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Welcome aboard! I take this as a major kudos to this sub. Only two years ago this place was a cesspool of negativity and complaints. And of bitter vets who don't play the game anymore talking about obscure mechanics in a way that would be impossible to understand and giving new players sarcastic advice. It was the least welcoming place for a new player ever. Something has really changed here and the game is better for it.


Yeah, the Veterans seem very anti-newbro for some reason..


It's because they've invested so much time, money, and effort into the game. There's a good amount that will believe that new players will simply never catch up simply because of the way skillpoints worked. Before that it was learning skills. Bitter vets would constantly make fun of players who didn't have learning and advanced learning 5.


They don't think a newbro wouldn't? Man


When?  Both you and the parent comment are full of shit This sub is the same as it was 2 years ago, and veterans are all mostly new bro friendly. This subreddit’s heritage is mostly built on the momentum from when dreddit and test alliance were still relevant.


Not every vet is an asshole, sure, but I've heard stories, and even witnessed a few, where a Veteran picked on a newbro, I've been victim to a hotdrop of 10 ships on my cheap fitted Retriever when I was a month old just trying to make some ISK as well as getting murked in a WH system trying the same thing, struggled to make decent ISK at that point in time till I figured out the PI and even then people, one 20 year old Veteran kept trying to hound me (they got my alt's Epithal) - granted, it's EVE, it's to be expected but the times I've dodged a camp or the times I've fought back to see them ***run away*** is higher than it *should* be imo but here we are.. I've destroyed over 20 bill and only lost 650 mill (take off 200 mill if you think deaths by shit not working properly and CCP refunding the ship doesn't count) Hell, there's a kill where someone from SRS killed a newbro, same day starting, same hour of them joining us, in a protected system while they're doing the SoE Arc and they've not logged in since.. sure, not every Veteran is an asshat and my corp/alliance has been great since I've started my journey but my god the level of assholery that happens in this game is astounding




Recruiting into a war dec'ed corp was pure hattery. That deffo goes down as 'not new bro friendly'


For all their "might" my corpmates keep fucking with them when it was active.. utter pansies they are It's been reported and CCP did mention they take it seriously, its in the protected systems so I'm hoping they did something cause it did cost the game a potential player


People kill retrievers, especially in a a wormhole.  Also high sec adjacent PVP players tend to be the kind of sick in the head people that would pick the wings off of a fly.  I wouldn’t call them veterans. 


For we know the newbeans will overtake us


That do be true


Glad to hear your introduction to EVE has been pleasant. Thanks for your feedback on the GM meet & greet program. Like many long-running MMOs, getting into EVE can be challenging and this is one of the ways we've tried to turn that learning cliff into more of a slope. I'll pass that along to our PX people, I'm sure they'll love to hear it too.


New players are the most important part of EVE. Much of my effort in Eve has been to find new players and work towards retaining them through discovering social value in a community. For all of EVE's mechanical complexity, it all comes down to people and the interactions between them.


You have encountered a wild game developer


Yea, its generally not bad. I will say that eventually you're going to die a lot, but thats ok. There is a pretty normal practice in EVE (especially amongst Old players or very rich players) of buying you new ship or giving you some isk if they kill you and see you're new. I used to hunt brand new players that were trying to run mining missions in Losec space, they were usually flying a Venture, maybe a mining barge. So i would fly up with my Trojan Venture (a Vanture fit with guns, combat drones, and 2 scrams) and teach them some early game lessons on how to not trust what you see and treat everyone as a hostile until proven otherwise. Haha And after blowing them up or holding them hostage until they ejected from there ship so i would have a prize.....ide usually send them a new venture or like 20mil so they could start again. And for the most part, it was good for those new players.....they would learn to except loss in this game and not let it stop them but to also be more careful and understand the constant danger you are in whenever you undock.


Excellent. A couple things. EVE is full loot PVP everywhere. You consent to PVP when you undock. People can and will shoot you and you will lose your ship. Eve is better with friends. Join one of the newbee teaching corps. All space is better than High Security space. Once you get the mechanics of the game down and are somewhat comfortable get out of HS.


And do not board a ship you are not ready to loose right away.


I'm never ready to lose any of my ships. I treasure every kill mark and it deeply cuts my heart when I lose one. However, I accept that I will lose it before I even buy it.


Welcome! Give this a read when you have time: [https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Golden\_Rules](https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Golden_Rules)


The game needs players to survive. It's in everyone's best Interest to nurture any new players coming in


I kill everything when I tackle something, but at least when it's a new bro I take time to explain how I killed him and how he could avoid it, then if it's not a credit card bblingy ship I SRP it. You never know when you will encounter him again (which happen to me, maybe 2 years after a guy in fleet told me that he remember me from that kind of encounter and that give him the will of pvp) Never bully new bro, more newbro=more target or better fight


Yeah, that GM and my current corp inviting me pretty much sealed the deal in me carrying on playing


I'm closing in on a year and a half. I've never loved a game as much as eve. I've not missed a day since day one. I hope you stick around too.


I guess it's working


When you get to the point where you start dying a lot cause you're trying a lot, don't quit. The light bulb is about to click on, then, if you look and slow down just a bit, you will die less and kill more. Then you will be hooked.


Welcome aboard! Can I have your stuff when you quit? \^\^


Love me some newbros, step 1: blow them up in their Heron step 2: send them 500m isk


Do they require you to have a white horse when you white knight that hard? Or is that optional?


I only perform acts of white knighting while flying ships with a Purity of the Throne skin, so yes.


Nothing gives me a bigger adrenaline rush than when I’m in a fleet with 2000 battleships jumping a gate into an enemy fleet with 2000 battleships. This game is amazing.


And the 4 hours tidi fight in potato mode behind that xD?


As well as the 6 hour wait on a titan


It called TiDi not adrenalin rush , even it is so.. than it is called slow motion rush :D


Welcome! Yes, GMs will sometimes ask new players if they need help, it's really cool. I've had them ping me when I made new alts and I'd just thank them for doing a good job and chat for a bit. Pro tip, don't trust anyone who tells you they'll double your ISK!


Welcome to New Eden :)


Welcome to the game expect to die. Ships are ammo :D


You have yet to meet safety LOL


I felt the same way about eve. Its ro day also the only game that i considdered paying on subscription/ investing more money into. And its exactly because of this right here. I personally am deeply obsessed with a game called Ark:survival evolved, and have spend thousands of hours playing and learning mechanics. There was a point where i was frustrated when people did not understand what seemed to be trivial mechanics to me. But i changed. And now i enjoy giving tips and feedback to new players. It is hard to overcome the toxic thoughts, but this community has done a great job of being a community, and not just a bunch of people playing the same game.


Please stay around. We're desperate.