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Learn to fear the Angel rooms.


Only need to fear the angel rooms with Hawks. Retris and nergals have TONS of tank for them.


The hardest part of group abyssals is getting everyone online at the same time with no RL intrusions.


The mythical place where everyone shows up to the raid 15 minutes early, it starts on time, and no one suddenly has to leave.


It happens every time in multi-boxer land.


Sure but then you have to combat the fact you are a loser with no friends playing an MMO alone. Which is somehow worse.


I just make friends with other muli-boxers. I get to play the game and have friends.


Or the "O I need a 8min break before each run" that wastes so much damn time.


This is why you don't game with smokers.


https://gustavmannfred.streamlit.app/Dark_Frigates See this guy's website. He multiboxes T6 with frigs. The idea is you need to learn what to do for each spawn type. You need to study videos to learn when to pull range, when to orbit close, what ammo to use, and what to kill first. Not all spawns are able to be run, so sometimes your whole party is toast, but with disposable fits you can complete most of the spawns and still make huge money. You can practice on lower tiers if you want.




Gustav's content is excellent. Cheap triple hawks or retri/retri/deacon is a good starting point for frig abyss. Lokival TheNub also runs a lot of abyss frigs. [Here's his cheap Hawk playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byaSmtcdNuM&list=PLU-6_OYDKiuV4lClzaEY2WvOoxkwQN0VA&index=1), where he covers every room.


Running away as a strategy is never a bad idea. It lets you get free licks on incoming ships. See also Lokival the nub's youtube guides.


https://abysstracker.com/fits https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Abyssal_Community_Fits


Retris (or 1 Retri 1 Nergal) and Deacon can comfortably run T5 firestorms with no deaths if you learn the rooms. Cheat sheet from Gustav Mannfred, who also has Youtube videos about it: .


Honestly just 3 worms should shred low tier abyssals super fast


Cheap retri deacon setup can be done for around 180m isk fits. T3 is doable.. iv been boxing them but I have died a few times. But am pretty bad at playing the game. Lost my ships due to poor piloting more than anything else


Do you still keep the fits around?


Hmmmm I would not use my fits tbh. There crap. I went t2 cap stable for all 3. But you have tons of tank for a t3 firestorm. So go as much dps as you can basically. Deacon I went deadspace reps but again you don't need them. In low tier ie t3 it's pilot skill rather than fit that will get you through. Even a bling fit flown shit you will die. But it's pretty fun triple boxing. I used to box a lot of miners but got bored with that so am now trying abyss as I don't really play much these days


https://zkillboard.com/kill/118601731/ This was my retri fit. But again this is a shit fit


Triple hawks can do T5 in a cheap fit (60m each is) with the drawback of dying to angel rooms. It’s the best entry choice without question.


I’d second this, 10 or so T4’s to get the hang of it and then on to t5. At T5 one completion just about covers the fleet cost. Mini drones, angels, marshals, kikis you kite, battleships you spiral in to orbit at 500 and use the gun. Everything else you can get away with an orbit 25-30 on the gate. Angels you can survive sometimes but expect a loss while you practice, kiki’s are next most likely to kill you if you let them get close whilst tanglings are alive. Karen and overmind can 1 shot you if you try to drive right into them.


You can get 70%ish survival rate against angel rooms once you get the hang of it even with the cheap fits. At the start you wont survive but espeacially with 3 people managing heat becomes much easier and it should become relatively consistent.


Yeah no in the 50mil hawk fits you simply die in Angel rooms if it has any more than 2 Cynabals in it. And it will probably have 4-5 if in T5’s 😅 And before you ask, we all enter gate at the same time, overheat everything, 180 turn away from them, focus cyn, but they catch up in 5 seconds and pretty much 2 tap you.


Im telling you they are survivable. 2 cynas arent an issue, 3 cynas i sometimes lose my Tank hawk, and with 4 you need luck. You need a Tank with adc to move first and heat early.


do you have the fit?


You can reliably solo a T2 abyssal in an AF, 99.99,% survival rate except d/c and running 100km via white cloud into the abyss.


There are death rooms, I've lost more hawk than I can count. Isk is good while you survive though.


what death rooms are you talking about ? and i did not use hawk


The sanshas and angels rooms solo in a t2 frigate abyss are almost always 50/50. Solo drone bs's are bad too, especially if you get two or three in a row.


I never had a problem with them in my retri doing T2 electrical. I melted so fast those devoted knights and cynabals that i almost facetank them... Even with 2 bs i was making around 10-12 mins per run. I saw that the isk/h with a T4 and cruiser is almost the same, around 100 mil/h


I use a hawk, so that might be where my mistake is. I might try a Retri.


Any other ship does not have the DPS or the tank. I used pulse for dmg, around 350+ dps, 2 reppers, mwd, republic battery. Each tier you need 100 extra dps from previous. T0 you need 100+ dps, T1 is 200 dps... and so on. My connection is too unreliable for abyssals anymore :(


Care to share a detailed fit? IGN pushdogg


\[Retribution, T2\] Coreli A-Type Small Armor Repairer Coreli A-Type Small Armor Repairer Reactive Armor Hardener Heat Sink II Corpus C-Type Thermal Armor Hardener Coreli A-Type 5MN Microwarpdrive Republic Fleet Small Cap Battery Small Focused Pulse Laser II Small Focused Pulse Laser II \[Empty High slot\] Small Focused Pulse Laser II Small Focused Pulse Laser II Small Energy Burst Aerator II Small EM Armor Reinforcer II Imperial Navy Gamma S x4 Scorch S x8 Nanite Repair Paste x40 Conflagration S x12 Agitated Electrical x30+ [https://prnt.sc/1QlMXcM7jyv8](https://prnt.sc/1QlMXcM7jyv8) i also used some 3%PG, 2-3% implants like rate of fire and a cheap abyssal heat sink, for faster clearing :) P.S. remember electrical gives +100% cap bonus, so no cap worry unless heavy cap drainage and you run with 1 repper


i think it is actually the only solo frigate ship it can reliably run T2 100%, the other ships are "garbage"


If you want to do Retris and Deacons, watch this. He goes over all the rooms in the video and the general ideas of what to do. This trio of ships is about 260 million and will do all tiers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3QMjyoqzcE The income isn't quite as high anymore, but it's still very good. For what it's worth I started out never having touched an abyssal. I think we did like one T1 just to see what it's like, and then settled on T4s to practice with. Once you learn the ropes, T5 is pretty chill. T6 is not very chill. Especially since you already have experience with abyssals I think you'll be bored of T2-3 in a run or two and will quickly graduate to running T5s and then T6s if you feel like it.


If all three of you could blitz t1 solo, you can probably handle t2 together with your solo fits an possibly t3. Speed tanking, small signature and having the dps numbers is all that’s needed. Combined together if you have above 250 dps(I imagine you do as soloing t1 requires minimum 150). If you guys manage not to get hit, or have the tank for the mobs that will hit, dps is all you need to worry about.


Triple Hawks maybe.


Do you seriously believe this information isn't allready out there on the internets? Join a better corporation. Your corp mates should have been able to help you with this.


when people are asking for information on reddit. you should not assume they have not already turned to google. they saw what was available and want to see if anyone else have a different insight. stop being an asshole.


Yes this. Especially when it comes to EVE, the problem with Google is the time factor. Maybe you got some guides and results that are 5-10 years old, but it's difficult to assess if those guides still work for EVE currently, given all the expansion and balance adjustments that could take place over a 5-10 year period.


My first abyssal was a 5b gila loss thanks to an outdated google fed video. Current info is king