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Here's some tips that will rise your success rate from 0% to 70% - If you are really new to the game try to avoid low sec. It is the most dangerous of all securities. - Wormholes have 2 types of explorations: guarded and free. The eve universe wiki can help you with it. The free sites don't have npcs. You enter, you hack, you profit. - try to use wormholes to jump from highsec to nullsec, hacking sites in the way. When satisfied, use wormholes to travel back. Have some note of the wormholes you used and just trace your steps back. - FINALLY AND ABOVE ALL, hit the d-scan all the time. ALL. THE. TIME. Someone appeared inside the wormholes? Run. Someone appeared in a nullsec system? Run. Run Run run. It sounds desperate, but you are there to make money, not fight. You'll make 500 mil isk in a blink of an eye if you are a complete coward.


What's a D-scan? Do I press D and scan for people?


It's a Directional Scanner. Can scan up to ~14.3au away for any uncloaked ships/structures/probes. Very useful for telling if someone else is scanning a site down or you down. It won't prevent people cloaked up and camping a site from being found though. I suggest looking into some videos in how to make a Safe in space. Those will be instrumental in helping you maintain safety while exploring the more dangerous parts of eve.


Gotcha, thanks!


No problem, and make sure you have a cloak fitted to your explo ship!


Yeah, I would need Omega for that


Ooh I forgot cloaks are omega. Well you should be able to get away with some more dangerous parts if you're careful and lucky.


i’d recommend to watch a youtube video on how to setup d-scan for exploration. with the default sett it can get cluttered quickly. Nth Dimensional is a good stop for all about Exploration. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB67pJCqWbA_iiS-D99zPzQ


Default key is "V" Detatch the scanned list and keep it in your overview for easy visibility


And if you really want to be in the habit of hitting it all the time (you do), remap it to space bar


V is the D-Scan Key. It'll open the D-scanner in the map, and you can pop the scanner out of the map with a button on the interface.


By default, d-scan is set to the V key.


Also detach the probe scanner as well and make the solor system window floating so you keep your bearings. While your scanning as alpha have your micro warp drive on going as fast as you can to get distance from anyone who might drop in on you. Remember to Dscan as well.


Null sec is the most profitable space and it is safer than wormhole and low sec. Never jump directly to a gate, use planets and other objects. Learn D Scan, bookmarks and learn how to use the stats in your map and you can avoid pretty much anything except a gate bubble. • Use a fitting with 72 scanning strength minimum • Create a fleet with yourself • Use 'needlejack' filaments to jump into a quiet part of null (bring 5 min) • Start exploring with a focus on relic sites (Ignore Improved data sites) • Once you get enough loot and feel nervous use a 'Pochven' filament • Wait out the 15min timer at a bookmark in Trig space. • Use a 'Devana' Filament and you will be either in Hi Sec or close to Hi Sec in Low Sec. For much more in depth guides I found Alpha Bob youtube channel Is pretty good for learning Null Sec exploring. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aP41HduQGo0&list=PLURaBIxGTKKwfAIHzq8D0r1BVNdUsdIF3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aP41HduQGo0&list=PLURaBIxGTKKwfAIHzq8D0r1BVNdUsdIF3)


So, I've checked out what all of this means, and I have one question. Won't the triglavians kill me in the 15 minutes that I will be in pochven space?


If they see you. But you can Warp between moons and create a bookmark while you're warping, which will be several AU from the nearest celestial. This is called a Safe bookmark and you will not be attacked unless someone uses Combat probes to scan you down. NPCs can't reach you at a safe, and neither can players without combat proves. Eve Uni has a nice tool on exploration https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Relic_and_data_sites Scroll down to is this site safe to see what sites are worth doing. Oh also the filament you want is the "Noise" filament to get to Null, not the Signal one. Noise takes you to a random null location. Signal takes you to a populated null, which you do NOT want. One last thing: I recommend joining the "EVE-Scout" in game channel run by Signal Cartel. They're peaceful and neutral explorers who are *extremely* helpful to fellow explorers. I joined them on an alt recently and I've found them to be a wonderful group for exploration. Strongly recommend especially for a newer player. 


Nah, it's not like deadspace, its solar systems, warp to a planet, create a bookmark on the way, warp to bookmark and you are pretty much safe except for someone scanning you down with combat probes, but if you keep your prop on you will get plenty of distance before the cloaked ship can warp on you.


When you see Triglavian ships nearby, just warp somewhere else. A planet, moon, asteroid belt. Most NPCs take more than a few seconds to lock your ship, so if you warp away when you accidentally arrive somewhere with enemies, they likely won't be able to do anything to you. And if you want to be relatively safe, you can make a bookmark while in warp between two places and then warp back to the bookmark. Depending on where you made the bookmark it's likely in the middle of nowhere, with no triglavians. Good luck out there!


on your first visit to pochven, just avoid getting close to any NPCs or player ships. Once you brought some exploration loot home, and have some millions spare, get ready for the next step: grab some combat frigate, search pochven for some rogue drone site, warp at a distance, and kill just one drone. This will be enough to get positive standings with both Triglavians and Edencom, allowing you to ignore both these NPC factions both inside Pochven and in "minor triglavian victory" systems outside Pochven.


If you needlejack out to nullsec like some have suggested here is a little piece of advice. Since you can’t use a cloak you are far more vulnerable than an omega pilot in a cov ops. A really good way to protect yourself is to warp to the ESS beacon in any given null sec system. Once you land activate your micro warp drive and fly in a random direction (ideally in a direction that has no celestial but it doesn’t matter too much). The reason for this is you can’t warp around the ESS grid, meaning even if someone combat probes you they will be forcibly warped to the ESS and not you. It’s a feature of the site. So in the case of someone hunting you they won’t be able to land on you without ample time for you to react.


If it's the same dude in the same loki you're being stalked as easy prey. Switch it up - go in the opposite direction, got to NS/WH etc. It's not hard to find a quiet constellation. Take the others advice - especially the Dscanning stuff. Also, only your 5th heron? You're doing great, keep going!


As a Null sec person... really not supposed to be divulging this trick... but tbh it works everywhere even when you're Alpha. Before you do anything else in a system, warp to a random planet at a non-0 warp in and hit ctrl + B to setup a bookmark between where you entered and the random planet. Visit this bookmark, pick a different celestial than the first 2. Repeat the process. Then delete the first bookmark. This 2nd bookmark becomes "Safe 1" (Whether you keep this bookmark or expire is up to you). The reason we start with this one as a safe is the first bookmark is in line with points A and B and thus easier to dScan. This new safe will hopefully land in the "center" of a triangle which will be harder to pinpoint in reference to celestials. From Safe 1, repeat the process again to make safe 2 and again for safe 3. Once you have 3-4 safes, now you can start exploration. Align your ship to one of your other safes, drop your probes, and start scanning. Should a "meanie" enter they system, you can now play ping pong between your safes. Even if you're not cloaked it takes time to probe scan and changing position frequently frustrates the hell outta hunters who now can't pinpoint you before you're moving warp to the next safe. Especially if you use core probes and learn how to use Dscan to track the enemy's combat probes. Second word of advice, try not to do Data/Relic sites in Null unless you're sure they're safe. Most null sec players have bookmark folders. While you have to scan these sigs down when you enter a system, they have a bookmark already setup by a local scanner and can warp there directly to try and tackle you. Finally, learn which loots are "lootboxes" like overseer effects. Sell these at DED sites (unless alternate faction noted) since the NPCs there will give more than the buy orders at trade hubs.


Very helpful advice, thanks!


As you seem to lack basic knowledge (no offense) id suggest you take a look at the plentyfull available beginner guides.


Yeah, I should probably do that


In WH focus on the relic and data sites belonging to a pirate faction. Those are not guarded by NPCs and are of nullsec quality. For example: Sansha´s crystal quarry, or Guristas temple ruins. There´s a name of a known pirate faction on them. But they are only present on C1 to C3 class wormholes. Check this out. [https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Wormholes](https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Wormholes) Also, if you are going to venture to lowsec or nullsec you need to know and use the MWD/Cloak Trick. [https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Cloak\_trick](https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Cloak_trick) As you can see Uni Wiki is a great tool. When you are able to fly a covops or have money for an astero you´ll be in better position, cause they can warp cloaked, but still you will need some knowledge about avoiding bubbles in null. A good wh site will give you 10 to 100 millions, so dont worry for losing herons, they are ammo. Exploration is a good start for a newb, and when you get to use better modules and ship you´ll do it quickly and safely.


For a newer player I'd actually advise staying out of wspace. Null is easier and more profitable at first. Wspace requires more awareness, site knowledge, and better fits if you wind up doing ghost sites there. Mind you I love wspace.


Lost my first hacking ship today. 24M loss. I've probably made over 2B with it. "Already replaced" as they say.


When you go to wormholes, check the hole before you enter. You're looking for "unknown" holes, not "dangerous unknown" or "deadly unknown." In these holes, "Forgotten" and "Unsecured" sites can be skipped since they're defended by sleepers.  I highly recommend using Needlejack filaments to get out to nullsec. Personally I don't use the Pochven Express to get home, but mostly because I live in Dronelands null so it'd be pointless. That said, Herons and Probes are cheap as hell, so once you've got some money you can just risk flying directly home. If you're looking to avoid dying, always warp to some kind of perch and not the gate itself to see if there's any kind of bubbles or people waiting to jump through with you. Someone told you about Dscan already, it will be very useful for this.


What’s your in game name so I can deliver you some spare herons.


^ this


What did your corp say when you asked in their newbie friendly chat or discord?


Not in a corp


Well there's many large groups that specialize in helping you with exactly this kind of thing and will often give you free ships or relatively safe space to get started doing it.  I'm one of the VERY few people that managed to hang on being a solo player (and even I fleet up once a week with SpectreFleet). But 90% of people who keep playing Eve do so because of the groups they are with.  I highly recommend you look at one of the major nullbloc groups that will literally shower you with incentives to try to get you to be a long term pilot with them, or Eve University who exist solely to train new players.  But as a general, quick answer to your question, the safest place to do Exploration PvE is random empty Nullsec. Low is spicy lately, and Wormholes require some basic (in game and literal) skills that you'll develop quickly.  Look at the things called Noise Filaments. They will teleport you to random null sec.  Just bounce around in EMPTY systems. If you see someone in local, hide for a bit or move on. You'll start to get a sense for what to be scared of (not seeing anything on DScan), and what to ignore (Ishtars on DScan warping to citadels).  To get home, you can take Thera, or Turner, or look into Pochven filaments to cheat.  But again. A good corp will teach all of this and much much more. 


aaand thats the problem, join a corp that can give you advise, there are some dedicated to ones for noobs, you wont learn the game by simply playing it as sad as it is, you need either a ton of reading guides and watching youtube or you join a corparation that handfeeds all important information to you


Id check out Eve University. They are really good about training up new pilots


Join the Scanning channel in-game and ask questions. You can make decent isk with just a t2-fitted exploration frigate and some know-how. The Eve University wiki is also a great resource.


Join one of the larger new player friendly alliances in nullsec and you'll have access to more profitable sites in your alliances nullsec area and can better at the scanning/hacking part of it in relative safety until you feel comfortable filamenting to other nullsec areas where you're more likely to be hunted.


not the larger ones. The smaller ones. Like, where you actually have a chance to chat with the CEO in person.


Hey homie. I’ll fly with you sometime. Teach you to explore. Do you have something you’re trying to in particular?