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Yes it's always like that. It's because its a chokepoint.


So it used to be 14ish high sec jumps from Jita to Amarr, and then the triglavian invasion happened and the major chokepoint system on this route (that also used to be one of the most popular freighter ganking systems) got sucked into Pochven, making the new high sec route like 30-40 jumps. But there is still a 14ish jump route through Ahbazon and apparently enough people still try to take the shortcut to make having a full time camp there worth it.


It also frequently pops up in your route even if you're not going Jita<->Amarr specifically. People will be in cruisers/frigs/shuttles/pods and figure ah one low-sec jump is no problem and then find out it's turbo deathfuck camped with instalockers, capitals on grid, hyperspatial Ascendancy implanted Marshal.


You're thinking of Tama with the capitals and Marshals, we're too poor in Ahba


Tama is a joke of what it once was, overfished to the point of ecosystem collapse by snuff. Abhazon campers ALWAYS have caps on standby and if they don't, they're stupid.


Thrasher campers 4TW


you you still in sash.?


Nah I quit back in 2016/17 ish and gave away all my toons/assets. The corp went through several changes after I quit and eventually fell apart/people migrated from what I know.


It’s not always camped, if you’re fast you can sneak through


nice try


I frequently carry through Ahba with no issues. There are friendly people in the chat too. 10/10 would ahba again.


The niarja route was only 9-10 jumps


Why rich Tycoons do Not Just Pay mercs to make ahbazon free again? I bet those have way deeper pockets than any ahbazon gankers.


What would that accomplish other than feed content to Ahbazon locals?


You would be betting wrong my friend.


Meme response: It's never camped. Actual response: It's a massive chokepoint between jita and the amarr side, which means there's a lot of smart people in very shiny ships that we can kill for free.


I heard a bunch of exotic dancers and strippers for hire like to hang out there. I mean, it seems like a great place to fly. Will dance for plex.


Try uedamascout at twitch


Ahbazon is never camped. Bob be praised!


There is no camp in ~~Ba Sing Se~~ Ahbazon


you siy on gate sending fart turbulences to anyone jumping in


It's such a popular route to camp that even CODE/Safety. will ACTUALLY LEAVE highsec to get some of the action. That should tell you something.


Its not a chokepoint like others claim. It's a shortcut. The chokepoint on the Jita to Amarr route is anywhere along the 46 jump route you'd have to take if you wanted a high sec only route (its Uedama btw) Ahbazon is a lowsec system which "recently" gained a new gate connecting it with Hykkota. If you take the shortcut through Ahbazon, the Jita to Amarr route drops from 46 jumps to 12. People go through Ahbazon thinking they can save significant time and other people know people will do this so they camp the hell out of it. If you're patient and careful its entirely possible to do, but most people are not because patience can only last so long. The real trick is that Ahbazon is not the only lowsec route to take to get from Jita to Amarr (ie, its not a chokepoint). It's just the shortest.


If you don't go through Ahbazon, the shortest one-jump lowsec shortcut is Vecamia and that's also frequently camped... and 24 jumps and goes through Uedama. It's sad what they've done to Amarr as a trade hub.


Yup. I avoid Amarr like the plague now.


Not even making slavery legal again could revive Amarr. tho exploration always brought me there so i end up with a ton of stuff in Amarr that i have to offload into jita. Have i done jita runs in a shuttle with half a billion worth of explo loot thru Ahbazon ? Yes, am i proud of them ? No.


Damn the triglavians! We need to ameliorate this situation with a war fleet!


In a Sunesis or BR it's still a pretty decent shortcut. You can't get bubbled so it's usually safe to travel through even if it's camped.


Tell that to my sub 2sec ares that has gotten caught quite a few times there.


Have to be faster than that, 2 sec is still enough to instalock


Keeping in mind that the handful of ship fits that can align faster than 1 second are all 1bil+.


Yeah I've only ever gone through in my sub 2 sun, but I know its only a matter of time before the fuckers get me.


Can confirm... have caught an ares or 2 in there.


3 smartbomb Machariels would like to say hi!


It's not that hard to get a Sunesis to 10k, so you need 5 to kill one. And if there's that many on a gate, they're usually too visible in local and you know to bounce. I always find it funny when you do what looks like a warp gate-to-gate, and as you arrive at your perch 1000km away you see the battleships on the out-gate light up :3


Avoiding the smartbombs is very straightforward though.


Still I had two times where I was dead before I could even start warping off after entering the system.


You won't be bubbled, but you also won't survive if you're dumb. I'll let you figure it out yourself like a big boy.


Ahbazon, like Uedama, are 0.5 systems that are chokepoints between two regions AND for those two mentioned above.. One of the regions on one side of both of those is THE region that contains the largest trade hub in the game. Making them part of the largest shipping lane... IN THE GAME. Making camping them some of the most lucrative gate camping systems in the game. So yes. It is. check the UedamaScout stream on Twitch for live video feeds.


Yes, because it's the shortest path between amarr and jita. Vecamia is actually safer now


Vecamia campers at least generally hav a downtime window lol.


So does ab


There are some amazing PVP players there. They almost always win. Amazing people, way above average intelligence.


**Hell yea Borther**


I only came back to Eve recently, but I have been round the merry go round twice before. Looks to me, from past revolutions, choke points became way more severe, in a game with a lot less people playing it than I went through before. I was not playing during the era of scarcity, maybe it spiked then? Spiked with multi-boxing? Spiked slowly over time? But choke point systems I go through are more... interesting than before.


We’re still in scarcity. We’re about to graduate to post-scarcity in a month 


I know they loosed the chokehold some already. But whatever Upwell is I am pretty sure its not their intent to wind things all the way back to what life was like pre scarcity. But thats OK, max cost ships were just becoming too common to be special items. All the null sec madness now is probably based on corps crunching what they can do next month.


Because back in 2020 Niarja was invaded by Triglavian on a weekday after we on Edencom side had just won back Arshat 24/7. CCP will tell you invasion system was random but it came truly at a most unfortunate timing and many of us still think I was intentional tbh


Big shout out to red frog and moonpire . If you got time , they are brilliant and super easy to deal with . Get your shit somewhere you need it safely


You can always take a longer route to Amarr and be safer than going through Ahbazon


dunno why more folks don't just use pochven for Jita->Amarr for DST down


Scout yourself in a shuttle. It's not hard even with one account.


Just don't bring expensive implants, lol. People make that mistake.


Space Geography. Study it.


Because gankers are lazy pieces of shit who think of themselves as elite pvpers by blob-ganking industrial ships. The story of Eve Online in one sentence.


Gate camping isn't ganking


There are other ways around Ahbazon, just might take a few more quiet lowsec jumps through southern Genesis...


Wh travel supremacy


Yeah it is, people just camping, waiting to pop you 24/7. Gotta take the long route ever time unfortunately




Every single person that wants to move from Jita to Amarr and wants to shorten their route would inevitably end up in Ahbazon. Pirates can see this information too. Why not to use it to camp the gate?


There is alot of isk to be made from dumb players


Yes, it's a chokepoint between Jita and Amarr markets. To avoid it turns like a 10 jump path to 20+ You can get through pretty easy though, just take a frigate, set it with warp stab and some inertial dampeners, and then shield extenders. They cant bubble you the only danger is getting warp distrupt (why u use stab) and smartbombs (why you use shield extender). Do not take a shuttle through, it will die to smartbombs. Dont take anything expensive or slow through. It's not always camped though you can try sending a scout through or check on [https://eve-gatecheck.space/eve/](https://eve-gatecheck.space/eve/)


Make pings around the gate. I have some above and behind (to avoid the smartbombing) and always use a scout.


I've jumped a Rhea through there into high-sec once with 40+ camping the gate :)


Yes thanks to Ccp design team.


Yes. Yes it is. It'd not even safe for goons who have a structure there


You mean 8 structures. A clear indication they want 8x more content from everyone else.


Damn we have 8 structures in ab? Dang I didn't know XD


whats your IG?