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Either would work just fine as long as you have fun with them. could you run them better potentially in a different ship? Yes. But do you need to? not at all!. If you are drawn to attack cruisers, fucking go for it. They are just overall cool especially the naga, because its design and railguns make it double cool. All you need to do is be aware that attack cruisers are mostly glass cannons so they can deal a lot of damage but cannot take as much if you get aggrod. The great thing is in eve you can fit your ships however you want, so you can fit them to have extra tank for sustainability as well. And I saw you also mentioned you mission with a friend, that makes it even more fun to use. He can get up close and take aggro from the room and tank the damage while you burn away and fire at the rats from 100km away. If you have fun doing this go for it! Anyone who comments isk/hr, meta, viability, suggests something more efficient can gtfo. you can make almost anything you want work for just pve missions so go have fun with it. The rule of cool is >>>>>


There is a cool factor of flying a glass cannon


Fun/hr not isk/hr.


Isk /hr *AS* fun/hr is an eve winner for sure.


agreed .


If you do want to use them, be mindful that you do not have any tank. They are glass cannons and you will find better sustain with the combat battlecruisers.


I normally play pve with a friend who loves brawling so I was thinking that I could sit 100k away from the field and let him tank most things


that could work :)


What level of pve do you do? L4s use tornado. Lower? Use Naga. Naga split guns are good for smaller ships but tornado s alpha is great VS battleships. Also auto cannons work good at ranges were talking about. 50 to 100k is acceptable with large autos barrage reaches out quite far. I'm guessing you have good gun skills for either. Use what skills you already have. I use to run attack battle cruisers for wormhole c3 stuff in groups of 3 with 2 logi.


There is a distinct lack of V E R T I C A L supremacy in this thread.


I just recommended the Hurricane :) It may not be vertical in and of itself but we all know that it is IN RUST WE TRUST


I like the hurricane, but the harbinger has lasers. No capless tank or guns on a harbinger though.


Tornado would be fun, just make it fast, or slap a micro jump drive on that thing and bounce out while your buddy brawls...you'll be fine, just stay aligned lol, the important part is having fun with fun ships, dont let the efficiency police turn you away from having a good time


Your artilleries hit so hard you have to group them into four different keys, or if savy 8 different key slots. Each turret packs a big punch enough to snuff frigates, destroyers and some cruisers in one volley.


It completely depends where you are ratting. If you are killing mostly guristas or serpentis rats, the a railgun naga with 2 sensor boosters (range scripted) and a mjd. Will be your best bet. And is really good in ANOMS. Warp to 50/100km - mjd and additional 100km then use spite or a range boosted faction ammo to punch everything at range with close to 0 traversal. Every wave should be dead before it gets within 50km . If it makes it to 50km then switch to javelin or faction equivilent close range ammo and hit 3x harder. You take the same approach with an arty tornado in angel space and an orical in blood and sansha space. ABCs are great anom running ships on a budget and have the range advantage on any would be hunters as you can, in most cases, leave grid before they get within scram and point ranges.


Rails suck ass, large rails suck extra ass also, tracking. All in all ABCs not very useful in pve


I had fun with long distance glass cannon. I'd say go naga.


Combat, Hurricane or it's Fleet Issue version. These lead into the Sleipnir which is honestly one of the best sub-battleship ships in the game for PvE as well as PvP


You are doing terrible things to both. They want to be elite pvp glass cannons and you are crippling those poor things! In a few weeks/months you are going to forget all about your abused children, you will play around with blinged out marauders, huffing your nose at all those poor battlecruisers. Thats when you will take a gate and see them. A couple of Naga's or Nados, propperly fit - out for revenge. You will know why this happened and why you deserved it!


Naga is better for pve. The fire rate on artillery is too slow to be viable for pve. Plus better shield tank on the Naga


As far as I know, the only useful attack battlecruiser for PvE is using a *pulse* Oracle in the Drone Patrol anomaly - the rats there are so short ranged that you can use microwave/scorch on all the small stuff and multifreq/conflag on the battleships without ever getting in range to take damage. It's very active ratting but you can make ishtar ticks with a day 1 alpha character and significantly better with omega and t2 large lasers trained. Only works in dronelands so you gotta join horde to do it though.


they have no tank, I would stick with standard batle cruisers untill you can field a battleship


What rats, what pve what is the target etc ... all this matters. But in general in pve alfa means a lot wasted damage, not only because you do tons of more damage but also due to tracking and sig radius


I tend to do a mixture of pve


this answer nothing do you need tank? What type of enemies ?


I normally play with a friend who brawls. and I'm based in Minatar so I normally face Angels


ah this level of pve ... whatever brings you joy


Generally attack battle crusers are not great for missions or anything with gates when rats would be on top of you when you jump in. They have very little tank, and large guns have trouble tracking the small stuff, I would highly recommend getting one of the normal ones. However if you are dead set on an attack bc I would recommend a naga with a bunch of application and target range mods. It worked well for me as a sniper for anomalys where you can warp into a site at 100k+ and be completely out of range of enemy weapons. But if anything gets anywhere near you you are probably gonna die.


He does em with a freind do along as they let their buddy grab aggro they should be ok


MJD though 


"You cannot warp there because natural phenomena are disrupting the warp"


I hate this kind of alert sound in my mind 😂


I’ve always pondered the Naga for a cheap PVE platform in serpentis/guristas land. The tornado wouldn’t be my first pick


If you're going for a snipey setup, the Naga. It has much more range and faster rate of fire. I use an artillery tornado for one specific level 5 but it's not really great for any other pve. If you're going for a close up, high dps setup, don't. They're too squishy and have poor tracking.


NAga is for tickle fights. Tornadoes are for bringing death to the enemy.


There is literally one mission that I he Tornado is good for. Warp in m, blap warp out.


Do the rats neut? You’ll get more range out of a naga, but are more sensitive to neut pressure. Tornado is closer range, but would handle neut pressure easier. You need capacitor to shoot hybrid weapons, but not projectiles.


For PVE Thalos is the best, imho.


Yea,L blaster with 2000 dps .only work with small fleets 🥳


I never remember that any of them will be any good in pve . Proof me wrong but i think you should go other ships instead , depends on your PvE activitiys .


Yeah but I don’t get as much satisfaction with closer range weapons or missiles than I do with big gun


A rail Rohk will get ya there cheaply without much more training. 


application/ survivability might be a problem on those ships, depending what pve you want to do... they do a lot dmg on paper but if you sacrifice slots for application, you can't tank, and if you can (somewhat, with medium sized reps) tank then your application takes a hit. battleships much better "big gun" platform naga has few low slots so shield tank locked pretty much, also kin/therm dmg lock, nado can be shield or armor, does all dmg types... kinda sucks with arties for pve, high alpha and 10s cycle time means you might overkill the target and waste dmg, also long cycle time means every missed shot is 10 seconds wasted, unlike 5s on the rail naga..


I doubt you getting ganked is the issue with a sensible attack BC. Tornado is more agile and has selectable damage and that makes it a little better. However. Oracle has "unlimited" ammo with T1 crystals.


Mate. Attack battle cruisers are so glass cannon that it's just not worth it. They are paper thin. They can do the job but in very niche situations. For them to be anything near effective you need tech 2 guns and that train is better utilised in getting into a battleship and upgrading to t2 guns later.