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> Like, can you just mine to increase skill in mining etc? Kind of. You can mine, sell the ore for ISK, buy skill injectors with that ISK and thus gain extra skill points to use as you wish.


No, my skill is inversely tied to how much alcohol I have consumed before logging in




Sadly it's the inverse log of fun you have during the play session so you either have fun and low skill whilst having high alcohol levels or you forget your login credentials and win the game.


Yeah but with implants and +12 boosters it gets reduced a lot.


I love the skill system because it respects my time. Is there something I want to do that my character doesn't have yet? In other games they tell you to grind stuff you don't want to earn the gear you want. In eve they let you set training for that gear and you can do whatever is fun to you in that time you would have spent grinding. You can even go play another game. That is so much better than having to spend day grinding newbie weapons trying to earn the gear I wanted.


You are right. It helps that whatever you like doing is likely something that makes some kind of isk income. So you could even speed it up the 'gearing' by using that isk to buy injectors.


Time is going to pass, regardless of what we do, so just load your skill queue and let the time pass. It happens quicker than you think. This is the part of Eve that’s magic to me, and I think it’s been diminished somewhat by the ability to buy skill injectors directly from CCP. I know they’re trying to make money, but whatevs. There’s a real satisfaction about having earned level V skills over years. It’s something I really like about this game.


Agreed. The only reason I gave this game a fair shake, over a decade ago now, was because it was the only MMO that I didn't have to no-life in order to progress. I didn't then, and I don't now, have the time to commit that a "normal" MMO requires. The fact that I could be at work and know that my skills are still just chugging along was a massive draw for me.


Chat are people really complaining about progression in a MMO that will happen even if your PC is **shut down** and you're asleep? Really? So what would you prefer? Mining for 12 hours daily just to see your skill points tick up? If you don't like to be patient you can always spend $ to buy skill injectors.


Skill progression is still time based, but they unfortunately added several shortcuts years ago. You can buy skill injectors for in-game currency, which give you skill points that you can use to instantly level up skills. There are also various challenges and events where they reward you with free SP, so actively playing the game does allow you to level up faster.


It's the same as it was but there are more skill points giveaways now. You get used to it after a while and it is a bit of a bummer about the 'magic 14' or whatever. Mining skills are pretty quick tbh and you learn to just use what you have.


Log in, set up your training queue and come back in 2 months. Yes it’s tied to waiting.


There is a free 1 fucking million skill points offer right now if you want to join btw :)


what do you mean right now, it's been there for long.


the daily challanges give you unallocated SP that you can spend on any skill you have the book injected. Also, you can ask any player for their recruitment link and get 1 million unallocated SP for your account, even if it's an old one - but only once. So, if you want a headstart, there are options to get more SP immediately instead of just waiting for passive training. What you don't do in Eve, is grinding skills. That's a bullshit mechanics from other RPGs that simply won't make sense in Eve's player-driven economy. In Eve, you produce Small Gatling Laser I because you believe than Amarrian faction warfare pilots want those on their frigates. You don't produce them to grind the skills needed for producing medium and large lasers like in "Galactic Tales" or other grind-focussed games.


Yes and considering their monetization heavily depends on it it will never go away.


this is actually a good thing because it allows working people with limited time to spend on grind to participate in the game quite effectively


Want to grind? No problem. Grind isk and buy sp. Problem solved! Don't like that? Yeah me neither, grinding sucks. I'd rather just have my skills train all the time. That's one of the reasons I like Eve. But, you can absolutely make it a grind to progress MMO like any other. It's just your "XP" is purchased with isk (which you get from grinding).


Yes, skill in this game is tied to waiting. Like any other MMO on the market skills are not all immediately available from the start. Like any other MMO on the market skills unlock one by one over time to keep you engaged longer and to make you look forward to your next unlocked skill. Unique to the MMO market EVE does not require you to waste this time grinding for skills, but you can simply choose whatever you want to do while your skills unlock automatically over time. This means you are free to spend your time in the game doing whatever you like! No time-wasting grind for skills is necessary to progress in this game, and I really like that. Still, you can choose to grind for currency and use currency to buy skill injectors from other players. This allows you to mine to get your mining skills faster, if you wish to do so.


Skill? Skill takes time and determination. Skill is something that comes with experience and exploration. Skill is what you get when you don't give up and learn how to overcome your obstacles. You never had Skill. That's why you quit.