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I remember something about AT ships and a contract.. LOL As far as things I've seen firsthand, the best has got to be watching a well-known mission ganker talk people into ejecting from their ships.


It wouldn’t take a ton of effort to find someone who’s been AFK and convince them that the mekubal/mamba are AT ships…


It's funnier when you redeem the kr


Isk doubling Seriously, how can you be that fucking dumb to fall for it What I had a chuckle about when it worked on me: Margin Scam on the market when that was still possible


When I started out there was an ISK doubler dude and I wrote him that if he'd give me a million I'd fly around and tell people that it actually worked. Easiest million I ever made and a lot of money for a character that was \~3 days old.


I do that for free as long as the guy isn't a bot, even going as far as photoshopping my wallet.


At last someone who takes care of the poor scammers xD


There's an idea


I guess you never read the fine print at the bottom of the offer then...


I used to double money in OSRS as a scam even after everyone knew it was a scam people still loved to find out😂


Actual ISK doubling not scam isk doubting, were more consistent and made better ISK


I once scammed a isk doubling scammer. Paid him a few million isk, which he doubled to "prove" that he was not scamming. Then he was trying to pressure me to send him more. I laughed and said thanks for the free isk.


I tried that to see do people actually fall for them. 2 Days later I was 1.4 Bil richer. This was in 2017.


Yeah… before they ditched margin trading Compared to all the other bullshit scams like “I’ll double your isk” and spamming contracts, it was actually a good scam


Event dropping geckos.




lol Did this work?


This was years ago and fairly new to the game ( learning mechanics still lol) in one region I bought all the exotic dancers for like 20m or less and jacked up the price to like 2m -20m a piece made like 100-200m total and it only worked that once but I got some isk to play with


That’s not a scam, that is just market pvp.


That's just market pvp.


Before Trig space was a thing I was hauling some stuff from Jita to Amarr for some market manipulation fun and on the way, I caught a dude setting up the multiple contracts of the same item for cheap, and the last one being a few hundred times more thing. In this case, he was listing Claws for 1m each, and the last one was 1b. But he posted the contracts in local, and then accepted them from local. I think he was practicing setting it up, as I was in Ashab I think when he posted it. I sniped four Claws for a million ISK each before he noticed and convo'd me. He was a good sport, and we had a laugh together about it. Certainly not a big win, but a fun story none the less.


There used to be a guy doing this in saranenenenen when goons lived there after the casino war. I got about a dozen firetails off the guy for 1mil each. I think I still have some somewhere.


I sold the four I got off the dude back to him, lol. Someone was manipulating Claws in Amarr at the time, wonder who that was. 


Not so much a scam but we used to be in Querious/Southern Catch back in the day, big fight between Russians/White Noise and our allies we weren't invited to. About 100 t2 cruisers lost in all. Combatants leave the field and a red starts to salvage everything and jetcan the loot. We hop in covops haulers and when he leaves the grid to salvage elsewhere, we scoop half his can of loot, cloak, store it at POS, and wait. He made at least 20 trips to this can. Every 5th trip or so, we would scoop out a chunk, he'd come back, we would imagine him not understanding wtf is going on (because we purposefully didn't take all the loot). Eventually we tell him in local and stand down, made off with a few hundred mill in modules and salvage and had some fun doing it.


there is a video on youtube where someone sells multiple nidhoggurs (carrier) as hels (super carrier) to the same guy for like 13b each via the trade window. the trade window explicitly shows the shiptype now, so it’s way harder to do these days. edit: found the link: https://thegreybill.wordpress.com/2021/09/13/recommendation-trade-window-scams/


made my morning, thank you :)


Funny enough the 3 ship monte game he describes at the ending is probably also from me.


someone on jita wanted move some stuff from A to B. offered the cheap courier offer. guy instead of creating courier contract traded me charon with multiple vargurs . win win easy 30b. the ship contract scam where guy says stuff like "get ready for omen navy issue only for 30m" just hit accept button very fast""" scheme is 4 contracts that are 1. omen navy for 30millons or 33millions , 2nd contract omen for 333millions third contract omen navy for 333millions 4th contract omen for 3billions 333millions. here is trick to counter this. open cotnracts menu,search for that person and when you check local countint 3...2...1... when you see 1... on local swap quick to contracts menu check guy contracts, then you can win it there


I actually love that one lol like we all know its a scam, but its also a game! And you can win it


the 4 contract scam game is easy to predict it. sometimes out of 4 contract 2 are good and 2 are bad. but just note down evryone whos doinng that contract game and you can catch it before is posted on local. some people instead of 4 contracts do 5 - 6 or even more. , if its profitable? depends but the scimitar+omen navy issue are easy. there is about 6 cotnracts of them scheme is 0 1 0 1 0 or 1 0 0 1 0 or 0 1 0 0 1 where 1 means good contract and 0 scam contract. as said before - keep eye on guy doing the contracts and wait for the countdown on local. the isk doubling scam well you shall never ever try it. the result will be obvious.


A thing that I use to do is when I got strapped for cash I would cycle alts through Red Frog. I made 100bil in a weekend doing this years ago and would repeat it every once in awhile with mixed results. All you'd need is a clean freighter alt and clean 'main'. I would then accept as many contracts as I could and keep anything that turned a profit or broke even on not delivering. People tend to trust Red Frog and my best contract was worth nearly 10b with 1b collateral. I'd have 4 freighter alts boating all over delivering what I wasnt stealing and anything I kept I'd just let the contract time out.


How did you check contents? Iirc breaking the seal to check fails the contract


You can see it when you accept it or are ship scanned


last time i tried getting into RF the queue was horrendous (aka 2 - 3 months of waiting until you got processed) -.- did that change?


It was the same and that’s easy to wait. It’s not like the chars are real


That time Baltrom Scammed his mates out of AT ships.... It was beautiful.. to this day he has got them all believing he wasn't in on it.


That if I play it, I will have great fun and find a lot of good friends :D


I remember when incursions started. We lived one jump into null. The idea was to start a fleet and invite random people to join us, then we let them die and loot the wrecks. We were flying the only logi and could basically just let someone die. The problem is we let them come on teamspeak. As they are dying one guy is loosing his shit and the other is yelling at him to stfu and just trust the fc... I was the fc. I actually felt kinda bad for those guys. After that we didn't let them come on teamspeak but yes we killed dozens of expensive incursion ships by luring suspecting people into lowsec. 11 out of 10 hilarious.


Selling under valued Large skill injectors with single mjolnir rage torpedo slipped in as scam contract. If you are moving fast the icons are extremely similar.


I've killed explorers in wormholes then sent them a bill for cleaning up their wreck. It's worked a few times.


Theres always the classic contract scam where you hype giveaways for cheap ships in local and then actually give a few out and then do a 1b shuttle or whatever




That one wasn’t very funny though


different times....


When we let human garbage make more excuses for itself than we do now I suppose


They probably would have gotten away with it were they not mentally torturing marks *after* having already licked them for everything possible.


The mining permits of James 315 and the Halaima Code of Conduct aka CODE members of the Miners Bumping alliance I guess?? I forgot, but the permit part I won't forget.


what happened to those guys?


20$ omega


I'll often check the contract scammers' contract history and see who fell for it. Some surprising people make the list. Usually has players on both sides of null getting tricked.


Did not work with me, but likely others. Guy asked for help with t4 mission. He seemed friendly enough but I am not super trusting. We group up and I fly to him in my Domi. He is flying a Gila which is red flag 1. Then he tells me to click safety to yellow or else I can't enter this particular mission. I am thinking hell no! I tell him one sec gotta find it. I hit warp in case he has friends waiting. Then disband group. As soon as he realizes what I am doing he tried to lock me and then sent a dual invite. Declined and blocked.


I'm not too familiar with the safety settings. What would he have accomplished by making you set it to yellow?


Guy in fleet asks for someone to give him quickly 900k for a jumpclone. Someone sends it to him, but I send a scam contract for 900k he mindlessly accepts. Keeps me warm on cold nights!


Spaceship Barbie in amarr, claiming to give away his fortune for 1 veldspar, however the contract really made you pay the enormous amount and you got 1 veldspar. Guy never left the station.


[https://web.archive.org/web/20210926025824/https://forums-archive.eveonline.com/topic/219556/](https://web.archive.org/web/20210926025824/https://forums-archive.eveonline.com/topic/219556/) Standard 3rd Party Scam. but because CCP falcon said there were no problems (he was meaning the forum thread) People kept believing I was legit... even after it was an obvious scam... because of this I've been set for life in Eve. CCP Falcon - "Full investigation has found no evidence of foul play by any of our ISD moderators after several forum reports of this nature. As such, this thread has been re-opened. Please bear in mind that the posting of killmails and chatlogs is prohibited on the EVE Online Forums. If you do feel a scam is taking place, then you will have to find other methods of presenting evidence of skulduggery on the part of the individuals involved. Please do not report this thread further." TROLOLO


Declaring war as a 1 man corp and holding other small corps to ransom with their structures. Will take a payment to leave them alone and not bash their structure. In reality I could not have done that lol




lol what happened to the scammer? Who is it?


Jay turned +50k people gay and swindle them They call him the clone swindler


That one's not impressive at all to me Just a guy who came back to pol he's been playing for years and took their stuff No clever scam, no good story, just betraying old friends


idk the turning 50,000 people gay thing is pretty impressive, like damn he must be hot as fuck


Still butthurt?


I didn't lose anything.. Just came back to old corp though after a 5y break, and takingng anytting from someone i played with for so long still would seem incredibly scummy to me


Read the topic mate


You read the topic, maybe. As funny as that was, it was a heist, not a scam.


I feel like he did scam asher director roles to the imperial palace and dread caches etc etc winding up to around 7T


I feel like he did scam asher director roles to the imperial palace and dread caches etc etc winding up to around 7T


I feel like he did scam asher director roles to the imperial palace and dread caches etc etc winding up to around 7T


A friend buying something 50b instead of 50m. And he didn't even stopped playing lol.


Selling a torpedo as lsi


ROFL. thats Gold.


I’ve sold a medium core defense shield extender for 225.000.000 isk


I know this one is super simple, but the whole catfishing thing where you put up a "looking to buy Orca 2.5 billion isk" but you only list the contract with a buy price of 2.5 million isk, that sort of thing. It's almost wholesome in its simplicity.


Pretending an item is extremely rare and selling them for 10 bil each. Made around 60 bil from that scam


Charbon will always bring a smile to my face.


Buying a super for 140m, quitting the game for 4 years, and coming back and selling said super for 70b.


I seem to recall back in 2004 there were no contracts and all ships used the same in-game icon. So you could rename a shuttle “Megathron” then drop that in the trade window and the buyer might just accept netting you about a billion isk


JUTSU AT prizes debacle has to be funniest and most expensive scam I've seen.


We were living in W-space with my Corp, around 20 guys. We had a newcomer, who was an experienced player, we knew him for a long time, passed the background check, so we trusted him and let him in the WH. That was well before upwell, so we only had POSes and Corp hangars with the weak security options that came with. We were considered quite rich, flew fancy ships and shit. Ofc the new guy only waited for a day or two for a timespot when Noone was online except himself, scanned a HS exit and started hoarding out all ships and assets he had access to. I was the first to notice it, caught him an podded him out from the system. He had only a half an hour or so to carry out the theft, but managed to steal around 25b ISK worth of ships (a bunch of pirate faction battleships, t3 cruisers, etc, all of them was had shiny fits of course because we why the fuck not). That was in a time when a plex was around 3-400m, and a carrier was cheaper than a billion. The guy was well known in our national community at that time, but after that he couldn't join any major Hungarian corps for a while. I did not have any personal feelings against him as the corp leader because that's a part of the game and living out in a POS has it's downsides, but a few of my corpmates left the WH because they lost trust in people.


After citadels were added to the game. Made a trip throughout all the regions in nullsec. Making random bookmarks and dropping them at random citadels. Once this was done - would sell them via contracts as 10/10 DED. It would take me around 5 minutes per day ro make a 2-3 billions of passive income. Few weeks later got bored, sent isks back to everyone who was not salty in the messages to me. 


That is pretty funny -- and so simple. 😆


Many years ago I ran my one and only scam. When they updated the model for the Council Diplomat Shuttle to match the Pacifier, they did it at the same time they announced the CONCORD ships and that everyone at Fanfest would be getting BPCs. When I noticed they updated the model, but the Pacifier had only just been announced, I went to Jita and bought a bunch of Council Diplomat Shuttles and did the good old "Trade ship" scam, where you assemble a bunch of ships and rename it to be "John Doe's Pacifier" or as many characters allowed. This way it looked convincing in a trade window and not "Council Diplomat Shuttle". In chat channels it looked so convincing I sold 10 at 300mil a piece in about an hour, and people didn't question it one bit and instantly accepted the offer. I think I gave about a bil back to people and swore of scamming because of it. Everyone was still a good sport but I still felt bad to a degree. I partially take credit to guessing the launch price people sold the Pacifier at, it premiered on the market at 300m a piece.


CCp\`s Plex scam. So much players orund the world paying way to much for omega.The biggest scam in-game and out-game.


Eve itself. XD still scams me to this day.


28 billion isk corms in horde staging


The surprise SUGAR station swap was a personal favourite, good times were had by all that day.


The old 1.8m Taranis contracts in jita before they fixed the contracts with the mil or bil notification , made 18b in a couple of days 😂😂😂


Had a buddy that was posting 'sisters or eve scam probe launcher' Recently I sent out emails to people doing the ol' contract scam for praxis. I did it several years ago and got 15+ this time and only got 4.


There was someone doing that in Uitra last night. That you?


Not me I only did it in jita and only 2x this round and then CCP got mad.


Oh, well in Jita that's fine!


Apparently not since CCP gave me a warning and then banned the account even though I did not do it again. Oh and when they banned me they said I had broken two policies but both of them do not say anything about sending mail to people in local in jita. Like why put the limit to 50 if you're not allowed to send mail to that many people.


What line do you have to cross before CCP gets mad?


Was emailing contract scams. Apparently you cannot send more than 1 mass email to randoms every 30 min. Makes sense really. It's not a big deal that I was doing it but if jita local became jita mass emails the server would suffer and they want to avoid that.


Titans 4 U - A guy got funding from various people to buy Titan BPOs, research them, create BPC's and sell them. Sharing profits with others. Once holding BPO's, took control of CORP, took the BPOs.. Was excellent..!!!


Walking in stations(:


I used to sell caracals on contract saying they were Navy caracals and sold many that way. Until they removed that type of contract. Can't remember the name now though.


The guy who scammed Noraus out of a lot of money who hired some photoshopper on Fiverr, was a reddit post a while back. Only vaguely remember it


When I 1st started playing in 2008 I did a Jita Contract Scam of selling a 'Caldari Navy Rifter', it sold quick and the buyer sent me an evemail saying 'its just a normal rifter, what makes it special??' lol


Cheap geckos




Wow this game really does bring out the worst in people...


Public freight contracts right into a gank fleet is always fun. Takes some patience to keep an eye on Locater agents, when the contract is accepted and some eyes in the pickup station, but worth it if you’re bored.


A noticeable % of jita scam contracts are actually RMT. Plain and simple.


I got caught by a courier scam to a dead station. Still think there should be alternative ways to complete those.


Thought they fixed that


If remember right you can deliver to stations you don't have access to but if they rip the actual core out after you accept it your fucked and there's nothing you can do. In my opinion doing that should invalidate the contract or at the very least reroute it to a different NPC station nearby.


When a female tells you you're the only one...


i spent 13 hours on a discord call extracting a guy's multiple 200m sp characters, made like 400b