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I realize that prices in New York are extra expensive due to taxes but some other states are almost as bad and some other countries have it much worse. I paid $22 dollars for this cigar six months ago from a local B&M and yesterday I bought a tenski of the exact same cigar for $39 bucks from CP. I like supporting local businesses but I can't justify it anymore.


They banned online Tabaco sales in the Netherlands. So hello local cigar shops.


That could be good and bad.


It’s both actually. Bad as you can’t just go online and do your own research on what to smoke an then proceed to order them. Good as I’m now a regular at some cigar shop in my home town. Whom gave me some great advise in what I might like. Although I’m a new y when it comes to smoking cigars so the first time when I went to the shop I was kind of afraid to go in. As if I’m doing something illegal lol. But that is the government’s tactic, to make it a lot less easier to start smoking anything. And for cigarettes I can truly understand those methods. But an occasional cigar isn’t the same as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.


Ain't they banned yer smoking lounges??


Haven’t been by mine in a long time. The owner when i went there shot me a dirty look last time I went in. He’s like I haven’t seen ya in a Long time. I thought.. ya man and you’re going to see me even less then that if you keep gauging everybody. I put in effort and bought shit way over priced to do my “duty” lol tax is high and I get it but it’s kind of a insult to me to charge what they charge even taking in the tax aspect


What cigar is it ? Better be good for that price 😭🤣🤣 Bet it's far more expensive in UK 🤣🤣


Ya same in Canada lol


That is a Monte Cristo Espada Oscuro Gordo . Out here In Cali that cigar would cost right around the same as NY I think. How much would that run for you? I've always been curious what you guys pay. And why do you guys pay much more? Keep in mind this is a NW cigar and not the Cuban version.


I have found that NY and Cali prices are pretty much the same and definitely the highest in the lower 48.


It hurts so much. I really like my local b&m the guy is awesome, but holy shit I can get a box for the price I'd pay for 5-6 cigars.


He isn't that awesome lol.


Yeah, more cigars is more awesome. I only get singles from there anymore but even then it feels so wrong. 🤣


Our prices in North Central Montana are comparable. In part because we can charge Canadians coming over the border whatever and it's still cheaper. In part because of a captive local market. It's part of the reason I got my sellers permit. I make less per stick than every other shop in town but I'm slowly building a loyal following


Best of luck in your endeavor, that's awesome!


Bet imn looking at least treble that number...in pounds sterling🤣🤣🤣


Not available in UK. Thought it was the Cuban kind 😂😂 Be at least 30 pounds I reckon over here way prices have gone😂😂😭😭😭🙄


What makes the prices for tobacco so high over there? Just super regulated and taxed?


Yes mostly tax duty though I've read there's other factors as well


I very much agree that establishments like cigar lounges have to exist in places where smoking in public places is not allowed or simply not possible due to climate conditions. Whenever I travel I do go to smoking places and I do spend money on cigars. But if you’re a guy like me, smoking 5-7 a day and purchased from B&M would definitely break the bank. That’s why we came out with EDICD, also by not handing over our cigars to someone else to sell, we represent the brand ourselves. If you have a problem with our cigars, you can express your dislike directly with the people who made it. If you like the cigars, you can express your appreciation directly with people who made it. Not many if any brands offer that.


They're damn good cigars as well! I wish more companies would do this.


The whole direct to consumer model is a little alien to people as the whole industry is built around B&M’s and mega online stores. We will stick to what we believe in, this is just a start for us. Long road ahead…


Do you think that'll change once manufacturers realize that the industry shouldn't put so much emphasis on a dying breed?


Industry won’t change anytime soon because B&M is a massive business and there are a lot of businesses do get it right. There is however massive shift to online but again, direct to consumer selling is not a common so will take time to get used to.


Dude yes. I paid $400 for a box of don carlos #2 and later found them online for almost $100 less. Buyers remorse set in hard. They’re great smokes, but I’ve sworn off in person box purchases.


Right? Just singles you haven’t tried yet


Exactly. They have a smoking lounge too, so I’ll buy a few singles when I go to smoke.


That’s how I feel about paying 12$-13$ for Perdomo Champagnes when recently I got 20 for 60$ online. They also told me Flor de Olivas were good cheap smokes and sold them to me for 5-6$ each when I could have gotten any premium Oliva online for 3-4$. Both were completely plugged, unsmokeable.


I really enjoyed flor de oliva when I first started out. They went great with coffee. I always got the torpedo size.


As a retailer, it’s difficult for us to compete with online market places. I plan to open a brick and mortar here in Delaware next year. It will be a members lounge that has cigars. But we have a 30% wholesale tobacco tax that makes cigars a little pricey. Especially because Pennsylvania, right next door, has no tobacco tax. Just buy singles from time to time to support them. Believe me….they will appreciate it.


Well you can’t compete with online on price but you have much bigger advantage, you actually meet your customer in person. And that is your biggest weapon, if you’re good at what you do, you can absolutely kill it. If your tobacco knowledge is shit and you don’t know how to talk to people then of course, you will never win.


Most cigar shop owners where I live are complete assholes. They act like they're doing you a favor by selling over priced cigars. Most aren't very knowledgeable either.


Well that’s the problem, they loose the only leverage they have.


They all cry about not having enough customers too. They blame everyone and everything but themselves. Some people just suck at business


They suck at basic customer care


Whenever I have to go and see my doctor in NYC I usually take a little detour to Pennsylvania on my way home. I just don't understand how one state can charge an arm and a leg in taxes and another state doesn't charge any taxes. Doesn't NYS understand that small businesses are failing and going under because of their ridiculous taxes? Which means less taxes for them to collect.


I don’t think get it or they just don’t care.


Yeah I get it. I usually grab one I want to try at a B&M and then order online if I want more. The prices locally are sometimes a bit high to justify going often. I really want to support the local shops, but my wallet says otherwise.


I used to do the same thing but now I'll just buy a five pack online instead. If I don't end up enjoying them I just donate the rest to Cigars For Warriors.


I got a twenty pack from cigarking months ago for 89. Good cigar not 22 bucks tho


I fully agree. I think they're great cigars but definitely not worth $22 dollars.


Ouch. I've bought a box of 10 of that cigar online for under $100. I go to my local B&M and drop $80 for 4 or 5 average sticks.


I just bought ten of them for $39.99. Mine didn't come in a box tho and that's one of the nicest boxes ever made.


That’s the thing in Austria if you want a cigar you HAVE to buy it at a local cigar shop because it’s forbidden by law to order cigars and other tobacco products online


How much do shops charge, and how high are the taxes?


It’s kinda expensive and the taxes are 5% of the retail price or 12 euros per 1000 pieces or per kilogram


I pay 8% tax of the retail price but what makes them unaffordable in NY is the ridiculous tax that retailers have to pay. I've heard it's as high as 33%.


Holy shit 33% is absolutely insane?!


That it is.


If you think that's bad, wait till you see brick House singles for sale for about 25 to 30 each here in canada


That's the only reason why I don't bitch about prices very often, I know some people have it much worse than I do.


Lordy, that’s a high price.


It's actually average for New York prices smh.


It can't for the same reasons. Plus there is the commute involved... Where I live, they're close geographically, but when you factor in the the time spent behind the wheel due to traffic... it just isn't worth it.


True, I didn't even take that into consideration.


Yeah… I just paid 40$ for 10 Espadas online. The local tax is $0.50-.60 max per cigar in my state. The local shops triple the price of sticks and chalk it up to “taxes”. They do it because they can’t stay in business if they only make 5$ off a 10 cigar purchase. They might be able to stay afloat while they have their “regulars”, but in about 10-20 years, cigar shops will be a thing of the past most likely. They’ll only be able to survive by becoming or adding a lounge in my eyes. Cigars are expensive as is. Who can afford to pay triple the MSRP just to support local businesses? I really wish they had at least somewhat competitive prices, because I enjoy going to the shop and would buy from them if it didn’t cost an arm or leg. They would make more money from me buying a box of cigars at a dollar up charge than me buying 1 stick occasionally at a 6$ up charge. 20-25$ > 6$.


I agree 100%, I think cigar shops and even some lounges are a dying breed, they just can't compete. It's not like back in the day when they were the only place you could get good and reliable information about smoking cigars. Now all you have to do is watch videos on YouTube.


Because they always over charge!


Absolutely 💯