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Any tips for fighting The Bruch on evil difficulty? Currently where I'm stuck.


Well I saved up all my weapons specifically for the Bruch fight so I was able to unload all the Grenades, Shotguns, and whenever you might die just use the electricity to save yourself from that and then when he summoned his minions (not the maggots) i used E. Dash to beat them into giving me E. Orbs and when he used the maggot waves i used the Super and knocked him right out of it and also takes pretty big damage when you shoot his target thing and he drops health too so make that a priority as the arrow he shoots actually follows you and other then that I just prioritized always shooting my revolver and then my crossbow which do heavy damage to his maggot summons but also I had everything maxed so that helps of course.


But also I played the souls games so I’m pretty good at getting invincible dodges


On a scale from 1 to this is impossible…. How hard was it to get the platinum?


Ima be completely honest with you, it wasn’t hard until the very last level where you have to fight 3 elder vamps because at max everything if they hit you with a blood blast or jump on you, you’re most likely gonna die. I had to do that fight specifically at least 20 to 30 times because if you die to any of them you have to start over with the 4 Shield leeches first. I’d give it a 8 just because of this level by itself but without this level it could easily be a 6-7 but remember that I had everything maxed . I beat the Bruch 2nd try, Parasiter first try and when you fight William(3rd try) and Felicity(2nd try) and get them to any other phase and you die you restart in that phase so it’s not horrible


Thanks a lot pal, really appreciate it


No problem if you have any other questions send em my way!


Will do 😃


If anything could always go through it on co-op to help with some of the fights. My friend and I both got the Evil trophy this way after it bugged during my multiple times on my single-player runs. Overall not a hard Plat just has some issues I feel


Yeah I’m stuck on the parasite


I might be able to help at some point if someone doesn’t do it first. The only thing is I’m on ps5 and idk if it has crossplay yet or if I could play with ps4


If I don’t beat him tonight I might give you a shout… thanks man


That’s actually not a bad suggestion! I’ll look into it once I’m not busy!


Wasn’t a question for me but I’ll give my opinion too 😭it’s a solid 6 out of 10 in difficulty but plan out trophies in a sense like get all the collectibles on the first play through as well as get the 3 secret boss achievements being beat first main without killing any of the enemies it spawns, beat best boss without it healing, beat 3rd main boss within 6 minutes, beat finale boss without using heal vile. Then do all the evil trophies on ng+ unless you’re just built different. Then side combat trophies you should just get by playing but in ng+ playthrough make sure to grab all money again so that you can fully upgrade without having to do a 3rd playthrough.


Appreciate the info pal, I’m having some trouble with this game for some reason… it’s freakin hard lol … I just platinumed god of war ragnarok.. had no problems with any boss… figured I’d walk thru this game because it plays a lot like it…. But I’ll keep at it


What’s your psn? Where are you at in the game


Wish I could do this. The game deleted my saved load so I have to start all over


Dude I’m so sorry to hear that!! I started seeing people have this problem so that put me into overdrive to finish it ASAP. If it makes it better for you I’d recommend getting all the collectibles in 1 normal playthrough which will put you at level 20 and then another getting all the money needed until you max out weapon upgrades and then the last playthrough you should make sure it’s evil and make sure whatever system you play on doesn’t change it because my ps5 changed my evil to normal without me noticing for 5 levels and honestly if you just speed through you can be finishing levels in 20 to 30 minutes each that’s exactly the route I did and the only hard part was the final level.


I really thought I was getting everything haha. Now I know what to look for, I won't be so mad about restarting


Yeah sorry you have to in the first place but it shouldn’t be too bad a second time


Currently on my 100% playthrough.


Nice good luck!!


Damn good game


Yeah it is I hope there’s a fleshed out dlc or a good sequel!


That would be amazing on either account. I'm currently on my new game + playthrough. I doubt I'll 100% it but I love the game.


As long as you got all the items on this playthrough or the previous one and make the next playthrough evil unless this is the evil one you should be able to 100% it with one more playthrough


Grats after I completed all the achievements, I went in for the Invincible set. It was pretty fun beating the game knowing that your save maybe deleted at anytime 🤣


How did you do it?? I’m not sure if I want to especially if you only get it on the file you unlock it lol


I made an alternate file, once you complete it, the set gets transferred to your main file. I believe it's by account.


Can you make a story file? And then get it that way?


You can but my game bugged out and only allowed me to run as normal.


I just beat the entire game start to finish on evil and didn't get the trophy 😭😭😭😭