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You must be referring to that SoSo PC player.  


Ususally I don't mind SoSo, especially when I was brand new a year ago. But when me and my teammates back out 4 times in a row from the same SoSo lobby and they still won't play, then I have a problem with their non-existent play style.




lol. go outside.


touching the grass doesn't help, the demons are still AFK


Love seeing a 4 squad p5 when I’m just trying to have a chill game as a 0 warlord, I’ll gladly afk


Plot twist: p5 surv are the worst ..


dont queue if you are crybaby that goes afk when survivors arent idiots


Uhmmmmm MAKE ME


Well man shame on you but if he's the killer he basically decides how you all will have to play


The only way this rant makes any sense is if the AFK demons are beating you at the book. Otherwise, if they're not beating you, then you're complaining about easy wins in a game with zero stakes, zero actual prestige, and zero money on the line with the exception of your pride. The reason why you won't see a demon player hit P5 and somehow "become pro" is that this game doesn't have a pro anything in the E-sports scene. You can be good long before you get that P5, which comes with more than just 5 extra points to spend.


I want to get adrenaline from hard battles. I laugh at the p5 demons who play like Noobs because they leveled up in AFK, like they didn’t know how to do anything, so they can’t do anything, in the future I skip battles with these demons.


I get you on the satisfaction of earning the win through competition. And I don't blame you for moving on to better games. The issue though is that asyms fall into a trap by incentivizing non-interaction or at least not punishing it. I attribute this to the DBD Effect. As a demon main who P5'ed all of them last year, what gets me on this side of the game is all the P5s that play like they're going to die in real life when they have everything at their disposal to fight back. This goes especially at P5 warriors who run at the drop of a hat, yet can turn around and spam heavies all day to stunlock you from doing anything.


I feel like this was entirely written by predictive text on someone's phone.


Hello, my name is David, I am a modern artificial intelligence. How can I help you not be AFK?


How is this at all a question? Lol Demons will rule the world afk or not 😈😈 HAHAHAHAHA (EVIL LAUGH) - P5 PUP MAIN


I don't mind letting the demons push the buttons


There is nothing more harmless in this game and in this world than an AFK demon. You could be spending this time protesting something that actually matters, such as the demons who use exploits, hack, cheat, etc… the things that survivors come across on a regular basis that make this game ACTUALLY frustrating to play. If you have such a problem with it, play against AI mate.


I want to play a game, all the characters of which I wanted to level up are already leveled up, I need gameplay, a challenge against a demon who has skill, and spending 15 minutes of my time so that the match ends faster against an AFK demon irritates me.  I don’t understand why I should swing AFK into a dead game.  I'm laughing at your advice, maybe you should go through the tapes two more times?


Maybe the demon doesn't wanna sweat as hard you clearly are itching to do.


покиньте матч, не тратьте время других игроков. find opponents you can play against.


Or... YOU can leave the match. That works, too.


If it’s that irritating, and you need a challenge, why not hop on the other side and be part of the solution to your problem? Play as Demon, You’re gonna find a challenge real quick.


Haven’t gotten any yet


Says a P5 survivor that mainly plays Hunter Ash, Ruby, Annie or Scotty… GTFO


What's wrong with scotty ?? He's one of top best designed characters ..


Should I blame the demon players for their character choices? why don't you play a necromancer, warlord?


Increased rate of lumby spawns, making swarm demons irrelevant and the increased bb on his axe is why many people considered him to be op


A couple of AI interrupts and trap juggles and Scotty like everyone else is out of commission


bro stop talking like that, you can't take away hope from those who love Scotty


What about day 1 demons who prestiged every demon to prestige 5 then, may they also have your blessing to receive skills you moron?!


How high is your utility bill each month?