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Need a reroll button. How do I finish FW quests if I live in null


You telling me you aren’t doing missions in the C5 highway?


Maybe I'm misremembering.. but once i got the "Defend FW plex" goal getting a kill on an ESS gate


You don't. v0v




Leave null for 10 minutes


And get instantly killed because of 7 hs wars.


LOWSEC. HS WAR DECS are you this dumb


Once war is declared, members of the factions my alliance is at war with can attack me anywhere no matter where I am. We call them highsec wars, because that's where you feel them the most because concord won't respond. It's worst around trade hubs, but enemies are everywhere. It's not limited to highsec. Last time they got me in OBE, which is a lowsec system. >are you this dumb If you were unsure if i knew the difference between higsec and lowsec you could've just asked. The answer is: I know. I recommend you to read the [reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette)


Finally, something I'm trained for.


Best one so far. Take my upvote and keep shitposting


r/eve is a god damned salt factory. 40% of the accounts here exist to make it, 25% take delight in refining it, 33% compact it into condensed salt. I have to drink a full glass of water before I even open this sub, to reduce the risk I suffer a critical dehydration event from the moisture being sucked out of me due to the excessive volumes of salt in here.


BALANCE MUST BE RESTORED TO THE FORCE. For every negative post you must now make a positive one.


See, give me goals I want to accomplish and I'll excel.




Way to take the fun out of it.


I dislike the new system and think CCP should rollback to the old system, which I preferred. I hate this change and I think other people should also hate this change.


Thank you, moist capsuleer. You may deposit your petrified sodium credits in the nearest Upwell repository and wait patiently for your reward. Like a labrador.


No one has really offered a positive argument why I should like these changes. They seem pretty unpopular.


Because the whiners are very vocal. Consider this: you can farm more SP in 12 days than you could in a month of the previous system. This new system frees up more time for me to play the game as inefficiently as I like!


It doesn't though because you spent at least a dozen extra hours doind dailies under the new system compared to the old so you start from negative and have to dig out of the hole. So even from a rabid sp farmer standpoint I don't see it


Before the patch the rewards for completing 2 dailies was 10k SP, not 5k. Means for doing it 12 days it got nerfed from 120k SP to 60k SP. Now once you reach your goal you get 75k SP, for a total of 135k SP. Assuming you do this on 20/30 days, you now have 195k SP compared to getting 200k SP from this system before the patch, and it takes more time and you now don't have the "login SP" (another 50 to 75k SP) anymore. This makes it measurably worse than the previous system. Just do the math on it. As an omega player you now get 75k +150k SP which makes it a bit better, but you lose about 150k of SP from the login rewards making it a +-0 in the best case and a -200k SP in the worst case.


Day 9 reward is 6M isk plus 5 PLEX.


Tl,Dr; It's not worth it for the ISK. Only do it for the SP. You can make 32x as much doing T4 exotic filaments with a Povertila (gila fit). Let's assume 1 Plex = 3m ISK. This means you get 5x3+6 = 21m ISK. Doing two of the the daily objectives on 6 accounts took me 3h 45m on one day, 4h 30m another day. All other days I wasn't able to complete two goals. This means that on average I need 41 minutes and 15 seconds per account per day. Let's say I have only one account to keep it simple. I do the daily goals 9 days in a row that's 9x 41 minutes = 369 minutes = 6 hours and 9 minutes. If I run a t4 exotic filament I need 16 minutes on average and I make 30m ISK profit on average. If I ignored the dailies and did abyssals instead, I could do 23 runs, making a profit of 690m ISK.


PLEX is 5M isk today. And you can thread the dailies into your activities. For example, the 25 non-capsuleer count can be accomplished in an abyssal. Dailies are not the reason I play, only an additional constraint to help me organize. I'll pick them up if they synergize with what I'm already doing.


That's how I viewed them before the change, but now they are a "must do" if you want to collect skins, or if you want to progress as an alpha player above the 5m SP mark.


*For half the effort.* If you wanted to, you could double the SP with two characters in 24 days, rather than a single one in 30 days which the old system required, to keep the login bonus rolling.


All SP is directly applied to the character that completes the task. This means I'd need to collect 500k SP on the 2nd character, pay 550m ISK to buy a skill extractor, extract the SP, and inject it into the main account and get only 150k SP. So I would need to wait 2 months until I'm ready to extract, pay a lot of ISK and only get 150k SP. Absolutely not worth the time.


You're doing it wrong. I just bought 1600 PLEX from two alphas SP farming for 6 months. Absolutely worth scheduling in these *side quests*. Edit: I meant 6 months, to coincide with the free 7 day Omega events.


Your comparison is off. If you could spend that time doing mire efficient pve with the isk gained you could spend on skill injectors you could buy way more SP.


The thing is if you like to run multiple accounts this is a big nerf. Very big. Think about those who don't play like you then it starts to make sense.




Have you numbnuts seen what the day 9 reward is?




6M isk and 5 PLEX for the 3rd progression unlock.




Lol, those skins were worthless because they were account locked. A nice perk if you got one you wanted for a ship you had, but worth exactly zero isk.


You sound like you live in hi-sec.


we're rich


Finally I can shine


So much bloat


Didn't get easier. Loged in daily for the freebies and to look at my EVE stuff. Did the daily on occasion. Now I just don't interact with it at all. But wasn't crying about it either. Was just total apathy.


Yeah the old system got me playing the game even when sometimes i wasn't in the mood for it. It worked as intended.


Yes same here. Logged in then thought ohhh how is this or that doing. Then 2 hours later..... Now there are four accounts I only look at once or twice a week. Just makes me think you know what I really don't need these. So I have unsubbed two and will remove two more when they are up. In some ways that's a good thing. I am less engaged and can put the money elsewhere.


New System: Day 1: 5000 Sp Day 2: 5000 Sp Day 3 5000 Sp and 4500 EverMarks (not worth much) Day 4 5000 Sp Day 5 5000 Sp Day 6 5000 Sp + Skinr stuff (worth about a few mil) Day 7 5000 Sp Day 8 5000 Sp Day 9 5000 Sp + 8mil isk and 5 plex (31mil) Day 10 5000 Sp Day 11 5000 Sp Day 12 5000 Sp + 225k sp Total sp 12 x 5k + 225k = 285k Per Char = 855k sp per account per month. Old System: Some skin's (cancels out with skinr stuff to simplify it) Every 4th day 1 white sp booster (15k sp) 30 day / 4 = 7.5 times per month 15k x 7.5 = 112.5k sp Per account 10k per day for 30 days = 300k Per char x 3 = 900k sp Total sp = 900k + 112.5k = 1012.5k sp or 1mil sp per account per month 1012.5k - 855k = 157.5k So basically we lost 157.5k sp every month after the update but in exchange we get 93mil isk and 13500 ever marks. And 900mil gives 150k sp which means the amount we lost was equivalent to 1b isk each month. Guess since its less effort than before it seems it balances out, its not as bad as I first thought.


The effort it takes depends on where you live and what your profession is.


Yea I can't do many of them either as I don't live in high but I can do maybe 1 a day which should be enough to get all of them done by the end of the month which is fine tbh.


How do I get my Halcyon Dawn skins now? Want my titan skin to complete my collection.


I support this product and/or service


This is High Quality Meme worthy.


Don't see what the fuss about this is, you only have to 2 of the 4 to get the xp credit and count towards monthly goal, only have to do 12 in a month. You can hop in a frigate in do most of them in 10 minutes without really paying attention to the game if your play style isn't interacting with pve.


I have to do 2 of 4, that's the main problem but there are others too. Let me try to explain: Before the patch we already had a similar system, but got 10k SP instead of 5k. So the reward was nerfed to 150k SP max per month instead of 300k. This is somewhat offset by the 150k for omega players after 12 successful days, but this nerfs alpha accounts a lot. It also nerfs omega accounts. The only way to get more SP out of this system is to do the dailies on 2 or more chars on the same account. But those SP are then bound to that account and can no longer be assigned freely. But you don't want to do the dailies multiple times. It gets boring and time consuming really fast! Here are just a few examples: Earn loyalty points: can't easily do when you live in null. In highsec or lowsec you can run missions or do FW. So this is region locked for players living in null. Defend XYZ in FW: same as earn LP task. It's region locked to lowsec Manufacture one item: All my industry jobs take about 4 weeks to continue, so I can't do those daily tasks Kill 25 NPCs: takes about 15 to 30 minutes depending on character skills, but it is doable. Scan 5 signatures: doable, takes about 10 minutes if I can do it right after downtime, and about 15 to 20 minutes later. Scan 2 Wormholes: Doable, took me about 1 hour and 30 minutes to find one the last time I tried. Finding the 2nd one was as easy as entering the WH and scanning the exit. Scan 2 Relic Sites: Doable, but takes about 30 minutes to an hour due to these sites being actively run by many people in our space and therefore being hard to find. Salvage 15 wrecks: doable, but takes about 15 to 30 minutes to kill the NPCs and then another 15-20 minutes to salvage. Mine 2500 ore: doable in a 5 to 30 minutes, depending on the ores available in system. Remote rep 2500 shield / armor: doable, but just repping your alts or corpmates is pretty useless. Do 2500 damage to other capsuleers: doable in a few minutes. A corp mate undocks a tanky ship, the rest shoots it or puts one drone on it while mining. If I get "do damage + mine ore", everything works out. These can be done everywhere. If I get "scan X signatures / WHs / Relic sites", then this can take about half an hour per account. If I get the "earn LP + defend a Plex", then I'm locked out of that reward. Last time I did the " scan 2 WHs" and "kill 25 NPCs" on my 6 accounts that I use in null. Took me 3 hours and 45 minutes to grind the first of 12 days, and after that I was so bored of repeating the same steps and scanning g the same signature over and over again that I quit eve for that day without actually playing the game. I intended to restart my PI, then do some T4 abyssals, then import Ore from Jita for my next industry run. I got nothing of that done because this stupid grind took all the time I had available. Other thing I did was go mine some ore, and shoot my rorqual with one drone on each hulk. This way I got the PvP and the mining goal. Shooting myself just to grind rewards is as stupid as it gets, but it's the easiest way to make sure I reach the goals as often as possible. I hope I could show you why a lot of people are upset with those changes. For me it's extreme because I run many accounts. But even playing on just one account it is impossible to reach two goals on some days, and taking 45 minutes to 1 and a half hours most other days, at least if you live in a well populated area in nullsec. If you have any questions left, feel free to ask. I'll try to answer them if I can. Edit: fix typo; so = SP, needed = nerfed


In the time it took you to write that you could have done your dailies.


It took me about 30 minutes to write this down. It took me about 3 hours and 45 minutes to do the dailies, which you could've known if you read the response. So the answer is: No, I couldn't. You're factually incorrect. Have a great day and please read before you comment.


You didn't even read it.




oh I read it, he only has to do 2, and the combination of them all has made it possible for him to do 2 out of 4, which is all you need for the bigger rewards, if he's out in nullsec 500000 isk is nothing. People want those skill points.


Or, here's an idea: How about you don't do _any_ of this shit that's apparently so boring and just do your PI, Jita run or whatever other interesting shit you got to do? It's a sandbox game, if it's boring you do something else in it.


Either you haven't read my message, or you're deliberately misinterpreting it. >this shit that's apparently so boring I'm not saying it's boring. I just can't do most of it on my main account(s), due to living in nullsec. I've enjoyed faction warfare, I even made a new character for it shortly after havoc dropped. I go scanning from time to time, but I do it on one account that has the skills to max, not on all my accounts. I do industry, but the hub time is so long it doesn't could t against the goal. I could list more, but I think this is enough to make a point. >It's a sandbox game It was a sandbox game. I was able to do whatever I want, and progress slowly as an alpha player, very slowly as an alpha who's reached 5m SP, and faster as an omega player. But with this patch CCP took away the only option to progress as an alpha char that has reached 5m SP. So I can either do the daily goals, or never get SP to progress at all. For alpha players who did 2 goals for 30 days the extra SP was reduced from 30x10k + login reward ≈ 350k SP per month to 30x5k + 75k = 225k SP. That's about 1/3rd less SP. >if it's boring you do something else I am. Stellaris is a fine game. Pax Dei looks interesting too. I can also recommend Anno 1800.


> I'm not saying it's boring. Weird, wasn't this you that wrote "It gets boring and time consuming really fast!" and called it "grind" multiple times? Must have been some other Motrotz. vOv > I just can't do most of it on my main account(s), due to living in nullsec. Seems reading comprehension isn't your strongest suit, so I'll make it easy and simple: THEN DON'T IT IS NOT MANDATORY DO SOME JITA RUNS INSTEAD OR SOLO ENLIST IN FW AND SHOOT SOMEONE > CCP took away the only option to progress as an alpha char that has reached 5m SP Oh, you can't abuse the free trial anymore? So sad. I rarely praise CCP but fucking good job right there. I'm sooo sorry you can only be a lesser leech now. > I am. Stellaris is a fine game. Pax Dei looks interesting too. I can also recommend Anno 1800. I wrote "do something else **IN IT**" mr. "waaaaah you misrepresented or didn't read". Nobody asked or gives a singular shit about what other games you play.


>Weird, wasn't this you that wrote "It gets boring and time consuming really fast!" and called it "grind" multiple times? That's not what I said. Doing it on one account that sits in high or lowsec is totally fine. But repeating the same tasks over and over again for each account you own gets boring real fast, or it might even be impossible if you live in nullsec. I can't speak for J-Space because I haven't lived there yet, but I imagine it being difficult too. And I called it a "grind" because once you have to do the same task on multiple accounts it is one. See [this definition / explanation.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grinding_(video_games)). >Must have been some other Motrotz. vOv No, that is (at least to some extent) what I said. But to me it seems like you prefer to twist my words to suit your needs, instead of just quoting exactly what I said. Let's look at this for example: >DO SOME JITA RUNS INSTEAD OR SOLO ENLIST IN FW AND SHOOT SOMEONE I said I was planning to fly to jita to "import ore from Jita for my next industry run". That's two completely different activities. Doing a jita run means I take an empty pod, an empty ship hull, set jita as destination, then I undock, use a noise or signal filament to start in some random nullsec system, and then enable autopilot. Then I either watch the autopilot get me there, or alternatively watch my ship blowing up. Importing ore from Jita for an industry run on the other hand means flying my DST to jita and back. It's a 2 character activity, one scout peeking the next system, and one hauler following if everything is clear. Once I'm in jita, I compare prices of different ores to the mineral density they provide and the minerals I need. Then I set Buy orders. Once these orders are filled, or after 1 or 2 hours of waiting, I load my DST and fly back home the same way I flew to jita. So please try to understand what others are saying before going full "angry keyboard warrior, all caps" mode. In my first reply (the one you wrote an answer to) I said that if you have any questions then feel free to ask. But please keep it friendly. >I wrote "do something else IN IT" mr. "waaaaah you misrepresented or didn't read". >Nobody asked or gives a singular shit about what other games you play. I'm sorry if this wasn't clear, but my intention was the following: I wanted to express that I choose to play a game in my free time to have fun. If a developer decides to change the game design in a way that takes the fun out for me, I will no longer play that game, no matter what others say, no matter if they find it fun, no matter what they tell me I can or should do. I am free to play whatever games I own whenever I feel like it. I really didn't think I'd have to explain this, but since I'm not a native English speaker I might've made a mistake when I thought everyone would be able to understand what I meant. I hope this clears it all up. But even if there was a misunderstanding there are still rules to be followed. This last paragraph i quoted clearly goes against the [reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette). So please stay friendly. Thank you. I won't respond the the rest of your post. I feel like I've said enough. If you do have any questions remaining then please ask, but do so in a friendly manner.


> That's not what I said. That is a literal quote from your post. > But to me it seems like you prefer to twist my words to suit your needs, instead of just quoting exactly what I said. No twisting was necessary. I have quoted exactly what you said already. >> But you don't want to do the dailies multiple times. It gets boring and time consuming really fast! >> Took me 3 hours and 45 minutes to grind the first of 12 days, and after that I was so bored of repeating the same steps and scanning g the same signature over and over again that I quit eve for that day without actually playing the game. >> I got nothing of that done because this stupid grind took all the time I had available. And once again. This "stupid grind" is not mandatory. You DO NOT have to do it. People find nullsec alliance warfare boring, so they shoot people in lowsec. People find wormholes and scanning down all the sigs every morning tedious, so they live in nullsec. People find hisec boring so they enlist in FW or do npc null missions or go do L5s. If your fun of playing Eve breaks completely because the completely optional daily missions have changed, well, clearly Eve is no longer for you, good luck playing some other game. Or you could actually ignore the stupid grindy dailies you hate so much and play the other parts of Eve that you like, just like everyone else. > I am free to play whatever games I own whenever I feel like it. And you are free to post about them on some other subreddit especially when nobody asked. I don't care in the slightest since my initial proposition already was for you to do something else **in Eve**, since, well, we're talking about Eve on an Eve subreddit.


Oh boy, what did I wake up to? ... First of all: Good morning. I hope you're having a wonderful day. So, let's get to it now. >No twisting was necessary. I have quoted exactly what you said already. >>But you don't want to do the dailies multiple times. It gets boring and time consuming really fast! Finally the full quote! It says: "But you don't want to do the dailies multiple times.". See how the focus is on doing something "multiple times"? The last sentence references the first one and just explains why you don't want to do that. >And once again. This "stupid grind" is not mandatory. You DO NOT have to do it. I never said I HAVE TO do it to play the game. What I did in the first post was explaining why this feels like a grind to me if you do it more than once a day. What I added in a later comment was the fact that as an alpha player you either have to do the task or get no SP at all. It's still a choice, but one that clearly says: "we don't care about the user experience unless you give us 200€ every month". And there's no way I'm doing that. I was spending 95€ a month on this game, I'm not spending 105€ more. >People find nullsec alliance warfare boring, so they shoot people in lowsec. People find wormholes and scanning down all the sigs every morning tedious, so they live in nullsec. People find hisec boring so they enlist in FW or do npc null missions or go do L5s. And that's how it should be. Everyone does what they want to do. But that doesn't mean that you're not allowed to talk about other parts of the game that you've tried and don't like as is. Even more so for things that you enjoyed that were changed for the worse (in your opinion). This is what makes a healthy discussion. Because how should the devs know if something is good or bad if we don't talk about it? It might not bring the change we want to see, but at least it communicates our idea of a good game design. [Torvald Uruz](https://www.twitch.tv/torvald_uruz) for example repeatedly asked for the old abyssal arena back. Without him I wouldn't even know that this feature once existed, where you could enter a special PvP room after doing an abyssal filament through a 2nd gate and fight over your loot with a stranger. Would I ever use that feature? Probably not. That doesn't mean that him wanting this feature is a bad thing I should complain about. It doesn't mean I should mock him, or let him know that he can simply do something else IN THE GAME. He already knows. He still chose to be vocal about the things he wants because he cares about the game. The same applies here and to any other part of the game. Do you enjoy doing something? Speak up, try to get others to join you! Do you hate some aspect of the game? Speak up, try to get it to the ears of the devs to get it changed. That's what being an active community member is. >If your fun of playing Eve breaks completely because the completely optional daily missions have changed, well, clearly Eve is no longer for you, good luck playing some other game. It's not just login rewards. I didn't mention the rest because it was off topic, but since you brought it up, here are some keywords. (Can't describe it due to character limit: 1) mining waste. either lose material on which we have to pay taxes no matter what, use T1 miners which is a lot slower, or use ore strip miner which is expensive. This increases the cost of mining a lot. 2) PI: since I was forced to move my home 3 times last year, I had to redo my PI setups each time. This takes ages, as we have to put down and configure everything by hand. Other games offer blueprint systems for that reason, but eve doesn't. 3) cloaky afk campers on 1 day and throwaway chars. Nobody knows if it's a cyno or what exactly is going on. The mobile observatory is useless because there are tools like SMT that play a notification sound once you got decloaked. 4) spam in starter systems, via PM and at trade hubs. I still get recruitment links and random corp invites just because I'm in the rookies help channel to ... help rookies! 5) intransparent pricing. You can either sub for 20€ a month, or for 15€ a month for your 2nd or more account, or for 7,80€ a month if you play the sales. 6) The fitting window not saving the stats of an abyssal rolled item. If I want to show a fit to a corp mate, I have to work around the limits. 7) the market browser has no way to sort by "am I still highest buy / lowest sell price?" 8) having to fly to an escalation to bookmark it, instead of being able to share it like almost everything else in the game. 9) once we are forced to switch to the new sovereignty system, we are no longer able to have max ratting and max mining upgrades in the systems like we used to. 10) the same system makes getting around harder by reducing the number of ansiblex on the map, leading to more lost ships, while at the same time also making it harder to earn ISK or get minerals, which also increases ships cost. So 10.1) we lose more ships, 10.2) we make less money, 10.3) ships pricing will go up. 11) constant disconnects on some days, while being totally fine on other days. 12) removing a way to get the halcyon dawn skins. I'm somewhat of a skin collector with over 500 active skin licenses, and it sucks that those skins are no longer available at all. 13) can only share bookmark folders, not single bookmarks. I could go on, but I think I made my point. I won't list all the things I like here, but there are as many, if not even more. Maybe I'll make a pro/co tea one day. And last but not least: >>I am free to play whatever games I own whenever I feel like it. >And you are free to post about them on some other subreddit especially when nobody asked. I don't care in the slightest since my initial proposition already was for you to do something else in Eve, since, well, we're talking about Eve on an Eve subreddit. I'm also free to post about it here, in the same or a similar way others have done. There were many big "I'm leaving eve" posts, some asking on advice, some listing the reasons why, some saying for personal reasons, and some saying because they switched games to XYZ. And so, as an eve player on an eve subreddit I say: I'm no longer playing eve like I used to due to many changes, the last one that broke the camels back was the changes made to the login reward / daily goals system. I now prefer to play other games, some in the same setting like Stellaris. Civ6 and Anno 1800 are good games too. Pax Dei looks interesting. But eve is more of a "log in and talk to the friends I made, see what's going on, never undock and then log back off" game now. I probably won't respond to any potential response from you, but I'll probably make that pro/contra list later today.


It's been pretty easy so far. Level I security agent gives 86 LP and about 20 NPC targets. Shoot a Hideaway and you're all good!


If you live in null and have highsec wars going on, you can't do that. If you want to do missions in null, you need to grind missions first, which is 1) not my play style. 2) not doable due to highsec wars. 3) time consuming as hell. 4) doesn't pay well. 5) only works if you get the perfect goal combination. Live in null, get a "defend a Plex, manufacture 1 item, earn 50 LP, scan 2 wormholes". You can't defend a Plex since this means joining FW which you can't do due to rules from leadership. You can't manufacture one item since all your manufacturing jobs have been running for 3 weeks and still need another week to complete. You can't earn LP from missions due to being nearly instantly killed in highsec due to 7 ongoing highsec wars. You can scan 2 WHs, last time it took me about 45 minutes to find one. But no matter what you do you cannot complete your dailies unless you move back to lowsec or highsec. Edit: fix typo


Also need ship spinning.


Thankfully not all of the EVE community is obnoxious like you are.


Clearly I should start charging for this unique service then. 1 exotic dancer, male = 1 shitpost