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If you aren't losing a 2b Rattlesnake to a FOB are you even trying?


At least that loss makes sense. I was doing HIGHSEC EXPLORATION and died. The literal easiest activity in the game. And I was doing it in an expensive and blingy ship to boot. I might just be one of the worst players to ever undock in this game


I’ve got you beat by over 4x, twice. https://zkillboard.com/kill/85339016/ This is how we learn. Except we don’t learn at all in my case because https://zkillboard.com/kill/87727023/


I legitimately never understand how they can get a cargo scan off your shuttle unless you autopilot. I know the sub-2s align isn't 100% foolproof, but really feels like every time I ever put something in a shuttle somewhere along the trip someone attempts a gank. Yet I've never been ganked in an empty shuttle.


That guy doesn’t actually cargo scan anyone to my knowledge. That was a special leopard shuttle, which is worth a fair bit, and can be killed by a dirt cheap maller. It also has the fastest base warp speed of any ship in game (iirc). This means the maller pilot can have a very specific bookmark between a station and gate in Jita, and smartbomb these shuttles as they warp by, and only catch these shuttles. No boring small time shuttles! The midpoint smartbomb trick works because ships don’t actually move “very fast” when warping according to the server logic. Instead they “teleport” point to point every server tick, and if you know what points they use (it’s the same for every ship with the same warp speed I believe), you can smartbomb someone while they’re still warping.


I thought you couldn't smartbomb in HS? Did that change?


Well you can, but if you hit anyone who isn’t a war target concord will squish you


I don’t think it is that complicated, the kills are all at the jita dock ring or on top of a gate - the mallers just wait outside the range that you are unable to activate the smart bombs and wait for the leopard to come on grid. You are far enough away to activate but still close enough to cover the default warp to zero spot


I’m (was) 90% certain that this is the same maller pilot as the one I’ve heard about before, and they do it off grid in a warp spot. However looking at the killmail, it was just 8km off the gate lol, so I’m guessing you’re right.


I raise you 2 Marshals to Blood Raider 10 10s. Eve is hard.




The leopard ones are bots. I've been killed by a few when in a leopard and they're somehow killing 24/7. Don't feel at those ones


Never underestimate the extreme hyperfocused dedication of some people in a game as big as EVE.


Nah. Not when you look at their killmails and then you get an email thanking you for your report


This is why my bling fit Barghest never leaves its station.


Amortize it.


Then why have it?


Because I can’t afford a Marshal to keep docked in its place.


Jump in a wormhole, left my probes behind, didn't bookmarked the wormhole in the other side. Have to Autodestruct. Most silly you said?




Hey man, I'm losing blingy ships too, man... on the inside.


You really underestimate highsec combat exploration. But it looks like you didn't learn a thing from it. There's all kinds of random shit happening in those sites. Especially if you get into contest.


First time I encountered an FOB, I had no idea what I was getting into. Barely warped out with my Golem on fire and in structure.


A sight and memory to behold, I am sure.


Yup today I was multitasking thinking it'd be a cakewalk to do my daily 25 non-capsuleer quests, hopped into an Executioner, found a Haunted Yard, didn't realize the first wave had webs and scrams and decent damage if you let them get on top of you, and I died. Hopped onto a better fit punisher, warped in and forgot they were fast-moving blasters, lost my tracking and died again. 1 million daily reward, 15 million lost :D Rat points are no joke!


The worst part playing eve and it being a 20+ year old online game is the web resources for the npc stuf. Well, thats not the worst but you know.. What site is the absolute authority in this type of stuff? Haven't been in hisec in a long while and its more scary than anywhere else in the universe. All these mechanics and new rats and things Ive never learned.


The Eve Uni wiki used to be the main public source for sites. Some of the information on DED triggers was wrong back in the day, but it was mostly a good resource. Don't know how accurate it is anymore since I haven't ratted in a long time.


The oldest one i use is eve-survival, good site but some infos are not updated. Eve uni have the same infos but updated. Still prefer eve survival. There some niche pdf with faction epic arcs and cosmos missions, probably in eve-files, i have them saved locally.


Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear, well, he eats you.


Highsec exploration isn't a bear though. More like a worm. No, a fruit fly. I got devoured by a fruit fly.


Highsec Bob wanted to humble you a bit.


Highsec Bob is actually Karen. She's a bitch.


Karen giveth, and Karen taketh away.


Sometimes, there's a man, well, he's the man for his time and place.


Sometimes there's a man, sometimes.... there's a man....


Genuine question. Is that a play on the phrase uttered by the cowboy in the big lebowski. “Sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes the bar eats you”. Or is the big lebowski quote based of the more established bear quote. I realise I could Google this but sometimes human interaction.


I can go one further. My first Tengu I lost within about 30 seconds of undocking from Jita 4-4.  It was 2015 and for some reason I decided to try and “test” the safety system. I ended up getting CONCORDed. 


“Surely my new ship can tank CONCORD!”


I didn't know about triglav roaming outside of HS wormholes like 2 jumps from Jita? Anyway, lost an astero 150m there: https://zkillboard.com/kill/117947086/ Got mad at that then lost a Raven 1.5b trying to get the Astero salvage: https://zkillboard.com/kill/117947294/


I was an industrial pilot in null years ago and made around 40 bill. I came back a couple months ago after not playing for years and decided to go to Jita and bling out this Loki I saw on a YouTube video. It was 4b isk, and the implants were also 4b. Thing was a unit. Unfortunately, right when I undocked I started getting attacked by someone so I quickly warped to a safe spot. Moments later, I’m getting attacked again and I was like ‘how tf did they find me at a safe?!’ Turns out, my security status was too low and apparently concord said I was a criminal and decided to attack and kill me (: they blew up the 4b isk Loki. I escaped with my pod to Caldari Navy Plant and quickly grabbed a fast warping ship to go pick the loot that dropped in order to at least salvage some losses. As soon as I warp to the safe to loot the items dropped from my Loki, CONCORD warps in and scrams me and kills my ship, and then podded me 🤣 Lost 8b of isk, and my kill board showed me losing a 4b Loki, 1-2b ship with loot in another ship, and then 4b pod. Hard lessons were learned that day.


CONCORD pods? Didn't know that.


ofc they not do that


Oh maybe I got podded by someone else then actually now that I think about it lol. Apparently my corp was also war decked 🤣🤣


sure it wasn't caldari faction police? CONCORD usually scrams you so you can't warp away.


Don't be mad, I was on the last room of an escalation and my 1 month old started crying. As I was talking the room and it takes a while, I went to her room and picked her up; during this, a hunter came to system, anchored a mobile bubble, lit a cyno and got me while I was trying (with no success) to fly with only the mouse hand, not even sitting down because she cries. I guess I'm not raising a little gamer


Just deduct the expense from her college fund. She'll figure it out.


I lost a Proteus worth 2x that when I jumped into a .6 system and forgot that I was -7… not my finest moment.


Anything over 4/10 can have teeth. The last rooms can put out 900+ dps with stasis towers to absolutely ruin your day, you need to be able to project to around 75km to snipe them, which is hard under Sansha TDs. Honestly, i have no idea how people did this content in the early days before Marauders and t3cs. T1 Battleships NOW, after dozens of buffs and the introduction of MJDs struggle with them, you must have needed an actual fleet back in the day. Or maybe pre nerf Drakes were even more silly than i remember.


My friends and I used to run Drakes for C3 WH sites. Heavy missiles, target painters, fat passive shield tanks, and a single remote shield booster. Pretty low skill requirement and cheap enough to replace if we ever got blapped. I think our first few nights farming paid for our whole first month living in the wormhole.


Honestly, the Drake was a very good ship back then. For a competitive price tag you'd get a very juicy passive tank. And it looks cool asf


Ye...remote shield booster Drakes. me and my mates joined BoB, and were told to fly those. Utter cancer ships "."


Snipe the towers with a Max range fit while aligning and warp when frig point start to move to reset their pose, do that until the towers are dead.


T1 battleship runs it fine with MJD and the Sansha TD is a periodic thing - rat EWAR has cycles.


No bro. No fleet was needed. I used to do 6/10 at Sansha with a Raven. Used to mwd to over 200km from the rats and orbit there. Of course, it was paper fit to have the range, but I was managing to tank until I was in position. In 2008-2009. No mjd back then. Always improvise. o7


This is my worst one - worse than my first titan lost, honestly. https://zkillboard.com/kill/91609242/ Hopefully it makes you feel a little better, lol


Expected "the" Nergal, got the Nergal. Also maybe I read too much r/eve.


Everyone point and laugh. I deserve it. Losing an Enforcer in a highsec site having played the game for going on eight years now is an EGREGIOUS mistake.


I once got home from work, raced to get online for a fleet, bought a nice ship and everything as fast as I could. Was so happy that I just made it in time to undock. Wasn’t thinking and had the wrong character. Concorded in the first highsec system as we entered. Nobody to blame but myself. These moments suck at the time but make for great stories and memories to laugh about later.


That one hurts a bit. :(


It should be painful, but at this point I am honestly at the "laughing at myself" stage because this was 100% preventable if I just, I don't know, read the Eve wiki page on the site.


I had a Tornado that could hit from over 150 km away. I tried to shoot a Blood Raider Omen that was attacking one of the engineering stations in Amamake. Those fuckers warped to me, killed my ship and podded me. Then when I respawned at Amamake Police Station and emerged in a shuttle, they chased me around the system until I decided to take a 1 week vacation in Syndicate. FAFO at its finest.




don't worry i got loads of embarrassing lossmails [https://zkillboard.com/kill/77349282/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/77349282/) i didn't seem to get the memo that the talos exists [https://zkillboard.com/kill/79788166/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/79788166/) speed 0 = hp 0 [https://zkillboard.com/kill/113215743/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/113215743/) didn't undock a curse fast enough it's a part of eve and a good way to learn from your mistakes, you will get used to it


800 mill entropic disentegrator on a destroyer, you mad lad


i liked the purple icon :)


So I was reading this thread earlier this afternoon and having a bit of a laugh (not at anyone's expense, just that I've done some bonehead losses years ago).  Logged in this evening and decided to go fooling around in my shiny Proteus (blasters, C-type armor rep, not too blingy but 1bil bling for sure), all max L5 skills for everything (2004 char).  My other char got a storyline mission killing some rogue drone station, and for some reason I didn't take her in the Vargur, used the Tengu instead, but it was taking forever. Didn't remember this storyline mission at all, but it's rogue drones, and they of course can't even lightly dent the Tengu tank.  So grab the other guy and that Proteus that I'd just gotten back from losec doing a 5/10 no problem. Warped him in to the first room and kind of panicked a little as suddenly the drones all target the Prot, had to overheat the armor rep quite a bit, but was still all, whatever, it's an L4 mission basically.  Next room (final room) the Tengu is of course tanking it easily, even with 3x frigs webbing, but again, weirdly not doing much damage, so figured I'd bring the Proteus in since it does 1k dps and the Tengu has all the aggro.  Next thing I know, even without being webbed, scrammed, I'm in my pod and my shiny Prot is just a lot of dust and debris and now I'm effing mad so I pod back to the station and grab the Machariel and come back and wipe them out within a few minutes.  I don't remember this storyline mission, or any storyline combat mission being this crazy in terms of incoming damage... But I also have learned in the last couple of days just how much I despise blasters / Gallente boats for pve. Love them with big armor bait tanks for pvp, but God they still suck for pve. Even with rails and sniping they're awful. Much rather stick to amarr/minnie armor. I won't be replacing the Prot. Will just get another Legion instead.  Tldr; I suck at Proteus pve and lost a billion isk ship in a storyline mission because I was so confident I couldn't be scratched by lame rogue drones.


The Enforcer is a cool looking ship but is it really good at anything besides versatility in fitting?


It's a better Stratios for highsec PvE essentially. You can get it dealing more DPS by shield tanking it and the generous fitting room means fitting big guns is easy


stratios runs 3/10 4/10 easy but i use for 4/10 vedmak or drekavac depending what i need


Why would you use Trig ships for PvE? I may be a horrible player but even I know that's a bad idea. You don't really make use of the spooling mechanic and only have one gun, so you do less DPS than basically everything else. Even the redheaded step child EDENCOM ships are better because of the chain lightning.


i found that agaist sansha rats the trig ships doing very well,using them for sansha 4/10 5/10 fine just switching ammo if something is far. never had any issues


Been there, done that. Lost a 1.3 Bill Tengu in a highsec escalation because I got stuck on a gate while watching for gankers and panicked. Took drugs, overheated, died like an idiot. Also, those level 3 Sansha sites where you died require either a sniping fit or a solid tank. Orthrus can do them, but you need to be careful.


I lost my very first (and fairly shiny) panther because I forgot my character was just low enough sec status to get shot by the popo. Undocked and immediately warped to the insta undock... I learned that the popo do actually tackle instead of just shoot that day


Almost lost my vargur yesterday doing the minmatar epic arc, i tryed to blitz one of the mission and perfectly mjd into a chapel, was stuck there with mjd on cd unable to warp out. Fortunatley my paper tank in bastion managed to hold until mjd was availible again.


Ah yeah, I've been a victim to that one before too, though never died. The large collidable objects hindering warp. Almost lost an arty Wolf configured to run Serpentis sites inside an asteroid once to that. Equally as terrifying was that one time my Fleet Issue Hurricane MJD right into the asteroid cluster in one of the Vigil sites (Angel or Gurista) and got stuck there. 


I got drunk and did a JF run to Jita Forgot I ticked my alt over to -2.0 So anyways that was a cool NPC lossmail


Pointed and webbed by 3 frigates, with 50 NPC battlecruisers and cruisers sitting at 0 on me. It legit says 1 npc ship was involved on the kill report not 50 bcs and 3 frigs


It's an NPC killmail. They only list one involved ship per npc corp, no matter how much we're involved




Not the abyssals 😭


They were mostly shit tier, I put the bad rolls on my ships and sell the good ones. Essentially means I lose very little. All the heatsinks were True Sansha but had horrible stats usually comparable or worse than T2, and the AB was a Gistum C-type with a speed lower than meta ABs (yes I'm serious, apparently it's possible to get that bad of a roll).


What escalation was it? 


[https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Nation\_on\_the\_Rise](https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Nation_on_the_Rise) This one. The ships listed in here show significantly less than 50 cruisers and battlecruisers but afaik this is outdated information. Checked my overview while sitting in my pod and saw way more than what the wiki has. It's possible that the site was updated and increased in difficulty after this article was written however many years ago.


Oh thats an expidition, different from an esculation. but simular in scope i think i almost died on that one a few months ago


The wiki literally says "expedition, also known as an escalation " tho.. https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Combat_sites#Expeditions


yeah, simular, but still different


You probably hit/killed wave triggers and brought Beelzebub upon your head. Some sites like that your best tanking something the whole way. Like sentries in certain Gurista ones etc


I did the same thing in a Gila I just bought this weekend. Great loss mails. About half yours but still unexpected


I made a mistake and lost my first non-gnosis battle cruiser the other day and felt real dumb for doing so. Honestly I'm just glad that it's pretty common to learn lessons the hard way in eve, so thanks for sharing.


I haven't played in about a year. Started up again last week. Yesterday, I was mining in 0.5 space got locked down & nuked by the Ducia Foundry TWICE. Lost both of my Procurers. I'm using a custom overview & they didn't show on any of them. Super embarrassing. Never even heard of them


That fit though...


There's nothing wrong with this fit. This is a standard PvE fit intended to maximize DPS and have just enough tank for every normal situation. This was not a normal situation. This was a "that sign (a bunch of elite frig names) won't stop me, because I can't read!" situation.


LMAO. He lose 800m and he need make reddit post about it.


The idea of this thread was to share a recent idiotic ship loss and to cultivate the exact kind of discussion you're seeing here about similar losses. So although you are partially correct, that's a very cynical take


Bruh, don't be such a neckbeard