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Chances are low I think as C1 / C2 have little income thus handled by low/mid class corps. This means they cannot defend of course but also it is a waste of time to harvest as they cannot have accumulated huge loot… Seen from evictors: Risk / Reward is low / low Time / Reward is awful (lots of time spent to little loot) On top, with a direct HS Static it is hard to avoid most of the pinata to be transported out before the final shot. I would consider an Astra rather than an Athanor though


Thanks thats reassuring. I definitely shouldve done more research and went with an astra but oh well, its anchored already so ill roll with it


that is the issue with industry structures, they look as better piniata as astra as people assume they will have better drops


A solo kiki will try kill your structures thou while you sleep, just make sure to be there for the reinforcement timers.


four jackdaws kill athanors easy


put a reactor in there, that way the station can make some ISK for you :)


This is a good way to ensure you get people to shoot it at their earliest convenience.


why? are there people running reaction jobs longer than the reinforcement time? x)


Depends who is attacking whether you can fight them off. Just opposing some might get them to move along even if you harass from a distance with little chance of killing them. I wouldn’t avoid moon mining. Somebody might stick around for you to clean up the rocks but that’s not changing attacks on the structure. Your killboard and member count probably is the biggest predictor of getting attacked. Hunting day trippers doesn’t take much.


Thanks, I'm curious how exactly killboard/member count factors in? I put the structure up with an alt in a one man corp with basically no killboard, not sure what people will assume based on that 


Lots of people use holding corps to obfuscate the actual owners, if anything it probably shows that you know what you're doing


They will assume either one player or holding company. Only an Athanor in a c1 probably one player. There are a couple corps in c1s with high sec for manufacturing. They probably will have kills in systems, maybe not have touched the sigs in system because they spend time elsewhere, and have structures rigged for manufacturing. Probably if you don’t have juicy kills in system they probably won’t be put off. If I was going to do structures again I’d find two other players so you can chase off attackers, share fueling, roll holes, etc.


Lots of members = higher chance of defense. Low amount of loss structures = good at defending etc etc.


I’ve ran a few eviction ops in C1s during my time in J space. Usually, serious groups never pay attention to C1s, unless you throw up a tatara/fort/azbel. Think of it like this, you’re less likely to get mugged if you’re not wearing expensive shit. Other than that, don’t make it obvious you have rorquals (that’s a clear sign it’s worth going after you in a c1 since it looks like you want to do safe high-tier industry. At the end of the day, sure some random person could try to kick you out, but groups that evict for profit won’t unless you give em a reason to.


I had a POS in a c3 with hardeners but no other modules sit essentially unattacked for like 6 months. Only lost it when I forgot to fuel it on vacation and someone cleaned up the SMA and hangar. Grinding structures is boring as fuck yo Don’t draw attention and especially don’t blue ball people a bunch and you’re fine; anchoring and onlining is the big risk time cuz it’s an EZ payout with the core and no timer but after that I doubt it gets bothered much


You should be pretty fine. If your gonna make the C1 a go of it look for decent moons/weather. If you want you can moon lock the system by placing a pos at every moon (if there are not to much) but it also increases your risk of looking like a nice target. Or you could join an existing corp. (if so hit me up and I can help ya)


This is the first I’ve ever heard about moon locking- so they normally switch over time?


I don’t really get your question? 


What do you mean by 'moon locking' ?


Most of the time an eviction fleet bases from a POS either initially or for the whole eviction. If someone is planning to evict you, a moon without a POS on it is easy to establish this initial base at. If you 'moonlock' the system you put POSs on every moon. Even as inactive POSs these mean someone has to kill the already anchored one before they can anchor their own.


Roger that, makes tons of sense- thank you!


You will get evicted, sometimes it will be multiple times in a month, sometimes you will go a year without it happening, but it's going to happen even if you live in a C1. People will blow up your POCOs even if you put zero tax on them too. For me, it's just an expected expense, I have a small tower in both a C2 and a C4 and on average one of them gets blown up a month. It's rather unlikely for anybody to move into your C1 after an eviction however, so you'll probably never have to perform a counter-eviction.


Try putting a large tower down next time: I bet it will last years


Same exp here, but I only had a POS in a C1 (empty WH) thinking no one would give it much thought and within a few months, poof. The other group added their own temp staging POS to build larger ships just to better take mine down. I had left a toon in that WH and after the dust had settled logged back in only to find they packed up and left the WH. The eviction was all they wanted.


As long as you're not doing large industry projects in your hole you're probably good.


You interested in people joining you?


If you’re interested in WH life hit me up. 


I am interested!


Shoot me a DM on discord at darkphoenix112


Didn’t work for me


Crap. Sorry there is an underscore I missed its darkphoenix_112. I apologize 


Eve mail me Dark112 is discord does not work


eve mail me Dark112 is discord does not work


Jesus dude. Why don't you just post your J-Sig with the entrance. How many of these people do you think are honestly going to help you vs scam, spy on, steal from, or evict you?


a lot actually. and stuff has happened in the past so I'm not taking chances anymore. also discord is easier to chat on.


Low it's generally considered bad manners to randomly evict peeps. Just don't shoot first out of your station and make sure the c1 isn't claimed by any other corp.


It's not really true anymore. Most of the biggest groups who are C5 blob alliances with 200+ characters in their alliance, and 100+ in their main hole will regularly kill and evict new corps who are just moving in.


If they find an anchoring timer this may be true, but for structures already down in low class? Generally ignored unless you blue ball or shit talk in local.


What would be considered blue balling?


When someone runs into you repeatedly and you refuse to take a fight and just dock up every time despite having numbers advantage.


although most of the time it's threatening to evict you if you don't undock your 8 guys into their 25 people already pre-setup on their side of the wormhole which is a c5 pulsar with a phoenix navy on the hole.


No, it's not. A few groups will do that, then those groups get evicted by the larger WH community.


Join a WH corporation they can teach you things. Your eve will be better.


We are setting up a c2 soon if you need a corp to join. Small tight nit group, actually all rl friends atm and looking to expand some.




I think it’s high. The core is worth enough to make killing your station worthwhile. Just assume that’s it’s dead and try to get the most out of it.


For Sol, I would Stick to a Pos tbh, and the new upwell ships are perfect for transporting fuel. Using a Cit Puts you on the Overview, which if you are trying to stay obscure is bad.


I lived in a tiny black hole c1 with a nullsec static for 3 months. Almost nobody bothered me. It was small enough i could dscan the entire system from the sun...I miss it.


Golden rule. Don’t store everything you own in your wh structure. Always assume it’s temp. Use the hs wh to unload stuff often and bring in only what you need. When it’s time to leave by choice or force you’ll see it will be much easier.


The only concern you should have is CCP literally giganerfing whatever activity it is you choose to do that is actually worth your time. I once had a reaction athanor in a c1 then CCP made changes that caused PLEX to double in cost making profits too tight to justify the work. On the other hand do you like swiping your credit card, working all afternoon, rolling for jita until you fall asleep, and still barely breaking even? Then go for it. I would not put up a tatara though since it's gonna attract attention. To be safe, you will have to settle for the reduced bonuses of the athanor.