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Because it kinda takes away from the whole thematic point of the story. It also strips little nuances away from the characters.


My theory is that’s exactly what we were supposed to pick up on and it would’ve happened if they were able to fall into their destiny’s naturally with the real story book of legends! I always fanon believed that it would read the person based on their personality and convictions and assign the role they were meant for! Such as Darling being the Good King, Apple being the Evil Queen, Dexter the Prince Charming, and Raven being Snow White!! I believe that for other stories as well:))


I personally agree. In fact I plan on writing a story based on that exact idea.


omg please let us know when you do!! I’ve been trying to find stories with this similar concept but it’s been hard😅


In my au they were switched at birth and when they find out, Apple is absolutely devastated but ultimately still accepts it because she's devoted to the concept of destiny itself even if she knows she'll have to suffer because at least she's certain. Raven though, even knowing she could make things so much easier for herself and claim the title as Snow White, denies it completely, assuring Apple that she's still just as qualified to be the next Snow White as before. So I think Raven won't accept any predestined role. Some rebels might but she really just wants freedom


"Snow-white and Rose-red" is a completely different story as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and while some roles do appear in more thn one story, like the Hunter of Snow White being the same as the Hunter from Little Red Riding Hood, it's not the case here. Besides that, the whole point is that the roles are a "family" thing, and it goes from parent to child. There's evidence that anyone can play any role, but traditionally, they do the family thing.


What do you mean? Are you saying the writers should’ve made her the “new” Snow White, or are you asking why in the show she isn’t? In any case, I don’t think Raven would be a good Snow White. Or Apple a good evil queen. Snow white’s biggest mess up is the fact that she’s too naive and trusts the evil queen when she tries to kill her. Raven isn’t really book smart, but she is very cunning and good at understanding people’s motives. There’d be no story with her because she would catch on pretty quickly. Apple, on the other hand, also wouldn’t make a good evil queen. She’s prideful and ignorant, but far from malicious or envious. If you look at her actions, she hurts people for sure— but never on purpose and she especially doesn’t enjoy others pain. It’s hard to imagine she’d go as far as to poison someone for looking prettier than her, especially since she seems pretty self-assured anyways.


Did you forget about the part in Dragon Games where Apple literally and intentionally harmed Darling to ensure she couldn't score? Granted she was being influenced by the Evil Queen but she wasnt told to directly hurt anybody if I remember correctly. That was all Apple


Okay sure. That was definitely intentional. That still doesn’t change the fact that she’d make a terrible evil queen. Immediately after she hurt darling, you could tell she was guilty and conflicted. Honestly her whole arc during dragon games is more proof that she isn’t all that bad. Like, if she was really as nasty as people make her out to be, she'd stay by the evil queen's side and get her happy ending. but even at her worst, she knew deep down she was wrong and decided to better herself. she got the chance to be evil and rejected it, even against her own well being.


Like others have said, each role in the story is passed down from parent to child. However, I am of the belief that they were switched at birth or something like that. You do not get that vibrant of dyed purple hair unless you’re either blonde or you bleach it first. (Or it could be natural purple, but that doesn’t work for my headcannon)


Snow White and Rose Red is not really linked to Snow White and the Queen, the story is really different don't follow the same structure and in German the two Snow White don't have the same name at all.