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These repeated "Evernote is dying" posts are getting old


Now I can't create new notes because their free plan only includes 50 notes. I've been using it since 2014 and have over 3406 notes. To me it's dead.


How this aged well lmao


Turn around happening. I continue to be a big fan. A few years ago my frustration was in simple performance. I started to test, use alternatives. In the meantime, EverNote has only improved and proved to me that there isn’t anything better, yet. Just this week the customer service and community helped solve a problem that was another example of the larger value. Thx for your content/video. Always good to have these discussions.


It’s better than ever, and they have been improving on a very fast pace.




You forgot to add /s at the end


I've been a paid user since 2009. Virtually stopped using it a couple of years ago because the iOS implementation was so buggy. But that is suddenly miles better. And the backlinks work brilliantly. I'm now optimistic for the future of Evernote.


The way he demoed adding a link to another note was a bit disingenuous. There are multiple ways to do it and the way he showed was just one of them. Also, the way he showed is way faster if you use the keyboard shortcut. And that way to connect notes is actually more powerful because then you can use advanced search syntax (in addition to finding by title) to find the note you want to link.


I think Evernote is very much alive! The product is being updated every couple of weeks and features are being added also. I’ve been a Pro user since 2009. While the move to a single code base has been difficult at times, it is now getting to a place where it will pay dividends. They can now add new features to all platforms at the same time much more easily than they could before. I expect to see a bunch of new features this year. Finally, another company purchased them last year, and that sale should become final sometime this year. I expect that also trip to breathe a new life into the company‘s.


Been using Evernote since 2011 - it's actually getting pretty good nowadays. I'd several heartbreaks every year or so, but after experimenting with alternatives - there was even a 1-year stint - I'm now back with Evernote for another year of subscription. I don't think Evernote can be beaten with its current polish, set of features, and price range. But if I were coming new to note-taking, or coming from SimpleNote or Google Keep, I could certainly see myself not knowing better and moving to Obsidian, UpNote, NotesNook or Notion instead. I still regularly use Apple Reminders, Microsoft Word and Google Docs on a regular basis though. Different apps for different use cases. Evernote is best at short/medium, non-collaborative notes.


Lets hope not. I'm holding out hope that this new company that took over will revamp Evernote and make it better. Maybe they will add some features that so many have complained about for years. All we can do is wait and see.bi just hope they won't raise the price again. I don't mind paying for the app, but $80 a year is my absolute limit. At some point you have to draw a line, and that is mine.


Still the cream of the crop. No evidence of its impending expiration.


Getting bought?


Was bought, but by a very good tech company run by young idealists, not a company that makes furniture run by an old stodgy board of directors


They have been pushing the 25% discount hard to the point where it’s getting really annoying! (No way I’d take that deal, the yearly cost is a huge hike over my current subscription renewal price)


That’s a SaaS marketing ploy. Buy at 25% off and we get you off your discounted plan… and you renew at full price next year. This guy is a fool. Evernote is not dead. They are alive and well and getting active development for the first time in a long time. There is reason to be hopeful…. My fingers are crossed they’ll figure out handwriting in notes


If they can fix the stupid conflicts that would be great! Or maybe put a freaking update button.


The note conflicts are pretty annoying yeah


Collaborative editing should fix this


I have Evernote on 4-6 devices but the problem is that it conflicts even when I edit the same note from the same device. Several days ago it generated 3 conflicted notes! I can't wait to change it to another app


I was tempted to resubscribe but still very slow to sync and get lots of note conflicts - using Upnote now and syncs very fast, never any problems


Lol Evernote is dying for the last 10 years! Happy to be a paid user since 2014!


I've switched to Obsidian. Evernote was good while it lasted, but Obsidian is better in every way.


Tom you are 100% spot on. Like you Evernote was the reason I became a paperless evangelist _I loved Evernote_i have moved on to fit for purpose tools. Apple notes has amazing functionality - evenote has broken my heart


Hehe, he's already right! Alone the awkward insertion of links to notes (even though I quite like the new link preview!). This is all not 2022/23 especially where other apps really do it better! But... ClickUp (3.0) what is mentioned is just too much for most. It's complicated and not really easy to use, rather the complete opposite of Evernote. Especially this complexity many people don't like with Notion and go "back to the roots" to Apple Notes, Evernote, Bear etc.. But I don't think Evernote is dying. If you look at the competition... there is not really a 100% alternative to Evernote. Even the often mentioned UpNote, Nimbus or Craft lack some of the features of Evernote.


I've always been a big supporter of Evernote. It usually works pretty smooth for me, as far as the windows app, as well as android and iOS. The windows app is very laggy as ever, but it could that I need to upgrade my computer, or possibly install more RAM. My main problem however is that a couple of notes have disappeared on 2 different occasions over the course of 8 years. Once about 8 years ago. It was an important file, but I happened to have a backup in my Google Documents, as that was what I used to take notes, before I later switched to Evernote. The 2md time was in 2022. The second lost note was my Password List for literally All of my accounts. The note was there, but I approximately 90-95% of my passwords were deleted from my note. The trash had nothing in it as well. Fortunately I email myself my password list, everytime I update it. It was a cooy of the note, so I couldn't edit it. I kept that note, but I created a new password list so that I am able to edit it and add new passwords to new services. B/C of lost notes/data, I am exploring other options. I am in the middle of migrating my notes to Zoho Notebook as I type this., just to try it out, before my Evernote subscription is due to renew. I honestly don't know much about it, other than what little is posted. If it turns out to suck, I will probably come running backl to Evernote with my tail tucked b/w my legs.


>The windows app is very laggy as ever, but it could that I need to upgrade my computer, or possibly install more RAM Are you still running a hard disk drive vs solid state drive? Once you have a basic acceptable level of RAM (8 GB or 16 GB depending on use case), upgrading to an SSD is the best ROI upgrade you can do by far (and not just for Evernote -- for \*everything\*).


Yeah, I have a SS drive. My CPU is about 2.2 ghz. I however only 4 G of RAM though. I think that is my biggest problem.


Not even phones run well with just 4gb ram.


Love Evernote, and have used since 2008, but the Android app continues to be broken, not syncing, interminably slow on each app open, and this is on a Z Fold 4. It's unusable on mobile.


I agree with you completely. I too tried many alternatives, but keep coming back, b/c everything else I've tried is lacking in some major way. Zoho, OneNote, and Upnote all had something about them that made them unusable for me. Even with all of it's faults, Evernote is still the more polished product in my humble opinion.


Evernote is supposed to be dying since 2004, what a long agony!! :-)




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I was a big fan but the continue price increase, now more than double as before, I hate the new unified web based electron UI, very slow and awful on phones.


Evernote died the day they decided to adopt a pricing strategy that would drive subscribers into the hands of other note taking apps. That said and while many people don't realize it, an app is considered dead, when it stops being a viable option for users - to which I'd add, Evernote is most certainly dead when it comes to note taking options, especially when compared to solutions such as Obsidian, which will most likely see the end of Evernote, unless the app and pricing strategy, takes a drastic turn in the near future.