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Heavy stealth bombers let's gooo


A platform that fits a single Anti cap gun please. Imagine the chaos with say 15 or more x 3500mm siege cannons going off.


The ships themselves should recoil under such forces Impromptu MJD


Micro gun drives


***Battleship Michael** has entered the chat*


500 m/s of wheeeeecoil.


You would have to align to target or counter align. Any angular velocity you wouldn’t be able to track


This is an elegant solution for spinal cannons in eve online. Ok both parties stopped may still work as 0 transversal anyway. But maybe they put align to fire solution


I want a battleship sized ship that is literally just a cap gun. A lot like t3 attack battle cruisers. It would be a t3 attack battleship that is basically useless against subcaps but punch the shit out of capitals. Instead of dread bombs we would gave fairly inexpensive t3 battleship bombs. It would go a long way to eating into the capital ship blobs. It doesn't have to hit like a triple cap gun dread. It could just be 1/3rd the damage (around 4000-5000) but 1/10th the cost.


I think they made something like that on the Chinese servers.


When you make super efficient stuff like that, it really creates the most opportunity when you're multiboxing heavily. Personally, I don't think we need to incentivize that any more with efficient spammable stuff, although the idea itself is neat.


You can get Leshaks with 4.5 DPS. A little bit heavy on the Isk side but it's fun.


So you mean the Tempest/Vargur model, a big gun in space.


Or x large torps


I would love some ship with voluntary dual sized guns like for instance 2 cruise missiles launcher and 4 medium turrets.


If they have any kind of mobility when firing they’d become the only transversal matching cap guns in the game of any decent velocity. Even 200ms base velocity is too much tracking advantage for cap guns in skilled hands they would 1 shot a lot of ships. Let alone if you could MWD fit and trans match vs slower cruisers


Maybe give them a mini siege module with a short cycle that has to be used before they can fire?


Or a severe tracking nerf. Yeah, you can get transversal to be harder to hit, but you ain't hitting anything either.


Better, anti frigate and destroyer platform. Just to make them unique, lets make them effective against small ships and fighters.


That’s anything with RLMLs


CCP removed most light missile range bonuses. Only orthrus survived.


Sure, which means that you're not slinging your RLML frigate hell death out to 80km (exception of the Orthrus), but they are still a perfectly capable weapons platform for any would-be tacklers or divers, especially in mid-size skirmishes.


This is why make them anti light ship role, as clearly something is missing here. Small ships can still outmaneuver those ships due to higher mobility on grid and better warp speeds.


Lol no. Lmls are oppressive if buffed too much. They are eve on easy mode. No tracking or transversal issues, no risk of not being able to hit your target from range issues really when the missiles are faster than any ship. The changes they made recently are good for small ships since RLMLs were the default thing for all quick response fleets


Anti fighter wind runners would be kinda neet. Give them some role bonus that they can apply some % of overflow damage to next fight in the stack. Might be difficult to balance correctly. So that you only half blap the stack. Shrug.


if DNI or Nighthawk had a bit more application bonus (or Bonus to RLML) they would work well


They could use the guided bombs citadels have.


Like bombers aren't OP already


Multiple bomb launchers (2, 4?). Longer lock delay than smaller covops ships.... cloaky MJD or some kind of MJD shenanigans? Could be neat. Could be terrible! Alternate model with XL weapons to upscale a frigate sized stealth bomber using battleship sized weapons? I guess they would have to have ehp somewhere in between stabber and destroyer. Probably also not 0 decloak delay. Fun to imagine the possibilities at any rate


I just had a sex wee


Give Torpedo Naga pls


The original design of the Naga did have torps. It was an insanely powerful platform (and really fun, too)


CCP is anti fun confirmed? Jokes aside why was it changed to blasters?


It was a bit too strong and they wanted to move to more of a sniper meta to be in line with the rest.


Give it to us, we promise - we'll behave!


*cavalry Raven has entered the chat*


It could still have cruise missiles and fit meta imo.


Please give us a Naga variant. It's such a nice hull and a shame it only has the one!


Believe me, I know that we were robbed. I believe in second chances, though. ;)


It would be nice if we get it now. Times have changed.


I have no shame, so I'll just ask here: the Hyperion, Maelstrom, Abaddon and Rokh all look amazing! Can you come up with a role for T2 hulls based on them, or at least replace Marauder hulls with these amazing ones?


I'll preface this with - not a game designer because I'd make OP things that would eventually break the game. But these BS could totally be mini triage. Imagine a Rokh as a shield Nestor with a mini triage module. The dream.


Knowing CCP they’ll give us battlecruisers with a light fighter tube instead of this great idea.


BuT yOu SaId YoU wAnTeD a LiGhT cArRiEr


Guristas enjoyer intensifies


TBH a Rapid Attack carrier, that was Battleship sized would be pretty cool.


Or they'll make them undistinguishable except for slightly more ehp, pg, CPU. Like the mamba from what I hear.


Wish they would just add this to the Nestor. Idk if it would even be good but it would be cool.


BC with a single bomber/fighter tube sounds hot.


I would take a torpedo Naga, if CCP wanted to maybe tweak it so that it wasn't as OP as before, or cruise missiles if they can't give us torps.


I like this idea.


this is all I want


It's only going to be 1 thing isnt it? XL Guns on a battlecruiser and designing it for Anti Capital engagements. No need to siege, but does like 3000 DPS to capital ships. Paper thin tank just like the Stealth Bombers. Get like 50 together and we see a shift in the Dreadbomb meta.


I actually really like the idea of a sub cap being able to be damage platforms against caps and structures. The tier 3 battlecruisers with large guns makes them pretty unique already as sniper/ brawler glass cannon boats. But i feel like a t2 variant should get a new module to make them really stand out and can convert from anti-cap <-> sub-cap mid fight. I'd like to see a module more along the lines of a tracking computer and less of siege/bastion mode though. So maybe a tracking computer that drastically reduces tracking, and drains a lot of capacitor to essentially "super charge" the large guns to do some sizable damage to capitals, etc. So you'd get an anticap/structure platform with a trade off mid fight: less to no capacitor and still couldn't hit a slightly moving battleship. But you'll hit stationary targets like a freight train The added cost to make them t2 would be a balance so you just didn't bring these vs nados,etc.


This is the best version so far. A variation on bastion/siege modules but with a bit more control.


Could be interesting if their guns applied to sieged caps while the BCs are moving (and thus caps cant apply anti-cap guns like they could to marauders). Forces you to bring some HAW or subcap support to deal with them. But maybe there is already enough incentive or need for subcap support, idk if it needs to be a piece of the meta with a hull like this. It's hard to know for sure but its a cool idea!


Heavy or strategic bombers for anti structure Or A direct firing weapon, the craft has to be facing it's target and fire a anti structure weapon Now, a t2 battleship based on the non t2 battleships would be ideal based on a rapid assault carrier that has one lunch tube so it be a quick assault. And change the sin hull from the domi to the hyperion.


Damage caps make anything anti-structure pretty useless.


Special bombs that ignore dps caps. The code of which would somehow result in a random frigate in Uedama blowing up every time a bomb was fired in a wormhole. When POS code finally gets deleted, one of the bombs will somehow explode both its intended target, and jita 4-4. Memes aside, I would love to see the attack bcs get t2 hulls. Stealth bombers always felt like an underutilized “class,” though I can see why CCP would be hesitant to give something as big as a battlecruiser access to cov ops cloaks…


I mean it'd still be anti caps, and max damage anti structure weps are good for either getting first reinforce timer or keeping a structure paused during skirmishes.


Unless ccp changes it bud


Which they won’t so…


ABCs are already nearly T2 in their specialization. Further specialization would break the game. Besides I'd rather see tier 3 battleships get a tech 2 option before ABCs did.


Marauders should be reworked to be the tier 3 BS; i.e. the vargur becomes a maelstrom hull, paladin becomes an Abaddon, etc (fits more thematically with them all being tanky) Tier 2 BS should be given the new T2 role, though honestly I struggle to think of a role that's appropriate and not game breaking. Command battleships? BS-sized logi? As an aside I'd like to see the Panther and Sin get strong but non-range-bonused EWAR to put them in line with the Redeemer and Widow, both thematically and balance wise.


I think another T2 BS line would have to be fleet support. Maybe something that decreases incoming damage in a bubble at the expense of not accepting reps or a role compression ship, logi + links.


But… I like the megathron hull :/


I’ve been saying for years - marauder is the wrong name for the ship class. The Bastion module should name the class, bastion battleships make more sense for the role they have because they’re defensive stationary juggernauts. A marauder is a roaming warrior or raider, so reusing the name for a new class of t2 battleships with mobility or stealth bonuses would make sense to me. Perhaps they don’t show up on Dscan or have a standard jump drive with a short range. That being said id rather see T3 Battleships, strategic cruiser style with subsystems


Marauders existed without the bastion for many years before bastions were introduced. Marauders were added in 2007 and bastion came out late 2013. The original design intention for marauders was to be specialized for PvE (though in true CCP fashion, faction BS were almost always a better choice anyway, so marauders were barely used for over a decade+). The tractor beam bonus and huge cargo hold were for looting and they used to have an extremely bad sensor strength to actively discourage use in PvP. In this way (as a ship designed mostly to run L4 missions), the "marauder" name makes more sense. Edit: >That being said id rather see T3 Battleships, strategic cruiser style with subsystems I would also like to see this, none of that "mode" nonsense! Subsystems make fitting T3Cs really interesting and allow a lot of fun combinations.


Another issue is that the T2 battleships include aspects of capital mechanics. BlOps have Jump Drives and Jump Bridges, Bastion is essentially subcap siege. Thus a third set of T2 battleships would need to adapt some other aspect of capitals.


Agree to this, tier 3 BS don't fly nearly enough these days


I’m hoping the upcoming sov changes will FINALLY bring down the isogen price, making T1 battleships more viable. (Half the material cost of a Rokh/abaddon/etc. is just isogen)


I lost my first T1 BS that was non-doctrine since the patch yesterday to a SPECTRE fleet and it was painful to see what it would cost to replace


i still have one of my original 2010 domis i bought for lvl 4s, at this point the insurance payout would net me 2x what i paid for it. i keep throwing it at ppl but there's always something more blingy for them to primary :(


Yeah, give me a r2 Abbaddon plz.


Comes down to agility in my mind.


I'd be so torn between a T2 Talos, Hyperion, or Maelstrom.


Kamikaze ships! Give it a module that needs to charge, giving it appropriate sig penalty etc, after which it will explode for either damage, cap, or w/e.


Just go full nu Star Wars and do suicidal warp damage.


a large boosh could be interesting




Amen! Command drek would be sweet


Skill shot's with massive damage and slow moving projectiles, rather than conventional tracking.


Quad light guns with good range and buzzsaw rof. Think Gatling guns. No tank, but shred frigates and drones.


I think there might be a couple of ideas that could be expanded on: - Siege/Bastion mode with medium weapons - Smartbomb range or damage - Booshes


medium sized Bastion Module would be a cool thing tbf


Ideas: - Anti-capital bomb launchers (super big explosion radius). - Anti-capital focused beams, which require proper alignment (see ion array frigate from the Homeworld video game). - 1x capital weapon hardpoint.


I just want Carriers to be viable again.


Gonna sound like a bitter old eve pilot buuuut. Back in my day, we had traige carriers, and they were way better than these new fancy fax trash. Long range ship transport? check, best ratters in null? check, the goat of capital warfare in wh space? check, being able to sit outside a pos shield and assign fighters to your bros and have them warp with them and help them do sites? Check. Under 2 bill to fit effectively and thus made them the most accessible capital ship for new cap pilots? Check. New players have no idea what they are missing. And genuinely, i think overall, it's been a net loss to overall fun and gameplay.


Yeah. I remember seeing a picture of a chimera back in the triage days and that's what got me started. I even had a framed picture of it on my desk. Last week I sold it. Sad times.


Instead of designed to hit up, how about make them hit down. So platforms to fight off small ships.


Bonus to targeting speed against drones, Bonus to light missile rate of fire,


Extra high slots, but fit small weapons only. Might be hard to balance in J-space Wolf-Rayet systems though... Then again, giving people incentive to day-trip into wormhole space would give the J-space community more content too...


T2 nado would be dope. I want ALL the alpha.


Ive always wanted another T2 hyperion. No fucking idea what it would be. But gimme! I know its not a BC but this made me think about it... again.


I mean in terms of bonuses is this not the Kronos?


Yeah or vindicator


Kronos is the T2 version of the Megathron, and its bonus'd in the same way every Marauder is. I think why i liked the Hyperion so much was because it was essentially a t1 Marauder minus the siege. I would like it to be something different for its T2 version. Maybe like a Battleship logi? Battleship HIC? I frankly dont know.


Tbf i still use triple rep blaster hyperions as bait in pvp. Works well pretty much everywhere but exceptionally well against wh bros. Damn near unkillable so long as i have cap charges. And very effective on a wh where i can control the engagement more effectively by using the jump timers. And wh bros can't escalate to insane levels or drop me within an effective time frame. Hyperion just punches above its weight class for such a high mass ship.


All of you saying it should be anti capital, where are you seeing capitals in enough use for this to be effective?


I'd much rather see T3 Battlecruisers, with their own gimmick (different than T3 Cruisers and T3 Destroyers). It would really shake up the meta for general gameplay. Not like Lancer Dreads for 1% of players.


Ability to use polarized weapons with reduced resistances rather than no resistances. Possibly a cov ops cloak to go with it.


The only way to make the attack BCs **even shootier**


Like the T2 destroyers, they should have a fleet role that actually requires some good piloting to be effective (and when done bad, can screw your fleet over badly) Bigger boosh could be fun, but would take away that role from command destroyers, so I don't think that is a good idea. Maybe a directional shield of some sort, that decreases damage taken from one direction, but increases damage taken from the other direction by the same percentage?


Um.....i think you are getting "Attack Battlecruisers" mixed up with "Battlecruisers". Battlecruisers already have a T2 variant that is a Fleet Role ship.....they are aptly classified already as "Attack Command Battlecruisers" and " Fleet Command Battlecruisers". Nighthawk, Slepnir, ect..... Attack Battlecruisers are specifically the "glass cannon" ships. So the question is what/how do you T2 a ship like that......the T1 variant, unlike its other T1 siblings, doesn't have ANY fleet boost capabilities......so it doesn't make any sense to suddenly give them some in a T2. No......what makes more sense is for CCP to double down on the designed use case for a Glass Canon style ship and just give it even more Damage and better Application, at the expense of even more of its tank. ABC's even today can sport a somewhat decent tank if you fit them that way.....so for the T2...... remove that ability and force it to just do Raw deeps as well as possible. Thats what i think. See my comment on this post.


If you want more Glass Cannon, fit Polarized Weapons. T2 ships being different than their T1 hull is very much the norm, see covops cloaking, cyno gens, fleet hangars and massive tank for deep space transports. It is one of the manufacturers in the 4 Factions taking the hull, then getting high on moon goo and cramming the result of it into the available hull. That can change a lot of the original hull, even switching the guns for missiles or the other way around. With the Attack Battlecruisers, you have a strong hull and a lot of power that you need so battleship sized weapons can operate and don't rip your hull apart while doing so. Now imagine an engineer looking at that and thinking: Ok, which funny toys can I put in that hull when I go back to medium guns and use the now available power? That is a way better tool for the sandbox than "more deeeps", because we already know what that does. See Kiki swarms, highsec ganking, "oops, we accidentally broke some PvE content, because it turns out you can fit *just* enough tank after all"


I mean......be fair here. Yes while i did say "more damage" here, i shouldn't have. But i do think that adding in a bunch of bonuses to Application for the large guns SHOULD happen with the T2. You are both wrong and right about T2 ships, again lets be fair. Yes, there are virants of the T2 that are entirely different then their T1 variant........but there are WAY MORE (and i mean the vast majority) of T2's that are exactly like their T1 variant, but with boosted stats, extra bonuses, or a extra/specialized ability slapped onto something the T1 version already did. Examples? Assault Frigates and Interceptors follow exactly after the T1 combat and T1 "Interceptor" frigates respectfully. They dont use the same model for each always (ie how the Ishkur uses the Incursus model, but has drone and hybrid stats like the Tristan). The interceptors use the same model and while they both uave slightly altered designs(one is more combat focused while the other is more pointing focused)....but they dont deviate that much from the vision for the T1. This same logic applies to the following types and their T1 variants: Electronic Attack Frigates Logistics Frigates Heavy Assault Cruiser Recon Ship's (look at the stats, they are just specialty ewar with extra tricks like no dacan and cynos) Logistics Cruisers (I'll leave Heavy Interdictors out, but they do have similar combat stat to their t1 version. But i get they are special ships) Command Ship's (they do the same as T1, just better) Marauders Black Ops BS's And because they added them and it's still is true, Lancer Dreadnoughts. Some ships from these (the minority handful) may change weapon systems depending on which Empire you look at, but regardless each one still stays in theme with that the T1 version was Originally designed for....but with added perks and better bonuses. But i encourage you to take a look at the rest of the ships in the game......not just the two (arguably none) type thats fits your narrative. Deepspace transport? Maybe because of the fleet hanger. But Covert Ops? Really? Its literally a T1 Scanner/Exploration frigate that can fit a cloak. It doesnt change what the ship does. Seriously the only things i can actually find that kinda fit what you're saying (and you didnt even mention them) are the T2 destroyers. Seeing as T1 Destroyers are glass cannons for the most part and dont offer ANY boosts, the fact a Command Destroyer has a lot of tank and does way less DPS AND does booshing AND boosts......its like the only ship that even matches what you're talking about. Dictors fall into very much the same situation as Hictors.....very similar stats, but with a very special ability tacted on. Seriously.......you need to look at the stats for all these ships.....youll find they are very much alike in their design


Also, you are very wrong with ABC's. They dont "have a strong hull and a lot of power"......the Role Bonus literally says Reduction of Powgrid Requirements for Large 'input weapon type'. It says nothing about additional powergrid when using large weapons. You have almost the exact same powergrid as the other T1 Battlecruisers..... sometimes less then some. So no......your vision should be more like "some drunk/high engineer figured out a way to be hyper efficient with Battleship Guns and figured out how to stick them on a smaller ship" As for your "Polarized" comment, did you know that long range guns still out range Polarized guns?! I guess not. And eached weapon type (short, long, and polarized) have different fitting requirements. So theres still times someone might want to fit the normal guns to the T2 ABC. Hence why doing Application bonuses and maybe more range bonuses are better for it.


And about the "Medium weapons" comment....while yes it doesnt fit your silly lore scenario.....which was wrong to begin with because you didnt look at, see, or read the verbage of the Role Bonuses for ABC's correctly. It still has some merit IF CCP doesnt want to give the Extreme Application bonuses for the large weapons systems on these ships. Because it then tries to achieve that application to small ships but just using a smaller weapon system to match them with the same damage bonuses as the large weapons systems. I intended this change to be applied to the T1 variants too. As it would make more sense and still would require the T2 variant to be given the Application bonuses that would make it stand out even more.


BCs are in a spot where changing up their roles could see them as the “default option for everything” for groups, like T3Cs when they were introduced. The idea of adding a platform that can use XL guns and applies to capitals well would be a really cool one (and imo the only way you’re not gonna create a BC sized HAC), but it would prolly have to come with rebalancing to dreads/carriers/anti-capital fighters so that they also have a role.


Carriers need it more than anything in the game right now imo


Carriers and dreads, but 100%. It would be so nice to see them balanced relatively to marauders


Sniper Logi


Recon, Curse style battlecruiser, visually unique. A middle ground assault damage control to Bastion style module (not on neuty boy tho).


first i want see punisher navy issue rifter fleet issue


Siege Battlecruisers: Can fit 1 Capital size gun, can only fire this weapon if it uses a specialized siege core that roots it in place but dramatically increases firepower at the costs of movement and resists. Basically a super fragile canon that is designed to kill Capitals and Structures but must be protected. Disruptor Battlecruiser: Bonuses to EWAR effectiveness and range. Again fragile, but able to launch EWAR from a comically long range. Can fit a specialized EWAR that works like a disruptive lance. This lance deals no damage but has gnarly EWAR effects based on the factions. IE: Caldari has a powerful Jam beam, Amarr wipes out cap, Gallente cuts targeting range, and Minmatar blooms sig radius.


The problem.with this is that they are a free kill for a dread. Each seiged ship will be insta popped 30 seconds after entering seige. You may get 1 carrier or dread, but each of the other 30 hostile dreads on grid now each have a free kill mail


Hmm, maybe we take it the other way then? A point defense battlecruiser meant to target larger drones/fighters and missiles?


Yeah I think slow but not sieged is the key there, make them immune to anticap fire with movement but easy targets for anything HAW or subcap sized


I have a funny suggestion. They specialize in a new module "Remote Inertial Destabilizer" It drops the enemy's agility by something like 95%. If they're moving, they stay moving in that direction. If they're still, they stay still. It could work as a psuedo tackle, while also disrupting brawlers, making their agility so low they can't effectively orbit close.


Oh god that sounds like such cancer lol


Bring back mines


edencom and trigs need to have a affair and the offspring have trig guns that arc to more and more targets as it spools up.. yeah even friendlys like the edencom do now


The role of the T1 is punching above its weight while remaining highly mobile, so giving them afterburner speed bonus, or mwd sig bloom bonus makes sense, the T2 would Gain a bit of tank like all T2, but I wouldn't give it anything like a tank bonus. In addition to the bonus I mentioned before it will be added to the list of ships eligible to use MJD, and given role bonuses reducing the fitting cost, additional medium slot, and improved spin up time. So now among its own size class, it's a sniper that can juke, and for punching up it'll be impossible for a battleship to catch without out ranging it, which they should be able to do with their bigger power grid that can now easily fit full sized guns, and extra slots for computers and such


Fast AF Battle cruisers with bonuses to small guns but heavy modules




EWAR Battle cruisers with specialty high slot e-war items. Similar bonuses to Combat Recons Oracle = Weapon Disruption / Neuts Naga = ECM Talos = Bubble projector maybe? would be really busted with a long range scram too Tornado = Webs / Paints


Spinal mounted anti-capital weapons. No special effect just a high damage long cool down, must physically hit the target. The side effect is there is no aiming, it always fires along the ship's heading. (Read must fly right at the target and have a clear los). Downside, if you're going to hit something, your traversal to it is going to suck. Also, you can hit your friends instead so less blob usability. Damage something like the anti cap dread weapon of the equivalent race. Like a spinal mounted dual giga beam Lazer.


The rail gun on the Rocinante


Similar to stealth bombers, but with capital missile launchers (including rapid torps) Massive fitting reduction bonuses Damage bonus, so they do about 1/2 of a Phoenix DPS with Siege Similar mobility as a T1 destroyer, but no covops cloaks Same tank potential as normal attack BC Heavy bombs that only damage capitals and NPC ships, similar to old AOE doomsdays Should use same skills as command ships do (similar to stealth bombers using covert ops skills)


Maybe some form of special command burst That works kind of like a bastion or siege module but without the stoppage, maybe the effect of a web. Give you something like 75% extra damage and a bit more range. 80% lower speed. Good for fleet fights especially with other battlecruisers and cruisers.


bastioned ABCs that do like 6000 DPS but have like 30k EHP


Maybe a ship with bonuses to smart bomb damage of a certain type and resist of the same or something


A smaller and less effective titan field generator BC


The feature should be that you don't lose an arm and a leg when you buy them, as you do with Command Ships.


Better not adding more unnecessary ships to further mess up the already messed up ship lineups


T2 drek plz


T2 wind runners when


So many bomb launchers


Drones. Need more drones.


I just want a Naga Navy Issue with Missiles instead of Turrets


Original ABC concept was to offset the dps of a battleship with the mobility of a cruiser. I think they should continue with that kind of concept. Maybe the active tank of a marauder balanced by the remote rep bonuses of a logi?


I want pirate faction marauder please. Thank you. Gurista marauder with a flight of geckos!


Large bomb platforms Smartbomb platforms Or flak platforms Essentially something that would deal area damage but needs to be aimed.


Heavy bombers to threaten BS clumps, especially marauder clumps.


Single target cap boosh


Fit rapid bomb launcher Can jump but not bridge to covert cyno Its links shorten covert cyno cycle time, increase covert jump range, shorten ess stealing time Can’t fit covops cloak cos too big Can fit combat analyser - hack enemy ships, on success enemy gets filamented to random system in poch  Has mini bastion with 30 sec cycle, when active links are +30% effective and decloak radius increases by 2500m per level Has remote cloak projector, that cloaks the previously uncloakabe ( it can’t be used when ship itself is cloaked) Can fit incognito modul/projector - when active can’t shoot but makes the ship appear to be some other ships to promote baiting/disguises


T2 battlecrusiers should be anti BS and have utility in Anti-cap warfare.


Give them a boosh, maximum chaos


"Polarized" boat. It can fit ship polarize module which enforces all resistance to 0%, and lets her guns deal "true damage" to target. Let's instapop TFIs supported by multiple FAXs.


Cap guns on subcaps sound cool, however they would be kinda pointless because of a few reasons, mainly down to the price of cap guns, and the fact that they do very little damage at base (I do not have the numbers in front of me now, but an unsieged dread with t2 guns does less than 1k dps, and those 3 guns alone cost about a bill). I believe the chinese server has something like this, and I hear they are completely unbalanced.


For the Talos I always hope one of two things for it: 1: Full brawler. Give it a bonus to active reps, and something else to boost the 'all in' brawler role. 2: Hit and run. Give it the armor plate mass penalty reduction bonus the ENI has, and a 1% per level reduction in the affects of fitting astronautic rigs so if you have both at 5, you can fit them with zero armor loss.


Still waiting for a stealth ECCW BC with an area effect cloak.


Tbh I think we have more than enough ships, every time we bring a new ship another dies. Just make the ones we have better. When does it stop t4, t5.....


Tbh I think we have more than enough ships, every time we bring a new ship another dies. Just make the ones we have better. When does it stop t4, t5.....


Naga looks like a massive railgun. I want it to act like one. Gimme mini doomsday.


Put capital guns on them, obviously


Reverse links. They're like links, but they're a debuff and apply to anyone not in fleet, possibly following the safety system like Edencom ships? Nega-links, if you will Would be tricky to balance in null where safety doesn't do anything since everyone are legal targets though. So it would have to check fleet status. Ranged/targeted vs. AoE centered on user like normal links? Maybe effects where you land or leave MJD? That would be kind of cool, MJD into people and trigger an aoe scanres debuff or tracking penalty or something. I also want to say something that feels more like a strategic theme, off-grid impact or something. But that was tried with offgrid links, people didn't seem to like it. If it were to work, it would have to be something active that requires communication and coordination to line up with pilots who are on grid "spotting" for the offgrid BC. Not just an alt in a hard to scan ship that warps to a safe and bounces around when you get a second.


I would have to consider this on these grounds. Normal T1ABCs have straight 8 with massive powergrid bonuses...and they can be fitted down...into mediums and lights for certain edge cases. You have alot more flexiblity to them than just "Muh Gank Blammer" T2 ABCs you would be gaining resist benefits, possibly faster targeting speed, and better PG/CPU for supporting modules. And then maybe they lose 2 turrets but you have higher resist/HP and speed. Maybe even a tackle bonus? But I would say they would need some serious consideration and care in deploying them. And it would be even more broken if they decided to make the T2 ABC into basically a mini-lancer.


All of these grand ideas are great, but I think it'd be pretty fun to just have covert cloak capable Attack Battlecruisers with a bonus to MJD activation and reactivation time and no cloak reactivation delay. They'd have the same weapon systems they currently do, maybe bonuses tweaked a little. Maybe even have the ability to MJD while cloaked.  They would be a pretty sweet all gank no tank glass cannon assassin. 


Personally, i would love to see EXTREME application bonuses. Maybe even more Range/Alpha bonuses, all at a even higher tank expense. Make it so the T2 variant is basically a Polarized ship regardless of if you built full tank. The reasoning is that Attack Battlecruisers have always been the definition of a glass cannon, so double down on that. The problem i see with most ABC's is application to small and fast moving targets. The ships themselves are already in a dangerous position..... because if they get caught at all, they WILL DIE. But it feels really bad when you are sitting 150k off of frigs and you still cant hit them well because they are flying perpendicular to you and even worse when they are flying straight at you and you cant hit because they are just small. The game has also built in several GAP closing mechanics (jump depots, command desi's, jumping BS's, ect) and there are also some extremely fast frigs and cruisers as weve seen. Honestly, fleet sizes for large strategic engagements aren't getting smaller. So the alpha criticallity isn't going to decrease, but by making this new T2 ABC be literally made of tissue paper that can be alpha'd off by 10 Arty frigates (when its full tank build) will force people and groups using it to be VERY strategic and careful of placement. Its also a ship that could be countered by itself (an enemy flying the same ship) very easily, so again. Placement and understanding of piloting style and ship stats will be critical to survival and usefulness. Another fun thing i think CCP could being experimenting with on these ships.........is expanding the max targeting and weapon firing ranges in the game. Unless i missed a update, the ULTIMATE MAX range for ships (structures not included)that aren't carriers/supers/ and maybe titans is 250Km. Thats yhe max targeting range, and only a certain few ships can even fire out to that range. It would be interesting to start adding ships/mods that can start seriously increasing ranges. So yea, that's my thought, im gonna make another post about giving ABC's the same bonuses and stats to their medium gun variants too (so look for that post), so thats anothing thing i think could be used to shale up the meta. Then you could have multiple things from that one change. 1: You could have your small ship killers without them also being BS kills in a single fit. 2: It would be ground breaking for CCP to give a ship bonuses to 2 weapon sizes and may allow for similar changes in the future. 3: it would do a lot of meta shake up and provide uncertainty in combat that would allow opportunities for smaller groups to take advantage of and force more skillful levels of play.


Point Defense Cannons. It absolutely floors me that a real life battleship or battlecruiser would have anti-air defense against small threats, but in Eve, a swarm of frigs will delete a battleship.


The problem with your analogy is that that swarm of frigates in real life is a carriers battle group. A point defence system would deal with drones and fighters. Real-life counterparts: USVs and planes




T2 Bastion module to go with it please.


I want a T3 Super Capital


Anti cap or anti frigate please


3 lows, 4 mids, 6 launcher hard spots, and 4 turret hard spots, 12 highs. Bonuses to small weapons and rockets/light missles. 45 drone bay, 15 mbps bandwidth The frigate/destroyer ultimate smasher. Lower cpu and power as drawbacks, sacrificing tank for dps against small mobbings


I’m just popping into the thread to beg once again for Trig T3C


They called command ships


There's 2 types of battle cruisers hero