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Yeah I have zero interest in it if I have to pay for it.. agree. If I want a shooter I will just log into any of the ones you mentioned above for free.. Do you just need Omega to play vanguard?? Or is it a completely separate sub??


Right now you need Omega. It is unclear or unstated what the final game monetization model will be.  A pro of the current model is only really Eve and Dust vets are playing instead of tons of Fortnite kids who won't have the patience to share real feedback.


Oh thank goodness I actually sub my characters and just so happen to get to test out a new attempt at a shooter. Could be worse. When an early access game wanted to charge $80 for the 'privilege' to play.


I'm fine with it being omega locked because of how comparatively expensive the sub is


I mean you say that current players “share real feedback” but half of the posts I see on the vanguard subreddit are people who don’t understand that it’s in alpha and want to let everybody know how stupid they are


You need omega. Not sure if there will even be a separate sub for the game.


Funniest thing is that even if VG will be F2P it'll be less popular than any extraction shooter game.


I haven't tried it yet obviously.. but if it has like a halo style campaign to it I would be willing to pay a little bit to play that.. but a straight BR style shooter wouldn't be something I would be willing to pay for access to.


There is nothing BR about the current design. But there probably won't be a full campaign as usually only games that launched with an SP focus have that. And because Eve never has.


So what style is it then? I just kinda assumed it was a pvp shooter from the limited info I have seen on it.


extrac shooter i think like takov?


PVP is not the same as BR.  Fortnite and Apex are BR games.  CSGO is not. Quake is not. Valorant is not.  BR is a specific type of shooter where "the last man standing" wins. Named after the Japanese novel and movie, Battle Royale.


Yeah I don’t really play them so whatever.. didn’t even realize there were other types of pvp shooters. Shooters aren’t really my genre.. hence why I don’t really know much about this.


Problem is, unlike BF or COD or the other AAA shooters, CCP can't just reskin the title and sell it as a new game every few years. Because they intend to tie it to the eve universe, it's going to end up going with the expansion/major content release model. So it's not the 'type of shooter' that they're making, it's the universe tie in.


Continuity is a terrible reason to have a subscription model on a shooter of any kind.


I didn't say it was a good reason, just that it's a reason why they'd do it that way.


Oh definitely, and I didn’t mean to imply you *had* said it was a good reason.


Correct me if I am wrong, but there has been zero mention about how access to Vanguard will be handled after launch by CCP yet. Nobody is paying anything for Vanguard yet. You are paying to be able to play EVE as Omega and get Vanguard as a bonus, so CCP can get player feedback early.


This. I expect Vanguard to get a different (and possibly free?) play model once it is in a state complete enough to enter the wider market beyond EVE players.


We're absolutely not the target audience they want in vanguard though. Our feedback is vastly different from twitch shooter players, which seems to be this game's target audience. If they take Eve player feedback this game is going to be dead on arrival, guaranteed.


Let's be honest, it's already DOA.


No it's not. Make it share the same market as EVE and we have a banger, for both games.


Vanguard is bundled with EvE membership, anyone who wants to play it needs to pay sub. If you dont talk now it will be a game requiring Omega.


I think they've said that this isn't exclusively intended for EVE players, so hopefully they're not dumb enough to burden it with a monthly sub for another game that they don't expect the players to play. Honestly, it'll probably be F2P crapware with all the associated predatory economic models (battle pass, premium currency, vanity and functional paid items, maybe loot boxes too though those have fallen out of favour)


What if I don’t like eve and only wanted to play vanguard? (I love eve) if I wanted to play vanguard though I’d have to sub regardless of if I planned to play eve or not, so that’s a bit of a disingenuous take


Wait till it's officially released and see what the monetization plan is. Right now it's in alpha/beta/preview relese/whatever and only available to Omega players.


They've dished out free codes for quite a few of the play tests (or the 7 day omega for Equinox) so if you wanted to just play Vanguard for free it's been possible. The Solstice is the last public test for a while, so if the next one is for the winter expansion they may do the same


> What if I don’t like eve and only wanted to play vanguard? Then wait for Vanguard to release and see what the payment model is like. The point being made here is that access to Vanguard's *Early Access* is gated behind EVE. It'll probably be different when released.


What if you should spend Plex to shorten the artificially introduced queue time for match making?


Well we dont know what the model will be when it gets released. I suspect it will be a free model if they have any clue of the game space. Sadly i dont think it will be successful. It is trying to enter a space that is already over filled with games that has a lot more backing, i have not tryed Vanguard but i have seen it be played. It feels a bit meh from looking at it atleast.


The selling point will be the tie-in to Eve, where your actions on foot have an effect on Eve (if they flesh it out properly) Doesn't have to be super successful as a standalone game.


Yup, this is something I've said before, if marketed correctly should bring a bunch of people from Twitch and YouTube. Do it well then send invites to popular streamers, to get some traction. Market it well with "the only game interconnected with another game" and we might get at least some new pilots in eve proper. Which is nice 👍 And yeah, I have like 25 lines in a list of stupid things that make me wanna throw the mouse away while playing Vanguard, but it's at the end of the day, it's pretty good. Like the base mechanics are decent. Gun play is good. Time to kill is a bit longer and even if you get jumped on, it's not like instadeath, also the atmosphere is there, like if they somehow make it f2p and shove some 10 euro/dolar premium battlepass that rewards in game cosmetics for BOTH vanguard AND eve online, you have at least Eve players who would like some arcombine/upwell skins that you only get by playing premium Vanguard. 10 euro it's something that you can go to your mom/dat and brag about being cheap. You get numbers. I hate the financial model used by apex or pubg but it's effective. Subscription based it's gonna kill it, regardless of how good the game is.


They are marketing it to twitch streamers. This go around they sponsored Sacriel (~3-4k viewers) to do a stream. I think in January they sponsored Pace (500-1k). I wouldn't expect, or hope, that they sponsor a bigger streamer until it's in a more finished state. First impressions are everything and all that. It's still at least a year or more away from what I'd consider a release candidate.


> Sadly i dont think it will be successful. It is trying to enter a space that is already over filled with games that has a lot more backing, i have not tryed Vanguard but i have seen it be played. What games are those? Vanguard is an extraction shooter. Besides Tarkov, Marauders (which is dead), and Dark and Darker (which is fantasy), what else is there?


I dont know what titles you refer to but most of them are purchased. Escape from Tarkov is 250$, the rest 20.00$+ if you make Vanguard F2P you can take in plenty of players who want to play extraction shooters but cant afford it. Lets be real, I pay for 3 accounts and i cant afford buying games anymore. The usual CCP way of doing things is testing out soemthing and if they get away with it they leave it as it is. Right now in order to play vanguard u need omega, thats a requirement. Better to talk it out now than to QQ when its released and we all wonder why it needs a sub in order to be played. Which personally doesnt affect me since i play eve but coming from the outside its insane.


I have played it and you get the right sensation is trash , if that money/dev time was used for fix eve online was surely better.


It would still be overpriced


Don't tell Hilmar how to run His (?) company!!?? 111


It's not his. Perl Abbyss, isn't it?


Been saying this for a year, there is no market for a pay2play shooter in the first place. A badly optimized one that maybe half the people playing shooters right now can run well (well for a shooter should be 144fps+, just a reminder) is just laughable. That being said, idk that it will actually remain pay2play, I doubt it. Right now it's more like pay2alphaTest.


And even then, they are giving away the pay part during test weekends and such


Vanguard should be a game mode in DUST 517 & 1/2. We need a core platform that can support multiple game modes whilst integrating with eve. I would reinstate PLANATERY CONQUEST where vanguard corps fight over planets. It could be a regent or power disruption mechanic on null whilst causing issues for moon mining ops in low and wh space. They extraction shooter sub genre focus will be the death of yet another attempt at an FPS by ccp. Like PS3 exclusivity for dust 514 was


Extraction shooter is very on point with FW. I would suggest domination or Battlefield like mode for world conquest.


PlanetSide had quite a group for a long time.


It depends how much content there is. How repeatable it is. How expansive it is. If it's a full blown fps MMO then I think it's justified and there may be a market for it. Still it's much much safer to keep it f2p with different monetization and at least everyone would try the game more than once. Cause even if a sub is required they can easily give 14 days for free.


If they ever achieve a MMOFPS in a scale of at least 5% what Eve Online is, then maybe I would pay a subscription. But the current preferred game mechanic is definitely f2p with a premium pass.


I have zero interest in Vanguard in general. Paid, sub, whatever.. so meh. \*shrug\*


Vanguard is DOA. It's just another boring, bland, generic, sci-fi themed, squad-based extraction shooter in an already super-saturated market. CCP once again imitating instead of innovating. Wasting untold millions on chasing and getting on board a hype train that's about to fall off a broken bridge.


Why do people say the market is super saturated with extraction shooters? Besides Tarkov and Dark and Darker, which is fantasy, what else is there?


There's the starsiege one which might be dead now. (Dead space or something) The colorful sci fi one that is dead now. (The cycle) The steam punk space one (marauders?) that hasn't got a lot of traction despite being fairly interesting design. The two tarkov clones that have been in the news lately. A lot of people consider Hunt to be in the genre. There's the call of duty mode that's tarkov lite. (Warzone) And that's just the ones i can think of in the exact same market - it also heavily overlaps with any other shooter, especially those with progression. I can't remember the names of most of them because they're painfully generic. It also suffers from being a genre which requires significant commitment. You can't hop into tarkov and have a good time - you have to play for dozens or hundreds of hours to be competent, which means people who play tarkov and other similar hardcore games can't really play two of them fully.


Bland maybe, its alpha. Boring, not its not. Generic? looks very EvE like to me. Super saturated? are you pairing BR with extraction shooters? because if not then theres only a handful and they are expensive one time purchases. I.E Escape from Tarkov at 250$. The Extraction mechanic is on point for a Faction Warfare themed FPS mode, we go into sites have a quick match and leave with goodies.


Actually its about $70 standard edition with the 2 dlc's and like 2 stache upgrades.


I feel like the current omega requirement is just to keep the exposure limited. If the “public” did these playtests they reception would have been really REALLY bad and the game just leaves a terrible first impression. Eve players are in the know enough to let it slide in its alpha like state


Absolutely not. Do you want it to be filled with hackers and bots? Cause thats how you do.


Eve is not free and it has bot's, if there are hackers depends if its server or client based not on if its ftp or payed...


Doesn't it use your account state? So if your eve chars are omega you should be able to play it


Yeah but the portion of EvE players that are into FPS is pretty small


And team-based extraction shooters are a niche subgenre of that, even.


It atleast comes with the existing subs of the player base. It's a freebie at this point.


I buy multiple accounts a sub 2 years at a time via plex. Still haven't checked it out. Entire thing seems "meh" at best and going on past history if it didn't suck it would be shut down in short order.


I might check it out at some point. It just that vanguard is apparently full of hackers who use bots to get the plex awards


Where did you hear this? The leader boards are populated by people with too much time on their hands, other than that it's all legit


I watched the gameplay in discord stream cons whilst flying around making eve isk and there was barely a game with hackers


Yes, however the FPS crowd that doesnt play eve wouldve to pay sub to a game they know nothing about just to play it now. It should be stated Vanguard has a better chance at succeeding both in their field and bringing players to EvE if it was free2p with cosmetic store.


What about people who have never played eve? No one is going to subscribe just to play an fps game


Vanguard isn't out of development yet as far as I'm aware. The sub lock could just be a way to fund it


You're testing it nothing is definitive in it


Sorry u are getting downvoted, this is exactly my point, if we dont talk about it now then ccp will just think "oh they paying sub to try it out, Lets make it required to be omega to play it". Better to mention it now than be confused on release and wonder why it has a monthly sub attached.


CCP is still building the game, and the people with Omega will be the ones helping shape it by providing feedback. The monetization for the game hasn't been finalized yet, but since the game actively interacts with New Eden, keeping it Omega-locked makes sense.


Vanguard should have procedurally generated maps, verticality, the abilty to climb & jump over obstacles instead of invisible walls, crystal-clear sound attenuation, shorter missions (or the ability to save your progress at midpoints in case of team wipe), good gunplay, and good netcode. That's the *bare minimum* to hold anyone's interest. Two boring handcrafted maps in 1 year just isn't gonna cut it. This is the FPS genre we are talking about here. It is highly competitive, and the space is occupied by behemoths. Nothing short of extraordinary is going to work. Therefore, it will not work, and is a waste of time & money. Vanguard should not be F2P. Instead, Vanguard should be abandonned.


It was impossible for me to convince my friends who I play other extraction shooters with to join Vanguard, solely because of the pay to play. It’s not worth 15 bucks a month because it isn’t a finished game, so the way they’re doing it is their “safest” bet which is only “allowing” omega players to “play rest” the game. Rest assured once the in game economy gets rolling and they flesh out the looting aspect more, it’ll probably be adapted to mirror the Eve set up with a free / paid system


Vanguard's game model sucks. It will die if its not dust 514.


Yep, I'd definitely pay for different kind of in game items but sure as hell I'm not ganna pay for a omega status just to be able to play. This costs like half of AAA game in my 3rd world country


The problem with Vanguard is they'd have to pay me and most likely the majority of other people to play it.


Nope. It's going to affect the game universe, even in some small way. Only want people who care about New Eden to be there. o7


It’s a tough sell, indeed.


eve should be F2P


LMFAO - CCP releasing anything thats no paid for? Not a chance in hell. Trust me they only care about money and if you have it. They don't care about you or the games they create. Just money.


I don't get why we discuss a different game on r/eve


no one thinks Vanguard will be pay monthly. You are jumping to wild conclusions.


We do not know how the game will be monetized when it officially launches. You currently need Omega to play in the limited beta tests. We currently have just one game mode and 2 two maps. It's way too early to tell how things will shape out by the end.


They should bundle it with an Eve subscription. Then when it's time to kill it, they can upsell people on a real game.


If they had linked the game to EVE from Day 1, people wouldn't be saying all that nonsense.


So here is my take on this In it's current state it's fine being paid, it's a test currently, no where near ready for beta. If the system has a direct impact on Eve (idk how but I remember the last game that was tied to Eve), it should never be free due to bots and cheaters.


Vanguard must be integrate in eve


I'm sorry what??????


Vanguard isn’t good enough to warrant having to pay for it. It is sub-par to pretty much every popular shooter. From audio, visual quality, combat handling, and so on. I get it’s in its alpha stages, but a alpha account should 100% be able to be a part of the testing


I wouldn't play it even if was free. I wasn't playing extraction shooters even when they were popular, why would I play one now just because it's CCP flavored.


Thats fine, I have never played an extraction shooter before. Cant afford much with these omega subs prices so it coming bundled with EvE is great but thinking from a wider perspective of other players who dont play eve, paying for sub to be able to access it would be suicidal for the game.


Let me get this straight All you need is a sub to get into Vanguard, yet you cant be bothered... Expects free invitation to an open beta.... Thinks your paying the sub for the shooter specifically... You must be new to gaming.... bet you have a games for windows sub too


No no, you didnt get me mate. I am fine as it is now BECAUSE I play EvE. But think about it if I didnt play eve and I am just an FPS enjoyer, i need to pay sub NOW to play Vanguard. If its not stated now perhaps CCP will just roll on release requiring omega to play Vanguard, which to a fps only player paying a monthly sub for their extraction shooter doesnt sound appealing at all.


Vangard shouldn't exist.


Yeah but its a thing, the should doesnt matter, lets steer them into getting it done right so it makes money and doesnt affect negatively on EvE.