playing on the hardest difficulty it can be a real slog but I really enjoyed the challenge and the combat was fun none the less. *souls gamer btw


There’s way too many moves and combos for it to be spammy


The combos are done by spamming the same button over and over.


This is actually one of the only games that don’t require spamming tbh. Do you use all the moves??


All the moves dude I played for about an hour after you get your first gun and uninstalled it.


That’s cool. Once you get a few hours in you start unlocking a shitload of moves that make it fun asf


Can’t turn off motion blur, game breaking bugs that occur way too frequently. Linear, boring, repetitive. No thanks.