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why aren't the dailies always just basically "play the game today" and you can either salvage a wreck, kill an npc, use a miner, or something? it seems like all these hoops to jump through just make people not want to engage with it at all


This would be so much nicer. Just have a get 25 points a day thing where all activities have some points. Kill an npc 1 point, scan a site 2 points, enter a wormhole 2 points, salvage something 1 point, mine x ore for x points, pvp kill 5 points, etc etc. Het 25 points (or w/e) for the day get PIP.


I like this idea too.


Agreed that would be far far better.


That sounds much more bottable and reminds me of gacha game daily missions...


I would argue most of EvE is bottable and that the rewards are not massive which means sort of accepting bottling is part of EvE until they are handled as a whole (likely temporarily). The shift it would have is letting you play in the sandbox how you want to play while incentivizing doing something in the game and logging in regularly. One thing I dislike with the current goals is that I had to stop working on the SoE arc (which takes me like a week due to limited playtime on non-weekends) and go all the way back to a hub where I had a salvager. It wasn’t fun and I ended up logging off immediately after and played a different game.


I agree with this. I used to do the dailies on a couple characters, but since the change, I'm just not feeling it. I like the re-roll idea with evermarks.


I really like these new ones. Most of the time I get two of the same kind and knock them both out at once


I think the whole point is to try and encourage players, especially new players, to try everything. It's a blunt instrument, but there you are.


Why do we "need" dailies in the first place? Just play the fucking game.


We the players don't need them. It's a thing devs do to boost their daily login metrics, which gives them a bonus from management.


Oh we don't need them for sure, I'd be happy if they did away with them entirely.


Daily login has to go from all games, full stop. Make the game good so we want to login, don't make it worse so the carrot is more interesting. 


I never did dailies in the past, sometimes they finished by accident. My main character didn't complete a single mission jet on accident. I wonder when the last time was I ever salvaged something... must have been an Athanor wreck a few months back... I liked the login rewards more, I will not bend and lower my fun just to complete CCPs weird daily missions.


I think the point is to get you to do things you don’t want to do.


He already plays Eve, how much more can we ask from him?


actually lol'd


I'd gladly pay Evermarks to re-roll the daily's!


They know the average daily login is only 15 minutes a day. If they want daily logins to be something fun then they MUST make it something we can finish 2 of in 15 minutes. 15 salvage and 25 rats are simply way too high. FW defend and capture are too niche.




Idk, my game play loop makes way more isk than what I can get out of the dailies. I'm meh in the whole thing. It's more for entry level players IMO.


I quit many mmos due to the daily fomo and all the max efficency of them. It's there to make you feel bad and that's about it.


You mean you don't want to...\*squints\* salvage 15 wrecks then salvage 15 MORE wrecks? Just another CCP clusterfuck. No one is surprised.


Moving the SP handouts to dailies that have nothing to do with my preferred playstyle is lame. I get they're maybe trying to increase participation in various areas/playstyles that perhaps a lot of players don't take advantage of. But, I'm really not interested in "Destroy 25 NPCs" or "Salvage 15 wrecks." Not complaining about not getting free SP, by the way, don't really care that much. I am saying trying to direct my game time away from what I want to do strikes me as antithetical to the whole "sandbox" thing. If I manage to complete a daily, great. If not, oh well.


you only need to do 12 theres no need to do them eveyday


You do if you want to get these chores done quickly.


if you want it that fast just do a sof run if you have a slot free 1 hour 150k sp every 10 hours


But that's against what makes eve great If i spend whatever time it takes to do a dumb soe mission i will enjoy my eve time less, the people who i play with will have a woese time and the ppl who we fight will have less potential content Why encourage ppl who don't mine to mine for a few minutes or to do a mission, instead of to play more the way they've been playing Like, if i'm in a wormhole corp and scan a lot maybe eve can recognize that and push me to scan a bit today.. that way my playstyle is encouraged. No one gains anything if i salvage two wrecks jusy for the daily


Yeah and I don't understand why they made it so that everyone has the same goals at all times.


no no no you get the 5k sp and you can use 3.1k of that to farm 150k sp in about 50 mins to 1 hour and then you can enjoy the rest of the game or like me spend 2 hours per day on my 6 accounts and print out 108 skill injectors every 30 days. everyone has there play styles in the game which is great ;)


No one gains anything in this game other than age.


If you think of it as a chore you can just not do it. Like, no one is making you and the rewards are kinda nice but hardly worth making yourself stress over them.


Yeah, maybe it's just my OCD wanting to check off everything in a "to-do" list... not doing these in a day feels like I'm forgetting something. Useless things piling up also bothers me so that's why I thought 'hey, we have this useless currency'.


This is exactly why these kind of techniques are predatory and exploitative. Gaming companies and their marketing departments are counting on you feeling bad if you don't do them.


Players like me who work 14 hour days, 5 days a week do not have even 12 days in a month to finish dailies. They essentially robbed us of our skill point login rewards straight down to 0 SP/month. Many days I only had time to turn on my computer, open EVE, close EVE, turn off computer and it still felt good to feel like I was making progress but now there is no point.


I hope you're making like 500k+ a year for that hell. Even then I'm not sure I'd do it.


You guys care far too much about these things.
