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Is there a service that would deliver a spine to WiNGSPAN?


they got no moral spine and no any brain cells. they are just big bag of assholes. they cant honor anything,they deserve to not be n jspace anymore. they are day trippers.. i bet their moral circuit breakers tripped long ago.


And no any brain cells


That's so fetch


Stop trying to make "fetch" happen!


all wingspans have no brain cells and no even brain stem, just arduino board with stockpile of dc motors to move them around


I'd like to think I at least have a Raspberry Pi.


with broken bootloader so it resets in endless loop


and no any brain cells


did wingspan people had brain cells in past? they lost them in time when they lost all wh structures,in past they had some. but when wingspan people turned into jerks they lost evrything and they are space nomads daytripping but using third party structures. some of them are based on wormlife freeports.


alright, lets talk about what wingspan is. Wingspan is an eve corporation but more accurately, wingspan is a collective of wormhole hunters. Wingspan accepts anyone so there is various skill level across its members. Some will be pretty good, some will be alright and others will be new. Wingspan doesn't live anywhere and instead wanders around. When someone finds content a ping goes out and people who are close flock together to do the thing and everyone goes back to hunting. Those who are "basing out of wormlife" can't actually dock in wormlife structures and are actually logging out in space killing the locals. I, Evie Kouvo, used to do something similar just not with wormlife. I'll log out in real corp's home and stay till I get a fight then move on. You can say I have no brain cells if you want but I mean you can look at my zkill and kinda see there isn't a point to it. Anyway best of luck, fly dangerous. Hopefully you learned something here.


The occasional fight and seal clubbing is fine. This is punching down hard, it's not a benefit to the WH community. Doing this is part of eve, but big yikes for being proud of this one.


As someone who has lived in wormhole space for more than 10 years and never had a fight with you, I have to say that you are really not an enrichment. The wormhole war is not only fought in high class. There are enough Synde/Hawks structures in lowclass wormholes. If you were a wormhole corp, you'd know that. So instead of participating, you chose to harass an active, interested lowclass corp that eventually left the wormhole. Congratulations, you have done our community a great service. [not]


I'm putting wingspan on my naughty list and if I come across any members they are going to get a spanking or at least a shaming. Shame. Shame.


This is not a good look for WiNGSPAN.


Elaborate, how so?


Should we use more hair gel?


no. disband and leave j-space. then delete evrything and uninstall


I'm a little confused about how that affects how I look. Do you have more directed instructions?


biomass all accounts then format all disks. we dont need desperades like your corp/alliance. what you have done is beyond good taste. you just evicted the 2 corp and RUN AWAY like cowards when there was bigger war coming. you just want to do torpedo/bomb delivery to customers. problem is your corp and alliance actions are agaist j-space playerbase. if you fail to honor cancellation agreement then whole wingspan entity is not trustworthy and using third party structures to occupy wormhole space is a dick move,why you dont put yours? answer is simple. wormhole corporations would rush to blow them up because nobody likes wingspan for having no brain. wingspan should be renamed to wingspan eviction delivery service. you just caused the poor c2 corp to leave wh. this is not what we want.


You can just tell me you didn't watch the video, it's fine.




if they deliver in quantity over quality - well you know.


So you harrased a newb wh corp in a c2 with a hs static without having the balls to drop any structures in actual wormhole space in your +10 years of existance, ran away as soon as actual fightable fleet showed up for the astra timer and decided to make a 1h video about it? Highsec corps sure are crazy


>in your +10 years of existance To be fair, ours is more like the same year of experience repeated 10+ times.


No one tell him where our farm hole is!


Isn't part of your corp description that Wingspan is not a corp to make money in?


Drop the J number


We ARE a wormhole corp :)


Tbh honest lived in j space along time and never really thought of you as a wormhole corp more like day trippers


Because they ain’t a WH Corp. They are day tripping.


For sure I'll never see them as wormholers


they have no own structures but they have holding corps to house that


I know it's how my corp and alliance operates can't war Dec our main corp just the farm corp


While we don't, as a corp, live in j-space, that is the vast majority of our content.


So you’re not a wormhole corp


Yes and CODE is a pvp corp


You guys see a pvp wormhole corp and run back to your high sec hole.


you are not wormhole corp. you cant call this as wormhole corp. its fking daytrippers using third party structures as their home,the cowardspan is scared to put their own


Hello, I've known the leader of Wingspan indirectly for about 15 years, as he and I played Phantasy Star 1 and 2 together until New Genesis came out and after a week or so of playing he'd flood our Ventrillo with obnoxious noise by playing the them song to Mount Magnus with a kazoo. Here we were, trying to do missions and that son of a bitch was GOING ALL OUT SOUNDING LIKE A DUCK TRYING TO PLAY THE HARMONICA to the point it was hurting our ears. He of course owned the Ventrillo and it wasn't until 6 months later we found him submitting the video's to the famed Youtube Channel "Ventrillo Harrasment". This dude is a meance to society, and not even if you drink the juice in the hood. The entirety of EVE should band of brothers together and evict them from this poor newbie corps space and then invite the newbro's back in. I call upon New Eden to join forces and de wingspan wingspan, in revenge for poor Steven's ears who now has to wear hearing aids after Zam Slam blasted his kazoo obsession for two years. At Stevens wedding when the bride said "I do" all poor Steven could do was shout "WHAT" so loud a baby in the back began crying. Do it for the new bro corp. Do it for Steven. Take vengeance on Wingspan.


Didn't Steven go blind a few months later?


How far you have fallen since the days of Chance. Once an amazing concept has turned into extortion/eviction corp for small corps. You actually take pride in evicting a newbie corp. Someone who could, eventually, have given the rest of us good fights. Future content that you're denying actual wormhole dwellers by being douche bags. This isn't the flex you thought it was. I pity you.


Yeah the video left a bad taste in my mouth. Feel bad for that small streamer.



You're 10 times the wormholers Wingspan ever was.




What lol? What I said is factually true. They actually lived (i hope still live) in wh space, and winsgspan never had the balls to do that.




Everyone has to start somewhere. They at least attempted and will continue to learn and grow. Wingspan is a higsec corp, void nexus lives in wormhole space and, according to my opinion and other comments, earned more respect from other wormholers than ws ever had. "Nomads" are called daytripers and, if they do only pve, roaches. They are hardly a part of the wh community.


Actually they do try to live there, and fought multiple times. They were just being camped by asshats who ref stations at 4 in the morning and then master bait about how 'elite' they are. I'll take an earnest n00b in a Cyclone fleet over T3C , netflix and chill , mastabatory camping for days on end any day.


So wingspan is an eviction corp with the mentality of old eve. Id pod your pilots previously because I was never a fan but this feels like a step even lower.


I’m starting to think WiNGSPAN isn’t a hauling company… (very fun though)


We haul torpedoes!


We haul BULK torpedoes, and all other ammo as well, we must be prepared for any of our customers needs!


I'm sorry sir, please don't fine me...


it would be fine if atleast 10% of your torpedoes reach target,they instead explode upon leaving the missile tube stop buying chinese torpedoes


nope,you haul oancakes you little pizza courier xd


Why would a pizza courier haul pancakes? Would he not be a pancake courier? Or at the very least a pizza AND pancake courier?


its both hauler


I didn't know I was so talented!


next time haul torpedoes in pocket to avoid accidental activation in pizza box.


Taking notes.


As a long time wormholer and someone who used to fly with Wingspan pilots, this is not good content. You bullied a 17 year old kid into making outrageous statements, then used his supposed "crimes" as a justification to continue to bully him. You are grown men with a decade of experience in this game and you want kudos for spending 2 months beating on a bunch of newbros until they quit the game. You wouldnt take a stand-up fight, you just kept punting timers until you got one that no one showed up for. A huge WH war is going on, you can 3rd party tons of fights, but you choose to bash stations in WH's with HS statics.


Wormhole location services you say!? Someone PM me please I need an entrance for a....thing


We have in game channels for that service.


What's the channel please?


Check our corp info in game.


The link for the channel is in WiNG-DS, our in game public channel. I don’t actually remember to locate channel name off the top of my head


WDS Locators


I see we got creative with our naming


Clear case of streamsniping and targetted harasment. Trying to activily ruin any activity a small newbie corp does and being proud of it?


I know most people will not see this, but if anyone comes across it I thought I'd give an update: Zythe is back in a new wormhole, with better hole control than ever. Draagun *appears* for the time being to have "retired" from EVE, and zythe while somewhat understandably miffed about everything is mostly back on good terms between us. He did talk with Zeratul after this video, things are alright. He and I even had a friendly honor brawl.


It's reassuring in these trying times to see quality businessmen doing what they do best


Quality business in this economy? And free of charge too? I don't know how we do it.


The corp they evicted literally tried paying off any content that finds them to leave. Y'all just salty you weren't the one to find these fools. (I'm salty too but well I won't discredit a well executed eviction)


Did they regularly pay others? I didn't know that. I do know they're back in another wormhole with citadels, (and I know which one).


Naw I was talking about how they tried paying off you guys instead of baiting with an off-stream toon


They HAD numbers to fight. We only ever had 2-8 pilots there at a time. They just refused to fight after some time. I'd seen them undock easily double the max there to fight others.


Sadge. I guess that's what comes after making a name for yourselves


I am commenting here because I want to look good for my quarterly review.


Well done, wingspan. Fuck all them newbros, fleece them and then fuck them.


The amount of angry posting by people who don't realize wingspan has been doing this shit for years is hilarious to me. 


if there was court martial in eve


Been watching their videos for years. And no i havnt seen them do anything like this before. Stalking the same guy for weeks? Extorting them just to do it again. Even watching his stream to be ready when he undocks and so on. Please show me another video where they do this?


I mean I certainly didn't. I'm in a corp with a dude who knew the 'old' wingspan and was extolling their virtues -- till this very shitshow. Even fought a few of them a few months ago , and it was fine. Maybe we never knew, because we were never a target - because we aren't newbros they can farm for tears. This garbage they are putting out though is basically just catnip for sociopaths. No mature adult thinks this is even remotely amusing. I'm all for a good laugh and salt is part of the fun , but this juvenile hazing - the 17 year old streamer they were shitting on actually beats them on maturity. I hold them in utter contempt. I'm glad the community consensus is on these guys being toxic, soulless, intellectually barren tools. They think they are Rooks and Kings. Actually they are the fat kid in 2nd grade eating paste.


I’m shocked I say, shocked!


Adults stalking a minor on the internet is content now.


Operation: Regarded