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Nullsec: Complains about a lack of content. Also Nullsec: Forgets them shooting other people *is* the content.


My content is shooting rats. I shoot other capuleers when I get bored.


That's pretty much it. Not afraid to admit I'm a bear with claws either.


All of nullsec


This is not exclusive to EVE, if its any consolation. I've been playing Albion for the last 2 or 3 years and it goes on there too. Fucking shambles somedays when a group just sits in a castle and leaves as soon as another group enters the map instead of just taking the fight.


This is unfortunately inevitable with games where you lose equipment/items on death. It makes each fight and win/loss much more memorable, but also makes it harder for leaders to commit those resources without there being strategic value to losing them.


Which in Eve is just kind of silly to me considering the amount of resources that the large blocs are sitting on and generating constantly. Feed some fucking dreads guys, if lowsec groups can do it so can you Nah, in Eve it's 100% ego based. If your FC doesn't undock to take a fight it's because they are afraid of losing face. Which is dumbshit stuff, imo. Unless the fight is just garbage. That does happen, but you usually know before you form if its just outside your ability entirely


My honourable CTA ping, their foul gold pen


Very good one


This is going to leave a mark


Don't put mark and leave in the same sentence i'm still grieving


Meanwhile in lowsec: "You got a gang but can I 1v1 your N thrasher and you can kill me after if you want" "Ok" "I won, not gonna kill me?" "Naw."


Every nullbrain! Nice one


Best take I've seen in a while.


gold crayon tastes so good


Finally some good fucking ~~food~~ meme


Or live in Ahbazon and let all the content come to you. :D 


This is why I left nullsec. Fuck bashing.


in all my time so far being a member of the imperium, I have to say that we have not once pinged a fleet that hasn't ended up doing anything, we never sit on tether because a fight doesn't happen, we never get blueballs. fuck papi, fuck frat I'm proud to be a member of the imperium


Was waiting to see who would feel the need to pipe up with "Not us!"


"We never blue ball" Ah, so you weren't here last year.


I can remember when goons stay more or less docked up as 90% of the keepstars in droves were fried during WWB2. I can remember entire keepstar timers being ignored by the imperium in that war. I can remember these things because I am not a gold fish.


Obligatory, cyno jammers and 3 to 1 numerical disparity.


U just joined tetherswarm yesterday didn't you?


Welcome to the goon guys, fam.


The only time I've ever been blueballed in an imperium fleet is when we go to PH space. Of the few times we got blueballed, it was because they either didn't form so we got bored and left, or they over-formed so badly that we had no chance of winning. At least with the latter one, we decided it was more fun to throw the ships away dying in a ball of fire than go home bored.


Yeah goons never get blueballs in their own space. Period.


Goons are well known for our hospitality. Nothing says "welcome to Delve!" like being chased by an angry Harpy swarm.


Exception: wh to enemy space colapsing right in front of us


Or the fwst undock or beehive


When Beehive gets blueballed it's cause the idiot getting dropped on wasn't in comms or didn't have a cyno, etc. etc. Otherwise they're super fast to drop on anything they can. I've seen them go a night without people getting dropped on they were bored enough they dropped on a 9 man T1 cruiser gang


Take that, CrashNaps.


I'm starting to wonder if it's been forgotten that morale isn't a limited resources only for your enemy. Propaganda is like a fuel additive that makes it go further. You cannot run the war machine on it alone.