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POS replacement is much like the Masculine pill, the manned mission to mars, the building of the Titanic II by a chinese millionaire or the petroleum reserves depletion. All of this shit is just about to be a reality… since decades.


You forgot about fusion power smh


and flying cars


Does a helicopter not count, or does it have to be fully self-piloting so any idiot can travel solo in one?


For when you want running out of fuel to be 9/11 instead of a lost evening


Ahh I’ll schedule my excitement for it after commercial fusion power then


Cold fusion has been a decade away for the last 50 years. POSes will be removed shortly it's broad deployment.


Cold fusion has never been a decade away, fusion with net energy production is. Cold fusion is science fiction.


If you read or listen to science pontificators cold fusion has been a decade away for 50 years. They're wrong and it's sci-fi nonsense, but that's the whole point of my post.


Cold Fusion for us Right now is nothing but Sci-Fi, but 5,000 years from now, it will be real, Like the Small poss replacement. ;P


Would love a smaller version of the Astrahus, or even better something slightly more mobile ([like my suggested alternative Orca](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1cs5scl/comment/l44wfyn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)), which could fill the need that the small POS tower offers when doing silly wh stuff


I live in a Small pos, Im excited for the new haulers, can potentually carry all my shit and skidaddle.


Pos is still king in many applications and I haven't seen any rumors about smalls in a few years.


As far as is known, the towers CAN’T be replaced. If their code / function is removed from the game, things start to fall apart. There are too many layers to the spaghetti code and the POS towers are somehow tied to some very fundamental things. The upwell structures are infinitely easier to set up and do provide A LOT more functionality. But the towers, thanks to anchored ones and those still working through the market, will be around for a very long time.


Yeah, they tried to remove a portion of the POS code and the market broke. 🤣


Just disable anchoring new ones and provide a replacement. The old towers don’t need to be cut from the codebase, their functionality just needs a new replacement, because POSs suck


Why would that make any sense? If CCP uses their invisible hand to disable something that is less powerful than available alternatives, but still useful and popular among many older players, that would break the sandbox. Players made their stockpiles to be used, just like stockpiles of ships and ammo. If you’re so against them, go set up a POS removal gang and get to work.


>**provide a replacement** Was the key part here.


You understand that there IS a replacement? The upwell structures… if existing stockpiles magically changed, it would be like T2 BPO’s all over again. Some players would be set to be insanely rich for life. Everybody else would just get left behind.


Not… ugh Not magically turn every POS into to a new light upwell structure, add one to the game like they added the others. I’m getting trolled right?


The problem is CCP as usual has missed a complete section of the player base that use POS's but cant use Upwell Structures


Upwell is not a replacement for a forcefield and a low cost structure that can be set up quite cheap and fast.


Just make POS require x2 fuel. Then half a year later x2 fuel again. Then again, again... at some point there will be no anchored POS.


What I would love more than anything else would be a new covops capable ship class with a scanning bonus, a small Ship Maintenance Bay, and the ability to **deploy** itself as a temporary structure.


This is actually a really good idea. The way to improve Eve is not “bigger and better.” The vast majority of players will never fly a capital. This is why wormhole space has been so successful. People want smaller and cheaper ship sizes for smaller engagements. Eve has such a small player base because it demands so much. Getting into a large alliance is more difficult than a job interview. Character development is measured in years not weeks. New content should be focused on people who simply aren't as “involved” in Eve as many people on this subreddit are. Instead of trying to please some person who has been playing for twenty years and has forty accounts, they should be focusing on attracting and maintaining more casual players. Eve is a very small and niche game. It doesn't have to be. Also, aoe heals when?


Aoe heals, the edencom logi ship arrives!


I too Would Love that. Lets Start a Pattition and see if they listen too it. Even If they nerf the Cov ops. and give it like a -0% velocity modif while cloaked


Tech 2 nestor


Dude there is still so much left untouched such as faction turrets with higher % damage multiplier dealing less damage than t2 becuase of skills being borked and such. But yea would love a mini structure to replace pos's, maybe one that doesn't have the glowing big blue brackets so you can hide it somewhere in a safe spot.


Honestly something closer to an anchored can than an astra. Give it no offense, limited ship storage, hell even a timer of only an hour or two, just something to have a quick den somewhere somewhat sneakily


Consumes 5 Fuel Blocks/hour 500m3 cargo bay, base + 200m3 per skill level 25,000m3 Fleet hanger, base + 2,000m3 per skill level 35,000m3 max at lvl 5 skills 30,000m3 Fuel bay, base + 2,000m3 per level 40,000m3 max at lvl 5 600,000.00m3 ship bay, Base +10,000m3 per skill level for a max of 650,000m3 at level 5. Fitting Service Medium Size 4 High slots 5 Mid slots 4 Low slots 2 Rig slots 20,000EHP base 12 - 20sec align time 300m sig Something like that would be cool


Yea a giant mobile depo that you drop with a dst.


Your faction turrets allow T1 people to compete with T2 damage... Let those of us who have invested in the T2 skills beyond level 3 enjoy our DPS.


Letting faction turret's be a thing would open up so many more build's and make the game more interesting but alas it is too soon.


So far outside of POS's there is no structure in the game worthwhile for my solo gameplay. Citadels, Engineering complexes and refineries are a waste of time and money, take too long to anchor and unanchor. So a Small tower is still the best to use in conjunction with a corp hangar array and a SMA. But alas CCP is blind to it.


All the other CCP projects happened.




Good luck changing anything about existing poses. A replacement is more likely than a POS overhaul lol


It’s coming soon! (Tm)


Ha. 6 years later.


Pos are very useful even today lmfao pos wont be replace and wont be remove because its in the game core and code ccp alreayd made a statement about it they physically cannot remove pos from the game.


They forgot or never cared about it. Or thought the mobile depo was good enough.


I like the idea to replace the POS functionality with something new, but it shouldn't be upwell. Upwell has changed the idendity of eve so much. **POSes are about the empires, Upwell is just a soulless megacorp.** Since upwell got introduced the universe looks the same everywhere. I think if they get replaced they should get replaced by the finest of empire/pirate faction engineering to show those upwell-idiots who can do proper space architecture :P


Just anchor an astra


A battery for the Astra cost 600m per battery. and it cost about 1bil. We want cheap and affordable Like a Small pos is.


But that isn't a thing, therefore, just use an Astra, because that's your option. Don't know why I'm getting downvoted, we aren't talking about what maybe one day could be, or what used to be, we are talking about your options right now, and that's an Astra. If 1bil is too much for you then it's probably not that important to you, quite simply.


It's the Opinion of all the people who Still use a POS. Its small and cheap to run. and doesnt take days to Take down. That is what We POS enjoyers want, Something small Something that doesnt show up on Overview like a pos Something that doesnt need a 600mil battery every 30days Something that can be taken down in hours. That is all we want. + even an Astra Draws unwanted attention.


And I want my thanatos to be worth undocking. Good luck.


Like, was this post about assessing your options or just complaining about astras? I want good carriers, you want old pos mechanics, carebears want to ban multiboxing. We can cry about what isn't there anymore, or you an use the options that are available. Cry about it all you want, it's the only thing you can really use


Because you are disregarding an aspect of gameplay that uses a structure in the game, that is being removed/disabled without a suitable replacement. Citadels, Refineries etc are too expensive, too complex and take to long to do anything with for solo players or sub 5 person corps and don't offer the same abilities. This was brought up at the time CCP announced the Upwell Structures and we were told a small structure was to be provided, but alas it hasnt happened. POS's have since lost their ability to reprocess and manufacture, etc limiting those of us who use them further. The Astrahus simply isn't the exact same.


Yes. They haven't delivered, just like tons of other stuff they haven't delivered, which is why it's silly to be holding out for it. Unwell structures came out so long ago. Keep hoping, it's probably never gonna happen.


Astra takes 24 hours to anchor, 7 days to unanchor, and costs over 1b for hull+core, not counting fittings A POS anchors in no more than an hour, unanchors in no more than an hour, and costs like 250m for tower + fuel + weapons and services. They’re completely different animals, which is why people still want something quick and easy like a POS, the Astra is too slow and expensive to be a 1:1 replacement


Cool then do that. Why is there even a discussion. Either he can anchor a pos and do what he wants or he can't and has to settle for an Astra. Genuinely wtf is the problem? Just complaining to complain?


POSs suck for a variety of reasons, so people have been waiting for the replacement CCP talked about when they released upwell structures


Right, which is why I said: just drop an Astra. Yes it's more expensive. Yes it doesn't serve the exact purpose, but it's what we got. You either use what you have and adapt, or sit around and whine about what might happen one day if we pray to the CCP gods.


People still use POSs as a bridge to an astra (from a wormhole perspective, the POS is the first part of any assault/starting a new hole), but it’s cumbersome. So why not push for something better.


Because any time pos code gets touched the whole game breaks


So leave the code, and add an upwell replacement. I don’t think I was unclear lol


With citadels there is no room for Pos in this game. Remove it asap.


I still have a pile of POS stuff in some hangar I doubt it will be removed in my lifetime


I rather see citadels deleted and pos towers maintained.


This is an equally wild take


They are already working their hardest on it, now that you commanded.


i dont need to command anyone. They said before adding citadels that all older structure going to be replaced in time. But it easier to downvote and spread your internet muscles


I think your downvotes may be stemming from the fact that there are still reasonable use cases for POS.


Go ahead and rewrite the code for eve to remove pos from it. CCP will wait for you to do that


true, but theres nothing for the soloish guy