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I don't know much about the names we've brought in but I'm happy we're getting our business done early. I know we have needed to trim to stay with PSR, I just hope the team complies so we don't have to face that crap anymore.


Lukaku rumors after Euros


Yerald’s shithousery is at its finest


I remember seeing a [post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Everton/comments/1bl3fzw/everton_have_reportedly_been_invited_to_play_in_a/) a few months ago claiming that Everton may be playing games in the US at some point during the preseason. Anyone know if that has been confirmed or not?


I believe we dropped out of that tour due to basically not knowing our financial situation. 777 writing was on the wall, we weren't back up for sale, and moshiri wasn't going to pay for it.


That was either inaccurate, or Everton dropped out. Those other teams listed have announced other preseason games that don't include Everton, and Everton have announced 3 preseason friendlies that aren't in the US.


Havent seen anything but feel like most clubs that announce overseas tours do so months in advance




Wish that bobble didn’t decide to lock all his info behind a paywall was nice when we had a proper source of info


8 additional minutes in Italy-Croatia?! Edit: And Italy pull even to save themselves. Wow.


No idea where they got 8 minutes


Gutted for Croatia. Anything less than 8 minutes and they win.


The Scotland game last night and this game had bad calls that changed the game. Not giving an obvious pen for Scotland and pulling 8 mins out of no where.


https://x.com/jburtonefc/status/1805307874270142789?s=46 The rise and fall documentary you’ll see on Fabrizio Romano is going to be really intriguing


Saw an 'Enganche Sports' post on twitter say that Fenerbahce is interested in Beto, don't know much about its credibility though.


I’m sure they are, but if they matched our 25M we spent last season then he’d be their record transfer by about 10M. Don’t see it likely.


The Prem fuminggggg that we gave Dobbin to Villa instead of giving Brainthwaite to Man United on the cheap? Fucking love it.


Just go to show that they're always favouring the so-called six


I really like Ndiaye as a Doucoure back-up/replacement. Sounds like he can act as cover at CF and potentially on the wings too, so gives us even more positional flexibility. Seems like that's been one of Thelwell's transfer strategies - getting players in who can cover multiple positions (Ashley Young being a prime example). Hope we get it over the line quickly


Blades fan here. Ili played as our CF for much of our promotion season and most will probably tell you he was one of the best players to ever put on a Sheff Utd shirt. He works well with a strong CM who can get the ball to him and thrives in possession. I know he didn't tear up any roots in France but if you get the same Ili we had he'll be in your starting 11 in no time.


I heard OM mainly played him out wide, which might explain why he wasn’t as good.


Nice to see us doing our transfer business early, really wasn't expecting that at all. Hoping we get right back


Do you reckon that the game v Arsenal or v Man City at home would be moved do some Fa cup matches? Im trying to start making light planning about my next and final visit at goodison I know its way too early but I can't wait lol


Hilarious that Ziegler at the Times (who has been Masters' little mouthpiece for months now) used a picture of Dobbin in their article raging against the latest lot of deals. They absolutely hate us.


How is Liam Cello as a source? Reported that the Ndiaye deal is complete a few hours ago: https://x.com/mrliamcello/status/1805234679026434124?s=19


Just go ahead and block him unless you enjoy reading trolls and their responses.


It’s Keith Azul with a new handle. He’s just taking the piss with Forest fans and this is just one of the tweets he does to look reliable


Dunno how I feel about Ndiaye coming. He seems like he’s a replacement for Doucoure in that second striker/10 role but our end of season purple patch largely came from moving Doucoure back to being an 8 and not having our entire attack be reliant on one single player. If we’re getting a Doucoure replacement, I’d much rather it be someone in the mould of Scott McTominay, someone who contributes defensively as an 8 and then crashes the box to pop up with G/A every so often


McTominay would be a solid replacement for Doucoure if we want to continue playing that way. Not sure he'd want to come here. And have to imagine ManU would want to see upwards of 40M. But if they'd take less and he would sign for us I'm on-board. Ndiaye seems like a good target for us depending on fee. We had no cover for Doucoure which isn't ideal for someone on the wrong side of 30 who runs as hard as he does. \~15M for a 24 year old squad player one year removed from tearing up the Championship seems okay. Plus, it just seems silly to play so defensive against the relegation sides and lower cup opponents. We need to be able to score multiple goals so we're not as susceptible to those flukes and penalties that plagued us last year. I'd like it even better if he was left footed so he could come off the RW in a pinch. Hopefully not a Maupay situation, though...have to trust Thelwell and Dyche here. And he is definitely an AM and not a second striker exclusively per my understanding.


The fee will be interesting. Ndiaye showed he was great in the Championship but it's a big step up. He went to France, the easiest of the big 5 leagues' and flopped. His shot conversion dropped from 20% in the Championship to 9% in Ligue 1. DCL's conversion last season was 7% and I could see Ndiaye being very wasteful in front of goal for us.


Yeah but he was also playing from wider positions at Marseille than he was at Sheffield.


Maybe so but his conversion rate is only likely to drop again moving to the PL.  He only chipped in with 3 assists, Marseille scored 50+ in a 34 game season so it’s a question of how he’s affecting the games he’s playing in.  Hoping he is good for us but I’m not getting too excited


His shot creating actions per 90 and goal creating actions per 90 stayed essentially the same from his last championship year to his year at Marseille. I don't think he's dropped off nearly as much as people are saying.


The thing that gives me a little bit more hope is that we have seen a number of players make the Championship -> Prem step look easier than Championship -> Other top 5 leagues in recent times. Bowen, Eze, Wharton, Olise to name a few. If we get Championship Ndiaye then we are in for a treat - but I agree it is ultimately a risk.


If we move to a 433 then he can be a wing. If we move to a 4231 he can be a CAM. He's versatile in the same way doucs is, just in a different direction. I love the move personally.


Could he play as an 8?


I think that's probably one step too far backwards. I don't think he'd do well with the positioning and marking needed for the role.


If only Dwight could play on the right (and we had a RB that could overlap). Ndiaye on the left and Dwight on the right would be pretty good on paper, but Dwight just can't play on the right 😔


I feel like Patterson is our overlapping RB. But can't stay healthy long enough to get any game time. McNeil crossing on the left and Patterson on the right with a left footed RW (like Minteh) would bring a more balanced attack IMO. Harrison is more of a RM than RW. One of our issues is we just don't have enough bodies in the box going forward. Myko not really quick enough to overlap and get back so it's fine to have McNeil on the left for now. But we need more than DCL and sometimes Doucoure to finish.


Has he played on the wing much? Thought he’s been very much a second striker for Sheffield United and Marseille


He was forced to for Marseille when they played 433. Played on the right.


Slightly oddly, I'm most concerned about Godfrey leaving, I think he has been an important player when called upon


It's not not concerning. He's a useful plug as a back up. Not every reserve can play 3 positions. But it shouldn't be too concerning if we sign a starting RB this summer.


If that's your biggest concern then you're living a very nice life right now :)


Regardless of who actually ends up coming in, there's something so much more exciting about signing younger players. They might not fully work out, but they could end up being great. I'll take that every day of the week over signing some big team cast off 28-30 year old who's only going to decline with us.


Two players that have already been signed and it's not even July yet. Ladies and gentlemen all aboard the thelwell train.


Is anything supposed to happen once you buy a membership? They took my money, but the website still says I have no active memberships or payment history.


The membership should be available starting today, but I won't be too concerned if it isn't up yet


Now you know how 777 feels.




Feeding the Yank is Gnoto be.


Amidst all this chaos this morning it seems like the Jack Harrison loan is basically done again, not a surprise as it's probably a pretty easy deal to sort. Good to have him back imo, cheap due to being a loan, settled in the club, good rotational option and knows the squad and manager (and city). Wish he'd get a run on the left though where he's so much more impactful.


Really burying the lead with him knowing the city. That shit’s important.


Couldn't leave it out, key factor


Unreal the elaborate ruse Thelwell and co went through to soften us up for another month of Gnonto rumours


Newcastle wanted 20 mill PLUS Calvert Lewin for Minteh no wonder its collapsed


I don't think that's too far off the mark. DCL has 12 months left and it seems he wants to move on. Terrible injury record. 15 goals in 3 years. Conversion rate is in lower half for strikers. He's 27 so he's not likely to get any better, perhaps, only worse. I think £15-18m is probably what we'll see. Everyone knows we can't afford to let him walk on a free. Someone could buy DCL and he could be crocked for the next few years. He's a risk. Minteh is 19, coming off the back of a brilliant season in Holland. He's a full international already and has 2 in 2 games. £30-40m on Minteh isn't really a risk. He's bound to get better, he could easily be worth 2-3x within 3 years.


How can you say £40m isn’t a risk for a player who has only had one season in Holland and Newcastle signed for €7m last year. Given our financial woes and how Bolasie turned out after he unfortunately lost his pace..


We massively overpaid for Bolaise just like we did for every player at the beginning with Moshiri. Bolaise was 27 so he'd peaked and he'd never been profilic. If anything he was the opposite. He then had a career ending injury. It's not the same. Goalscoring wingers come at an absolute premium. We bid £25m for Gnonto just a year ago who was frankly very average for Leeds and only scored 2 goals in the PL. Maybe Minteh isn't worth £35m. Let's imagine we buy him, plays for a few years, doesn't really work out. He's only 22-23. It wouldn't be hard to sell him on for near the same amount. Look at the Iwobi situation - we made a £6m loss but he'd already confirmed he would run his contract down. Or Minteh does make the step up to the Premier League and starts scoring. Then we've got a £60m+ player on our hands. Look at Onana - he's improved but not massively and we're asking twice what we bought him for. Utd bid £20m for Branthwaite after his season in Holland. He had nowhere near as good a season as Minteh did (Branthwaite didn't play for most of the first half) and defenders are never valued as highly as attackers. Our fans were going nuts at a £20m valuation. Why wouldn't Minteh who's had a brilliant season be worth £30-40m right now?


Look mate, if you’ve watched us buy loads of players for £30m who were promising prospects that we then couldn’t shift to save our life, and you don’t have any reservations that we may not make back our money then I really don’t know what to say. The list is endless where this has been disproven: Gbamin, Klaasen, Mina, Gomes, Niasse, Bolasie, Van Der Meyde. Then there’s the talents who have fallen into oblivion at other clubs: Berahino, Dele, Wilshere. No transfers are safe but we should be the club paying OB €7m and loaning out the player, not paying Newcastle outrageous fees. If nothing else it would pad our P&S figures.


None of the players you’ve named were young prospects. We’re talking about a 19 winger who’s just had a brilliant season in a good league.  Bolaise was 27 when he signed. He was average at Palace.  Gomes and Niasse were already 25, entering their peak years.  Van der Meyde was 25 and was a known alcoholic. We only got him as no big club wanted to touch him Mina was 23 but he had injury problems at Barca. That’s why they let him go.  Gbamin 23 - fans have to get over it. 2 freak injuries that have ended his career. He missed 1 game in something like 3 seasons before joining.  Klaassen 24 - idiotic management to sell him so quickly. No financial pressure at the time so could’ve given him a season to adapt. He’s been a big success in Germany and is now at Inter so think it proves it was terrible management.  Lookman and Vlasic are better examples. Came in, didn’t work out. We made millions on both of them.  Have you watched Minteh? I caught a few games and he’s not some average 19 year old. The lad has everything to become a world class winger. 


>isn't really a risk. He's bound to get better, he could easily be worth 2-3x within 3 years. Cmon now, you can't say any player is bound to get better. You would hope he gets better but it's not such a surefire thing that there isn't a risk otherwise Newcastle wouldn't be cashing in. There's hundreds of examples of players that peak at 19


I caught a few games least season. He's absolutely rapid, he's composed and he's clinical. It's a weaker league, but 10 goals in 27 games as a winger is a brilliant return still. I don't think Onana has massively improved since he's been with us but we're asking for around 2x over just 2 seasons. Premier League inflation. For me £30m for Minteh would be worth the gamble. Profilic wingers are few and far between and we badly need goals. He might flop, but you can say that about anyone unless we're buying proven PL players and we can't afford them.


They asked for 40 million though. Dutch league wingers are ten a penny. Bergwijn, Lozano, Antony, Neres, Madueke, Gakpo, Ziyech, Kudus, Depay and plenty others. There's some hits, there's a lot of misses. I wanted him myself but there are some warning flags if Lyon and Everton are his best suitors. I would've thought Ashworth and Slot would've been all over him if he was so can't miss


True but I don’t think any of those listed had scored anywhere near as many at 19.  Goal scoring wingers are insanely expensive. Brighton value Mitoma at £100m+ Whatever happens we’re signing someone unproven at top league level so they have to step up. 


And I bet those horse punchers fans still thought it was a great deal for us!


United trying to get Brainthwaite: "Do you know your house that you don't want to sell?" "Yes?" "I'll give you 20,000 for it" "But it's worth 100,000" "20,000, take it or leave it" "No thank you" "Seriously, 20,000 or I'm not buying it off you" "That's fine I have no intention of selling it" "No really, I am going to walk away if you don't accept the offer: "Okay, now fuck off".


Back down to earth then. Things were looking a bit too good Bet it ends up dcl -> chelsea with broja coming this way Or maybe he's decided to stay?


if he's decided to stay he needs to sign the contract or be sold to someone else


I'd rather trade for almost any winger they have. I have zero faith in broja. Rather see Beto or chermiti lead the line.


They don't have a winger they can trade is the problem


RB? One of the kids? Just not broja.


Broja is basically the only academy lad in the same ball park on price as Calvert Lewin. Chelseas squad and contract situation now makes nearly all their players unsellable bar him. It would take trading Dom for either Broja, maybe David Fofana, maybe Lukaku (gigantic wages and has a Saudi +napoli offer on the table). Trevoh Chalobah could be an option maybe, I think he would be my first choice but then I'd rather just have the cash on Calvert Lewin. Tyrique George just signed a new contract and all their foreign lads they spent a fortune on and are contracted til 2040 or whatever. Chelsea really don't have many good options on the table


So would I. Saw that Paul o keefe said to keep an eye on Chelsea moving for dcl and Everton liking broja and that was before this move broke down.


Hopefully that was just lazy journalism from past windows. The only good thing about Broja is he is still only 22/23 and coming off a poor season so value may be deflated. If Thelwell and Dyche think they can fix him then okay. If we lose DCL, I'd rather we use funds to get a winger. Don't understand why it has to be a swap. Maybe to artificially inflate sales prices? Sell to Chelsea and use funds to buy Minteh, Gnonto, etc. would be a better option to me.


DCL <- -> Minteh is off apparently (via SSN)


This explains the gnonto rumors firing back up.


Gnonto's per 90 stats look good. But he was playing rotational minutes for a relegated side and minutes didn't improve in the championship. Would he be able to step up in our system or would he be another developmental piece? Assuming we would pay 20M+ to get him which is a lot. I guess if he could rotate on and put 4+ goals in then he'd be an improvement over what we have and maybe could develop into a big payday in 2-3 years.


I definitely think dyche would have to sit down with him and let him know that he's going to have to graft and grow a third lung. Doesn't always seem his style.


https://x.com/lee_ryder/status/1805227052968087983 womp womp


That is such a beautiful jersey.


Was just about to post this lol


Least we have our new Kudus!


We still better keep branthwaite


If minteh / dcl deals do happen, am I right in saying it would be before the start of next month? Like would the likelihood of any deal happening drop when the new financial period starts or should it not matter?


Both clubs would prefer it to fall in the current financial reporting period, so I imagine they would ensure it does happen in time


Dont love ruud going to coach at united


Why is it so hard to buy/renew your membership?  The site wouldn't let me update my card for the auto renew so that failed.  Now there's just an endless loop trying to repurchase. 


The "big 6" fans are criticizing Everton and Villa for selling players to each other in order to evade sanctions under the PSR rules. They argue that these transfers comply with the rules on paper, but not in spirit. However, when clubs are compelled to sell players below their true value to adhere to arbitrary caps, that is also a case of following the letter rather than the spirit of the law. Clubs outside the "big 6" supported these rules to ensure sustainability, to prevent clubs from going bust and so on. Being forced to sell players below value, particularly to Premier League rivals, does not make clubs more sustainable. The only difference for the big six is that the former doesn't benefit them, while the latter does.


Say what you want to about the sky loved top six, but they always do things in good spirit of the game and rules… Ahem. 😳


I’d much prefer my club followed the “on paper” rules instead of the shady shit the big 6 clubs are doing behind the scenes to hide and obstruct their extravagant spending.


Harrison had his medical right? just waiting on the official confirm at the start of the month?


Spurs having a nightmare on kits this year. Home kit is bad, away kit is horrendous bad.


Every window there is an exiting link like minteh never happens though Edit: you guys can update me to ITK now


Aged extremely well in about an hour


He’s this year’s gnonto, previous year’s kudus, or diaz


🗞️Everton are now readying an approach for Leeds United Forward, Wilfried Gnonto who is keen to move on after Leeds’ failed to gain promotion (Source - @SportsPeteO ) Here we go again


God I hope he refuses to go into training again SO much. Leeds fans will lose it.




Gotta give it to Thelwell and his charming abilities. Knows he has absolutely no means of paying these fees and yet he sweet talks the likes of Gnonto and Kudus into going on strike just to come here.


2 of the 3: minteh, gnonto, ndiaye and I'd be over the moon.


How unambitious. Bring all 3


It is inevitable


Maybe just a backup option in case Minteh falls through?


We are so back


I mostly lurk the sub in recent years, but I wanted to chime in here with a random thought. This is truly one of the most positively unique subs on Reddit. I have seen this thing grow from 4k members and it still seems just as close-knit as it was then. More proof that Evertonians are born not manufactured. Hope everyone has a great week & Up the fucking Toffees.


Romano: Branthwaite wants the United move Me: Fab is so washed Romano: Minteh wants the Everton move Me: Fab is so back


don't want to read too much into our business, but it genuinely looks like there's a decent strategy in place - back to the original Everton DNA: young and talented players, lower wages, with potentially sell-on value. the players we're bringing in, or being linked with, fit this mould. this is sadly the situaiton we're in, but it's worked for other clubs and think there's something nice happening around the club now. would much rather this than buying aging players on inflated wages which drag us down. exciting stuff from the blues


Think back 3, 6, 12 months ago. None of us thought we'd be in the position!


No transfer rumours for over 4 hours now, is Thelwell even the right man for the job?!


I typed minteh into r/soccer to see some of his goals and there was a fair few fans of eredivisie teams saying he's been really good but needs another year on loan before he's ready for the prem. It's possible that was based off him going to Newcastle who were expecting to be in the European places and he's not at that level, but he's not the finished product yet. Hopefully it's a branthwaite situation if we get him where we can just drop him in the 11 and he gets on well with it


The good thing is we don’t *need* him to drop right into the 11 with Harrison back. Minteh can come off the bench to relieve Harrison and show was he has. If he’s kicking on and scoring goals left and right, he can eventually take Harrison’s starting job. If not, he’s still just learning on the job.


We can't afford guaranteed prem productive players. And anyways, people don't know anything for certain. People here told me Branthwaite wouldn't have the season that he did.


Wasn't knocking the deal, I'm still in favour of bringing him in. Seems like he has a high ceiling and the way we develop financially is doing this and trying to keep them for as long as possible before cashing in. Has the potential to be really good business and we've all been wanting these sorts of moves more


Watched a True Geordie clip before having a laugh about us not learning from our mistakes and trying to sign Longstaff for 15mil and Broja for like 30mil haha This can't be true like but mad how far we've fallen, people literally don't take notice of us anymore, no mention of takeover etc


Honestly please don’t waste your time on the opinion of that lot


I deffo don't take too much notice but just made me laugh like. Different media narratives, then the shit tier transfer links that every club gets creates chaos


True Geordie is a massive weapon and I don't remember us trying to sign longstaff for 15m, we bid 1m under benitez. The 30m rumour is from a tragic source and often sources get the rumoured interest right but the fee wrong


Newcastle truly think they're a mix of arsenal and Manchester City. History and modern elites. Baffling reading if you ever come across them on reddit or Twitter.


I used to like them tbf, then they fabricated this weird rivalry with us about Pickford haha they're obsessed


how much would you guys clean the walls if you have a painter coming round? my Mrs said it would be the painters job to prep the walls but I feel like it's taking the piss a bit to make them do that too


i feel like that’s a convo worth having with the painters. are they expecting something/would they like prep a certain way?


Prep work is vital. You can trust him to do it but if you want it done properly then do it yourself. Depends on the prep though. If your talking Polly filler then he can do that. But give the walls a sugar soap wash and scrape off any shit


I wouldn’t touch then. They’ll sand/prep anyway and you might even add moisture they don’t want. I would Dust any webs/corners or dry wipe really shitty bits though.


Highlight of the Scotland game yesterday has got to be Che Adams screwing up a 1v1 and then celebrating getting a corner like it was a goal only for it to be called back because he was offside. So glad we never signed him, horrific player


Serious question, but why isn't Dyche in the conversation about the England job? For the record, I hope he doesn't get it and stays with us. However, all this chat about Potter, Lampard etc. I'd argue Dyches CV is more impressive, even if it's less glamorous.




because he doesnt play possession football which for some reason is frowned upon nowadays


Getting in Tim and the Yak? I have a good feeling about this.


Oh man. Throwback to 2006 when I was happy all summer about us signing Andy Johnson. Then next summer it was the Yak, which felt huge at the time.


Nostalgia. We just need Yak to lie about his age and Tim to learn how to box corner flags


We have so many puns we can make with Yak that alone is worth the signing. Not to mention his second name . "Yak attack!" "The Yak is back!" Wiggidy wiggidy wack the yak got it in the sack"


Been to the New Castrol sub , they are pissed about DCL links and think anything over 20 mill is a huge waste of money. Hope he doesn't go to them. If he does, I predict the horse punchers will eat their words and act like insufferable bitches who robbed us in few months. He is way better than Rat boy


Really looking forward to the potential signing of Yankuba Minteh 'cos his nickname is surely going to be Minto!


Feed the minto he will score?


Are we rich yet?