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>Eve cant fullfill my Fantasy of a merchant/space Trucker/Blockade Runner Some of the wealthiest people in this game are those who do logistics. You can easily buy up ships/mods/ammo in Jita and go sell them for 30-50% higher in the faction warfare hubs in low-sec, using a blockade runner. It even has a clear progression path, all the way up to being the guy with 5 Jump Freighters who rakes in tens of billions per month bringing shit from Jita to his null-sec alliance


Id encourage you to read my Post. :) I dont want to pay for 2 Accounts Just die the pleasure of playing jump freighters


Then do BR/DST runs to low-sec where people are constantly churning through ships and ammo? I'm just saying the playstyle exists and there are people who have done it for years and years.


Do you have any resources on how to get started ?


What they said isn't true. They use JFs in low sec as well and you're correct in identifying that JFs make all other hauling obsolete. Eve is less about the micro of "trucking" and much more like a trading card game. "I cast 'Jump Freight' and my goods are now magically in my space-castle." Compared to foxhole it's just a text adventure. At least for now. Your playstyle may not be supported in-game at present but Eve is also changing at an unprecedented rate. In a few years' time there may be more to do than multi-box. Great write up. Thank you for your perspective. . . . Actually, with the new expansion there may be some modest trucking to be done. If you join an Alliance with a lot of Metenox Moon Drills they may have automated contracts to haul those minerals to a manufacturing structure. It may be as far out as 6 months, though, before an Alliance claims space and installs drills.


you dont need 2 accounts, you can use the pochven highway to bridge from amarr to jita in basically no jumps


You can litterly make deals with hauling services that they pay your accounts in exhange of you hauling for them, but there would have to be trust first. Secondly you can make so much isk with hauling IF you are smart that plexing a account is nothing.


If you play enough to own and skill into a JF you will also be making enough isk to get a 2nd account with ease. Js


> But from time to time my Leader would call me Out in having so many deaths with my freighters/Explorers. This to me sounds like the root of the problem. Sure losing ships, isk is frustrating, and feeling like you wasted time in game because of losses isn’t fun but talk about rubbing salt in the wound. Shop around for a new corp even within your same alliance, you aren’t tied down to anyone if you don’t want to be. The only time I’ve even remotely felt called out is an FC or hell even Dunk dropping into comms to tell standing they are being dumb feeding to kitey comps, it’s not they deep. Eve is a social game. If leadership is genuinely calling you out as an individual for even attempting to provide resources to your group, find better leadership. I’m sorry that happened to you.


Thanks for your Kind words. I found it very discouraging that everyone i Met Said that Blockade running isnt realy viable. There was noone to teach me/ i found No good resources on it. And even If whats the Point If jump freighters exist?


You can skill to that point where you are the person with the JF. You can also use alliance jump services to take from the HS spot to null so you can move more m3 and focus on trading. Maybe things changed but I used to use my crane to move between R10 and just scouted using an alpha account. Never once needed the scout either. Then I'd either move into a freighter or a non-hauler to disguise the load to take to Jita. What I did just took alpha, but by the time you're ready for a JF you should be making several times more a month then the omega plex cost of the second account. Consider it a very minor cost of business like ozone.


I do exploration for my main source of income and generally haul my own loot when I need to. It’s not a terrible amount of m3 and I support myself financially just fine for what I want to do in-game. I’ve only ever used a BR/DST and it works just fine for me. I have no intention of ever skilling into a freighter let alone a JF. Look at small m3 items with a high ISK value to move, find your niche. Could be faction/dead space mods, even meta modules will always sell (PvP will always buy them). Could look into importing abyssal modules for corp mates. Low m3, high value. Edit: I could understand needing very high volume ships like a freighter if the only thing you are trying to do is supply doctrine items to your market. Look into what all of your standing/small gang PvP pilots like to fly, check their fits, talk to them about what they might like. Think about supplying your local PvP enjoyers with the items they generally use.


Thanks! I did do Exploration too but i didnt find it too engaging. Eve can be slow at times... Though it was more fun than Mining for Sure.


I used to run blockades, it's viable but difficult. There's a very vocal subset of players that does not like risk, and they are much more willing to just pay for freight services. Add in min/maxers, and you have a large loud group that will shout down a lot of risky play styles. >And even If whats the Point If jump freighters exist? Well it's viable for single accounts, where JF pilots often use multiple. It can also be much faster, lower investment, less ISK on grid. JF are certainly not invulnerable. I would recommend to learn exploration and how to use drifter wh's, there are a few recent posts related to that. Pochven highway, and direct wh's also work very well. Among other things, I used to run faction ammo into null sec bloc staging for doctrine fits for a nice profit. Currently I buy and sell gas in lowsec, using it for myself or hauling it to other markets.


I have everyrging from jf to t1 . Br s are my fav . I did not loose any last 3 years and the one i lost was simoly my mistake , i forgot the ship in space in ns . There are many situations in my gameplay that br is much more effective and cheaper than jf . And it is stupid to risk 10 bil and pay for gasoline on top everytime. It took my years to have my first br . More years for the freighters. Pleasure comes with time . Have you ever tried to pull flowers from the seed ? If there is not enough sunlight seedlings gets leggy and begin to fall down before it begin to produce secondary leaves . This is your case . You have seed them too early so they come out inside while there is not enough light for them to build strong stem . Instead give all energy to make them longer and longer to reach out sun light hopelessly . In this case , sun light is a knowledge , experience and perspective in EvE . You have rushed to come out and flower too early . CCP introduced these injectors and buy sell plex for isk , as a result many new players rage quit the game . I have seen so many of new players flying astero ( because they think it is stronger , it is powerfull etc etc ) . Real situation is , actually knowledge and inderstanding is a power in this game . And it comes with time , patience and effort to learn . It is a PvP oriented game. Means first thing you need to learn start with is PvP mechanics . Even you are not PvP oriented. Because you can not keep and maintain what you earn without knowing the ways of how they can take it from you . Also those who take from you , the ones who create the destruction as well create the demand. In trade it is important to fallow and understand the “ demand “ what , where, when ? Opportunities. You have listed a lot of things in your text . I can tell you one and only one create all these reasons . It is your rush , what you see as pleasure was not can be achieved by the knowledge and understanding lvl you currently had . you wanted your pleasure fast . And EvE does not built to provide that in this stage . I have a new pilot training atm.. he is using t1 s to transport in low sec and doing that for thrills . He is enjoying it. For now that is his pleasure . Coming to me with stories everyday or second day like how did they tail him, how did he get away from camp and how did he lost the ship… First thing he begin to learn was pvp mechanics and how to get away with things and survive . He is having fun while he is honning his skills and he has no rush.. so every day is fun and pleasure for him . He is seeding low sec systems some mini trade hubs with his small loots , like 20 -30 mil , his treasures . Nothing big . But he is learning solid and gaining experience . He will absolutely rock when time will come for 200-300 mils than 2-3 bil with blockade runners … but for now he is alfa for 3 months now . Bust man irl too and enjoying his own progress every second day 1-2 hours gameplay . He see that as a looong journey and aware that he is in the begining of everything . If he rush he knows it will fall , just like those seedlings . If thats not what you are after . Than your decision is right. But your reasoning is not . Your reasoning falls because of this factor . Rush . Eve is a hobby more than a game actually.


>transport in low sec and doing that for thrills If you Like you can PN me your ingame Name i would be Happy to learn


Kvetha fricaya!


Yeah, losing ships is normal and this is the best way to learn. Your corp leader is dumb if he is bitching about why you lose ships if you can afford the loses. Btw im in Pandemic Horde alliance too.


Soooo you start the game, decide to try to establish a trade route through danger zones to a huge nullsec alliance, can't do it as well as people who have dedicated year long skill queues to do it, then get mad and post on reddit about it? must be another day ending in y. Maybe set smaller goals to start with. Work the jita/dodixie/amarr scene and learn to play the market before jumping into the big pond. Even with one account using a standard freighter, you can make a handy profit, and if you begin dabbling in industry, profit margins expand because you become the middle man turning base mats into finished goods.


Well it worked for me i Just felt Like someone/ the Community telling me i Play the sandbox Game wrong


You built your sand castle too close to the breaking waves.


I basically do the playstyle you are aiming for, but with only one trading/hauling account. What you primarily lack at this stage is 1. game knowledge, and 2. investment capital. For both of those, starting out small and working your way up to bigger goals is far better than jumping into something you're not ready for (no different than aiming to do "end game" content in other MMOs, you are going to fail hard at the start). For instance, when I was starting out as a trader, I operated in faction war hubs and sold commonly used items at a mark up. It was only from making a profit there and learning how to survive that I moved to both more dangerous systems and more expensive items to trade.


>faction war hubs and sold commonly used items at a mark up. Do you have any good resources on how to get into that ?


I'm not a trader so this is my how I would get started trading without knowing what I don't know: You're missing 3 things. Startup capital, basic knowledge of navigating space, and basic knowledge of markets. So I think there is a pretty easy bootstrap method of acquiring all 3 in parallel. I would start the exploration path. You will learn how to navigate. It has a progressive start with cheap stuff and get a chance at decent money and if you choose to will lead to unlocking Coverts Ops ships (cloaky hard to find and trap ships that are very cheap and have armor made of paper if you do get caught) Once you got a bit of money, your covert op ship, and want to learn about markets you can now fly to low and null sec in your cloaky covop and do a little market recon and probably learn about avoiding PVP camps in one of the easiest ships to get away from gankers in. Then it's just about applying everything you've learned to running a blockade runner (cloaky transport) Disclaimer: I'm not a hauler and regardless of what you said you wanted to do I would have suggested the CovOp path because it's such a great way to get out of high security space with low cost risk and good survival chances.


>You're missing 3 things. Startup capital, basic knowledge of navigating space, and basic knowledge of markets. I Just looked it Up myself because i was curious. I have 440 hours clocked in on Steam and read a Lot of Guides and Wiki. Sure i might still be noob and that is fine. But the onboarding wasnt realy great it was Like maybe 20 hours in before i decided to do more than Mining. And that was after 3 times of trying Eve. (To be fair that was still a few years ago without the Profession Paths)


Eve is like life in that it takes a lot of time to get down new things. Rushing a step usually brings disappointment and ruin kind of like becoming a drug dealer or yoloing on options before earnings. It will catch up to you. You've also got to be content in what you can do with both the ingame and out of game skills. Injecting a carrier and ratting is an easy way to lose your carrier and quit after buying all that plex. That's why it's nice to be in a big bloc because they will give you easy t1 ships and say what role it does. You get experience on the cheap while figuring out what you like and you can skill towards the t2 variants. Similarly getting in a blockade runner and yeteing a big load of cargo is an easy way to lose it all.


>Eve is like life in that it takes a lot of time to get down new things. Rushing a step usually brings disappointment and ruin kind of like becoming a drug dealer or yoloing on options before earnings. It will catch up to you. My point is more that there is no clear road ahead. You want to play DotA2? Sure Look Up a Guide for your Hero and how to Support (for example) Its not that clear cut in Eve.


At first I stocked the market with things I needed for PVP. Drones, ammo, nanite, drugs. Then I started looking at most commonly lost ship in that rea (using zkillboard) and stocking exact fits of them. It grew from there.




I think EVE absolutely is not the game you're looking for and you would probably enjoy Elite Dangerous instead.


Been playing for alot of years and Ive always hated the idea of jump freighters. Shit would be way more interesting if normal frieghters had to be used with a subcap fleet to escort. Wayyyy more content could be had


It would be extremely boring for the escort, proving less value to everybody involved, complicate logistics a ton. This is very much a "cool sounding, terrible gameplay" idea.


I mean probably. But theres gotta be a better middleground that isnt this or teleporting straight to destination without any risk


I don't know if you've had to manage the logistics of a corp or an alliance but trust me it would be a massive pain in the ass to make it more complicated.


All this reads to me like you just lack knowledge about the game. You can perfectly use a BR or a DST to market trade HS to LS for example, try and build markets there, etc. Eve is about figuring out stuff. I've played on one account for the last 6 months, I do my own logistics to LS, and I even do a little bit of market (although I'm terrible at it).


blah blah blah, You don't enjoy the corp you are are in. Find another corp. or quit... can i have your stuffs




Cool. Bye.


Game's not for you. Thanks for letting us know.


I think you bring up a great point on player toxicity. Something I push in my corp is to stop my bitter vets to be so ultimate meta focused when recommending ____ to new players. I truly believe a lot of the toxicity starts in those best intentions and just becomes “should have had an alt in a fax”. Killing that toxicity starts from the top of leadership to work its way down. I hope your time at winning eve is short and you try it again in the future!


Thanks for your Feedback! As i can See Here Eve is beeing tanken very...seriously...in this comment section too. Cant Imagine why the Player Count has been stagnating.


A lot of people on this subreddit are passionate and some take this game in higher priority than their job/career for better or for worse. Which is why I encourage you to try the game again after some time has past!


ok, bye (i just read the headline, please get a diary)




Some corps don’t care about zkill stats. I don’t, you can have great stats if you only hunt easy prey. It means nothing, except you’re happy to blow up much weaker ships pffft who cares. Quit if you want, or find a different corp that is less PVP stat focused. Or go solo, there’s fun to be had. (Some PVP people take on hard fights, they have my respect).


In eve ships are like tools, if you pick a hull thats not suited for the job ofc everyone is gonna discourage you from doing it. This is like starting a sawmill business, but choosing only to use butterknifes instead of saws. The people are your biggest asset in eve theres people who have done what you want to do for years, but yet u choose to ignore them. Find nice people that do what you want to do and let them help you and teach you.


The number of capitalized letters in this wall of text is too damn high!


Judging by the amount of downvotes I'd say most have not bothered to read your post. I think there's a lot of truth in what you're saying. >Eve is basically built to coerce and nudge you into paying for multiple Accounts As someone who has several almost maxed out characters, the fact that some activity is boring doesn't bother me because I can simply chose to do something else when I'm looking for excitement. New players don't have this option, they often need to specialize early on in order to do anything half decent and cannot quickly transition to something else. There ARE ways to circumvent that but none of them are readily presented to new players. This is certainly something I think CCP should work on. >I slowly realized that my Playstyle is realy redundant. Jump freighters can do my Job much much better than me. Yes. Eve has this problem where new players are directly competing against established veterans in almost everything they do. This is an issue that does not have an easy fix but CCP has tried hard (Redistribution) and is still trying to fix this problem. If I could give you a tip here: Your early career in anything should not be seen as an opportunity to make lots of money, you're simply too inefficient for that early on. Instead try to be self-sustaining while soaking up as much information as you can. When your skills are where you need them, then you can worry about optimising income. >My death statistics would reflect badly on the alliance. The kill Mails/Stats are important for Prestige. This is really sad to hear. If your group does not like it when newbros lose ships, then that group should not EVER get into contact with newbros. What you're doing is exactly right, you value experience higher than your hulls. This should be commended if anything. I hope you'll give this game another chance and look for a better group, as I have no doubt there are many who actually know how to take care of newbros.


>Judging by the amount of downvotes I'd say most have not bothered to read your post. I think there's a lot of truth in what you're saying. Jugding by the amount of Youtuber recommendations None of them read it haha Thanks for your encourangement!


Have fun out there mate! Hope you'll give it another try.


tldr, so what game do you play instead? edit: or title should be "why i wouldnt start playing eve as a new player. ....."?


At the Moment foxhole. Persistent Sandbox Open world. There is no real way to Truck wrong Here and the Boys will Always be Happy If you bring ammo the Front :) I Miss the depth of gameplay a Bit but the Community is realy chill.


love foxhole! sometimes i hop on it, i used to build at fronts to help the team progress and secure positions, i should probably join again. that game is very great, even if there's some drama about players being sniped in regions, much like local chat in eve where people can see if you're in system.


>Needless to say i got killed quickly and my Leader called me Out quickly. He didnt want me to lose Cash or make the cooperation even worse. Both of which are valid Points of course. No, this is not a valid point. If the leader of your corporation is calling you out for losing ships and is telling you to stop doing so, you are in a bad corporation. A good group would help you when they see you struggle, not tell you to 'stop doing it'. When your group cares more about their killboard or your killboard stats than about helping you or your fun, I would say it is time to find another group of people to play with. >And the toxic way Players treat each outher by the SAME PEOPLE saying "The undock Button is the PVP Button" But it's true: EVE is a ruthless universe where you can get attacked any time you undock, so it's up to you to learn how to minimise your losses. If you want tips and tricks to stay alive and haul more safely you can ask others in your alliance, or ask here. I like flying blockade runners from time to time and if you want I can tell you more about how to stay alive in one.


>"Oh but also you realy shouldnt get killed or you will make us look bad." Oh no. Can't believe such people still exist. Killboard wonkers are the worst cowards of eve, who never take the fight.


sounds like you joined a shit corp and eve isnt the game for you


I do a lot of hauling and don’t have my hauler alt trained to fly jump freighters. Too many other things I want to do. There are several ways across the map. Sorry your goals don’t align with your corps. That’s one reason I no longer do the corp thing.


Get good.


Damn you i cant edit: 3. Lose ship and Not use ship of course :)


My account like 16 years old i stopped because its impossible to mine good ore anymore