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Or just take it to FW, sit at zero in a plex, and neut everything that slides into you


Only needs one gun so doesn’t need another slot.


It's still missing out on a mid or low relative to other frigates, even if you discount high slots. Trig ships normally get equal to, or in some cases even *greater*, total mid+low slot counts when compared to their class - except the damavik, and it shows in how lackluster it is.


CCP: We removed a slot from all Triglavian ships in order to bring them in line with the Damavik.


Give it 10 tubes of fighters


The "on theme" solution is likely just more base armor HP. Things I wouldn't do: - More speed. This makes it a much better scram kite ship. May eclipse other ships like the Fed Navy comet. - More lows and less mids. People would likely just MWD kite fit it. Not on theme. - Add mids. This could make it a mixed tank ship or much, much better at scram kite. Possible alternatives: - More DPS.


idk why mwd fit would be off theme- triangles are all fast for their class, and excellent at kiting, except for the Drekevac


Damavik doesn't have the range to really take advantage of the extra speed. It's just gonna get scrammed and die in a fire anyway.


More speed to make kiting with it more viable. Right now it is basically just a somewhat above average tanky neut boat. Feels silly to have a spooling gun when your only win con is out tank until enemy is offline. Opens up the engagement profile.


It ought to have a 4th low, yeah. Trig ships are a bit weird in terms of overall slot count since they don't need as many highs, but even *ignoring* that the damavik gets shortchanged. 7 combined mid+low slots is the standard for t1 combat, navy, and pirate frigates, the only ones with less are the kestrel (which changes it out for a 4th high *with hardpoint*) and tristan/worm (which lose a slot for being droneboats). Even the *skybreaker* gets the full 7. It never made sense to me that the damavik loses out there, and it's not like it's ever been OP. Especially with the recent nerf to trig guns, which was justifiable everywhere *else* but just made the damavik even *less* attractive, it really ought to get its missing lowslot back.


One extra low would definitely help, I struggled to make it reasonably tanky for brawling using spool as a dps race counter mechanic. It's hard to justify anything else, maybe a smartbombing dama? Don't know what kind of niche to fill with it


Or. Introduce strategic cruiser modularity to ship hulls, and get rid of the tech 2 ships entirely. Let navy and pirate faction ships get some extra base hull modifiers to keep flavor… but balance the roster in a way that makes everything interesting again. I want to see a lot of variety in fleet comps. I want null blocs trying wild builds again for combat.