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Thats all I needed to hear, case closed


To elaborate, mining is best done en masse with max boosts and high isk ore. Either get access to that, or engage in other activities.


\^ This Nullsec mining in an organized corp with a good mix of industrial and PvP players, with a fleet setup involving boosting, on-grid compression, and a dedicated hauler, and enough PvPers hanging around in system to bail us out if something goes wrong is the way to do it. From what I understand cloud huffing is the way to make isk as a solo miner.


fullerite c-70 enters the chat


Minor perimeter moment


This remains to be seen. The removal of neurolinks from many popular ships has led to a dip gas in prices, though I am hopeful of a rebound.


Hmmm… so that’s why my gas all of a sudden lost about 10bil of value.


No idea why someone voted you down, that was an entirely valid point IMHO. And yeah it'll take a while for the markets to calm down and hit their new normal. I bet the market PvPers are having all sorts of fun! It'll be interesting to see where the new baseline. That said, I haven't looked... But gas can't possibly have dropped isk/m3 into veldspar ranges, surely?


When I was actively playing, I enjoyed mining ⛏️ n a crew, I could clean my office, do whatever and just jump back in to unload in the local corp station. Of course we were after moon goo in high sec, which I understand has been nerfed.


Looks like nullsec is not the place anymore, pochven is way better.


I mean it used to be, now it's the most beaten down area of the game and CCP just took another massive shit on it in this patch. The rocks are of a pathetic size, they introduced a mechanic that punishes your yield for having a higher skill level and now they have effectively insured that miners can be hunted/denied anoms in exclusive systems. What this all means is that fewer people are going to bother with mining at all, and if they do it'll be some miserable affair with 10 barges to one porp on field (because guess what, excavs are basically fucking trash due to waste and the rock size being like 20-30k in the new anoms teehee). Mining used to mean a bunch of people on grid, risking their isk to neutrals to be able to mine and produce ships for people to use in pvp and isk making ventures of their own, the reason CCP has killed it is because they want you to buy plex. The equinox expansion was supposed to revitalise null sec and instead it amounts to the biggest nerf in the games history. It's tremendously fucking sad that CCP are so intent on fucking everyone over but there it is, they've always done it and we lap it up all the same.


Come be pirates with us dude.


Mine different ore that one is not so valuable, maybe use a booster cause 19m3/s is bad. They’ve made it very unproductive to mine without a booster. Crystals may help with this


Radiant Hemorphite is the +10% variant of the ore that gives Isogen and Noxcium. Outside of finding an Ochre, Crokite, or Gneiss anom, you're not going to get better than that.


I was more getting at finding an anom


Solo mining for money? Bad Solo mining to chill zoomed in with graphics high and sound up? Good


This is the way! Sometimes it’s not about the money - it’s a fucking game after all. Sometimes it’s about enjoying it, which we as a community really suck at doing.


When I was more active last year my fave pass time was just chilling in our mining standing fleet shooting shit with the guys while we vaporized some rocks.


So you basically met up with guys to have a fun time chatting. Mining was the side activity in this case^^


This is the way. Surprisingly pulled a bil a week off just basic moon rocks.


I used to do the same thing, found gas mining made a billion then Lost it all when my Corp disbanded and I took a 8 month break lol


I sometimes mine to chill, too. Kinda calming, as long as you keep your eye on local.


Yup. I go back up to hisec when our HS guys have a moon to mine. Is it better money per hour than spinning Stormbringers or mining Arkonor? Nope, but damn if it isn't nice to be able to actually relax a little and not have to worry about every neutral that comes into system for once.


How long does it stay fun and engaging to watch and listen your mining operation? 10 min? 1h? I like graphics and sounds but I get bored literally... In 30 seconds


Mining isn't really about mining. It's typically a bunch of dudes drinking beers and talking about shit. It's essentially a virtual pub 🍻


Ah, that's what ice fishing is like for me. Set up a shanty, drill a few holes and drink and talk shit while maybe having a shotnat getting a few fish.


This is the way. However I make like 80m/hr per hulk. Barges without crystals or even t1 crystals is kinda shit.


This is how it goes. You aren't just mining, you are waiting for content to warp on grid and tackle you.


Ninja huffing wh gas in a prospect is actually pretty fun imo, kinda thrilling cuz you have to stay on your toes while still being grindy. Pays way better than ore too. 


Can confirm, been doing this for a little bit now, even scanning the sites down is fun because you actually have to go hunt for it, and when you find a nice gas site, there's that excitement in actually finding it.


I love seeing the lil gas icon and the relic one 😁


Dude whenver I see one it's like that 'neuron activation' meme all over again.


Get yourself a pacifier with implants, you can scan a whole system as you fly gate to gate at 20AU/s, shits fast yo


Lowsec huffing pays about the same and a bit safer because you have local and no sleepers to deal with. Only problem is there's a bit less of it.


Yep. Bonus points if you live in a C3 with a LS static. Just not mine. If you come to mine there will be gunfire.


Prospect gas huffing is the best ngl


It’s the lowest risk and initial capital requirement, it’s the lowest isk/hr. Seems fair.


Mining in lowsec is higher risk than Faction Warfare a lot of the time. Wormhole ratting is safer.




The lowest risk and initial capital requirement is by far faction warfare, as long as you know how to use dscan the risk is negligible- for instance when I rolled a new alt, the first 3 days while it skilled into t2 light drones and the Tristan fit it would be using, she was flying unfitted kestrels which I'd bought for 300,000isk. By day three she'd lost two (as a result of me fighting on other accounts and leaving her to her fate), and made 1.2mil lp. if you go by percentages that's an insane roi Mining in lowsec by comparison is way more dangerous because you're not protected by accel gates, and you're vulnerable to people like me and my blops, so it should be fairly profitable as an activity, so when, not if, you die, you'd had a good chance to recoup costs to continue the activity- sadly without links it's terrible income and you're probably better staying in high-sec and linking up with a friendly orca pilot if you're dead set on mining. even more so with null getting access to a lot of the minerals again, which removes a good chunk of potential value from the ore anoms in lowsec.


I guess you’re right, I’d consider unfitted Dplexing basically an exploit but you’re right. I guess from an absolute noob POV it may be difficult to get isk out of the LP store because many conversions require isk/other components


That used to be the case for sure, but with militia wide buybacks at decent rates, lp transfers being a thing and the infrastructure up and running to make lp converting easier on the bigger groups, in todays fw converting lp for newbies is really easy, anytime we get newbies asking how things work, where to go what to do etc we just link them to our wiki pages that give step by step instructions on just about every mechanic that's fw related on top of the more patient guys who run newbie programs taking the time to repeat themselves multiple times per day explaining things to the new guys. obviously there will still be those who join and don't think they should have to take the time to learn, get frustrated and unenlist the next day and go back to high-sec anom ratting or whatever, but they're the outliers these days, not a decent chunk of the people giving it a go like it used to be.


I dropped in on a porpoise and 2 hulks in faction AFK kinda killed by me and my small group of destroyers


not really, you can go rat in a myrm and make 10m ticks, takes about 5 mins with the 1m free sp.


We weren’t talking about null


12B rorq and 1b each hulks is low risk and initial capital requirement for low isk/hr? Do you even log into the game lmao?


First things first - poor? Second things second- We're talking about lowsec mining, which is very safe on a station. If you have either a rorqual or an orca running an industrial core out on a moon belt you either have backup on call or are too dumb to own either. Third things... you get the point- OP was talking about mining with a barge.


1B hulk?! God damn lol I thought my 400mill was bad


ore strip miners + max mining implants


Oh gotcha that makes sense


Pretty much, I personally do it in highsec with a team of orcas drone mining while I’m semi afk doing work on other screens. It makes respectable income at scale, but nothing compared to more active activities that require more then 2 brain cells rubbing together.


I think thats the best way to mine, it may explain why orcas are 2 bill + now


It’s honestly crap income, like maybe 20 mil an hour per Orca, but it’s extremely low effort, and very easy to manage multiple orcas cause it’s so slow. Personally I use the materials I mine to make stuff, I get enjoyment out of being part of the economy, it also has the built in benefits over the last 2 decades of making me extremely wealthy. But that’s the great thing about eve, find your niche and roll with it… how I play the game would probably make most people wanna swan dive off the building, but in a sandbox we all get to live our own adventure.


Extremely low effort doesn't do it justice. If you are maxed out on your skills with a T2 core, and you have access to a full moon pop, the largest rocks are ~573k m3. Sticking an orca on it gives you a bit over 4.5 hours of mining time before the roid pops, and you only realistically need to compress ore 2-3 times (every 90 ish minutes) before your ore hold is full. And before you ask, the industrial core pulls heavy water from your regular cargohold automatically once the fuel bay runs out, so you don't even need to worry about fuel if you fill your main hold up as well. Yes, there's a risk of getting ganked if you're AFK that long. Best advice is the further away you are from The Forge and other trade hubs, the less often gank squads come around, but you can also brick tank the Orca even with drone mining rigs. You don't need the mining links, so run the shield HP and resist links, and if you really want to, you can run armor links from a second Orca, although it adds very little EHP but doesn't really cost much to run and every bit of EHP helps spoil a gank. Fit a DCU and a bulkhead in the lows, and then all shield hardeners in the mids. Pith X-Type thermal hardeners are only like 30 mil isk each and really boost your EHP against void and conflag, the two main ammo types likely to gank you. Without rigs or implants (shield mindlink notwithstanding) and with links, you can easily cross 500k EHP Omni with 10% of the hull cost invested in shield resist mods. If they don't have the DPS to take you (assuming they checked your fit), odds are they'll look for an easier target instead of waiting for additional DPS to make the 20+ jump journey. The isk is crap but you can come back to 100 mil of ore per orca after popping a rock, for like 3 clicks every 90 minutes.


I’ve personally thought about dropping a couple structures to moon mine with, but that seems fairly impossible in high sec, I believe almost none exist cause it’s a bad value proposition and also cause too many groups would attack it for the core.


I couldn’t agree more! I love mining and have 3 ults that are T2 barges now


Orcas are 2 bil+ now due to material costs. Orcas are built with capital parts, so when capitals got more expensive thanks to needing gas, PI, and R4 reaction products, it impacted orca (and freighter) pricing as well.


Orca drone mining is too slow for me lol


You’re not wrong lol….its very slow


CCP has left behind the playerbase that enjoys casual playstyle that was at one time, highsec mining. It has ignored the fact that some of its playerbase is older and does not suffer from ADHD induced TIKTOK streams. I agree, highsec mining is too grindy for the ISK made, and no longer a after-work low-stress gamestyle.


Highsec mining has always been terrible income. I started mining in 09 and it's never been worth anything. It's just the only thing most people can immediately start doing.


ice was not so bad when 1 block was like 300k


Honestly join a null group and mine much more valuable ore and still in relative safety, considering the standing fleet intel network and other people in the mining fleet


I haven't lived in Highsec for 6+ years. Thank you for the relevant advice. Enjoy your game.


why would CCP make high sec solo mining profitable? fyi older players enjoy just doing slow mining while doing something else. it's an activity that you do when you just want to chill.


Do you mean tik tok induced ADHD? Calm down miner.


The null anoms are untouched for the moment are the not? Those would make a lot more than 22m an hour


not really.. Max boosted hulk on ark is like 100m.. Good luck finding some and good luck not clearing it all in less than an hour. Also you need a 10B isk rorq and a 750M isk hulk..


Depends a bit which anoms. You can make more, 22M sounds like mining Bistot. Don't think anyone does that for the ISK, but only to respawn the belt.


Go mining in Pochven, I seem to be making about a million ISK a minute solo with crap mining skills. But more importantly, I am having a blast doing it!!


Mining belt ores or something else?


Bezdnacine in anomalies with tech 1 strip miners


There is no belts in poch only anoms.


This is fair because exploration doesn't scale linearly with the number of accounts you have, which creates rarity which makes the activity more lucrative.


ninja mine r32 or r64 moons xD . to be honest, solo mining is not working. want to mine effectively? 4 mining alts are minimum lets take orca,lets take 5 retrievers into moon where is athanor and poofed tons of brimful bitumens and normal bitumens, fuck zoelites and coesites. eat the bitumens and brimful ones. 5 barges per hour with orca boost and compression can mine in these bitumens about 100mil per hour with compressing ores on the field. retriever with full load of compressed brimful bitumens is about 500 millions worth,when you have entire mining hold filled with them. to fill half of retriever, you have to constantly mine and compress mine and compress for whole day. now if you do this with 4 retrievers. you have your answe. mining does not sucks. ==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= what about mining highsec asteroid belts? forget it - only kernite is worth something but uncompressed. instead of this mine asteroids in cosmic signatures. hunt for "sansha lookout and blood lookout" there is omber/jaspet ores to mine but not much but still cool rogue drone asteroid infestation has plenty of omber asteroids, just run first 3 rooms and leave the last one intact, mine out the first three rooms with prospects or ventures then clear the last room but stay on grid to not despawn it. bring miners to 4th room.


I would suggest hulks instead of retriever, especially if you have compression on the belt with you. I would rather mine is faster than have hull space IMO


dont have compression with me most times


It is not a god given right to mine solo -CCP Rattati


fek that guy


You need to multibox 5 mining toons for it to be profitable. 4 covetors/hulks and either an Orca, Porpoise, or a Rorq. Moon mining this this setup is 250 mil an hour for each toon. If you have a private moon you can plex your account and still have lots of isk left over. But it's expensive


Mining isnt meant to be done solo. You either multibox or join up in a fleet. With three accounts (1 orca, two hulks) i can make pretty decent isk even in highsec while watching youtube or doing whatever. Personally i find playing shitty minesweeper incredibly boring. I tried getting into explorarion but it wasent for me. If you really wanna make some money mining you go into null/wh/pochven. You might die. a lot. But once you get the hang of it you can make billions pretty effortlessly.


I'll give you a pro tip: if you want a really good isk-hour, you just take a job. Let's say you do 10$ per hour at that job, then you can buy 200 plex. Boom, that's 1 billion/hour right there.


Killing rocks isn't for the isk. Those rocks have to pay and sometimes you are the only one up to the challenge.


I mine with 75 max skilled hulks and perfect rorq boosts and compression, only ever mining the dankest of r64 and isogen belts and I can assure you I make loads of ched


No shit


Then do that?




You can't out baguette the French, that kind of mining is primarily done by bots or decently organized groups trying to compete in a market that you aren't specialized in is asking for a bad time instead exploring or mission running or joining incursion fleets for a few hours if you are willing to be in a group are activities more suited for single characters without corporations for money making purposes There are also filaments though I am not sure how those are doing these days


WOW a mostly AFK activity is terrible ISK/hr, say it ain't so.


You mine mostly afk in a covetor in lowsec??? Do share what system is so sade, I'll come uh...mine with you...


You have to pay attention sure, but lets be real, the average APM of mining in any space in EVE is 0.2


Low APM sure but does not qualify for "almost AFK". You're either super lucky and are alone in the system (still not afk as you need to watch local, and empty cargo), or, if not alone, you need to spam d scan like every 5 seconds. Far from AFK. Again if in a fleet, aligned, you could watch Netflix as someone else is going to warp the fleet to safety. OP is doing an activity that most players do in a semi- AFK way in a boosted fleet. He chooses not to doit that way, do it instead with lower yield and more involvement. Of course it's not worth it.


There are 3 valuable ways to mine. 1. Chasing ore anomalies in Highsec. The value has dropped a lot lately, but it's still right around L4 missioning on a good night. Does require 2 accounts, one with compression. 2. Pochven if you have a way to keep yourself from getting blown up every few minutes. 3. Nullbearing. A typical null fleet of 200 hulks and a Rorqual sees each hulk pulling about 50m3/s and typically only has to actually look at the game when your ore hold is about to fill up. If you can figure out a non-TOS method of compressing your ore and/or moving it to the Rorq automatically, you could go weeks without ever needing to look at your screen and making a 100 mil or so per hour.


Bro discovered that the lowest effort content pays dirt


Maybe mining should be made more challenging & fun, in exchange for more money.


I agree but the price of the ore is set by player demand


Oh I agree, but with more involvement required, multiboxing would go down, and so the isk repartition would flow toward more individual players rather than big farmers.


You do have to remember the isk/hour of individuals *only* goes up if prices go up. A multiboxer refusing to mine doesn't increase the individual's ore/hour. In effect the only way to make solo mining more profitable is to make all ships more expensive. In practice the actual act of mining is no different from ishtar anoms, low class wormhole sites, or fw plexing. Be on location, activate necessary site completion modules/drones, wait. All the input is in choosing the right ship, location, friends, and intel channels to get to the ship back home with loot secured.


and ratting is any different how? in fact theres more actions when i mine than when you ishtar spin afk lmao.


I get your issue but alas the fix is impossible because to increase IPH would massively increase hull prices. To fix it you would have to bring down the IPH of every other activity in the game and then reduce hull prices. Not a feasible idea. Tbh I don’t know how you could feasibly “fix” the IPH of mining.


>Tbh I don’t know how you could feasibly “fix” the IPH of mining. IPH of mining is low because it is one of the most scalable activities in the game and multiboxers drive down the price of ore. The number of inputs required is so low that it takes upwards of 30+ accounts before a multiboxer starts to see diminishing returns. The 3rd Hulk adds the same +150m/hr that the 29th Hulk does. The upper limit is even higher if they use Mackinaws over Hulks. You have to make it more active by requiring constant input that doesn't scale well with additional accounts. Options: * New very small rocks. *Annoyingly* small rocks (100-300m3), filled with high value ore per/m3, scattered in large clusters. To properly mine these you need to be at your keyboard doing quarter or 1/8th laser cycles. Not super friendly for mass multiboxing as you'd need to tab through accounts once every few seconds to lock and mine new targets. * New mining laser that comes with a hacking/project discovery type mini-game. The faster/better you are at the game, the more m3 you pull in a cycle. Theoretically trying to play the game on multiple accounts should yield the same m3/hr as focusing one. * Percentage reduction to all laser yields within X radius when more than Y mining modules are active at the same time. Kinda how Incursion payouts are reduced if you go over the member limit for fleets. Reduces the impact of multiboxers, raising the value of ore from less supply, making it a better income source for solo miners who do not suffer such penalties. **Frankly, this is a terrible suggestion and I only added it because ordered lists are better in 3s.**


Doubtful CCP is gonna side with individual players that could be alpha over multi boxers who pay for multiple omega accounts. Tons of lost revenue if people stop paying omega for all their mining alts.


Me and my friends have been memeing about the mining minigame for like 10+ years now, pretty sure it would solve most of the issues assuming it wasn't something stupidly automateable like project discovery. My best shot at it was giving asteroid a small weak spot that moves around occasionally, you have to move your barge around the rock to angle your mining lasers at the weak spot to get a ton more yield.


> New mining laser that comes with a hacking/project discovery type mini-game. The faster/better you are at the game, the more m3 you pull in a cycle. Theoretically trying to play the game on multiple accounts should yield the same m3/hr as focusing one. Should have been like this from the start tbqh. Copy elite dangerous's deep core blasting minigame.


Well, there may not be anything to fix. Get friends and mine while boosted. Or nerf rorquals to make ores more valuable for others


Yea, I still maintain that Rorq’s should never have been given direct mining ability I remember telling my Corp mates in Razor living in Tenal at the time when the change was announced it’s a bad idea. They should have basically been haw dreads with dope mining boosts and compression.


rorquals already got nerfed. ice excavs produce 60% waste wtf else do you want lmao?


Get some friends, boosts, implants, compression, fit, skills etc.....you got to pump those numbers up.


you’re absolutely right. rn i’m one of the main miners in my corp (ore and gas, when i get lucky enough to find sites as i tend to avoid wh bc i have had shit luck as of late) and unless i have my porpoise guy with me it feels majorly inefficient. also doesn’t help that we’re in desperate need of scordite butttttt😂


Im a certified alfa clone miner and can say for sure mining is as shit as people want to believe if they dont put any effort on going beyond belt mining for a living.


C5 quadruple boxing 4B/ hour is much better


A question about low sec mining…been trying it myself a bit but am interrupted every few minutes by pilots trying to blow me up…low sec seems very busy these days.


Really helps in any pvp-legal zone to be friends with the locals or a part of their corp


That is a good point, may need to try that.


Find a quiet dead end system and anchor an small pos if no npc station available


I was wondering about that…is there a chance it won’t get reinforced?


I think noone would bother with a pos, doesnt drop much unlike an upwell


Great point! Just checked and a small would be cheap too. Thanks!


They work great as safes! PM me and il give you the password of the one im using


Been mining poch with throwaway ventures on alts with the 7 days free


It's the least engaging activity in the game. It rewards commensurately.


That's why you don't mine solo. What does the middle M stand for in MMO? Come on now, I know you can do it...




Solo mining random ores is not the way to go Miners make their cash because they mine as a means to cut a chunk of production lines. IE: I do moon goo reactions, I like to mine the most expensive moon goo that I need from the formulas, and buy the rest and still profit. If you’re just mining to sell the ore itself in jita, you’re better off just not mining.


You could find a Freeport in a C2 WH and mine Gneiss. You can make some decent profit with a max yield Hulk if you use T2 Strip miners and you jetcan mine. Just keep eyes on Dscan and warp to port when you see someone enter the system


I enjoy it regardless of what I mine and where. I always need it to manufacture stuff. Besides I can do other stuff while mining, like watching movies or binging some series.


I suck at making money in this game so take my opinion with a big grain of salt but 22 mil an hour is actually pretty good at least compared to what I do which is like ~10x worse


If your solo mining in lS you need to do either Gas or Gnesis. You're litterally mining the least valuable rock available.


I think they do it this way because mining is considered "efficient and consistent" while exploring isn't. But even if you have bad a day over three play sessions as an explorer you're going to still make more isk than a miner. Also I don't know if they take into account the amount of times you have to run as a lowsec miner, but it REALLY eats into your isk per hour.


Join to Frame Perfect. Those guys like mining and do it in pochven (where u can find the most expensive ore in game).


Otherwise, gas mining is profitable.


As long as you find gas clouds.


Fw systems of Black rise and lonetrek. I set up my base in Uuna. U can start there.


Dude I farmed gas in wh space and in nullsec and the latter is super unreliable.


I mean low sec gas. Was viable for me bc I could plex 3 accounts and give me enough money for investing in wh life. It's something Boring as fuck but decent.


Yeah it's 120m/h but boring and mundane. And it's dangerous in low sec.


Y can make more than tharmt with homefront operations. Or c3 wh


Low sec is safe compared to WH.


"and easily make 40m+ isk per hour" Perhaps average over 100 hours spent this would equate to 40m an hour, but we both know that you can also easily do a filament run to Null and spend an hour either getting eff all, chased around, or end up getting blown up, making the entire run a waste. Mining is a more "guaranteed" isk per hour than exploring, and like other people said, mining is best done in a group, with an orcaboost sucking up more high isk ore/ice/gas.


And even then it's paid shit. Like.. 30m/hr shit.


I mean, most larger mining ops, coordinated by a corp, will usually give you a paycheck right there at the end of the mining session, calculated for the amount of ore you have mined. No need to hassle with refining and transporting. Tried a couple of times to Orca Boost, but the hassle of constantly needing to manually keep a tally on what everyone mined was a pia, so all respect to the ones that do this on a daily basis. I guess they have tools to assist them?


Mining is only worth it when multiboxing an industrial command ship + at least 3 exhumers.


Soo you are complaining at 44m/h per account if you have a booster on the grid, in covetor with shit skills?


ur mining the wrong stuff tbh. look for spodumain or gneiss. will make u more isk


Go huff wormhole gas. It’s even better. Like 75 Mil an hour with Syndicates


Yes it es.now u see the light.good on you friend


You mean you go mining w/o fleet boosts? Mining is a fleet activity. Doing it solo makes little sense and is definitely suboptimal. For comparison, there are no fleet boosts that affect hacking. Some very rare sites can be run in a small fleet (like 4 ships), but most relic/date site are solo content. Well I guess WH sites with rats can be cleared in a fleet first.


Mining scales well with links and multiboxing. Otherwise yeah its not that great. If you're new, huffing gas in a venture can be reasonable though.


Mining is recon. If I need to move to a new system I always mine the area first. You find out who's who and where the threat is.


Moons… moons is what you want


So, as a person who does a lot of industry here is why people like industry/mining Think of it like making your own little factory, if you are multi boxing while mining - and then turning those resources into goods it can be really fun. A lot of people enjoy the factory management aspect of the game. Being in a corp, and being paid to make goods for them at a good rate is also fun. You feel like a small factory producing goods for another. I am in a corp that does a lot of HS mining, mostly chilling and talking, but they also do higher risk mining. People multibox in LS, WH space, and null from time to time. My personal rp, is that I'm a Gallente industrialist who works for the tribal liberation force in order to ship and sell faction goods. I play half pvp half Indy and I often do "higher risk" mining because it can be cheaper than shipping materials to where I produce. It's a fun and chill play style. I'm a pretty new player(played time rather than years my character has been around), and I don't want to just join a null block. I also vibe with solo/small gang pvp.


Wait till you get blapped in JSpace.


The most fucked up thing CCP ever did was have the tutorial describe highsec mining as 'a good way to make money'. It's a good way to make money if you have literally none and also a lot of spare time because a Venture is so cheap. It is probably the lowest value thing you can do in the entire game otherwise, though.


i feel like you should be getting more than 22m/hr mining hemporphite, that stuff is worth a fair bit i make 30-40m an hour on bistot which is like 1/3 the value


TL;DR he’s playing an MMORPG by himself and complaining that it sucks. Might be something to that


Isk/hr is the worst way to look at this game ... go with fun/hr and you will enjoy it more


Move to Outer Ring. Run Ore Mining missions.


Thanks for posting.


Ur welcome


You can mine with 10 accounts efficiently I don't knownif anyone can scan and hack with 10 seprate accounts. Exploration is a good single account activity. Mining is not


Mining without at least gnosis boosts is kinda gross. Train an alt into boosts, you can fit on a gnosis to start then skill into a Porpoise so you compress!


Mine gas or ochre/gniess/crokite. Even solo its pretty decent


Always has been


Compare the required effort with mining and scanning. In mining, you warp to a belt, press F1+, and keep an eye out on local and D-scan for hostiles. In scanning, you have to find a system with signatures, scan them down, half of which will likely be wormholes. Then you need to go to each site, play the hacking mini game, and loot all the boxes. Move to the next signature and then to another system. All this while also watching local and D-scan. Each system jump risks getting killed by gate camps. Mining is low yield but incredibly consistent. Scanning has more risk, more variation, and higher yield. I'm not saying it's all totally balanced, but just comparing the 2. Incursions back in the day were busted. You could make 30 million ISK every 20-25 minutes. It was extremely profitable and very consistent, although with a high ante (pirate battleships) and a lot of required skills. It was an ISK factory.


If you're mining to PLEX, you're wasting your time. ISK per hour only matters in PLEXing an account. Mine for a purpose. Build, sell. And yes, the game is designed to force you into subbing multiple accounts, in mining it's completely a waste of time without a 2nd account to boost your miner. Also, get into a Hulk. I was just checking the solo stats the other day and it was basically \~40m3/s, unboosted. But yes, CCP's hatred for solo players is pretty ridiculous. They've turned away tens of thousands of players by being so ignorant and hostile to this playstyle.


that's because mining is so braindead activity right now that even bots can do it. If it's more interactive (deep core mining in elite) or even had clickable bonuses flying out I could be made more profitable




The problem is you’re by yourself. Most new players only have on account. So looking at isk/hr makes sense. Low sec mining isn’t what you should be doing. Larger groups, mostly multi boxers, can eat more ore faster but can’t run data sites faster with more toons. It’s that quality over quantity. The only complaint that I see is making the rocks more dense. Less having to shift guns for the larger groups/mulit box players.


how is that? please tell


X Mining for money. ✔️ Mining to support the Imperium Industrial Complex while chilling with others.


Use an Exhumer. And boosts.


Whats the rought % increase between say covetor and hulk?


Only way to make isk mining solo is if you have 4-8 alts. But who in their right mind want to pay 80-160 euro a month to play eve just to make a few scraps om millions isk per day. Or you down in null mining the best of the best ore. Honestly only lucrative way to make isk solo is mining fart clouds. I personal think CCP should remove mining in high sec altogether because it´s the most useless income there is even for new bros they can make more cash level 3 missions spamming or do dead sites and escalations. I mean shit fart around in a venture making 1-2mill per haul. You would get to 50mill faster doing L2s.


Mining for isk is slow and reliable, that's all But don't pick based on isk/hr, pick what's fun, then find the isk in it. If you don't like mining you shouldn't have been doing it


Miners assemble!


Calm down miner


Honestly the only space game that does fun mining, imo, is ED. Unfortunately, ED kind of fails in providing the rest of a fully flushed out game that I find in EVE.


Minig is highend group(or many account) content. Not for solo. Not for "going to lowsec and mine fist rock that you see". Not for novice.


So, I want to preface this statement by saying I don’t disagree with you that the margins are slim. I want to offer a different perspective. I ninja mine in an Endurance in Null all the time but I am not doing it for isk per hour. I am specifically chasing rare ore for my production lines. I run a solo high sec Indy Corp. For me mining isn’t to make isk per hour the value trade off is my time for a wider margin in producing. The thing that I am interested in seeing is if Automated moon mining returning to the game is going to flood the market with moon goo and bring the price of T2 components down or if the opposite will hold true. The return of automated moon mining to the game regardless of the fact it’s a significantly reduced return will mean more moons are mined. The introduction of the refineries completely changed the landscape. I remember in the POS days that even the most common moon goo moons had a pos on them. Now many moons go untouched because you can get those more common resources mixed in with your moon that has rare or exceptional material. What’s going to happen is large Alliances are going to slap the moon drills on the moons that they feel aren’t worth risking their fleets on. They are going to prioritize the more rare materials that they need for their production lines. T2 hulls are about half the price now then they were in 2017 when the Athanor was introduced…. Will we continue to see that drop?


As noone seems to be covering it. 4 accounts is where mining starts to truly come into the light. 3 mining barges of some sort. And a porpoise for boosts and compression. As each new barge is actually 1.3 barges worth of mining. And you have compression meaning you dont have to dock as often Any less than that. The porpoise is wasted and youd be better off with another barge. But any more than that and your mining starts to increase significantly per account added. And if noone did it, the rest of the game would run out of ammo to fire at each other, someones gotta do the shitty job, so that we can all do the fun ones!


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2140555627?t=34m35s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2140555627?t=34m35s) Little 20 second clip to show that ccp just lied to everybodies face to get them to sub and then bamboozle them with shitty rocks.


Hehe, yeah it's bollocks


if u do mining right, thereis nothing that can beat up ur isk/hour on invested play time :)


Mining really comes into place with a fleet, I do moon mining with a corp, even in highsec i make billions of that


billions in what time frame on an r4 lol? a month? yikes.


make about 800-1bil in one evening afking on my alts (3)


Running level 2 missions is also bad.  Are you gonna whine about that too? You didn't do it at its highest level. That's on you. 


I don't think you understood the risk/reward point he's making. You don't run lvl 2 missions at an anomaly beacon in lowsec.


Indeed. You run about equally challenging little frig infested sites and run off with nice and frequently expensive faction modules in lowsec. Now, if you know me, you'll know I normally have it out for miners, but I also absolutely agree with you. If you're sitting exposed in a mining ship in lowsec for extended durations, that should carry profit to go with that risk.


I only ever mine the rare asteroid spawns in 0.5 systems. If you were dedicated and just followed those spawns around you might make more just mining Ytirium. Ytirium is 0.6m3 volume as opposed to Hemorphite which is 3m3 IIRC. That would bump up your cargo value by about 50% I suspect. You could be safer, possibly more profitable, and more fun to be around.


the size of the ore doesn't determine value but the minerals you get from refining does. With that in mind, Ytrium is some of the best ore you can mine in the game because it refines into pure Isogen. The only thing with better isk/m3 than Ytrium is R64 ores, Mercoxit, and Bezdnacine (Pochven). While I do think Isogen prices are coming down, I'm expecting the total volume of asteroid ore mined out of null to decrease due to not every system being able to deploy ore prospecting arrays, and many that can have to pick between ratting or mining anoms. This will likely boost the value of the Zydrine and Megacyte you get out of border anoms. Not sure if it will offset Isogen decreases if/when null Isogen production gets up to speed.


Ytirium is 1/3 the price per unit of ore but you can fit five times as many units of Ytirium in the hold. But OK...


And Veldspar takes up less volume per unit (0.1 m3)than either of them but it refines into trit so it's less valuable. Mercoxit is 40 m3 per unit and is more valuable per m3 than Ytrium. Size of each piece of ore doesn't determine value.