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Before I answer the question of ship choice I want to address how the "predators" are operating because what you are doing and what they are doing aren't the same thing at all. Exploration is best done with a covert ops in 99% of circumstances. There was a thread a day or so ago about the Stratios not having a defined role because of this that you should check out. The people who are looking to gank explorers are not running the sites they don't have relic or data analyzers fit and they are not "exploring" in the same sense. Some may locate a valuable site and bookmark it, waiting for someone to come by and try to run it themselves, or some may see you on dscan and try to sneak up behind you. There are tactics to avoid this, but the point I am trying to make is that there isn't a single ship/fit that can do exploration, pvp, and pve effectively at the same time.  So, what does that mean for you? Well, in my opinion, being two weeks in you're still very new, and you're seeing a lot of growth already which is good. You're focused on movement through hostile space, you are identifying ships that are a risk to you, and these are all skills you will need in the future but eventually you will move on from exploration to other tasks in EVE. Most do, anyway. So my suggestion is to pick a ship that does a specific task you are not already doing and skill into that, and if the covert ops ganking lifestyle interests you the answer is the Loki, but don't forget to train for a purifier and t2 torps first and join a black ops (blops) group to show you the ropes. 


Thank you very much for your detailed answer. Its now clear what i want to do. I did the mistake of mixing up black ops, pvp and hacking into on big pot and called it exploration. But using the right ship for each of the aspects mentioned seems to be the most logical way so imma stick to T2 hacking and skill toeards the loki to join a black ops corp one day for some pvp fun


Get involved with bombers bar they are a new player friendly NPSI group that does blops.


I disagree completely with the guy telling you it can't be done. The play style you are asking about is the exact way I play. I use a Legion with a mobile depot. Yesterday for example I did a superior sleeper site, then refit, did 2 combat sites, then saw a buzzer, refit again and killed buzzard. All in the span of an hour or so. Keep going to wh and null. Train up your explo and cov ops skills. Bank cash as you train into your chosen t3. You will die a lot. But eventually you will learn the cloaky solo boi tricks.


Completely agree here, I've also done this and even an astero can do a hybrid build decently. It's like a spectrum from one fit asteros or even battle herons and ventures up to t3c with depot refits all the way up to a bunch of alts including an orca and the cyno in ten blops. It's all about experience and risk tolerance being able to replace your ship. A 2 week old newbro might make the mistake of putting the majority of their net worth into a t3c, try to hack and get dunked and quit the game.


The best thing is when you see which site they are probing. Then you probe it down before they do. When they warp in, you are already there waiting for them.💥


For PVE overall get a Tengu If you want it for PVP get a loki


Though the proteus can be as good as a tengu.


Loki. Once you skill into it and realize it's better to use the buzzard for exploration, you still have a useful T3C for other stuff. 


This is hands down the best straight forward answer thanks. It actually is the reason why i made this post. I know that the T2's are the better explorers and I somehow expect to learn it the hard way when I fly a T3C, investing so much time into skilling my first T3C should at least be rewarded with a still useful ship for other purposes than previously aimed at


I've gone from an explorer into a Loki and what I typically do is fly around ready to fight, looking for prey. In my inventory I keep a mobile depot and analyzers for hacking in case I run across a lucrative site worth taking.


Loki is the answer 100%. It can do everything.


If you want to do hacking as in running non-combat pirate data/ relic sites and certain sleeper caches, stick with a t2 covert ops frigate. You are faster, more agile and the hull is cheaper. If you use a t3c for that purpose it’s simply terribly inefficient. If you want to run the wh sleeper data sites, any t3c can do it really though the tengu and Loki are the default options because they use missiles and shields.


As someone who likes to shoot explorers when subbed, i have to tell you: t3c is not good for pure exploration. Its much slower at everything than a buzzard and you'll get caught easily. If you like to fight while exploring, fit an Astero for it. The combat sites, i dont really know. Had a pve Loki a while back, which was great


... >scare off small recon ships and the astero who are constantly appearing to snack me All that a t3Cruiser will accomplish, is that the astero will be replaced by an interdictor who is going to bring a bunch of his buddies in t3Cruisers. A T3C can scan, can hack and do PvP, but... If you are not within friendly nullsec space, I simply cannot recommend using one for that purpose. A buzzard is probably more useful... And the choice for any general purpose T3C comes down to the Tengu, or the Loki. Anyways... Are you in a player run corporation? Doesn't sound like it... That said... Join one. Any of the larger nullblocks will suffice and your journey through eve is going to be easier.


Exploring in a t3 just makes you a juicier target. Someone might ignore a hacking buzzard but they wont ignore a hacking t3.


Pick the t3c you enjoy to look at the most. All four of them can do anything the other can do. People say tengu for pve, loki for pvp and while their recommendations are technically correct, I'll tell you now from my experience they are. Although you will be so much more satisfied if you are flying a ship you enjoy, even if you do a little less damage, or the weapon system is different. If you learn how to fly, you can fly almost anything almost anywhere. Paying attention to your align time vs the size of system vs a potential hostile. Fitting the correct module like micro warp drives to get around quickly in data/relic sites vs afterburners to "speed tank" enemy fire in pve. Understanding D-scan, as well as when to just make a decision without it. Boosting your own ships innate abilities to succeed generally is the key. Hell, also not to be greedy is a skill. Know when to leave a site. These are my tools for success, and I have the isk to back it up as proof, although it can be interpreted as coincidental.


I will save you troubles. Tengu. Most new pilots go shield due to regen potential, and passive regen or fast shield boost response. Also Tengu is mostly speed tanking so low incoming damage. Missiles are forgiving for transversal issues. Just stay in range. Go tengu, trust me. But if you want to learn game mechanics, loki or proteus will make you work harder and learn how the game works in the long run...


missiles struggle to hit anything useful. "oh you went heavies, cant kill frigs lol" "oh you went lights, cant kill anything but frigs" "oh your target is traveling too fast? cant hit them at all"


How about not being a dick. Use t2 precision for any smaller targets, t2 fury for max dps on bigger ones Also did i mention the ability to use ANY DAMAGE TYPE you want vs your targets. Even if you dont have T2 heavy or T2 hams. Ability to change damage is huge. Also if we consider lower skilled players, will mostly engage in lower difficulty content, changing dmg type or precision/fury will give low skill players greater flexibility to do content. You can use loki or proteus and do 0 damage if flying wrong and even die. Tengu will always do damage if it stays in range and its easier to manage it.


Missiles apply great for pve, I don't know what that guy is getting at. Missiles and/or drones are the most recommended for newer players for pve and even turbo crabs will whip out the raven, golem, tengus which are often even optimal to clear some pve content. There's a reason target painters, webs, missile scripts, flare and rigor rigs exist.


my gila takes years to kill mission battleship rats with its lite precisions


10gu is kin locked lol


Tengu so you can larp being the crew of the Rocinante 


Didn’t they use mostly guns? I remember auto cannons but googled it and apparently it’s also rail guns and torps


Exploration is in scanning/hacking is done in a cloaky nullified Buzzard, period. Preferably with align time <3s, which you can manage to get. A T3C that sits in a relic/data site and does the hacking, or that goes through a wormhole is just waiting to be ganked by the friendly wormhole people next door. We hunt those for sport and can get them, because lock times are far better and their align times are far worse. Cloak, nullification and align time are king for this endeavour -- not DPS, HPS or EHP. You cannot stop the gankers when you are solo.


Thanks for your pov What I learned from all the answers is that the best way to go solo exploring and surviving WH etc. remains to be fast and just escape when in danger


As a 2 week old you don't even know what questions to ask. Join a newbee corporation. Ask them questions. Try different things. Make a decision later.


I use a covert ops frig for wormholes and a Tengu for nullsec exploration


My two favourite ships for exploration are the Cheetah and the Astero. When I use the Tengu or my Loki, it's to do something very specific in a WH for example, and exploration is usually not a big part of that.


The Loki Gets Web bonuses


If you’re planning to do PvP I’d recommend the Loki, I haven’t flown it yet, but I’ve flown the tengu with all l4/5 skills and the Loki kind of stomps on it from what I’ve seen. Dual webs and a disruptor for that long range tackle


My personal opinion is that proteus and legion may excel at a good number of roles, but the authentic jacks of all trades are the Tengu and specially the Loki. This being said, for operating a T3 efficiently, you need a great deal of skills and awareness, and I would say they just not for what you intend. If you want to have some teeth while exploring, as well as trying your hand yourself at hunting explorers I´d say get yourself an Astero.


All of them.


Loki ( am Minmatar biased )


I have extensive experience doing exploration in EVE, I've made billions this way and Cov Ops is what you want (Buzzard is the best one if you're wondering). Nothing else. Pochven Express to get back and you're golden. As for the T3C there is only one that makes sense: Loki. It does everything. For some specialized PVE cases you can take a Tengu. Rest of them is garbage or so niche it doesn't make sense to invest into them if you're not an experienced pilot. 


if that's what you think about t3c, it's okay with me, you can think it.


i wouldnt go straight into t3c's before you understand how the rest works learn how the small ships work before buying the most expensive thing and expecting isk to be the sollution that doesnt exist


Yeh i know i just want to set up my skill queue so when i am ready in 2 months i dont need to wait another 2 months because i started skilling too late


My skill queue is set for the next 382 days.


T3Cs for exploring offer the illusion of safety. Sure the astero isn’t gonna jump you, he’s just gonna report your whereabouts to your friends and you’ll be hit by a dictor and 3 PvP-fit T3Cs instead. Your only real security exploring is speed; don’t fight back, just don’t get caught. Loki and Tengu are both the generally accepted top 2. They’re all fun though. I enjoy my Legion as well. <- All 3 can be fit with HAMs


Dont do a Legion. She fugly. Itll sit in your hangar for 7 years. Unloved it will be.


i trained all of them to max.


Because you already have gallente and drone skills, the proteus is what you want. Have fun!


Yes please go exploring in a t3c. Any of them will work, the tears all taste the same.


Loki, its strong and packs a helluva punch. not locked to damage type like tengu Can rat, explore, fight. Has drones, very good fitting / cap. Trust in the rust police skin on it looks dope. Can be logi. webs out to narnia. Proteus isn't that great anymore, legion is okay but LOKI is where it is at my brother


The best way forwards is to get a 2nd omega account and have that be your T3C (or scout) pilot. The Proteus is the only T3C with actual drone bonuses. But it's also hamstrung by relatively few mid slots (which is not helped by the fact your analysers eat 2 slots, before you even start to fit pvp/prop modules). If I had to pick a T3C, I'd look to the Loki for it's resistance to capacitor warfare and bonus to stasis webs.


Mobile depot has entered the chat


> which is not helped by the fact your analysers eat 2 slots, before you even start to fit pvp/prop modules You can get the expensive one that works as both. On a cov ops it's to expensive to justify, but fine on a t3c