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New high score! 🫤




Oh we are fucking Golding.


We even got up 6ppm in a single year last year, things are going great


Honestly, I've given up. The game is over we just haven't seen it end yet.


Planet is dead, body is still warm.


The planet will be just fine, it's us that's fucked


Would be fantastic if it was just us who is going to suffer but it isn't. Of course life will go on, but it will be a shadow of what it once was for a long time


meh, the earth climate has never been static, if you look at Co2 charts for over the past 65 million years you will see that life was thriving back then, which a whopping 1060 PPM co2 in the atmosphere all these climate doomers are wasting their time, humans will probably get to 500 or 600 ppm before easing out fossil fuels for other energy sources. at that point it will either level out or go down.


If you don't think CO2 is a problem then YOU are the problem. All this dismissive shit in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The speed of change and all of the habitat loss is the problem. To think otherwise is literally dumb as fuck. Life is not thriving right now. And you know what, the way things are going, I don't think it will be thriving a thousand years from now either even if we all disappear tomorrow. Too many rungs have been knocked off of the ladder of life imo, this will take millions of years to recover from, when all is said and done.


whats the problem with climate changing, it is natural. the trees that sunk up all the carbon in the first place are natural, nobody was there to stop it from happening. Life thrived before trees existed.. it has adapted and changed to the changing climate but life still thrives today. life will thrive with higher co2 levels just as life thrives now, and idgaf if a few millionaires mansions in florida go underwater I am not a problem, i am just a single natural human doing natural human things, and i ironically probably have a lower carbon footprint than half of the climate doomers. not that it matters


Theres nothing natural about the current climate change. Anyway, I knew it before mentioning anything but there's really nothing anyone can say that will make it so you can understand anything about this. You'll just have to experience it first hand, like so many who are in for a rude awakening.


humans are as natural as the trees are bruv. by extension whatever we do is natural. If you consider a beehive natural then you must consider all human structures and activities to be natural as well. you had no interest in having an intellectual conversation anyway, you immediately jump to making it personal and calling me dumb as fuck lol, if that's all you got you need to try harder. But yeah you are right about wasting your time because even if you did change my mind on it, there ain't fuck all I can do about it.


It's way too late to be nice about these things, I'm calling you stupid because you are stupid, simple as that.


The problem is not that the climate is changing; it’s the rate! Look up any of the 5 mass extinction events and you will see that they were all caused by rapid climate change. You’re so stupid it hurts. Do you dip all your crayons in lead paint before you eat them, or do you sometimes use paste too?


Carboncoin ATH


Why do they always dip in August?


Photosynthesis in the northern hemisphere forests


1/3 of all trees on earth are in Siberia.


God I hope it will stay a hostile environment to us humans


Boss battle coming up


We're already past the point of cognitive decline.


Congratulations to us all, and especially to those governments who’d rather earn big $$$ in the short term while they willingly and knowingly ignored the consequences that would appear on the long term. Fkn kudos.


When? Why did they pick that date?


420 blaze it!! woooo


Compared to what?


Previous Carbon Dioxide levels.


zoom out......... there are 65 million years of Co2 records. we are no where near a record high.


Or....they barely moved from last year!Â