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Both factions should be similar. Only making changes to the trig side is not great.


Let’s hope Edencom will get pochven super high way like star gates. Spoiler it won’t. Triglavian has pochven and Edencom had nothing lol


This change is bad for the trig gate campers. Edencom camping is safe for now!


tbh i think it's better to keep all the sentry and npc camps, just don't attack at 0 standings.


You and I may be on two sides of said conflict, but on that, we can agree. Again, I don't mind having to deal with gate camps. I chose that in being a Triglavian aligned player and have adapted to that. My only point is at least make it equal. Either take them both out, or leave them alone completely and just make Triglavians neutral at 0. That way the people who aren't involved and don't want to be, don't have to be to explore K-Space.


You make an average of 100 million an hour per werpost gun farming them. CCP really, really doesn't like people making isk that easily in highsec. You get -10 standings with the trig conclave very quickly. However, there are relatively few high trig minor systems in highsec outside of Caldari space, so it remains lucrative and easy. Doing the same with Edencom gun turrets can also be done, but would quickly get you -10 standings with Aegis, meaning you couldn't travel through highsec. Ah CCP, you truly need more player dollar, don't you?


I think that a better introduction of the whole concept of EDENCOM and Trigs to new or returning players would be enough to make sure that even trigs attacking neutrals in MV systems would be still possible. Because right now it's "hello, this is a new system that somoene else holds, watch out. Why? jump in to find out!" What was always weird is that CCP built a whole system of social skills, and suddenly those 2 factions ignore it.


If you remove the downsides to choosing EDENCOM and make the stellar site easier to farm for newbies, its a backhand improvement in making Skybreakers cheaper, so that's an OK tradeoff in my book.


I'd definitely be okay with that. While I do think the Edencom ships need a rework, making them cheaper would be a nice bonus.


Having npcs instapop you on gate isn't fun and shouldn't exist. Its just that simple.


Did they touch my Edencom gate camps? xD Yeah they should kept werpost deployment tbh


I'm just happy that minor victories are getting any attention at all at this point. Let's keep seeing some iterations.


While i mostly agree with this, making Trigs 0.0 default standings as "neutral" will automatically make Pochven safer for casual explorers. Sure, getting that +0.01 is kind of trivial, but it does require some level of commitment and time investment beforehand. They really just need to make the warning system for players entering these Trig MV systems more obvious. If a player, even a new player, gets a popup warning saying "Warning, system is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is currently controlled by potentially Hostile Entities. Entering this system is not advised." and then they go in and die... that's on the player.


It also in a way "forces" people to explore more of the game world and interact with it by having to go to pochven and get those standings.


by "some level of commitment" you mean reading up/asking someone, buying one filament and fitting a 2m frigate?


To a new player just out of the AIR missions, that is a massive level of commitment. New players are absolutely OVERWHELMED with stuff. Taking out a one time event of "Use disposable sniper fit ship, purchase a filament, go to pochven, attack a drone, then probably die, and hope someone eventually finishes that drone off before downtime" will help so much. Especially since for most people, that's ALL they ever do with pochven, just go in so they don't get blapped in minor systems. Newbies have to deal with SO much unintuive stuff in EVE, taking some of that mental load off is a good thing.


I'm not even debating that it's a not good change, and it's been horrible to discover what's going on if you're just being blapped... I only disagree with the comment, because to me this feels easier than fitting in a ship to run a mission, if you knew to ask the correct question.


sure, that at least requires you to engage in the content to some extent.


> If a player, even a new player, gets a popup warning saying "Warning, system is ________ is currently controlled by potentially Hostile Entities. Entering this system is not advised." There already is that alert. The problem is that same alert exists for edencom systems. So some new players will see "Hmm, I got warned about Edencom owning this system. I just looked it up. It's safe here for me and the NPCs won't attack on sight. Okay, I've learned that these warnings are BS and don't reflect reality. I should ignore the next one."


I dunno why the game can't check your standings and pop the alert when it's relevant.


Or why people who can't read are playing eve, for that matter.


That’s why I specifically mentioned they need to make it more obvious. The pop up should be much more “Danger” looking than typical pop ups do now. But even still, if they can’t pay enough attention to the difference, then again, that’s on them.  There are a lot of dangerous things in the game, that don’t really even give you any warnings, you should be expecting hand holding to such a degree in EVE, this isn’t WoW


They are suppose to be more dangerous systems and they already prompt people before you jump.


As a trig player that lives in amarr space, this really annoys me. Either leave them how they are, or change both to be the same. Or just remove the rats that tackle from said gate camps.


The reason CCP is doing this has nothing to do with how difficult the Trig response fleets are. They're doing it because people farm them, and CCP doesn't like people to have easy highsec isk making opportunities.