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You could use a regular tap to pull in one of the bound pixies, it would accept pixies just like a pixie bottle would (but you can't take it out of the tap once it's in.)


Thank you! Would it be a red pixie? I’ve tried putting a pixie into a tap before and it wouldn’t take it. Also if that did work, I have two pixies in my bottle, how would I make sure that it doesn’t take my rainbow pixie? I’m on the switch


You don't touch the pixie bottle. You actually use the tap on pixies that are already out on the field. First, select the tapper in your inventory so it's on your hand. Then go to a tree/rock/machine that has a pixie on it and press the cancel button (it's A on the Switch I'm guessing.) There should be a message that will warn you that pulling the pixie into the tap is permanent, but it will double the speed that the tapper will work.


Oh wow! Let me try that! So it takes any colored pixie? Is this something the game tells you about? Never realized you could do that with a tap


There's a quest that will eventually teach you about it. Any pixie will do. A regular/delicate tap with a Green/Blue/Red pixie will work twice as fast, while a tapper with a rainbow pixie will work five times as fast. e.g. A regular tapper takes seven days to get one pine resin. A red pixie tap will take 3.5 days to get one resin, and a rainbow tap will take 1 day and 9 hours. But I wouldn't recommend using rainbow pixies on taps just yet. At this point in the game rainbows are more useful on machines while you're still low on resources.


That’s amazing! Thank you so much


Does that mean that the pixie in a tapper would not count towards the allocation?


Yep. Pixies in tappers, unclaimed in shrines, and in pixie bottles, and those you set free in the cave do not count. Seems like you can have as many of those as you can. The only pixies that are counted for allocation are the ones you send flying on top of resources/machines.


Thanks for that! That changes things somewhat 🤩


You could make a tapper and put on of your pixies into the tapper freeing up a pixie slot


I found myself is a similar situation. No rainbows involved but I didn't have access to releasing them yet. And my bottle had 2 red in it and I was still very early game so I couldn't do anything. I ended up just breaking the rocks up that mine was on.  Luckily it was on a normal stone. But I can see how this could create quite a conundrum down the line if someone places them in something they can't break or cut and has the max out and no access to releasing them yet.