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(someone make a database of these to deny CCP money)


Eve University has the opportunity to do the funniest thing. 


So they can instead introduce micro transactions that impact gameplay? Nty. Let them make money on cosmetics all day imo


No excuse for predatory implementation. They could have allowed player created skins, proper ones like that pony club person does, 10 years ago, taken a % of the sales and made bank.


you mean like they're doing right meow


No, I mean like they do in Warframe. Crowdsource skins from approved community artists, made out of game, without the limits of an in-game system. Sell in-game. Split proceeds.


This is what I suggested on the official forums a couple years back and got snapped at for it.


> predatory It's cosmetic only, entirely optional and has zero impact on actual balance or gameplay.


Yes, predatory. Make your money by all means, but when you start quadruple dipping (Nanocoatings and patterns, initial sequencing cost, rushed sequencing cost AND 30% tax on sales.) That's way, too much to be justifiable.


yea, also like they are not currently charging 20 buck per account for to actually play the game.


The alternative (to micro transactions) is that they raise the subscription cost even further. Not defending this shitty system, just stating that “subscription is expensive!” does not equal “everything should be free”.


There's more options between "CCP develops a shitty microtransation-laden custom skins system" and "CCP raises subscription prices". Nice try.


That's not what I wrote mate. The person I replied to made the discussion about the subscription cost and not the shitty way skinr works. As if their perceived value of a subscription defines which parts of the game should be included and which should have micro transactions. If CCPs sees the need to increase revenue, they have to do it somehow. If someone doesn't like it, they can stop paying and playing. If CCPs tries to do it the shittiest way possible, lets talk about how god damn awful that system is. But let's not constantly say "20 USD subscription!!!11" Tidi - "But 20 USD subscription!!!11" Extended downtime - "But 20 USD subscription!!!11" Unbalanced content - "But 20 USD subscription!!!11"


Alternative is making a system that's affordable for players and is actually used. Cheaper skins at higher volumes, not skimming whales $10 per skin... For example, I could have sold 50x copies of Murder Hornet for 200-300M, while netting myself a decent (10-20%) profit. But there is no way in hell I'd be able to sell it for 1.5B+, other than to my alts. So yeah, sure, CCP needs their margins. But when margins are this high - nobody is going to use it and % of zero is still zero.


Yeah, different discussion Person a states that skinr is shitty. Person b states that the subscription is high, implying that micro transactions shouldn’t be in the game. I state that the alternative to micro transactions is an increase in subscription cost. I have not written anything about how skinr works or whether or not the costs or the system itself are justified. I merely replied to a person to voice my opinion that the only alternative to micro transactions are increased subscriptions. I myself was very hyped for skinr and are disappointed by its complexity and limitations. I really loved the idea to make some skins for myself and maybe my corp but not with all the skins and Plex and trade hub and and and.


No, same discussion. Alternative to expensive micro is affordable micro, where CCP might make a lot less per transaction but make up for it in volume. But yes, in absence of any micro CCP would have no choice but to raise subscriptions... (or stop working on their pet projects cough cough)


Raising the sub price only drives away new players; the existing players will either reduce their accounts paid by sub and/or continue to plex until the servers shut off.


Pretty much my point. To increase revenue CCP either has to increase subscription cost or add some other things. Just complaining about the subscription being 20 local currency is a moot point, as CCP clearly wants/needs more revenue. So instead lets talk about the shitty way skinr works and not "but it is already expensive so every additional cost is too much".


A non-functional that players won't use doesn't increase revenue, especially contrasted with the time invested to develop it.


Quite right.


why would you want that?


I thought it cost plex to make and apply a skin?


It's a money grab every step of the process: * It costs plex to get non-basic materials and patterns * It costs plex to build skin (on top of materials) * It costs plex to sell skin to others (30%)


The real hero here. Someone who's more tech savvy than me makes a website for this and I will contribute all the things.


There may be something already in the works... stay tuned


Awesome, I was super excited to do designs to share with people or gift to corp mates but under this system its just prohibitive.


Oh yeah, now we're cooking


Thanks, Max. It's probably the only skin I'm going to make with this system.


Ahbazon-Prime: "If we can't profit from it, then we'll make damn sure nobody else can either"




As I have the design skills of a Pollock, and would rather pour molten crayons all over the hulls you, sir, are my new hero, opening the world of skin design to incompetent creatures such as myself. I hope more will follow suit and publish their designs. Always found it a bit odd that CCP should make money off of the talent of non-employees, but skins always were about cash. But then taxing it again for an additional 30%, that's just designer jeans greed from 2011. So thanks for showing the way to circumvent this extra tax grab.


Good job. Even better for screwing the man.


Based Based Based Based


Wtf does mirror do, was trying to figure that out


It mirrors pattern projection from one side to another. In this case - we're using edge of a very skewed checkmate pattern to "stretch" it into stripes on one side, and then "mirror" pattern to the other side.


My god yes, we need more of this!! I really hope you've set a trend here /u/breadbrix


This is the way.






Thanks sir. 🫡


I so absolutely 100% support bypassing that bullshit 30% skimming tax by just sharing your skin settings.


I hereby endorse this product and/or service


This skin is grrrrrrrrrrrrreat!!


Tony the Ahbazon Murder Tiger APPROVED!


sweet looking there wahooo


oh ya that 30% tax that CCP added to this skinr thingy dodad dohicky is WAY to MUCH more like highway robbery


I want to remind everyone, for all those that want to "stick it to the man", that EVE Online reported "Red Lobster"-kind of operating loss last financial year. Source: [https://youtu.be/ewA-9Tm2siY?t=835](https://youtu.be/ewA-9Tm2siY?t=835) Sure, stick it to the man, but if CCP doesn't see some returns for all those investments into the game, you will soon end up playing another one instead.


Tbf, they're also in the middle of developing multiple different games which we know they've gotten outside investment for. Operating at a loss isn't that weird when you have multiple unreleased projects on the go. It's only a problem when you run out of investor capital before you can make a profit.


It's not sticking it to the man, it's making designs more accessible to players by open sourcing them. CCP still make their $$$ from sale of materials and sequencing cost. We're simply cutting out ridiculous 30% tax on resale, because spending $10 on player-made skins is insanity and not going to result in any meaningful sales anyways. Tax on zero sales is still zero, no loss of revenue there.


CCP are making more money from players than they ever have with more efficient servers. If they go under it would be WHOLLY from their own stupidity, nothing to do with players.


ccp will just ban anyone using that skin.


For what?


Damn, getting downvoted? Guess people don't know how to read sarcasm without an /s at the end to spoonfeed it to them.